Obama has a big penis. I might steal that swagga, using the heart emote as a punctuation mark.
Geez moments like these make me wonder why LF ain't staff yet.
TUUUUUUTSIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEE-ROOLLLLLLLLLLLLLL I prefer the type when you drop me yaoi-candy, you know what I'm saying huh?HUH?HUH?!? ;DDDD
Like it how there's not sh!tstorm here, at least. To me this is probably a pretty high signal of us seeing MGS4 on the 360, especially since, like stated, that Konami has been rolling in the multi-plat wagon for their other titles. And it'll be FF13 all over again.
My Satanic Wheelz are busted, atm ;__; But I bring Hellos back at ye nevertheless! And lots of cuddles and huggles and wuffles and tuggles and...
Didn't they specifically change his name to Bartz for the very reason of it being the pit of all the ass jokes? If Dissidia goes overseas they really can't keep Butz, at any rate.
"Totally result of Zexion & Aqua" NOMURA LIKES HIS CHARACTER-MATING, THAT HE DOES! Yup, this is pretty good, but to expand on the top image and her expression - her facial features don't seem to be placed/handled correctly - which is probably why it doesn't look as convincing as the other sketches. Either her face is to wide (along with the eyes being to spaced out) or something else I can't pinpoint.
I personally think their music sucks gonads, not really in my taste tbh. I'll go back to my heavy drum n bass now >_>;
SEPHIROTH. In all his fabulous shiny glory.