Aw, that's nice.
No, it's Josh Shepherd from Silent Hill Homecoming. Anyway thanks again Shadow! As usual, thanks for your support my darling e-Wifey~ <3 Well the whole problem is I don't know what I need, so I think it's safe to say you can dump with whatever >_>; ~ tututututuut some Terra Branford~
People made a note on the general proportions which need fixing, so I'll just add that maybe you should use ranged graphite pencils for shading, it'll help bring out the figure. Not bad though.
Oh, ho? Yeah they're all really just spontaneous sketches. But the first Squall along with the Noctis one are more elaborated and refined. Gracias people C^¦
While there's art related work for me to finsih, I nevertheless have some serious drawing motivation problems. So latey I've been drawing whatever to try and get my groove on. Squall Leonhart gets that honor becasue he's awesome and fit, to put it bluntly. original - This was resized and edited this to use as a signature, like my current one. I later decided not to use it immediately but if anyone wishes to by chance they're free to. FFXIII/vsXIII dump - - -
I was actually surprised that the Wii made it to the 3rd round, console's much more solid than it looks. I like it how this is coming from SJ. Really.
Get Patapon and Monster Hunter Freedom2 and your life is complete. Well, just about. There's also Guilty Gear and FFT which you should check out.
One day, I will live a happy life in Canada.
Guys she's lying btw. You know I actually had to flip through pages of Google and Photobucket to find one tolerable enough for the forums, and that was the closest to tolerable I could get. No really this time I'm not kidding
And he's what? Articulate, please. In the mean time, I'll follow Kairi's chain!
hmmmm Personally I prefer the old Kitty.
Still doesn't override the fact that being gay grants you more ballz and therefore more manliness
AND THEN!: But this is all contradictory to what you define as gay when the Greeks have slaughtered and shed more blood than Link ever could, had Alexander as an undefeatable Jesus and even managed to fend off their enemies for four years straights with killersmart inventions. Unlike your Link, they were hardcore. CLEARLY IT TAKES THE POWER OF BEING GAY TO BE A TRUE, REAL MAN. FEEL HONORED THAT SOME PEOPLE ACTUALLY GRANT LINK THAT PRIVILEDGE TITLE. PS: It should also be noted that as a rule, whatever the Yaoi Plague touches - which is everything - is by default gay.
The purple sorta matches your set now :^D
What a heap of silly sods.
hmmmm. Patapon, definately. I also second Guilty Gear, Monster Hunter Freedom, Final Fantasy Tactics and Rachet & Clank. I hear LocoRoco's a cool game too and has become a number of people's drug, but have yet to actually play it for myself.
Oh, Elphy~ Because it's true, oh Saintly Healer of the Forums who eases our e-wounds and butthurts. Otherwise you're all good? :^D
Pretty cool, first two are definately the better ones. The last one could use some better facial shading, more specifically around the nose. In fact you might want to atone the general shading of the chump to bring his figure out of the backgroumd, currently he looks kinda stuck to it, if that makes any sense. Also is it normal that the outline kinda looks aliased...?
Well no surprise it makes some people ponder - that'd naturally be the case if their sarcasm detector went haywire at some earlier point. In...