Those bosses are impervious to both magical and physical damage. It' s the mammoth thingies, you' ve probably met cheaper versions already. You have to use one of the very few materias that are neither to even begin to scratch them, and those are all yellow. Darkness for instance, which converts some of your HP into special type damage. That' s the one I chose to overpower through fusion. You should take a look at a materia fusion guide if you haven' t already, having significant bonuses attached to your materias helps a lot towards the end. Problem is the fusion rules are insanely convoluted and opaque, it' s pretty easy to screw yourself out without detailed explanations and careful planning.
It' s a mission fest alright. Judging from what you' ve said you havn' t reached the best part yet : surprise bosses who can only be harmed by a couple yellow materias here and there, and regular enemies casting three different types of insta-kill moves. They start appearing long before you can protect yourself against all three, and they' re random so you can' t know from experience which protection will be needed. Your best bet will be to keep learning the combat-free paths by trial and error, and become a master at fleeing. Yay ?
Some kids rang my bell yesterday and I had no candy for them. Bought me an "ugh" chorus xD. I keep forgetting Halloween is now a thing in my country (it popped up out of nowhere around the year 2000 and still isn' t anywhere as big as in the US). They weren' t butt-hurt about it though, they just said try to remember it next year and have a nice evening.
I' ve seen a caller on The Atheist Experience acknowledge how dickish a rule it is to send people to hell simply for refusing to believe in God without a shred of evidence. Then shrug it away by saying they' re not the one who wrote the rules. While these people might be too far down the rabbit hole to realize demonizing the doubters is the very first thing any con man will do, the show runner simply brought up St Thomas. Why did Jesus choose to indulge him when he asked for proof ? Poor guy couldn' t compute anymore.
It' s one of those things that has yet to happen to me but must be Tuesday for you. Not sure how I' d react, if it happened irl I' d probably be too busy being bemused.
Never heard anything I couldn' t rationalize away myself, but I did see a door slam shut right in front of me for seemingly no reason. Couldn' t be the wind and I really, really doubt the blunt I smoked that night had anything to do with it. It happened in my great-grandma' s house, shortly after she passed away, 100% sure I was alone. I' m not screaming ghost, but I' m puzzled to this day.
Not really, but they' ve had to deal with several burglary attempts when I was a kid.
Which season ? I' ve only watched the latest (which is satire) and a few of the earliest (which were dumb for the sake of being dumb). The game was a bit of both.
Damn, is the drummer alright ? xD If a door can be locked I' ll lock it. Not that I' m particularly paranoid, but my parents are so it became a reflex. What has happened to me though, back when I still lived with my parents, was that I' d go take a bath and later find out whoever else was in the house thought he was alone and put the alarm when leaving. The kind that throws tear gas everywhere when triggered. You don' t wanna mess with that.
Alternatively you could just watch South Park S19E02, if you haven' t already. Let' s just say it' s pretty graphic. The whole season is rather awesome so far.
I' m a bit more confused as to why you would apologize for something your brother did. Even if he was a toddler and I was supposed to watch over him I' d make him apologize, not me. Preferably to the victim, not to his dad. But hey, dream logic.
My Spanish teacher used to call those "false friends", most were "gallicisms". Confusing at first glance, no biggie once you understand their underlying logic. In this case both imply carrying a burden, just different kinds of burden. The English and the French agree with the Portuguese on that one (embarrassed, embarrassé). I' ve only learned English and Spanish though, both share a fair amount of common ground with the French language. I get the feeling it wouldn' t be as easy peasy for me to learn a more distant language just by watching TV (like say moon sp... I mean Japanese).
One of my childhood friends married a Spanish fluent American. They' ve got three languages covered. My lil nephew was very confused when he met their daughter, she' s as young as him so she doesn' t quite grasp yet that she' s not supposed to switch language mid sentence. And set your consoles default language on that language if it is available (unfortunately I don' t think Pashtun is an option).
A while back I wondered how you police your police in the US and didn' t get much of an answer. I stumbled upon this a few days ago : While I agree that violence shouldn' t be your go to answer and that there are other ways to show that you do mean business, as bloody as it was the French revolution did work. Just sayin ...
That' s the second blood moon apocalypse I' ll survive this month. I hope they' ll get the date right next time, the hand wringing is killing me.
Apparently it' s not the exact same street :
Spoiler: LOL spandex Spoiler: LOL suits
Something Star Wars or Final Fantasy related. Final Fantasy might be more likely since it has "Fantasy" in the title. From the top of my head Star Wars, The Matrix, Spirits Within, Avatar ... Let' s face it though, Star Wars and The Matrix are the only ones that pop up immediately. I have to rack my brains to think of others. They' re all modern mythologies. Not much. I have never ever chose to watch a movie based on its poster alone. Not unless the poster/title tells me it' s an adaptation of something I' m already familiar with.
I' m at a turning point in my life as well. I' m waiting for an answer, but one way or another I' ll be a hell of a lot busier starting next month, not sure how much time I' ll have left to pop up here. Break a leg !
Wat ? Lol, never needed any of those. Have a nice day.