Julia-san they are done check them out at my albums called tales of series
hahahaha I see I got lots of homework to do but me lazy
goood and youuuuu?im making a sig for Julia-san rite now
hi sonic-san^^
hhahahaha first one done I will try my best on one with lighting and noctis in it since my sis is being a meanie and wont give me photoshop
my best friend finally didnt ignored me and chose me as a partners to day and she was sitting by my desk
hihi Julia-san wasup?Im working on your sig now just like zeo I will make three and you can choose which is your favorite :)
zeo......ya fingers must be magic........me really happy nao!
~bye bye mina san mada ashita desu yo Haruhi-chan out of time x3 -disappears into time-~
bye sonic!
hahah lol maybe I got to make Julia-san's sig next x3 well that will happen tomorrow anyway gtg bed time seeya tomorrow onii-san
approved!xD you will see it soon but not tonight coz I got to go to bed^^ see ya Julia-san oyasumi desu
ok I was shocked when you said one year coz we will miss you come back soon :D
lying cakes no good D: okey dokey onii-san
ok how about FFXIII or versus?
dont know -shakes head- me be gone in a few more mins k onii-san
sisisi!where are you!
yesss I will Julia-san^^what do you want?
yes onii-san >D BISCUITS!yay xD
mew mew dont leave >.< wha cha gonna do bout Julia your gf and zeo ?