yep xD Aruka came over of course
hahahahh cool yep i do xD ma BF Aruka
valnetine?do you have a date or something?
hahah yea nm you?
Avvy:10/10 sig1:9/10 sig2:awesome10/10
thanks^^-takes cookie-gives you cake-well sorry bud but I have to go see ya later
hi nm you?just shaping up my profile
lol btw why does my post count look as if its dropping?
hahahahahhahaha fishs inthe hole
avvy:9/10 a bit on the burry side but still cool siggys:#1 10/10 lucky star! #2 10/10 roxas lucky star^^
hi im fine and you?
hahah i see to tell you the truth it would be useless to ask me I havent being on much nor have i gotten that use to here
i see but what were you going to ask?
-_-''' AH rite...... but i need ppl to join first so cant add too much xD
hahahahah xD draws a hole under zeo then runs for my dear life ^^
hey nm you and what?
hahah xD dodges and throws sharp icicles at zeo-then runs onto a frozen lake-
oh ok lol -runs for my dear life and then cuts pie and throws pizza-
Add what?and yea he is xD -throws pie at you-and then runs away-lol xD