Yes, yes it can. Spoiler
To be fair your anthem is a nightmare to sing range-wise. Depending on the octave I choose it either gets a bit too low or way too high for me. When people sing it in group it must be a real cacophony.
You just made Geometry cry.
Or, in practice, you could just look at the sun. What you' ll see is the sun as it was eight minutes ago.
Well that' s just it, if he' s having trouble getting his numbers at the right place then writing the words down will help him to avoid brain farts.
Second problem would look like this : Spoiler View attachment 43123 50x = 20*10 x = 200/50 = 4
I think I learned to solve those things differently, I recognize neither your method nor your lingo. We call those "produits en croix" (cross multiplications). In the case of the first shadows problem it would look like this : View attachment 43121 You just multiply the two numbers pointed by each line of the red cross, one multiplication equals the other. So in this case 10x = 26*16 x= (26*16)/10
I assumed it was beneath you, yeah. Hell it' s beneath me. I wouldn' t spend more than a line on that one either, but then the answers expected of me were a tad bit lengthier. I had a good laugh when I compared my finals exam with that of our literary students, I swear one of their questions was "what are your odds to get a 6 with a 6-faced dice ?"
But then x would stand for a number of units, not a revenue. They asked for a revenue. 0/10 garrulous. Are all your math tests standardized tests in the US or what ? You have to explain how you got your answer here. If you made a calculus mistake along the way but had the correct reasoning you still get half the points. If you somehow got to the right answer with a flawed reasoning you get nothing.
Crevette, tout est bon sauf la tĂȘte
Maths are plural in French as well. The word cannot be singular. I assumed Math without the s was just a different abbreviation and that the word it referred to was plural nonetheless, but while wikipedia tells me I am correct it then says : "Mathematics is the study of ..." Weird.
Just tell him like it is. He can already tell something' s off, if you were to sugarcoat it chances are he' d notice. The naked truth is more respectful than a fuzzy lie. That being said, you could ask him if he' s clingy because he particularly likes you or because he has trouble making friends irl (and offer some advice if it' s the latter).
Heh, speaking of the devil :
I' m not sure I' m following you on Fringe. Olivia doesn' t throw that many temper tantrums (she' s actually pretty introverted) and she usually has ****ing good reasons to throw them. Besides Peter and Walter aren' t exactly zen masters in comparison. I won' t disagree about Arrow though, god are those two annoying.
I assume he meant they' ll barely be brought up in KH3. At least not with a good enough excuse to throw a powerpoint presentation summarizing what they did back in Chi for those who missed it (so pretty much everyone).
Like boudin. It' s pretty tasty with fried apples.