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  1. Forever Love
    "Sure," Kairi replied, her gentle smile remaining on her face at the offer. Of course, she would like to go downstairs as well; she didn't want to stay in bed all day, even though she had done pretty much just that.
    Post by: Forever Love, Aug 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Forever Love
  3. Forever Love
    Kairi's smile grew somewhat at the words, the girl getting hungier at the thought. "Sounds good," she said softly. She'd slept for a while, but she wasn't tired anymore. She would still relax just to make sure that she would be back to herself quickly, but first she wanted to eat.
    Post by: Forever Love, Aug 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Forever Love
    Profile Post

    Okie dokie. Bye!

    Okie dokie. Bye!
    Profile Post by Forever Love for P E A N U T, Aug 6, 2010
  5. Forever Love
    Kairi let her eyes connect with Sora's. "I'm pretty hungry. What all do I have in my fridge?" she said, smiling a little as she teased him at the same time. She was glad for the change of topic, not wanting to think negatively right now.
    Post by: Forever Love, Aug 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Forever Love
    Kairi ran her hand through Sora's spikes one more time before letting her hand come down to her mattress. She glanced at Sora, wishing that there was something she could do. But recovering from Smith was hard, and he'd said some things she would rather not think about. But were they true?
    Post by: Forever Love, Aug 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Forever Love
    Profile Post

    Ah, I see. xD

    Ah, I see. xD
    Profile Post by Forever Love for P E A N U T, Aug 6, 2010
  8. Forever Love
    "Okay," Kairi said reluctantly. If Sora insisted on it, maybe she didn't have any reason to worry. Of course, she knew that was wrong. She cared too deeply for Sora not to care. That's the way it'd always been.
    Post by: Forever Love, Aug 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Forever Love
  10. Forever Love
    Kairi heard Sora's words, but she wasn't sure to believe them. As strong as Sora was, she knew he must have been hurting. After all, the battle was brutal. Smith had been pretty rough with all of the boys. At the memory of what happened to Sora, Kairi lifted her eyes to her hand, running it through his spikes again. That had been a horrible sight to see, and she didn't really want to think about it.
    Post by: Forever Love, Aug 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Forever Love
    Profile Post

    I'm starving. x3

    I'm starving. x3
    Profile Post by Forever Love for P E A N U T, Aug 6, 2010
  12. Forever Love
    Kairi noticed Sora's expression and smiled a little, not meaning to confuse him. "Your injuries," she said softly, referring to what she meant when she asked the question.
    Post by: Forever Love, Aug 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Forever Love
    It's amazing. :3

    Help I'm Alive - Metric
    Post by: Forever Love, Aug 6, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  14. Forever Love
    Profile Post

    Well..... xD

    Well..... xD
    Profile Post by Forever Love for P E A N U T, Aug 6, 2010
  15. Forever Love
    Kairi nodded slightly, the side of her face rubbing against the pillow a little. She let her hand run through Sora's spikes as she asked her next question. "How about you?" she asked, remembering his injuries and such.
    Post by: Forever Love, Aug 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Forever Love
    Cut - Plumb
    Post by: Forever Love, Aug 6, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  17. Forever Love
    Profile Post

    Ah, that's right. xD

    Ah, that's right. xD
    Profile Post by Forever Love for P E A N U T, Aug 6, 2010
  18. Forever Love
    Kairi felt Sora's gaze on her, but she kept her eyes on his hair as she thought over the answer to the question. Her dream was...magical, in a way, but it held significance. Her heart no longer felt like something empty and off was invading it, which caused her small smile to grow a little more. "Better," she finally answered, looking down at Sora's eyes.
    Post by: Forever Love, Aug 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Forever Love
  20. Forever Love
    Kairi let her eyes linger on Sora's ocean-blue before going up to his hair, watching her fingers play with his spikes. That weird feeling from ealier... It seemed to disappear now, and she was glad for that, even if she didn't know what triggered it in the first place.
    Post by: Forever Love, Aug 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home