@Sara, you might want to read this : http://napoleonlive.info/what-i-think/the-muslim-mind/ It is a long read, but that' s just it. I don' t think the motivations of Muslim extremists at large can be explained both concisely and satisfyingly.
Le Pen's far right party just collapsed in French regional elections, essentially barring her from the next national elections. *joins awkward booty shacking*
Him and Balthier are basically my favorite FF characters. Gotta agree, I really wouldn' t mind Vaan and Penelo not being there at all (as intended by its creator). I also love Sydney Lostarot, he' s not nearly as stylish but he is similar to Gabranth in many ways. Vagrant Story is a peculiar game though, you either love it or hate it. And it' s definitely not for casuals.
They kinda are, even though they' re not blood related. If memory serves one of the Crystal Chronicles games on the NDS had twin mains, brother and sister. It wasn' t exactly a great game though.
Judging by the cast list we won' t, but he might be mentioned at some point since Striker is there alright. Wolverine is very much alive and out there somewhere, he just doesn' t remember his alternate timeline (yet). We saw Mystique fish him out of the water at the end of DOFP, go figure, she might have sent him to a weapon X program. From what I' ve gathered the bad guy is a puppet master, he just made her his *****.
First time I came back my youngest sister was now using "my" room, most of my books had been sent to mold in the garage (which is such a mess I lost all hope of ever finding where exactly), and my dad had lent my NES and GBA to a dude who somehow forgot to give the games back. Then when my other sis had her first son it officially became his room. I came so ****ing dead last on my parents' radar I had to sleep at the neighbors a couple Christmas ago. They tried to pull the same move on me last year, but I put a stop to it. I told them if I couldn' t count on that room to be mine whenever I came back I just wouldn' t come back anymore. Apparently he can' t even be bothered to name a single US ally. And that was right after the Paris attack happened.
I take it you don' t play with a keyboard that often ? Not that big of a deal once you get accustomed. I' ve finished several side scrollers that way (including Megaman X). Only thing that was a bit tricky for me was the hadoken move, but you get it pretty late in the game. Ocarina of Time on the other hand, now that one took patience and abnegation. Because you were supposed to aim and move the camera analogically, but keyboards are digital only. One press of a key would suddenly spin the camera miles away. Were it not possible to save and load at any moment on emulators I would have just given up.
Don' t you have that thing where, if you can produce a certificate from your doctor confirming you' re actually ill, you get to stay home and get paid anyway ? Part of the standard social security package here, though we' re limited on the number of days per year we can use it.
I can' t believe I' m saying that, but I' m tempted to make a twitter account.
I had this left handed friend in college, he held his feather pen in a super contorted way. Not sure how to describe it, his arm was shaped like a spiral and his pen was inclined in a vertical fashion. If I was to borrow his pen it wouldn' t write anything, the feather had molded to suit his habit. He also happened to hold computer mouses backwards. That' s how he grabbed it the first time he saw one and he never looked back. As for me, feather pen all the way. It does smear if you' re not careful but it can easily be erased, and it' s the most stylish.
I wore Vans in my teenage years. I would love to keep wearing some but I' m expected to dress my age/my job. So now I have those notreallysneakers/notreallypropershoeseither/can'tmakemymindbetweenthosetwo kind of shoes for summer. I also wore a lot of Doc Martens. Those are still socially acceptable at my age so that' s pretty much all I wear. Not as comfy as sneakers I guess, but I' m used to it. And they' re pretty versatile, I wouldn' t wear anything else to go on a hike. When I' m home it' s slippers all the way.
I had a client once fishing me for some info about a bike, I told him to find and read the specs himself because I couldn' t just drop what I was already doing. He just stood there and parroted his previous sentence, as if he hadn' t heard me the first time. Got the same answer again. The third time he made it clearer he wanted me to read the info for him, and he was quite obviously pissed off at this point. I started wondering what the flying **** was going on. Turns out the guy couldn' t read. And like all people who can' t read (there are more around than you' d expect) he was doing his best at hiding that fact. Not the kind of thing you boast about.
Germany and Sweden are taking in a lot more refugees. It' s just marketing if you ask me. Matches their propaganda. France, being one of the most staunchly secular countries in the world (if not the most), is a perfect choice for them to put up a show. We' re not their only target (nor exactly the one with the most casualties), but they say themselves we' re their enemy number one for that reason.
Went to sleep right before the news broke up, found out this morning as soon as I woke up. I don' t live in Paris but I have family there. I haven' t called anyone yet, the dust hasn' t settled anyway. Gotta eat at my grandma tonight, she' ll know. I haven' t seen Fork here in quite a while, but last time we spoke he wasn' t living in Paris either. I already knew something like that would happen. It was a question of when, not an if.
Did it myself a while ago, while it was still free. Aside from being slower to start up I have yet to notice any significant difference. But then it' s not as if I expected or cared about new things in the first place, I wouldn' t mind being stuck with windows 98 in that regard. I only made the jump because I knew compatibility issues would be bound to show up sooner or later. Worst case scenario you could get back to whatever you' re on right now. Or have both.
I loaded my latest save to check. I had the Genji Armor and Shield equipped, a Ziedrich, and a Divine Assassin (translated from the French version so I' m not sure I got the name right, it boosts my stats, breaks damage, HP, MP and AP caps, and comes with auto scan).
I' m not sure how it is in the US, but here ten bucks for the smallest available box would be the average price in chocolateries. Hell, I think some of them don' t have anything under 20 bucks.
I only kept Darkness for the bosses I mentioned. Don' t remember which were the alternative choices but they all had a downside (random or low damage, HP consumption etc ...) I just picked the lesser evil imo. I did keep another magic at hand at first (might be energy, idk), but once I gained the accessories I mentioned earlier both speed and MP cost became irrelevant so I just kept Ultima.
You can forget Wall, some of the end game accessories already have auto wall and auto shell covered. Oh and status immunity too. Basically, once you' ve beaten every mission, the accessories you got as a reward alone will make you invincible. Doesn' t make missions any less redundant in NG+, but at least they' re not a pain in the ass anymore. I picked Darkness, Mug, Curaga and Ultima. Didn' t care much what the last two would be as long as they had kick ass bonuses.