O.o really? lol calling you ventus wont really match now >.<
hellos ....awww so use to calling you ventus
it is :) thats why it's my mian but im playing my cleric till she gets to 30 then ima go back n play my sorcerer i'll add you wen i get on later...
being sorcerer you get this stone skin and you'll be immune to most attacks until it vanishes expect if its a very high hit Oh whats you character...
O.o good luck i tried it and i hated it >.< i have two asmodian ones a cleric and the other a sorcerer
so wat class are you?
playing Aion yet?
hm....well ima get off bye mayb b back on later
lol why do you ask for anyways? and "because" is not an answer
>.> ok Lighting is better srry Cloud evn though he's my fav
ok bye my dummy :D
lol Who says im rushing you :lolface:
ok it almost three arent you gunna go out soon?
your such a dummy
i would say....................wait why you wanna know k
well then now you arent so bored are you
oh lol.....
ok go do a girp of stuff then
second? when was your first?
lol find something to do then silly