PFFFT. EU will get this when, in a year from now?! I do envy you Americans.
How rude of guys. Stop treating the OP as some illiterate ******, he doesn't need the same answer repeated to him 16 bloody times. Can't this thread be locked?
Womanizer - Britney Spears. That song's actually pretty catchy.
PFFFFFFFT. So Nintendo, would 1 star = 1 game? What an awesome marketing strategy!
I had to bump this for the wtf.
Oh gosh, that is one epic statue. How much is it, I can't seem to find the price. D:
Well early happy birthday then.
It's your birthday..?
No one is going to buy a second hand older model for 500 when they could get a newer one for 400. You definately won't be able to regain your lost 500, so just sell it to me for 200. :^D
Yeah, what libre said. We know every FF to date, so your logical as to why Dissidia wont hit the rest of the world is completely moot. Though I never thought I'd ever say or do this, but I'll be importing the game in japanese regardless. I dont' think I need to understand much to start booting Sephiroth's ass as any character. I'd be great doing just that until the overseas release.
Well I know I'd buy it for 200 bucks <_<;
Happy Birthday Kitty~~~ I guess? D^: ?!
Of course it's valid. I mean who else makes the burritos in america? Silly people. EDIT: araowjagI do hate this site, and their stupid...
Godot?! I haven't come across that character yet D^: *still only just playing the first PW:AA game* I thought Phoenix in the pic was Yugi from YGO...
;_; ilu dear. <3
I'm so glad, that as an admin, you were able to admit that some of the censors were downright silly. ¦^D
He'd show us his penis. |^: EDIT: Also just realized! That word is finally uncensored! GOOD ON YOU KHV.
Odin Sphre. The gameplay and graphics were really cool, I just found the overall story kinda bland. I blame the incredibly boring characters. But I really liked it, nevertheless.