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  1. Cherry Berry
    Has anyone read that book yet xD?

    The movie's out in July 26th, but what do you think would be better to see first?
    Thread by: Cherry Berry, Jul 14, 2008, 20 replies, in forum: Literature
  2. Cherry Berry

    The xD Curse

    Why can't I stop??


    Thread by: Cherry Berry, Jul 13, 2008, 22 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Cherry Berry
    [info hidden]
    Thread by: Cherry Berry, Jun 25, 2008, 14 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  4. Cherry Berry
    [info hidden]
    Thread by: Cherry Berry, Jun 24, 2008, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Cherry Berry
    I remember at least two years ago we used to have a winter formal event, but I don't see that happening anymore whatsoever...

    Was it banned or was the idea drowned by a whole bunch of other threads?

    (In other words...)

    Could there be like a members' party for a special event... E.g... New year... Summer... Christmas??

    It could be quite useful for the event reminders... i constantly notice that it seems unused for most of the time...

    If not... Can someone come up with a better idea to put event reminders to use more often?
    Thread by: Cherry Berry, Jun 20, 2008, 9 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  6. Cherry Berry
    Has anyone seen this anime? Its a story about this one guy called Sakura Kusakabe, a second-year junior high school student who sometime in the future is going to offend God by inadvertently inventing immortality. Women are affected so that they stop aging after the age of twelve and Sakura is accused of creating a "Pedophile's World". Dokuro Mitsukai, a member of an order of angel assassins that are called Rurutie, has been sent from the future to kill him.

    XD Well... He frequently gets killed by this angel named Dokuro.. But she resurrects him after killing him... xDD
    Thread by: Cherry Berry, Jun 20, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Cherry Berry
    [Deleted so Kira has no clue]

    and so here it is!!
    Thread by: Cherry Berry, Jun 17, 2008, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Cherry Berry
    Ok, is there anyone here on their last stages of GCSE's in this forum?? I need to know that I am not alone on this xDDD

    Ok, like I've got Geography on thursday and Classical Civilisation on Friday xDD

    Oh gosh is it hot out here today in London!!! XD
    Thread by: Cherry Berry, Jun 9, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Cherry Berry
    Well.. Post down what you think are the worst cosplays/ best cosplays, and show it to us...


    Worst Cosplay= [Link]

    Best Cosplay = [Link]
    Thread by: Cherry Berry, Jun 8, 2008, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Cherry Berry
    How many days would it take for an average poster to reach 1,000 Posts?

    Give an estimate...

    I'd say 2 weeks... If they are constantly active...
    This is only research lol!
    Thread by: Cherry Berry, Jun 6, 2008, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Cherry Berry
    Ok, I did this like, before I went to my god-mothers yesterday...

    Its like, got more than a page... So don't think that this is the only sheet

    So... Like Here youu are!!

    2nd page coming up very soon!
    Thread by: Cherry Berry, Jun 6, 2008, 19 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Cherry Berry
    Hey guys...

    [info Hidden]

    xD Well... I might pop around when I have a chance to go on the computer again... Maybe the next 3 weeks or something...

    Well, I guess this is goodbye, for now... :poke:

    iPeck :action-smiley-030:
    Thread by: Cherry Berry, May 30, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Cherry Berry
    xD Yes... it is weird... Live with it! I've got 2 examples...

    One of them is being used by me.



    This was at my friend's house. Yes she's really good at helping me.
    Thread by: Cherry Berry, May 13, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Cherry Berry
    Hey guys, i may be leaving for at least a few months, and I am going to miss you all. Its now a year since I have joined, yet it only feels like weeks since I've joined.

    See you guys soon, and merry xmas to you all. xxx
    Thread by: Cherry Berry, Dec 15, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Cherry Berry
    I know this may seem very inconvenient, but I need utmost help in my english coursework, as I'm on study leave, and I've lost my english notes on where I had gone wrong (year 11 = worst year of my life so far)!! If you can't help me, could you give me a hint please?

    P.s Its a work in Progress

    Can anybody take a look at this essay and see if its alright or awful?? Criticism in need here!

    What techniques were used to introduce Charles ****ens' Characters in the opening chapters of Great Expectations?

    Charles ****ens presents his characters from his novels in such a powerful way, that he shows a depth of understanding, and an immense imagination. ****ens was born in 1812, and the early years of his life were spent viewing life amongst the Thames as he went with his father on a boat and on the shores. In Charles ****ens' later life, he became a solicitor’s clerk; then a reporter, with only his wits and talent, although he did not receive the education, the support of money and influence, which gave him a slight disadvantage to life.

    ****ens was no stranger to struggle and poverty yet he became extremely successful as a writer, and soon enough, he was writing novels in serial form every day in his own magazines. The end of each episode would contain a nail-biting cliff-hanger. He would also reinforce his characters in each chapter, including the development of their characteristics. ****ens exaggerates the portrait of each character and its personality; Magwich with his harsh threats and growls, Mr Jaggers with his mystery and enigma all around him, or Herbert, with his upbeat sense of humour and modest attitude. They are all characters that are portrayed as larger-than-life by ****ens as I will explain.

    ****ens was a journalist by trade, so it would have seem to suggest that he had a specialist ear for hearing the vast amounts of dialects in London. He gives Magwich a strong dialect, as it is of his techniques of characterization, which helps the reader imagine him.

    Magwich is one of ****ens' greatest inventions in the novel ‘Great Expectations’ - he leaps out at the reader at the start, haunts Pip as he grows up, has that sense of mystery of wanting to know more about him and returns to satisfy his needs later on in the book. At the start of the novel, Magwich escapes from the hulks (old warships used as prisons), and meets Pip on the marshes. He then frightens Pip by turning the young pale boy upside down, to see if there was any food or money to scavenge. ****ens first describes him as;

    ‘A fearful man, all in coarse grey, with a great iron on his leg. A man with no hat, and with broken shoes…he limped, and shivered, and glared and growled’

    This implies that Magwich was a terrible man, and the fact that he had no hat and had broken shoes showed us that he may have been an escaped convict. He was probably limping since the iron on his leg had such a hefty weight that he could have only suffered so much that his attitude showed it, thus making it a bad time for Pip to come across at such a time. Since Magwich’s previous history of being convicted, life must have treated him so badly that it could have make him behave

    "You get me a file." He tilted me again. "And you get me wittles." He tilted me again. "You bring 'em both to me." He tilted me again. "Or I'll have your heart and liver out."’
    Magwich would have been one of millions that would have gone to prison for being in debt, crime, or just being a nuisance to the public during an earlier part of his life.

    When he threatens Pip to get his heart and liver out if he did not get a file and wittles, this shows to the readers just how desperate he is to get his leg free from the iron that trapped it from freedom, and for some food to eat. He must have felt it was the only way, to threaten somebody to get him something but on one price, they don’t tell the police. The dialogue gives the audience an impression that he is really a malevolent character when he actually is not that malevolent.
    Magwich also has another side of him, but it is only shown at the end of his introduction of being this fearful fellow;

    ‘”I wish I was a frog. Or an eel!” At the same time, he hugged his shuddering body in both his hands… And limped towards the Low Church wall. I looked over my shoulder, and saw him going on again towards the river, still hugging himself in both arms, and picking his way with his sore feet among the great stones dropped into the marshes here and there.’

    This portrays a different vision of Magwich, and the readers feel more sympathy than hatred, for threatening the main character, Pip, to give him wittles and a file, or else his heart would be torn apart. When Magwich wishes himself to be a frog or an eel, it would probably be since he was feeling so cold, and if he was a frog or an eel, because they adapt so well to the cold, that if he were one of those animals, not only would he feel much better, but he would not have to worry about such a thing like finding food or going to jail, as the nature of the animals do not have such laws. The readers feel that Magwich seems to be in such suffering and pain, yet the overwhelming sense the reader has is of Magwich as a villain.

    Mr. Jaggers plays a pivotal role in the novel, Great Expectations. We are first introduced to him in Chapter 11, where Pip encounters the rather condescending barrister on the stairs of Satis House, belonging to Ms. Havisham. Pip, the narrator, describes Mr. Jaggers as;
    "A burly man of an exceedingly dark complexion."

    We cannot help but notice that he an extremely unfair fellow, by virtue of him holding Pip's chin and being almost sure that Pip was of "a bad set of fellows" although he had scarcely known Pip for two minutes, and here he was, being insulted by Mr.Jaggers. ****ens portrays him in a humorous description;

    ‘He was a burly man of an exceedingly dark complexion, with an exceedingly large head, and a corresponding large hand…He was prematurely bold on the top of his head, and he had bushy eyebrows that wouldn’t lie down, but stood up bristling. His eyes were set very deep into his head, and were disagreeably sharp and suspicious… His hands smelt of scented soap.’

    This gives a picture to the reader’s mind that Mr. Jaggers was a middle aged arrogant man, whose bushy eyebrows which stood up bristling gives his face character. His eyes that looked sharp and suspicious also give intensity that there is more than meets the eye for the character of Mr.Jaggers;

    ‘“You’re too late,” said Mr Jaggers. “I am over the way… I am,” said Mr Jaggers, “and there’s an end to it. Get out of the way.” Mr Jaggers suddenly became more irate. You infernal scoundrel, how dare you tell ME that?”’

    This indicates not only how well he speaks, but of his arrogance. He is the epitome of callousness and displays the very least human feelings and affection to anyone he may ever know. The reader has a clear view of Mr Jaggers, as a criminal defence lawyer, for that he deals with many underworld clients.

    ****ens has created the sense of mystery as Mr Jaggers has no background history, making the character seem very mysterious and isolated from all the other characters. He is well respected in his own dubious social circle, and is most well known for his ability to defend even the dregs of society;

    ‘“Now, I warned you before,” said he, throwing his forefinger at the terrified client, “that if you ever presumed to talk in that way here, I’d make an example of you.

    This character, Herbert Pocket introduces himself in Great Expectations, Pip first meets Herbert in the garden of Satis House, when, as a pale young gentleman, Herbert challenges him to a fight. Years later, they meet again in London, and Herbert becomes Pip’s best friend and key companion after Pip’s elevation to the status of gentleman. We cannot help but only admire his sense of spirit and his best for Pip, thus helping him and the main character grow in their friendship in every aspect;

    “I looked in at another window, and found myself, to my great surprise, exchanging a broad stare with a pale, young gentleman with red eyelids and light hair and then came at me with an air and a show that made me believe he really was going to do for me at last. He got heavily bruised, for I am sorry to record that the more I hit him, the harder I hit him; but, he came up again and again and again, until at last he got a bad fall with the back of his head against the wall. He seemed so brave and innocent."

    ****ens gives the readers a vision of Herbert being very innocent, and though he is assumingly weak, due to his pale self, he is an upbeat, amiable young fellow that loves to mess around. He seems like the playful character to the audience and Pip, also thinks that his spirit was great, but the fact that he had no strength appealed to him losing in the fight at the end;

    '"Halloa!" said he, "Come and fight," said the pale young gentleman… In a most irritating manner he instantly slapped his hands against one another, daintily flung one of his legs up behind him, pulled my hair, slapped his hands again, dipped his head, and butted it into my stomach. "Laws of the game!" said he. Here, he skipped from his left leg on to his right. "Regular rules!’’ He did all sorts of things while I looked helplessly at him.'

    ****ens gave Herbert a great dialect, and the character itself seemed very kind, quite sensible and he always goes by the rules. The audience sees him as being annoying to Pip, who thinks that Herbert is a strange fellow. Despite being an irritant one, he seemed to be quite courteous, and this shows that as the story progresses, up to the point where they meet again, they develop their friendship. Herbert is one which would have been called an unusual character, but the readers find him amiable, in any way whatsoever.
    Thread by: Cherry Berry, Dec 15, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Cherry Berry

    Nuju Drawings



    My scanner is completely hopeless!
    Well, here's my drawings.
    Two words to describe how crap it is: My drawings suck
    Most of my drawings are on Deviantart, and my username is Mookiemeister lol.
    T-T I am ashamed of my art.
    Title has nothing to do with drawings. I just call my baby sister nuju for no reason
    Thread by: Cherry Berry, Dec 7, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Cherry Berry
    ... About making the best character online, and then have their character go on the game itself. Or even have the game online, for rpg???

    T-T Guess we'll never know...
    Thread by: Cherry Berry, Dec 7, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Cherry Berry
    Who are you routing for today, if you are watching the england vs ??? (all i know is that england's currently losing) or portugal vs finland?

    I don't know why I'm bothered much, probably because I am bored.
    Thread by: Cherry Berry, Nov 21, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Cherry Berry
    Urm, well I've actually been thinking about this for a while lol! So I'm just going to take this off my chest and start a sort of adventure. This RPG will be about our own characters and their world, and how one day their life changes forever, also involving how people's time changes, as moving foward or back in time, basically and all hell breaks loose. Tamper with time, you get devil angels which could kill instantly. Some characters (as you know) need help to stop Xehanort and evil whatnots ... Inc Org XIII Being Resurrected at some point. Whoever possesses the timekeeper's item, face danger from all evil...
    Choose whether your character's good, bad, inbetween, weird, crazy etc.

    Well, every character gets to wield the all powerful clock at some point!
    Worlds most likely to travel:

    1. WonderLand
    2. Olympus Colloseum
    3. Pocahontas's World thingy.
    4. Destiny islands
    5. Pride Lands (when Simba has a daughter)
    6. Chicken Little's World (lol I have no idea what that is called)
    7. Traverse Town
    8. Hollow Bastion
    9. Tron's world (bwahaha)
    10. Mermaidy world (with ariel's daughter)
    11. Shrek's World!!
    12. The Hole.
    13. - Person's World -
    14. Hawaii (Lilo + Stitch)
    15. Twilight town
    16. Konoha (Naruto) [ Ok I've figured that some places are not particulary disney ish but lets see what happens]
    17.Nightmare before Xmas.
    18. Agraba
    19. A goofy Movie's world
    20.Hocus Pocus world
    21. Paris (Hunchback of Notre Dame)
    22. - Person's world -
    23. Stormhold (Stardust)
    [P.M Me for worlds you would like lol]

    Ok, the following spaces available are:

    1.Sora (available)
    5.King Mickey(available)
    9.Emille (ipeck-- me!!)
    12.Lynn (hitna3510!!!)
    14.Carixa (Demitryx!!!)
    15.Larxene (Nymph of Destiny!!!)
    16.Namine (Nymph of Destiny!!!)
    17.Kirux (daxma!!!)
    18.Carlie (Ipeck --- Moi!)
    19.Rayne (Chendler!!!)

    We could add some more as the time goes along...

    Here's also the OC form applications!:

    Name: Lynn
    Age: 16
    Biography: learn along the way
    Male/Female: Female
    Personality: Cold but hyper
    Good/Evil/Inbetween: In between

    Name: Carixa
    Age: 17
    Biography: Is a Nobody? A GOOD Nobody?!
    Personality: Slighty moody, touchy about the subject of being a Nobody.

    Character: Kirux
    Biography:Born in Hollow bastion
    Appearance:Black KH2 riku hair.A suit half
    covered in armor and the other parts are cloud
    Advent children clothes.
    Personality:Mixed Up
    Realm(side):In between
    Weapon:An dual wield over sized Road to Dawn
    Powers:controls king nobodies.Skill in weapon making.
    Title:Time keeper of the between realm.

    Name: Rayne
    Age: 17
    Bio: Not good in this stuff, so nothing
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Cold, heartless, mercyless, unforgiving and other like that
    Side: Evil
    Appearence: Guys/Demon Guys/Demonhotguy.jpg

    These are great examples of forms!

    Plus you could also choose who you want to be with atm.

    Well here's the big intro... (with my character) Sort of..

    Lots of lonely people, lots and lots of lonely, hapless people... Hissed a husky, dark, caramelised voice, out of the dense part of nowhere, carrying on in the midst.

    Another voice, replied in a senile rebuke, Such unpleasent filth, such idiotic persona's, so happy with themselves. And with that, the image of nowhere changed, and a bright light appeared, a light not even the sun could make, and thus appeared Xehanort, floating around with his dead corpse, his stone cold eyes which had once seen the glimmer of life, but long ago. He was floating into a black hole, slow as ever, like a snail crossing a road full of lorries and cars that whizz by.

    I'm ever so bored! murmured the creamy, husky voice again, I'd rather control the hearts of all worlds, and everyone in it, then I'd be happy. My little toy has died, and I've no hope, unless something truly desireable happens.

    The senile voice replied, Last time you bloody tried to do rule the flaming worlds, you got yourself beaten by the first ever keybearer, you twat! Let me rule the worlds, and learn from me, your master. The black hole, along with Xehanort, disappeared, leaving the area in supreme, majestic darkness again.

    Out of nowhere, a tiny clock-like keychain appeared, though far away, and as it is approaching closer, the object begins to shine like no other, and the two voices began to whisper in awe, but before they could do anything about it, the brightest light shone across the room and it was gone.

    You insolent fool! Now the clock that clasped all our dreams have escaped! Boomed the ever so creepy voice.

    Don't underestimate me you imbeceil! I have yet another plan! Rasped the smooth voice angrily, like a bulldog on a leash when he sees prey, I'll resurrect my little toy, as I miss it so. He shall go to the worlds and seek for the ever so desirable clock, and destruct anything in his path. Just you watch! And with that, Xehanort appeared, lying down in the nowhere that seemed so familiar, dead as he is with his decomposing corpse.

    A light shone apon his laden dead body, and before long, Xehanort's eyes began to flickker, and as he was beginning to rise from the ground, a shell formed around him. He tried to speak, but no words came out of him. He was still too weak after Terra and Aqua had exterminated him.
    My loyal pet, My tired, vengeful pet! Listen to me or I'll send you back to that pit hole of hell, which you still haven't entered yet! It was I, your master, that saved you! Now listen! The ever so sweet and husky voice replied, A very special object has fallen down to one of the world's soft, soils that ever existed. I want you to retrieve it for me, to avenge all those keyblade idiots that ever possessed the item of the sort, and to find a way with it, to open the door to the ultimate heart of all the worlds! Now go, before I see you head off!

    At that instant, Xehanort disappeared, and the shell which had covered him the second he woke from everlasting sleep helped him enter a world which had not yet been discovered by any keybladers of the sort. This world was more technologized and greyer than any other he had ever seen.

    Meanwhile, the two evil voices got out a sphere, and with it, they saw the location of the clock of power and time itself, in a world so grey with all its buildings of power and mightiness, and brand new cars that passed ever so often, thus before long, they saw, amongst a huge crowd of school girls, a young, 15 year old girl with a silky, feathery brown scarf, matching her mahogony brown hair, dark green gloves matching her eyes, a light blue shirt, with a dark blue matching tie with a black skirt , walking across the very area, she was quite short for her age, and comparing to many other people of her age, had a small foot size. The clumsy girl caught a glimpse of the beautifully designed clock, and picking up the clock, the first thing that passed through her tired mind was:

    Coursework, Coursework, school's crap...WTFH?! Ok then, this feels awkward. Finders keepers, thats what they all say! With that, she slipped the ever so small clock keychain into her jacket pocket, the jacket itself which had the name embroided of the young girl on the interior in fancy coded letters, showed :To our darling Emille, our first born, and made her way home. The girl had no idea what she had brought onto herself.

    Our first victim rasped the two voices, She could be of use to us...

    Be careful what you wish for... It might rebound back in a bad way.
    Thread by: Cherry Berry, Nov 19, 2007, 45 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Cherry Berry
    Urm.. Sorry if I had brought people's attention to see this ... Sentence...

    I attacked a school SMSA...


    And this is not the reason why I type...

    Is everyone avoiding me? It seems like everytime I post, nobody replies...
    You get the gist?
    All I hear are crickets after I post...

    Now, I'm not making this about myself, but why do you lot abandon the thread when I type?

    Do I have the internet lergies or something?

    Fogo pa, nao gosto quando alguem fica com silencio!!!
    Fico doente!!!
    Thread by: Cherry Berry, Oct 2, 2007, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone