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  1. Cherry Berry
    Pip, a young orphan, is living with his sister and her husband in the marshes of Kent.*One day Pip is taken by his Uncle Pumblechook to play at Satis House, the home of the wealthy dowager Miss Havisham, who is extremely eccentric: she wears an old wedding dress everywhere she goes and keeps all the clocks in her house stopped at the same time. During his visit, he meets a beautiful young girl named Estella, who treats him coldly and contemptuously. Nevertheless, he falls in love with her and dreams of becoming a wealthy gentleman so that he might be worthy of her. The series*stars*Ray Winstone*as*Magwitch,*Gillian Anderson*as*Miss Havisham,*Douglas Booth*as Pip,*Vanessa Kirby*as*Estella*and*David Suchet*as Jaggers.

    Now for the review:
    All in all, the visuals were amazing. It really sets a nice dark and Victorian English*tone for the whole story. I enjoyed it, I really did. It was probably one of the first and best Charles Dickens books I have ever read, and this 3 part adaptation really did it justice. Although, it could have done with more dialogue.

    The acting was pretty good. Douglas Booth, I am happy to find, can actually act. He mainly uses his eyes—which are beautiful—and the way he looks at other characters is very honest and direct.*Sometimes,though, as pretty as he looks, he*is rather blank and*his reactions are*somewhat*shallow. I think this adaption would have been much better if he had more lines, perhaps if he had narrated some parts, so that we know exactly what Pip is thinking and his intentions,*because*his thoughts*were what made the novel interesting, in my opinion. I think, for Douglas, he has lots of space for improvement in acting. The younger actor who did younger Pip was also spectacular, it was a bit odd seeing him get slapped over by everybody in the face, despite doing absolutely nothing wrong. Pip didn't have it easy, poor kid.

    The lady who plays Estella, is also very very beautiful in a snow princess kind of way. Her Estella shows more emotion and*character out of all the other adaptions I think. You can see her love for Pip, the inner conflicts that she has with*herself and the sadness she feels about being raised and used by Miss Havisham. Which brings me to the actress (Gillian Anderson, most famous for X Files) for Miss Havisham. In this adaption, she is portrayed as a young, and pretty-in-a-dead way kind of woman. She looks*like Elizabeth from Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride and I like that, I like her adaptation of Miss Havisham because you see the timeless insanity and sadness she locks up in herself,*eventually causing her rather timely demise in the end. You know you've got a great adaptation when you feel an intensity of emotion for the characters and what situation they are under. Hell I was yelling at the screen whenever I saw the scumbag Orlick. Great acting. Great, great acting.

    The background and general lighting for this particular period drama was spot on, everything looked so gorgeous yet almost barren at the same time. Especially when Pip enters the Havisham estate. That place alone is a dystopian nightmare, a ghost of what could have been. That house alone spoke a lot about Miss Havisham as a person, the decay of her house could symbolise the decay of her heart and dreams, lost memories forever hidden in dust and cobwebs, and a ghost of a wedding; what could have been had she not have been jilted at the altar.

    I have barely any qualms about the plot. Like I said earlier, could have done with a bit more narration, and not so much an abrupt ending.

    All in all, 8.5\10

    The film coming up this year has a lot to live up to. Imma just sayin'
    Thread by: Cherry Berry, Jan 5, 2012, 3 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  2. Cherry Berry
    If any of you are unable to make tonight, I will leave this discussion thread here so we can discuss openly regarding the Dramatic Readings and podcastings. I'd really like to at least get the meeting done so we can get some work done. :/gasp:

    For the audio/technical peeps, talk me through a few songs you'd possibly like to add on for the songs (per different person)
    For the reader's: P sent me Midnight's initial recording. I've heard most of you read, but for those I haven't heard yet, I'd like you to get yer arses to the likes of Voxli or sent a recorded clip to me asap.

    If you all turn out to be on Voxli today, I may be able to discuss what podcast services we may be all using. But I'll be planning on either recording the voices (or having someone record) if it is live (either through skype, msn, voxli, the likes) or pre-recorded by themselves. I'd preferably like it if there wasn't too much feedback, and well, we'll use a nice editing software, lets just put it this way :3
    Cherry out! :lolface:
    Thread by: Cherry Berry, Jun 14, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  3. Cherry Berry

    :3 So what would be your craziest Poke-Fusion KHV??
    Here's my selection!
    Pikacool, Butterrape, Digpuff, Vulgar and Muno!!
    Thread by: Cherry Berry, Jun 11, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Cherry Berry
    Some simple codes for Persona 4 ;)


    Quick Level Up


    Infinite Health Points In Battle


    Infinite Spirit Points In Battle


    Max Courage


    Max Knowledge


    Max Expression


    Max Understanding


    Max Diligence



    Date anyone (regardless if they want to) L2: On, R2: Off
    0C1B6D26 1456B10C
    1C859B20 E456E31D
    0C1B6D26 1456B20C
    1C859B20 3894E7A6

    -LUXORD <3
    [COLOR=plum][SIZE=1]Ahh sweet!
    Some more codes then!
    [/SIZE][/COLOR][SIZE=1][COLOR=plum]MAIN CHARACTER WEAPON CODES:                                             
    Titanium Club (x99)                                             
    5-Iron (x99)                                             
    Imitation Katana (x99)                                             
    Musashi Shinai (x99)                                             
    Longsword (x99)                                             
    Zweihander (x99)                                             
    Iai Katana (x99)                                             
    ******* Sword (x99)                                             
    Gothic Sword (x99)                                             
    Type-98 Gunto (x99)                                             
    Downpour Sword (x99)                                             
    Edge (x99)                                             
    Kage-Dachi (x99)                                             
    Great Sword (x99)                                             
                                              		                                             [SIZE=1][COLOR=plum]                                                                                                 Midare Hamon (x99)                                             
    Anglaise (x99)                                             
    Kakitsubata (x99)                                             
    Gardenia Sword (x99)                                             
    [/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=plum]Kenka (x99)                                             
    Krieg (x99)                                             
    Kijintou (x99)                                             
    Number One (x99)                                             
    Gaia Sword (x99)                                             
    Tsubaki-Otoshi (x99)                                             
    Myth-like Sword (x99)                                             
    Shichisei-Ken (x99)                                             
    El Caliente (x99)                                             
    Yahiro Sword (x99)                                             
    Triumph (x99)                                             
    Tajikarao Sword (x99)                                             
    Futsuno Mitama (x99)                                             
    Soul Crusher (x99)                                             
    Wooden Bat (x99)                                             
    Metal Bat (x99)                                             
    Blade of Totsuka (x99)                                             
    Thread by: Cherry Berry, Jun 3, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: Code Vault
  5. Cherry Berry
    I've got meself an uncondish offer to university.

    ::L: All I need now is a job under my belt and I'll be celebrating to my heart's content!
    Thread by: Cherry Berry, May 25, 2011, 17 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Cherry Berry
    Chapter 1

    AN: Special fangz (get it, coz Im goffik) 2 my gf (ew not in that way) raven, bloodytearz666 4 helpin me wif da story and spelling. U rok! Justin ur da luv of my deprzzing life u rok 2! MCR ROX!
    Hi my name is Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way and I have long ebony black hair (that's how I got my name) with purple streaks and red tips that reaches my mid-back and icy blue eyes like limpid tears and a lot of people tell me I look like Amy Lee (AN: if u don't know who she is get da hell out of here!). I'm not related to Gerard Way but I wish I was because he's a major ****ing hottie. I'm a vampire but my teeth are straight and white. I have pale white skin. I'm also a witch, and I go to a magic school called Hogwarts in England where I'm in the seventh year (I'm seventeen). I'm a goth (in case you couldn't tell) and I wear mostly black. I love Hot Topic and I buy all my clothes from there. For example today I was wearing a black corset with matching lace around it and a black leather miniskirt, pink fishnets and black combat boots. I was wearing black lipstick, white foundation, black eyeliner and red eye shadow. I was walking outside Hogwarts. It was snowing and raining so there was no sun, which I was very happy about. A lot of preps stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them.

    "Hey Ebony!" shouted a voice. I looked up. It was... Draco Malfoy!

    "What's up Draco?" I asked.

    "Nothing." he said shyly.

    But then, I heard my friends call me and I had to go away.

    AN: IS it good? PLZ tell me fangz!
    Thread by: Cherry Berry, May 9, 2011, 44 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  7. Cherry Berry

    Since in the past the delightful members of KHV have done dramatic readings of badfics, had a bit of an idea. Why not have a podcast dedicated to reading random stuff? Would be fun, and people will have something to look forward to.

    My plans to start this podcast on the side includes one member a week reading out badfics, AND if other members want to request other fics to read or have more than the one member reading, we'll be able to hook something up for everyone. This will only be done for entertainment/comedic purposes and nothing else. I'm hoping that if this does come forth to actually taking place, both the listeners and the people reading the fics will have an epic time, full of laughter and joy.

    Also, if you'd rather help out with just adding the music or adding special effects I'll be more than happy enough to sign you up. We'll make it so it won't clash with your personal day-to-day lives.

    It doesn't have to limit to just fanfiction though. If someone finds a hilarious passage or anything fun they'd like to read to us all (provided that if its made by a KHV member, you have to ask the author's permish first), we'll take a look and we'll go from there!

    Plus it'd be really nice if no-one uses this as an opportunity (if they were to pick any literature pieces from KHV) to pick on the author viciously. All I ask ye to do is behave in that case. c:

    Its not an official thing (and is not related to the podcasts already done here to date), but will anyone be interested to participate in this fun, lighthearted group? And once we've gotten everyone set up in the group, we'll have a mini meeting on ways to make this work and make everyone feel more comfortable and stuff.

    In any case though everyone who's signed up must also add me and other members to their contacts lists (either on skype, msn, you name it!) so we can all stay in some form of contact.

    So come on now!! ~
    People signed up:

    -Oerba Yun Fang (Kitteh)

    Suggestions given:

    -My Immortal Either this or Dalk's saved copy.
    -Tzukihime h-scenes
    -Yahoo Answers
    -Kitty's awesome stories
    -Forsaken's fun filled Christmas Story
    -Anne Frank x Goku fic - The End of Time
    -A fic with Rainbow x Edward
    -Starkis Prophecy


    Thread by: Cherry Berry, May 5, 2011, 67 replies, in forum: Project Casting
  8. Cherry Berry
    What would be the best show for them to star in?

    Who lives in a coffin under the sea? OSAMA BIN LADEN!
    A dead, smelly rotting tyrant is he! OSAMA BIN LADEN!
    If nuclear nonsense be something you wish! OSAMA BIN LADEN!
    Then join him the ocean along with the fish!

    Thread by: Cherry Berry, May 4, 2011, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Cherry Berry

    Her name in English means Only, which is a coincidence due to the fact that she's married herself. So what? She's happy with it!! Since the Royal Wedding is happening tomorrow in the UK, I thought I'd post something wedding related!

    What do you all think about this? Is she right to marry herself as a form of protest against her society's views for people to procreate due to their social climate?

    Or is she just mental?

    Personally I believe she poses a great point in having to love oneself before you're able to love other people, and that by her actions she will show other people that they too can love themselves.
    Thread by: Cherry Berry, Apr 28, 2011, 9 replies, in forum: Current Events
  10. Cherry Berry

    Nyan Cat

    why am i so friggin addicted to it?
    Thread by: Cherry Berry, Apr 28, 2011, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Cherry Berry
    Anytome Anytime, anywhere :lolface:
    Thread by: Cherry Berry, Apr 17, 2011, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Cherry Berry

    Last night...

    Was very distressing for everyone in my household. My brother's condition has deteriorated so much that he can barely speak (cannot eat/drink anymore, always ends up going up his throat), cannot hear whatsoever anymore, has no control over his neck, cannot walk... Lets just say he's in a scary state at the moment. I was told today that his cancer has progressed to such a state that there is no cure... No bloody cure.

    Its an awful feeling, knowing that no matter what you do, you can't physically cure him. I feel like I've failed as an older sibling. He's such a gentle person, and I love my siblings to bits. My heart aches when I see him this way.

    Seeing him like this has made everybody teary at home, (its very hard seeing both my parents sobbing, they're normally very strong individuals) we're trying to make him feel as comfortable as possible, but most of the time he's asleep. My little sister has tried everything to keep him happy too. Writing out sweet stuff about him.

    As a family we vowed to stick together through thick and thin... So if you don't even see me lurking for quite a while, least you know why.

    Thread by: Cherry Berry, Jan 1, 2011, 8 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  13. Cherry Berry


    Anyone played it yet?What's yer highest score if so?
    Thread by: Cherry Berry, Dec 15, 2010, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Cherry Berry
    I've seemed to notice that every time I sign in it seems as though it goes directly back to the login page till I click on another link. Anyone else with the same issue? I know its not a bit deal, but just thought I should point it out.
    Thread by: Cherry Berry, Dec 2, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  15. Cherry Berry


    Thread by: Cherry Berry, Dec 2, 2010, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Cherry Berry
    Initially I thought this was just a joke I just simply came across whilst looking at various news articles... Still wondering if this guy did it for real or just for a crack at it. Anyway, thought I'd like to share this article with you all.

    I had come across this the previous day and was practically baffled by this. Apparently in Toombawoomba they've denied rights to gay marriages but allowed this owner to get married to his DOG. Now I agree that people should have their own right for freedom in their choice of marriage, but I'm not sure if this kind (man marries dog) applies to that. I'm not going to disrespect the fellow though since it was his choice after all and he's probably quite happy about his marriage... But to deny same sex marriages in that same area? :/

    In my opinion, it won't be too long before PETA starts banging on this guy's door.

    What are your opinions on this issue Kh-v?
    Thread by: Cherry Berry, Dec 2, 2010, 11 replies, in forum: Discussion
  17. Cherry Berry


    what'd I miss? :lolface:
    Thread by: Cherry Berry, Dec 1, 2010, 19 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Cherry Berry
    Since I'm going to an anime expo for the 1st time ever... S: I just need an opinion since i'm torn between the two cosplaying outfits.
    Thread by: Cherry Berry, Oct 4, 2010, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Cherry Berry
    xD Here's some manga I had drawn recently and stuff.. Just felt like sharing it with ya'll today.

    c: Feel free to comment and/or point out something if you like..
    Thread by: Cherry Berry, Sep 25, 2010, 1 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  20. Cherry Berry
    OOc: Tried doing this in my "own" 10 year old voice... xD idk, I personally think I flopped. Mainly because I chose a boring year of my life and there was nothing else to do at the time. ;/ I welcome any criticisms. c:

    As a young child, I have always been known for wearing my heart on my sleeve. That being said, I still am in the sense that I care dearly about those I care about, and I tend to feel very strongly about certain topics. Sometimes I even lose myself because I am so involved with trying to help them out. Most importantly though, I was a very naive child. So naive that whenever my best friends such as Caroline, Mai and Luisa told me stories based off a horrific myth passed down from year to year, I would show them my paranoia and fear over how authentic it sounded… Which led me to sleepless nights at sleepovers or when I was on my own. To others I was known as a brave daredevil, to myself… I had always considered myself to be a bit of a coward and/or a chicken. Hell, there was a time where I was scared to keep the video tape running in case the demonic mickey mouse popped out of nowhere.... Don't ask, disney's participation to the VHS was a traumatic part of my life... If you saw what was near the very end of the video in the dark all alone...

    When I found out my mother was expecting a baby soon, I was utterly thrilled; thrilled at the concept that there was going to be a fourth sibling in the family. However when I was on my way to tell my adorable friends I was met by my ghastly, gnarly and freakishly tall teacher that I had for year 5. I clearly didn’t like her as she was very shouty and overbearingly rude. She yelled at me, as usual, for being late to class after break, her voice piercing through my ears, the words scorching through my very soul. Not even jesus can save me now when she starts bollocking with me. Oh Joy I thought, here comes another shitstorm. Think of a happy place, think of a happy place…

    Oh how I hated how she yelled! It sounded like a cross between a banshee (I had recently learned about the word banshee from my admirably rebellious cousin who was one year older than me and told me about how banshees were scary mythological creatures with the most unholy scream known to men) and a dying fox when she started screaming about how useless we all were in class… By god, I thought she was a gargoyle at some point, what with that menacing look boring into my face once every few minutes. That was probably why I became very punctual in the future… due to the fear that was instilled by this very teacher from all my experiences of going tardy to class. I had a feeling that she kept an eye on me because of my unruly cousin the year above me… Turns out I had too many traits that traumatically reminded her of him. Which to say at the very least… Is a bit insulting, but also quite the compliment in the aspect that I didn't act in the same conventional way as many of my colleagues did.

    I casually walked into the class, my eyes half shut due to the lack of sleep the previous night after watching Chuckie... but as I was pulling my chair over next to Caroline, somehow the teacher thought it'd be funny to yell at me and pull me over to the corner, slammed a ruler onto the table so viciously till it broke... and then she would begin to scream about something I don’t quite remember to this very day (but I know that it wasn’t about my tardiness, and she was sounding pretty much incoherent at this point, stopping for breath every 5 minutes)… The slamming of the ruler led me to having nightmares about her whipping her 40†ruler at students whilst they made her a pyramid… And for some godforsaken reason I'm instantly reminded of ghostbusters.

    After the lecture she gave to me in front of the class, I walked to my chair rather sheepishly whilst members of the class looked pitifully at me… Apparently before I came in they were shouted at too for how “unacceptable†their behaviour was at the playground for doing races from one end to the other whilst others were playing. She said that it made her look like the worst teacher to walk this earth. Yeah, and I’m the queen of Sheba.

    During class, Caroline and I would write notes to each other about anything that came to mind, but we had to make sure the serpent like teacher wouldn’t notice us in the act of giving the letters to one another. When I had told her that my new sibling would surface anytime now, she grinned and penned down rather quickly, “Can I be the first person to see the baby?â€
    I looked up at her and grinned, giving an approving nod. I absolutely adored Caroline in the sense that she was very imaginative, she spoke her mind and she was absolutely one of a kind. Although she wore the same burgandy uniform as I was, there was something about her that made it shine, that made it so mouthdroppingly cool. She then looked back at me a bit worriedly, and then penned back to me, “…But there’s something I need to tell you… I’m leaving London for good…â€
    When I first read what she had written, I could not believe it… not even after reading it over and over again. Caroline, one of my most treasured best friends… was leaving. I gave her a huge hug during class (which looked like something else to my teacher) and we were both kicked out of class for hugging each other. It didn’t really matter at that point as to what we thought of the teacher, so we began talking about life in general. It was a bit odd though, how not too long after that 5 other pupils got kicked out of class, one for dropping their pencil by accident. We could all tell as a class that this teacher was having a bad day for some unknown reason, but this was just ridiculous, taking out her anger on her year 5 class!!

    Not like I cared much anyway. I remember my older cousin walking by the hallway and he noticed so many members of my class kicked out… The way he spoke, it was like he was an inmate who had been “in it†for a long time.
    “So, I take it the ol’ hag kicked you out… again.†he said calmly, grinning at every last one of us. He then turned to me and then sighed, “Oh cousie, cousie, cousie… At this rate, there’s only so much similarity between us that drives the teacher mad… I bet next year our other cousin would be the end of her…â€

    He then mocked her voice, screeching out (almost like as if it was a chalk being pushed down the board… oh how I loathe that sound with every inch of my being) â€DEAR GOD NOT ANOTHER DE FREITAS!… It’ll be like taking down the witch of the west… Seriously. We’ve done our job, now lets let Marco be Dorothy and his sister be that dog popo…â€
    â€Err Danny… its Toto…â€
    â€Right, Toto! ..Bring her demise…â€
    “Danny, what’s demise?â€
    “Look it up yourself kiddo†he replied curtly. He then gave us all another cheeky grin, but since he had his senses well tuned in, he could tell that my teacher was about to come out, so he made a run for it.
    Didn't finish this "tester" chapter... xD Same reason why I almost never post my original stories... Because I think that any ending I write is nowhere near good enough... Maybe I'm just waiting for inspiration? Eh either way I won't be posting any more of my original work for a while unless its art.

    Thread by: Cherry Berry, Sep 25, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Archives