Search Results

  1. Feenie
    And so it begins, anew.

    The Winners

    Winner of The Orginal: Spunk Ransom (before hack) Chev (after hack)

    Winner of the sequel: Kellyjelly

    Winner of the trequel: ... freaking Kelly *shakes fist*

    Winner of the quadquel(lolwut): Phantasmagoric(GS)

    Winner of the quinquel: finalform32

    Winner of the one after the quinquel (lol, funny word):[I][B] [I]Ienzo (Chris as runner up)

    [B][B][B]Winner of the septquel: [/B][/B][/B][I][I][B][I][B][I][B][I][B][I][B][I][B]burnitup [SIZE=1]sabby[/SIZE]

    [/B][/I][/B][/I][/B][/I][B][B][B][B][B][B][B]Winner of whatever one the last one was:[/B][/B][/B][I][I][B][I][B][I][B][I][B][I][B][I][B][B] [I]Daxa [SIZE=1]who won for Kelly and DT~

    [/SIZE][/I][/B][/B][/I][/B][/I][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][SIZE=1][SIZE=2]Winner of kyuquel:[/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][/B][/B][I][I][B][I][B][I][B][I][B][I][B][I][B][B][I][SIZE=1][SIZE=2] Amaury (Not Feenie, before I get flamed for posting the thread)
    [/SIZE][/I][/B][/B][/I][/B][/I][SIZE=3][U][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B]Have an EDITED (08.08.11) song:[/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/U][/SIZE][I][I][I][B][I][I][B][I][B][B][I][I][B][I][B][I][B][B][B][I][I][B][I][B][I][B][B][B][B][B][I][I][B][I][B][I][B][I][B][B][B][B][B][I][I][B][I][B][I][B][I][B]
    [spoiler]Welcome to LP2P, welcome to the madness,
    Prepare to be lost in pure sweet randomness.
    This is the place to be, doesn’t take much to see,
    So come on, you’d better be ready,
    Because it’s about to blast off.

    OBJECTIONS flying round the place,
    Feenie’s here and on the case,
    Better not lie or try to run,
    Or his PW army will join the fun.

    Enzy’s there, light as a feather.
    She the one who holds us all together,
    Her presence makes the whole place glow,
    Get ready everybody, let’s go, go, go!

    MS is grinning like a Cheshire cat,
    Dancing around to who knows what,
    Her fairie magic’ll kick some ass,
    So don’t mess with this little lass.

    Then there’s ff, here to party,
    Ready with a hug, oh so hearty,
    He's our resident Xbox expert,
    Be careful now, don't get hurt.

    Burning motorbikes, probably with spikes,
    Grand entrances and future hikes,
    That’s our BiU for you,
    Always ready with something epic to do.

    Belgian waffles, goes the shout,
    Someone’s let our Machi out,
    With an extra dose of random,
    He’ll add to our mad tandem.

    Risk is in the house today,
    Witty and clever, ready to play,
    Desu weapon at the ready,
    Guess his mood, it’s never steady.

    Kelly’s causing a storm again,
    Dagger in hand stabbing all the men,
    With that dangerous glint in her eye,
    Better beware or she’ll blow you sky high.

    Chris is up to his usual tricks,
    Flirting, not caring who he picks,
    Teasing, making the whole place smile,
    This devil’s got some real style.

    That’s the team, that’s what we do,
    Always random, always new,
    Battling Dahlia or making stew?
    We’ll show you how it’s really done,
    So come on now and join the fun![/spoiler]
    [COLOR=#4E4E4E][FONT=Trebuchet MS]For anyone unfamiliar with the faces you might stumble upon here at LPTP, there has been a [/FONT][/COLOR][SIZE=3][U]character description[/U][/SIZE][COLOR=#4E4E4E][FONT=Trebuchet MS] made by our beloved [/FONT][/COLOR][B]Midnight Star! Click the spoiler to see it.

    [/B][spoiler]Once upon a time in a strange unfamiliar land there was a small group of people, a mismatched lot by all means but this group together could do anything. Each of them was unique and brought something different to the team.The group has grown and evolved over time, new people have joined and others have left though still pop back every so often. This is the main LP2P from all of the threads, you are likely to find a selection of these currently active. Let me introduce you.

    First we have Chris, self-proclaimed leader of the group though there is some debate about that. He’s got no shortage of confidence and has such a style and elegance around him that gains him respect. He always appears to know what he’s doing. He fights with that same elegance and that simple smile, his twin blades a blur.

    Next is Enzy, the heart and soul of the group. Never without a smile upon her face, she holds the group together. Her bright outlook is like a ray of sunshine in the dark days they face. With her calm resolve, she often solves the party’s disputes sensibly, though still enjoys a good laugh. She does not fight, she’s the group’s healer and second in command.

    FF is ruled by his heart, his passion as strong as an erupting volcano. He cares deeply about his friends and will protect them fiercely, no matter the cost to himself. He will fight for what he believes in and will never give in. He wields a large broad sword with the all courage of a lion, never running from his fight.

    Feenie is the one who can make light of any situation and bring a laugh to the group when it is most needed. He can support anyone and is always dependable; he will never break his word or let you down. He is smarter than he sometimes lets on and can fight strongly too. He always has a cheeky grin and fights with a great showmanship, using his bo staff to great effect. Don’t underestimate this joker.

    Kelly is ice cool; she is perhaps the darkest of the group and sees things for what they are. She does not mess around with the frills and doesn’t fool herself. She takes it all in her stride, and nothing appears to phase her. She enjoys the darker side of things and can find efficient solutions, facing straight up to the hard truths of life. Her tongue is as sharp as her daggers that never leave her sight; this is one girl you do not want to mess with.

    Then you’ve got Midnight, the little girl of the group. She loves to have fun, go hyper and mess around but there’s more to her than meets the eye. When she wants to be she’s a force to be reckoned with, she can be clever and is always there to help when need be. She’s a mini scientist, with a host of chemicals up her sleeves, ready to make an explosion. Then when she’s got her bow, be afraid, she’s an expert archer and this little girl can kick ass with an innocent smile on her face.

    Risk is always ready for action, he is quiet but his actions speak louder than words. His mind always thinking ahead, and his mood is as unpredictable as weather. You never know what you’ll get but it’s guaranteed to be interesting. His fighting style changes with his mood so he chooses to go without a weapon. This makes him no weaker as he fights with his hands using his skills in multiple martial arts.

    Yet another character in the group is Machazo, and there is never a quiet moment when he’s around. He always seems to have a glint in his eye like he’s up to some mischief, but what that mischief is remains a mystery. He loves to tease others and has an obsession with Belgian waffles. His weapon, a frying pan, is somewhat unconventional but before you dismiss it, it is surprisingly effective. His enemies soon learn this when boiling hot waffle mixture burns their face off before they get knocked out with a frying pan to the head.

    Another often found with the group is Teddy, who brings along a little good old-fashioned innocence. In an ever-harsher world, this brings a breath of fresh air. Despite his innocence, he is not so vulnerable as he is able to utilise a multiple of little contraptions and traps to protect himself and help the group.

    It is not uncommon for Makaze to appear out of nowhere and make his presence known. This controversial guy can debate like a true master, winning virtually any argument he chooses to. This also has the side affect of being incredibly infuriating and can make a sane person pull their hair out in frustration. Despite this being a strong weapon in itself, he also fights with poisoned knife.

    Cat, our time travel expert, she knows everything there is to know about time travel and inter dimensional stuff. She is always fun to be around and also noticeably has a thing for older men (one in particular). Her weapon, if you could call it that, is a sonic screwdriver and is most useful with technology or robotic enemies. She’s got a mean high kick too should they not be made of metal.

    Now as you can see, the group is mismatched and as odd as can be but if you combine all these people and skills, you get a formula not to be sniffed at. You get a team, ready to take on the world and who are just about capable of anything.[/spoiler]
    [/B][/I][/B][/I][/B][/I][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][B][U][SIZE=5]NEW RULES[/SIZE]
    [/U][SIZE=1]lolwat this place has rules?[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=2]Due to a recent argument that was held in the previous thread (My fault, mostly) it has been decided that certain rules should be implemented in order to make these threads much fairer in regards to newer members.[/SIZE]
    ♦ If you are new to these threads and wish to partake, please be sure to do so BEFORE the thread reaches (2500*) posts. This will ensure that no one can randomly stumble in whilst the thread is almost or ready to be locked just to achieve victory. This is very unfair on those who have put the time and effort into posting here, as not only have their efforts been squandered by such a person, but they are cheated a possible victory they might have deserved.

    If you are caught disregarding this rule, then I shall have a little word with you.

    ♦ Also, please be mindful of people having serious discussions in here. You are allowed to have fun, but be aware that we have evolved from just a toddler's playground.
    More may be added at a later date, if we see the need to do so.

    Thread by: Feenie, Jun 26, 2012, 5,005 replies, in forum: The Playground
  2. Feenie

    Good God...


    WHY?! :why?:
    Thread by: Feenie, Jun 25, 2012, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Feenie
    ...How am I supposed to feel about this?
    Thread by: Feenie, Jun 2, 2012, 20 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Feenie
    I expected the main characters to be hardcore gangsters.
    What I get are a bunch of whiny kids with real world problems.
    Thread by: Feenie, May 27, 2012, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Feenie
    ...Did I really just watch a kids's show?!
    Seriously, how did they ever manage to get away with that rating? Those last 10 episodes are freaking dark :/
    Thread by: Feenie, May 19, 2012, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Feenie
    [Doh hoh, my sense of humour is simply marvelous.]

    This was a short story I did for an English Exam. I have been meaning to type it up for a while but never managed to get around to actually doing it. Anyway, here it is now. Finished and all.

    It is slightly based off of some of the stories from here in the way of setting and such, but other than that it is my own work. I of course do not own the characters (I mean, c'mon. That would just be creepy.)

    And if you really can't figure out who the main characters are by the title, then I frown upon thee.
    Anyway, enjoy! ​

    What Makes the Cookie Crumble

    “C’mon! There has to be something this time!†Her hands fumbled around in the darkness, desperately trying to grip on to something. Just one thing, one thing she wanted –no, needed to be waiting for her.

    “…Nothing…†She exclaimed with a small sigh, withdrawing her petit hands from the letter box, disappointment evident in her tone. “W-Why? Why don’t I ever get one…?†the girl stuttered, crumbling down onto a nearby couch.

    Crumbling. She had always liked that word. She had always wanted to know what it would feel like to physically crumble into tiny little pieces. It certainly felt as though she was coming close to it, but something seemed to be missing. Something she couldn’t quite place.

    Sighing in dismay, she glanced over at a nearby calendar, which hung loosely from the wall. It was Valentine’s Day at school, and as always the mail room was buzzing with life. There was no end to the shouting, jeering and squealing that bounced around the room with such joviality every year. Of course, this year was no different. This year was exactly the same. This year, Judy still hadn’t received a card, not one. The whole ordeal made her stomach twist in a knot, every-single-time.

    Suddenly, she felt a delicate hand drop onto her shoulder, and turned her head around to meet her friend, Saxima, or rather…well, she didn’t actually know. Saxima was just an alias she went by, as did all the students, her true name unknown to most.

    “Hello, Cookiie!†She grinned, calling the girl by her own alias, flashing a smile of pure radiance, her fluffy pink hair falling over her eyes as she did so.

    “Hey…Sax...†Judy replied quietly, watching in slight amusement as her friend attempted to sort her hair, “Get any cards?â€

    Saxima frowned slightly at the question, “No…not this time, how about you?†Judy raised an eyebrow in response, as if to say “Are you kidding?â€

    Realising her meaning, Saxima sighed slightly, removing her hand from Judy’s shoulder, “That’s too bad, this is the third year in a row isn’t it?â€

    The girl gave a sullen nod, clasping her hands together gently, “I just don’t understand it. Every time, one never comes to me, but everyone else gets one without fail. Heck, even that Amaury kid got one!†She motioned towards a short kid, who seemed to be chasing after an older girl – Clad in light blue. An administrative prefect, no doubt – like a faithful dog, “He’s such a dork…â€

    Saxima went bright red at this statement and muttered something under hear breath, her voice rising in volume with every word, “—I mean, maybe he’s a really nice guy an-“

    “You okay?†Judy interrupted, a ghost of a smile appearing on her lips as she noticed her friend’s face had morphed into some kind of tomato.

    “Ahahaha, y-yeah of course…†The girl stammered quickly before hurrying off, leaving an amused Judy to sit and giggle at the scene.

    An hour had passed since then, and Judy found herself sitting alone in an almost empty lunchroom, moping once again. Her laughter had subsided quickly after Saxima left, though she wished it hadn’t. Along with it went her temporary happiness, and now she was back to square one. However, it wasn’t the lack of a Valentine’s card that had brought her down this time.

    Sighing, she looked up at the table opposite her, drilling holes into the boy who sat there with her glossy black eyes. He appeared to be studying something, watching it with such intensity, as if he thought it might run away from him the moment he let up.

    “Why…isn’t he looking at me?†she pouted slightly, her eyes filled with sadness. She knew he liked her, it was painfully obvious. Usually he would sit around, drooling like an idiot whenever she was nearby. She thought the dumbfounded look on his face was rather cute, and the shade of pink his cheeks turned when he saw her…oh it was precious.

    But today seemed to be different. Today, he wasn’t drooling all over her.

    Today, it was like she didn’t even exist.

    Slowly, she got up out of her seat and began walking towards him, her palms sweaty with anxiety. She had to find out what he reading. She had to find out what was keeping him from acting like his usual, silly self.

    She had to find out, what had made her seem so expendable.

    And as she neared, closing the distance with every tiny, little baby step, tears began to cloud her eyes.

    And as she got closer still, she could feel her heart stop in its place.

    And as she arrived at the edge of the table, she could feel a cry of anguish force itself out of her throat, threatening to tear it to shreds if she tried to stop.

    The boy looked up, alarmed at the sudden noise. His eyes fell on the girl, and he spoke softly to her, as if concerned, yet his eyes seemed…distant. “Judy? What’s the matter?â€

    But she never heard it. She was already off, flying down the corridor outside of the lunchroom with great speed, unable to clear her mind of what she had seen on the letter the boy was reading.
    “With love, Akemi.â€

    Nor could she shake off his reply.
    “With love, Ashwin.â€

    And at that moment, as she glared at those two images which hung stubbornly inside her mind, she no longer had to imagine what it felt like to crumble.

    Because that’s what cookies do.

    They crumble.

    Thread by: Feenie, May 18, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: Archives
  7. Feenie
    [Ugh gosh, I can't believe I'm actually doing one of these.]
    This fic will end up containing spoilers for Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky. I recommend playing the games beforehand if you care for such things.

    So, after exploring the wonderful world of fanfiction for hours over the course of 5 days, I finally decided that I would try my hand at my own. I warn you that when I get round to writing stories, I tend to go ridiculously overboard sometimes with the length of mostly any aspect of it. This opening chapter, I feel, has taken me a bit too long to do, and in all honesty I'm not hugely pleased with it.

    Anyway, enough with the self-criticism. On with the story.
    Note: This is a prequel to the in-game story.

    Chapter 1 - Prologue

    They ran through the trees with great speed, crashing through brambles and branches alike as if they simply did not exist. The pain was nothing. They had experienced worse in their travels. It felt as if they were merely being tickled by small blades of grass, despite the damage they could see clearly forming on their arms, and on one’s case, its clothes.

    It was an odd duo, really. A human and a Pokémon. Not usually unheard of, but given the current predicament of the world, it was a rare sight indeed. One might think it was impossible. Humans were very uncommon in this area of the world, and this was before things had gone completely haywire, more than 100 years ago. Nowadays the idea of their existence in this land was utterly baffling. It was a mystery, to be sure, as to how this particular human had found its way here. The human itself was unsure of how it happened.

    But here he was, running for his life along with his trusted Pokémon friend. His best friend.

    The human turned to his partner, fatigue plastered all over his face. They had been running for a good 30 minutes now, with a pathetic excuse for a rest somewhere in-between. Lungs on fire, he panted, “Almost there, right?”

    The Pokémon turned, giving the human is usual, unfathomable look, and nodded solemnly. Speech was unnecessary for him at this moment. He found that running and talking simultaneously proved to be more trouble than it was worth, and so remained silent.

    A small smile crept over the human’s face. Whether it was from triumph or relief, the Pokémon couldn’t say, however he found himself returning the smile, as he always did. That was one thing about the human; he could always bring a smile to your face, regardless of how serious the situation was. And he could say with great confidence that this situation was as serious as they came.

    Malicious laughter from behind them snapped the pair back to the matter at hand. They had to hurry. Time – or lack thereof – was of the essence, and it was crucial that they used every passing second of it to reach their goal. The stakes, they knew, were far too high. They couldn’t afford to lose focus.

    “Let’s pick up the pace.”

    Finally, after another 10 minutes of non-stop running, their goal came into sight.

    They had broken out into a rather large clearing. It was mostly empty, save a few leaves scattered around the perimeter, and of course…one other thing.

    In the centre, sat a small blue ball, crackling lightly with a mystical energy, which was unlike anything the pair had ever seen. The ball itself gave off a quaint glow, illuminating the surrounding area with an equally as mystical, pale blue light.

    The duo’s eyes were transfixed to the sight, mouths hanging open in wonder and awe at its sheer beauty. Light like this wasn’t normally viewable in this dark, dismal land. This in itself strengthened the pair’s resolve further. They had to do this.

    “It’s…beautiful…” The human breathed softly after regaining some air in his lungs. He could feel his raging heart rate slowing, calming at the tranquil light that surrounded him.

    “Indeed it is.” The Pokémon nodded in agreement with his friend, tearing his gaze away from the light to meet his partner’s eyes. “We can’t afford to fail here. We must succeed.”

    The human nodded, a smile once again forming on his lips, “Right. We have to…for the future. We have to…share this beautiful-“

    “My my! Beautiful? Your words flatter me so, boy.” A deep voice interrupted the human from the shadows, followed up by a bone chilling laugh. “Trying to butter me up before the inevitable, I see?”

    The pair tensed. They knew that voice. They knew it very well.

    The same laughter boomed around them once more. “What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?”

    The boy glared into the darkness around them, clearly irritated by the interruption. He growled, “Show yourself, you coward!”

    This remark was answered by another one of those laughs, along with many others soon after. It was clear their enemies had caught up to them, despite the boost of speed the pair had pushed on themselves. Would these guys ever give up?

    “I’m afraid you’re going to regret ever saying that.” The voice spoke again, with a lack of its previous joviality. It was as cold as ice now.

    And then, before the boy could reply, half a dozen orbs of sizzling dark energy burst out from the shadows with great speed, aimed directly at him.

    Figures...” The boy muttered under his breath as the Shadow Balls flew towards him. They would aim for him, the more vulnerable of the two. He sighed nonchalantly as his partner leapt into action, the leafy blades on his arms glowing and extending as he swiped them through the oncoming attacks, three at a time.

    In an instant, the Shadow Balls had dissipated into thin air, having been sliced in half by the Leaf Blade, leaving the duo utterly unscathed. “You never did fight fairly, Dusknoir.” The boy’s partner scoffed, the leaves on his arms retracting to their original size.

    “Well, at least I fight as a warrior should. Focused and unwavering. Unlike you, who seems to only care about trivial matters.” The Pokémon named Dusknoir shot back, motioning to the boy with one of his large, grey arms as he came into full view.

    The boy raised an eyebrow at the ghost Pokémon, surveying him up and down as always as if he were expecting him to trail out of some kind of genie lamp. One look at his ‘tail’, which hovered just a bit off of the ground, would’ve made anyone do it, and the same held true for the boy, regardless of how many times he had encountered him.

    His eyes then moved up towards Dusknoir’s body, observing the odd, yellow markings on his stomach which appeared to bear resemblance to a mouth and two eyes. Something about that shape on his stomach unnerved him, as if it were holding back a great deal of power. He certainly hoped he wouldn’t be discovering whatever lay hidden there any time soon.

    And finally, he ascended his gaze once more to the ghost’s head, shivering at the sight of it. Where most creatures would have had two separate eye sockets, with their own individual eye balls, Dusknoir had but one socket, in which an ominous red pupil glared out from beneath. The mere appearance of this made the boy’s skin crawl all over, and not in a good way.

    The boy’s partner straightened, turning to face the ghost Pokémon in an offensive stance. His eyes alive with passion, “Maybe if you had some friends, you wouldn’t think of it that way.”

    The ghost chuckled darkly, the stomach on his mouth twisting into a slight grin. “I’m sure you already realise that I have many ‘friends’. Perhaps you just need a little reminder as to who they are.”

    The boy narrowed his eyes as Dusknoir finished speaking, tensing his muscles in preparation for what was about to come. He had been in enough skirmishes with this particular Pokémon to figure out how he played things. It was never pretty.

    As if on cue, six blurs of purple materialized out of the darkness around them, their wickedly sharp claws narrowly missing the pair by centimetres as they dodged the oncoming assault.

    “Damn Sableye!” The boy growled, jumping out of the way of another attack before retaliating with a heavy roundhouse kick to the face, sending one of the midnight purple Pokémon sprawling to the floor, the surrounding glow from the mysterious orb reflecting off of its diamond shaped eyes.

    Being mere underlings, they posed a minimal threat to the duo, who worked together like clockwork. In a heartbeat, they would be at the other’s side if necessary, protecting them from whatever dangers stood in their way, never thinking for a second about the risks. This had almost become their code of conduct. The trust between the two of them was an unbreakable, unwavering force.

    However, what the Sableye lacked in strength, they made up for in speed, and this showed greatly as one moved in on the boy’s leg, which was still left suspended in air from the kick, digging its claws deep into the it before he could pull it back, causing him to cry out in pain. Blood seeped through the wound onto the Sableye’s claws, but it merely laughed, enjoying the look of pain on the human’s face.

    And then, as fast as it had arrived, it was gone, already clambering its way up to the boy’s face to land a direct hit, its claws glowing an ominous purple as it prepared to attack. Unfortunately for it, it never saw the ball of green energy fly straight towards it, and was promptly thrown to the ground, knocked out on impact.

    They boy turned to his Pokémon partner, his features softening into a mix of gratitude and slight guilt, already his friend had saved his life twice in the span of three minutes, he would have to make sure to repay the favour somehow.

    A menacing chuckle sounded to his left, and instantly his features had hardened once more as he turned to face his remaining two adversaries, the adrenaline coursing through his veins nulling out the pain he felt moments ago.

    Two Sableye were down already, which left the pair four enemies to fight, two on either side, not including Dusknoir. Glaring their opponents down would get them nowhere; they had to end this quickly. Time was running out.

    The duo took their chance and lashed out, striking as one. Their blows landing direct hits on their enemies in perfect sync with each other, as if they had rehearsed this routine a thousand times beforehand. The boy putting his superior size and weight to good use as he pummelled into the Sableye with various kicks and punches, whilst his partner using his array of powerful grass type moves. They were most certainly a force to be reckoned with.

    The Sableye hit the ground almost instantly, clearly unable to withstand the combined strength of the pair, murmuring painfully as they tried to get back on their feet. “Stubborn as always,” The boy sighed, rolling his eyes. He had to commend them for their unwillingness to go down, whether it was from fear or sheer stupidity was beyond him, but he could tell that they had no intention of giving in.

    Dusknoir tapped his fingers impatiently, scowling as he watched the boy and his partner dispatch of his Sableye with ease. It didn’t come as much of a surprise to him; he had seen it happen countless times before, scarred by each and every failure the inadequacy of his subordinates had brought upon him.

    However, these particular Sableye were among the best of the best. The Elite. Yet they were still disposed of faster than a horrible Christmas present. Clearly he had underestimated the partners. He would have to deal with them himself.

    With a heavy sigh, he began to float towards the battlefield, paying no heed to his fallen ‘comrades’. His attention was fixed solely on his enemies.

    “I sincerely hope you two have been enjoying yourselves with your little playmates here.” He stated simply, feigning amusement. “But I’m afraid playtime’s over for now, children. Time for ‘bed’, hope you don’t mind it if you find yourselves not waking up.”

    The boy turned to face him, an almost amused grin appearing on his face. “You wouldn’t consider sending us off without story time, now would you?”

    “I wouldn’t dream of it.” The ghost replied, moving to cross his arms in a relaxed sort of manner.

    This movement on Dusknoir’s part caused the pair to tense up once more, preparing themselves for an attack. Their many encounters with him had forced them to expect something like this, but what came after was something they were completely unprepared for.

    Dusknoir, seeing his enemies’ reactions, grinned playfully.

    “So, who wishes to share first?”

    Thread by: Feenie, May 17, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  8. Feenie
    lolnope, I wish.

    uncoloured -

    coloured -
    I swear it looks better off camera.
    Got a bit bored. Was listening to Pokemon Music. This happened.

    Sorry for horrible quality, I may try to scan the coloured version tomorrow to see if comes out better.
    CnC if you wish.
    Thread by: Feenie, May 7, 2012, 1 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  9. Feenie
    [The day where I realise my soul is forever lost in the depths of space.
    The day where I realise my heart is lost in nothingness.
    The day where the meaning of the word 'life' means nothing to me.]

    Can you guess what day it is?
    Thread by: Feenie, May 5, 2012, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Feenie
    //does anyone else think I have a slightly worrying obsession with Magical Girls?//

    THIS is what you get when I want to make art with no inspiration.




    And an Avatar too


    Honestly not sure how I feel about these. I have this horrible nagging feeling in the back of my mind that they're missing something. What that something is I couldn't possibly say.

    CnC if you wish.

    and ugh, the quality was butchered AGAIN. I made sure to sharpen it all up and it looks really nice in Photoshop :<
    Thread by: Feenie, May 3, 2012, 5 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  11. Feenie

    Hey, Amaury.

    [Why you no reach Staff yet?]

    [Bite me B|]
    Thread by: Feenie, May 3, 2012, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Feenie
    Anyone here use it? I'm dying to play a Children's Card Game.
    I just don't want to play it with strangers. /lolselfconscious
    Thread by: Feenie, Apr 28, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Feenie
    [Here were her reactions -

    Jayn - "She's really good!"
    Maddie - "She's good!"
    Cookiie - "She's good!"
    Blayn - "He's good!"

    And then she just cringed at everyone else (including me). Sorry to say it but that's what she did ;~;

    And she also managed to mistake me for Blayn, Krowley, Fuzzy and Greater_Bloo.
    And she calls herself my mother :/

    This is why you don't introduce your parents to your social life.]
    Thread by: Feenie, Apr 27, 2012, 37 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Feenie
    Just curious.

    I only really started caring when people pointed it out to me. I suppose I was just enjoying the anime/cartoon so much that the voices barely made much of an impact on me.
    And that's when I took notice of 4Kids :/

    I wish I could go back to being like that.
    Thread by: Feenie, Apr 26, 2012, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Feenie
    You people somehow managed to get me hooked on the series.
    I finished Data Squad last week, and now I'm wondering how I should go about watching the rest of them.

    Should I be 1337 and continue to watch them in a backwards order? Or should I move down to Adventure 01 and go up from there?

    And if you're wondering, I kinda want to avoid Jar Jar Binks the Agumon in Season 1. His voice makes me want to strangle puppies.
    Thread by: Feenie, Apr 24, 2012, 23 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Feenie

    You're kellyjelly, it's your birthday, OH YEAH!
    Well kellyjelly you are 15, OH YEAH!

    Hey kellyjelly, what did you get? OH YEAH!
    Was it cyanide or a new chainsaw?

    OH YEAH!
    Thread by: Feenie, Apr 24, 2012, 20 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Feenie
    [They played this;

    I felt like screaming.]

    Is that a good thing, KHV?
    Thread by: Feenie, Apr 20, 2012, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Feenie
    [I wrote a shipping story about Wookiie in my English Exam today.]

    Thread by: Feenie, Apr 18, 2012, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Feenie
    These are the hideous children of my uncreative and bored mind.




    V4. [​IMG]

    Is it just me or do they look very empty?
    And there is that annoying colouration problem with the render when it gets to her hair, I have no idea what it is but it bugs me, a lot.

    Bleh. Nothing too special.
    Oh well, CnC if you wish.
    Thread by: Feenie, Apr 11, 2012, 9 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  20. Feenie
    [RP Characters:]
    [Rita - Female
    Rita - Female
    Rita - Female
    Rita - Female
    Rita - Female
    Maddison - Female
    Melody - Female
    Maya - Female
    Maddie - Female
    Estelle - Female
    Kanonno - Female
    Kairi - Female
    Dahlia - Female
    Iris - Female

    [Avatars used:]

    [Signatures used:]

    [Alter ego:]

    [Colour associated with me:]

    I think I might be starting to see why...]
    Thread by: Feenie, Apr 9, 2012, 24 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone