Not nearly enough. Now why don't you do something about that.
I think this farore is pretty damn fugly and also a total fruit
No we don't.
So is the OP.
urgh, that is jsut disgusting rape it through the eyes and mouth with a powerdrill at fullspeed. then let it bleed to death.
if either of them really were yaoi then they'd be kinda against the tos
They changed Tina to Terra because Tina sounded too commonplace I believe. Butz was rightfully changed to Bartz because seriously, Butz? Butts? That's just cruel for an official name., I'm suddenly reminded. In my first playthrough of FFV, I named Bartz "my ass". Little did I know how accurate that actually was to his real name.
*glomps back* D; I missed you too. You and your utter batsh!t insane crackiness <333
holysh!t!! it's Foxie! :^D
guuuuuuuurasdadfsss don't remind me. hoshit too late - rage rekindling! I wish we got those rainbow usernames to work, we would have looked like...
Now now! Let's not live in denial!
How could I forget these guys and their new album, INVADERS MUST DIE - The Prodigy Omen Thunder Take me to the Hospital
Yeah "bad boy"'s way sexy. KISS ME KICK ME ANYWAY YOU WANT ME - oh wait, I have to wait until November to literally do all that to you? ): That's...
But Cloud always looks like a girl. U:
Flash myself.
atm it's alright thankfully, but yeah I can imagine how annoying it must be. oh good! Very good. Saved me the effort of having to muster up a...
aargh you mean they're back? sdaffdas why can't they just stay dead, christ on a bike Wow, I never thought this but I should really try to kill...
uuuh congrats?
i liked the idea of a chippendale show better tbh
Well well done. /: I didn't even get to verify if my mad guessing skills proved themselves right by thinking it was Jay Chou.