.....i dont evn drink >.> cuz i cant and dont want to
but your girlfriend can drink more than me >.<
O.o how sweet of you.
oh really? mayb you didn't drink so much
so no hanger over for you?
so hows your head today?
O.o the ps3 too lol woowers well getting offline cuz sister wanna touch the computer talk to you sometime soon bye byes
ok so what you doing now? besides vm'in ok its not like pwi were it goes to full screen if you were wondering
lol yep but it exlpains and shows what to do so you'll be fine it's not like you cnt play game and look at the guide when you need it
lol around 12 or 1pm i wake up when it gets hot D: at least you have a guide to tell you the basics my sister had to tell me which was totally...
nope 5 am lol [SPOILER]
haha since it's summer you wanna know how long i stay up? ok if you want help on aion(if you dont know what to do) there's a guide that explains...
lol did you just download it O.o
if i remember it was like 3 to 4 hours i think
lol .....oh yeah congratulations :D and hope you two last long......or mayb longer.....ok forever sounds better
O.o you seem to be having fun
Ok thens lol
ok the demons are called : Asmodians the angels are called: Elyos
lol haha srry for what? i jus happened to be thristy plus i jus got some water right now :P
there are four servers im in the server: Siel oh how bout tell riku to join so you wont start out lonely? like i did