i am so confused. what the hell did i just read?
You should look up their other stuff, especially from their album "Maiden Voyage". I've been on an Alice in Videoland high for months now, why do...
oh god not again khv, i beg please. i can't be welcomed with database errors, that's just mean. i think i might cry But isn't that love for the...
(holy sh!t, khv server is trippin' /^:<) MAKE THAT SPICY PRE-PUBESCENT SHOTA ***, OHOHO. YOU ARE TOO GOOD FOR ME WOMAN~ baaah I've been ok,...
BL DRAMAS. eeerrr no, what! I MEAN. Alice in Videoland has been my latest dose of cocaine. It's super catchy and crash, usually I hate stuff like this but oddly enough i bloody love these guys <33333asdfasdfas
She's slowly dying inside, dyyyyying insiiiiiiiide~~ Quick, my remedy!! QUICK!!
<_______________<.... @ profile background. i can't see what i'm doing... well at least it's not lime yellow or a ridiculous mix of yellow and...
....AUGH, WTF BACKGROUND. BLIND! GONE BLIND! YOU OWE ME NEW EYES. Now I forget wth I was doing here in the first place. Oh yeah, ava....
i...dunno. dying? |X
I prefer Haribos, personally. The berries one.
No no, you werne't drunk. That was just God taking a rather heavy leak.
This definately looks and sounds good. And the character designs don't look all that bad, compared to SO anyway. YEAH!!! RIGHHT!!!!! I'm still wondering where the hell the PS3 version of TLR is.
I personally don't hate him. Yeah he's pretty one-dimensional and goes through practically zero character development but nevertheless, his character in itself is cute and likeable. Though I guess I can see how his happy-go-****** attitude can eventually drive a few batshit insane.
So I'm assuming this applies for the newer models, too?
Sure still do. I love my PSX games. Though can any PS3 owner answer this question? I'm not sure where exactly I read that all PS3s play PSX games, but I'd like to know the validity of this statement.
I remember I once fell asleep when fighting Bizarro Sephiroth. It was like, 4 in the morning and I dozzed off for some moment, woke up again to actually find my party still hanging there. I must have snoozed for a good 10 minutes though. what was I doing wrong
Yeah, I usually did it in TWTNW and Beast's Castle. Mostly in Beast's Castle because I really enjoyed the music there.
Well then I look very much forward to her arrival.
Oh yeah, I'd definately follow it. Blitzball is the only reason I ever load up my FFX disc >_>