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  1. Forever Love
    A few minutes passed, and all Kairi heard was the TV. But when she turned her head to look at the boy sitting beside her, she saw his chest rising and falling, his eyes closed. She knew instantly that Sora had fallen asleep, and she smiled a little at the realization. Even if he didn't want to, he would be better once he woke up. At least, she hoped so.
    Post by: Forever Love, Aug 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Forever Love
    Profile Post

    Ah, that is true. =)

    Ah, that is true. =)
    Profile Post by Forever Love for P E A N U T, Aug 6, 2010
  3. Forever Love
    Don't think about that right now, Kairi told herself, tucking some of her red hair behind her ear. She just wanted the day to end, since it was shaky. She wanted a fresh start to a new day, where she could start it of positively and not with uncertainty, much like today.
    Post by: Forever Love, Aug 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Forever Love
  5. Forever Love
    Kairi wasn't sure what to think of some things at the moment. Yeah, she was relieved and happy that some of the biggest threats of their lives were conquered. But things today caused her to feel off; not only her exhaustion and weakness from the Realm of Darkness, but things with Sora as well. There was something different, something she couldn't put her finger on. It made Kairi feel a little uneasy, though she tried not to show it.
    Post by: Forever Love, Aug 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Forever Love
  7. Forever Love
    If Sora slept for over an hour, Kairi would call Riku. She was sure that Sora much have talked to him while she was asleep herself, so he probably knew what was going on. The girl lifted her gaze to look at Sora again, but then she looked to the TV, watching it without much interest.
    Post by: Forever Love, Aug 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Forever Love
    Profile Post

    Yuppers. =)

    Yuppers. =)
    Profile Post by Forever Love for P E A N U T, Aug 6, 2010
  9. Forever Love
    Kairi lowered her eyes to her lap, fiddling with her fingers. She hadn't meant for Sora to get so sleepy; she had simply given him the pills to help take the pain away. Drowsiness was just a side-effect she had forgotten about. By the looks of things, Sora wasn't leaving for a while. Kairi knew Riku was still at his house, and she was tempted to call him so he wouldn't be by himself for too much longer.
    Post by: Forever Love, Aug 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Forever Love
  11. Forever Love
    Kairi nibbled on her bottom lip, remembering her suspicions from just a few minutes ago. So, he didn't want to go to sleep... She wasn't sure why; it would help him in the long run, just like it helped her. Right?
    Post by: Forever Love, Aug 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Forever Love
    Haha. xD That's okie. :3
    Profile Post by Forever Love for P E A N U T, Aug 6, 2010
  13. Forever Love
    "...You wanna lie down?" Kairi asked softly, her smile fading away. Yeah, Sora was going to fall asleep on her soon, and she wanted him to be comfortable. Of course, that was up to him as to what he wanted to do.
    Post by: Forever Love, Aug 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Forever Love
    Profile Post

    Wait...which one? xD

    Wait...which one? xD
    Profile Post by Forever Love for P E A N U T, Aug 6, 2010
  15. Forever Love
    Kairi's smile remained at the news. "Good," she replied softly. She could tell that Sora was already dozing off, and she was about to ask if he would like to lie down. But then she hesitated, not sure if she understood one thing. Did Sora even want to sleep?
    Post by: Forever Love, Aug 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Forever Love
  17. Forever Love
    "Are you feeling a little better?" Kairi asked, tilting her head a little. If he was feeling the side-effects from the medicine, then certainly his pain was temporarily taken care of.
    Post by: Forever Love, Aug 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Forever Love
  19. Forever Love
    Kairi felt her eyes soften at the words and the look on Sora's face, the girl smiling slightly. "Yes," she answered gently, seeing that he certainly looked drowsy. But was that a good or bad thing in Sora's eyes?
    Post by: Forever Love, Aug 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Forever Love