all i got from this was that this tool's an insecure fruitcake who likes big black cock but thats ok i guess, a lot of people do
He does have a point.
Now now, let's not be rude!
Yeah so basically this.
Just save yourself the rage and brain damange and discard that sh!t while you have the chance.
That's why I'm saying it's not the topic itself that has a problem, but the posters. The thread itself doesn't need to be moved, we just have post correspondingly. But that's exaclty what they were doing anyway, lol. I re-read the beginning posts and don't get what your deal is...the OP clearly stated she thought the story itself sucked, if just not elaborately and another talked about the sparkling vampires. They're not your essay length posts but they're still on topic, discussing what they thought was silly in the book. Admittedly I myself just dumped my two cents without much further insight, what with being in agreeance with the OP and all. /:
AUGH. You mean better than Return of Saturn? Really? Aah Cin Yeah, your ears definately just ain't gettin enough of it yet. Just keep listening to Return of Saturn and maybe even The Beacon Street Collection, if you're into ska. My main disappointment with RockSteady was that what I originally liked them for just changed drastically in this album VV: I did like Underneath it All and Hella Good tho. RockSteady was catchy too. lol wait what? I wasn't even aware that they slipt, ahawut
yeah, kinda like how your regular thread about a particular media only has one liners that spout "dis book/game/everwhut be bangin yo". This isn't the topic's fault so much as it is the posters' themselves. EDIT: And furthermore isn't the whole point of a book discussion to voice your opinion about it as well? <_<;;
holy sh!t No Doubt I thought everyone either hated them or weren't aware of their existence I kinda hate what they've become now, although I'm guilty of enjoying Gwen's Love Angel Music Baby album a lot more than I should have. But their albums from the past is what I'll always remember and love them for. There actually isn't a single song that I hate from them if you exclude the RockSteady album. Gwen was my idol when I was a toddler, lol. She kinda still is.
What the hell? This is a discussion about the book. It's just a disucssion as to why it sucks. I fail to see how this differs from a regular Twilight thread, if just that instead of wanky bitter posts you'll instead have shameless worshipping and praise posts. /^:
I need no permission from a worthless, ****** whore such as yourself to roll wherever I wanna roll! you have aids, and people with aids are by...
Twilight, my god. Thinking of that book makes me want slitslitsltislitmywrists ALL OVER AGAIN. I once tried reading Twilight but only to properly understand the massive fanwank lulz that was going on. In the end that wasn't a justifiable excuse to carry on forcing myself to eat that steaming pile of scat coated with pee one calls a decent book. Thank god I downloaded it. Crap like this deservse to be torrented to the max.
lol well you said you couldn't sleep so that barrs out my two cents But try listening to some soothing music that helps you sleep, maybe. Helps me at any rate.
Oh hohohoho! Dead on, playa :^D
Man, Space Jam is one of my favorite childhood movies <3
Roxas would actually make the better one because he's blond. But anyway, I picked Riku because he's more fit.
...but, that really is quite the ****** poll. Nevermind the fact it only features FFVII characters. In the end though, it doesn't really matter - they'll all be watered down to a soggy, one-note castrated cardboard cutout like the rest of the flock that has been added. Except for the God that is Leon, of course. C: uuuh what?
you prolly dun remember me but i remember you and thats all that really matters, you lady killer
Taking the release date with a grain of salt.
I SLEEP. adasf