Oh good. I mean it probably sucks to get to see her suffer still, but if she has her good moments I guess it' s better than the alternative.
Hey, I just realized you didn' t post any update so ... I assume you had to say goodbye to your dog ? I' m sorry man.
Zack dies too. So does Dumbledore. And Anne Frank. Oh and that Jesus dude ? Yeah ... But seriously, if you ever take Hayabusa on his advice and decide to play Silent Hill 2 I suggest you avoid reading anything about it.
Oh yeah, that too.
I didn' t. Probably because every magazine out there spoiled it in their review.
If memory serves Xehanort' s keyblade has already been confirmed in interviews to be one of the most ancient keyblades around. I assume it belonged to one of the six foretellers. Judging from its goat-like emblem that would be the traitor, the one who didn' t get a book of prophecy. I doubt it is now (or rather was) wielded by Xehanort and Eraqus' master, if that was the case it wouldn' t be pinned on a wall like a trophy. I have yet to hear anyone comment on the shiny crystal thingy displayed in the center of that room, reminds me of FF crystals a lot. The editing kinda implies it is an artifact of light, as opposed to Xehanort' s keyblade being an artifact of darkness.
That sounds like a reasonable price. I wouldn' t know, we can' t even rent games period here, the idea was don' t buy it full price.
You should really consider renting or borrowing it if you can. Even the people who loved it way more than I did concede this game is a one trick pony, once you' ve played it once you' ve seen it all. I doubt you' d be willing to go through the hassle of playing the game over and over just to see all the endings. Not just because the game is boring as hell the second time around, but also because it is insanely hard to get the game to give you the ending you were fishing for (stare at the wrong object for a second and you' re ****ed). Thankfully we have youtube to cut that crap now.
One of my cousins has lived in Costa Rica for years, he visited me with his local girlfriend this week. Turns out Kojima lied to me in Peacewalker. A lot. Can you believe that ? xD
Look like zoo tamers are having a blast : Spoiler View attachment 42436
Why the hell do you think my parents did what they did ? If I have kids someday I' ll do the same. It' s no wonder they think it might be a problem if it never ever gets talked about. In the family I mean, not on TV or in sex ed. When my sis came out to me it was a slip up actually, then she realized I was the last one in the family who still didn' t know.
Finished it yesterday. While the game is bigger in scope than DS it has a hell of a lot more checkpoints and shortcuts, not to mention its lack of weight limitations, so it doesn' t waste our time or precious exp nearly as often. The healing counters was a great mechanic for someone as reckless as me. I played DS with a scimitar wielding mage, I played Bloodborne with an axe-wielding health tank. I usually remain two-handed, I still haven' t figured out how to stagger opponents with guns anyway. Not that I' ve really tried, I don' t miss it that much. I just pop my blade of mercy and spam spells against distant enemies. I remembered to copy and store my pre-ending save file before I went and fought the last boss so I won' t have to play the whole game again just for its ending trophies. That still leaves two or three trophies, I assume I' ll have to play the chalice dungeons to get those. I' ve only cleared one so far.
Every year it' s the same song, they split their info and distribute the pieces among each show as evenly as they can : E3, TGS, whatever fancy word Squenix picked for its own show etc ... While it can (and often does) look like they' re spreading themselves too thin it keeps the buzzing alive for a couple months. Personally I was glad to hear about Project Setsuna' s existence. Yosuke Matsuda had already mentioned in interviews that the unexpected success of Bravely Default made them realize there still is a market for old-school RPGs. Yet all of their big titles have looked like KH clones lately (can' t help fearing even the FF VII remake won' t be turn-based anymore). At least now I know his words will be backed by actual games, one "there you go" is worth more than two "I swear you' ll have it someday".
I just noticed something, does young Eraqus sound exactly like Roxas/Ven or did I just smoke too much ?
Well goddamn, Squenix ate a lion for breakfast this year. Glad to see their CEO is keeping his promise.
Spoiler A single chip should have sufficed, chip =/= cheap. The GMOsaurus shouldn' t have the slightest clue what a GPS even is. It should have removed its chip immediately or not at all. I haven' t seen the movie but I could spot that one from the trailer alone. So far I' m mostly told it' s a decent first hour movie with a sudden "so bad it' s good" half-hour climax.
Bump ! Sorry, I still haven' t translated the lyrics in English. But then on second thought maybe I should ask you to give it a go, that could be fun. ^^ This week I tried my luck at butchering Spanish and English for a change. I didn' t sing the full songs, just enough for you to get a glimpse. Spanish and French have a lot in common when it comes to transitions, as do latin based languages across the board. We' ll often eat the first or last syllabus of a word to make the transition easier/smoother, there' s a few sentences in La camisa negra that force you to do that.
We all float down here.
I love that expression, I assume it comes from the French: "Il aurait pu lire le bottin et le rendre captivant". Apparently he could do it in six languages, I didn' t know that. I heard him speak French yesterday, he had a tiny accent (that I couldn' t have localized had I not known who he was) and he was obviously fishing for his next word all the time, but the gravitas was still there.