ahahaha lol'd. still cute man
Well, I like pink. And rainbows. And crossdressing. Any of that ringing a bell yet?
Yup true dat. I just personally think it's a bit silly that chumps are importing the ACC deal solely for the demo, instead of just waiting a few more months to import the full JP version for roughly the same price.
..You..play with the color adjustment tools in a photo editing program? EDIT: Or personally, sometimes I overlay colored/gradient layers on images in Photoshop.
I really much like the concept of the game, and the things I've generally been hearing about it are positive. Yeah, I'll get you some day ME.
I'm sure this is relevant to some people's interests. Saw this in the paper last year. VVV:
How about some Snow White? :^D
YOU RAGING ****** ss d
Holyshit NRA! I'm so happy I could wet my pants. With jizz. :^D
...Ok, I have to admit. It's getting harder and harder to appreciate this game. Just...I dunno, the character designs are just inexcusably godawful and the character impressions themselves aren't exactly helping either. All of the info released thus far, giving us any feedback of a general feel of them, have done very little to impress me. A bloody baby chocobo living in an afro? A main character designed just so FF7 fanboys can fap to Cloud and not feel gay? A generic animu blond wank who strives "to protect" or what-the-hell-ever-that-was? A RED HEAD? (Nah, I'm just kidding.) Really, I don't know what to make of all this. If I didn't know and wasn't so skeptic of Nomura's mediocre direction work, I would be salivating all over Versus. Despite next to no info being filed out in its respect, I do at least have a general solid feel of the atmosphere, the characters and the direction its heading, even in terms of gameplay (which wasn't something we could've said for XIII moments back /: ). There's at least some unified ambiance in Versus which XIII completely lacks. At every bit of info released for XIII, it's like watching a stoner trying to mix himself a stew by adding all sorts of wtf ingredients which by gastronomy laws, just do not mix. Then again these are just bits of info which reveal very little. I'll still be getting the game regardless - hell, this is the first time I'm following up on a main FF title and I only just started doing so last year. Whenever I knew of a new title it was when I just so happeend to see it on the store's shelves xD - so I'll just kinda wait and take this info with a grain of salt. Though it should be said that the gameplay is looking like 78 kinds of awesome - if someone could translate those menus, that'd be great.
Ah roflzz sorry, bad habit of assuming everyone in the Graphics section uses PS. Although I'd be surprised if any other Image Editing program didn't have a Color/Brightness/Contrast adjustment function. Do you not have that kind of program?
You do know that Photoshop can correct those mistakes?
Scooby Doo, sh!t. Haven't heard of that since...since ages. It's good, though I'd livin' it up a bit. Colors look a tad bit too faint.
Also, Hades! My charming lady's man. You've probably forgotten who I am but that's ok, I remember you and that's all that really matters I guess.
If you're that bothered, you can just crop the image out and use black bands for the text.
I picked them all except for Roxas, he's basically a clone of Sora. EDIT: GODDAMNIT CHECKING THE ROXAS BOX WAS AN ACCIDENT.
Orange basically has all the major points already said - the angles of her stance was my biggest issue. The arm holding the weapon also seems a bit long, compared to the one that's resting against her side. Otherwise this is actually pretty good, it's just a question of fixing the angles to make her look a bit more natural in terms of posture and it should be fine. EDIT: Disregard this and just listen to Misty <_<;
Haha, that's perfectly ok. Made me giggle a bit even.
There's no 6 or 8 so I'll go with 7.