oh yea >:D im not good rite now and the moment I get photoshop you can bet im upgrading the sigs and avvys
oh yay thankies! -eats giant hamburger-goodnight
hey thanks! -takes cookie nibble-want a hamburger?-hands hamburger to you-
hey sonic!nm you? well bout to go to bed
hahaha which one the one that says "morining recca-niichan?" or the bottom one and yea from manga made into a sig by me though cute rite :D
hahahahaha yea craziness for both haruhi and tear are now boom gone and now its Kaoru-kun! and hahaha se told ya i WAS crazy for kaoru my imeem...
good nii-san btw im crazy for kaoru Koganei rite now check my imeem web and my yt web and my sigs and you will know what im talking bout xD...
10/10 oooooooo 10/10 cutie!
oh...hahahahah nah dont worry I seen worse^^hope you are ok btw
huh?what are you apologizing for?
O_O ouch thats looks painful........
uh sure...
the one on the cover?
O_O um ok? reading manga again!xD
hiiiiii Ollie wasup?
reading flames of recca it got to a good part the final showdown yay!
hahah i like it too im fine you?
awesome! sonic
hahah I know coz I used to have my sig avvy and profile pictures has suzumiya haruhi