hiya zeo wasup.......dude is there like a magic spell or something coz today my best friend was being all nice to me after what I said to you...
coz eathier way if i go to the game room its the same I cant stay in the class reading coz no teachers and all
btw thanks for listening to my stupid talk its really stupid isnt it heheh ^^''''
no she is not waiting I have being watching her moments and I noticed she ditched me as a best friend coz she is now always and I mean always with...
I did and that dude is just full of bullshi** desu he is lucky that is CANADA's school or else I would have beaten him up!!urg i swear I hate my...
hiya sonic wasup?
nm but doing stupid homework and Im very very dark today I didnt really play with anyone today and sat on the swing alone and that idiot cam just...
yo zeo! wasup?
lol got you have good dreams
going off bye bye suzumiya Haruhi off and collecting xD -jumps into time- seeya!
night night zeo have good nightmares >D
since im annoyed I make you have nightmares! >> First Song (Nightmare) Toue Rei Zue Kuroa Ryuo Toue Zue Pronounced: "Tway Ray Zway Kro Ryo Tway Zway"
what?I didnt hear anything...-annoyed glare- risk level of another thing going boom! low l-------------l--l high
annoyed haruhi then suddenly a island explodes besides ours
too bad you cant >D but Haruhi annoyed coz Haruhi didnt get to finish the game coz sonic was being weak >:@
Haruhi-chan's secret hahah xD damn sonic is gone again >:@ and he is powerplaying
-.-''' again? -picks zeo up slaps him til he comes back to life-
hey nm you?
[IMG] hahahah oh really? -adds power plus to shiva-the ice continues to freez sonic- btw shiva is also only using 1% of her power
shiva:doesnt get hit -ice storm freezs sonic- *note:shiva a gf = a summon an very powerful one so ya