^is wrong about me singing <wants to dye her hair red v probably thinks I want to look like the female version of Axel (=/ ) and is wrong =P
Hahah, I could SO see Demyx and Roxas in the Timeless River level,...not too much Axel...I could also see Xigbar...and Marluxia with his cute pink hair....=DDD
Awesome chapter!!! =D I guess Nex might of been a bit dull to not notice the similarity between Xigbar and Braig.... Oh well I guess when we're attacking somebody we're not really wondering what they look like. It's so weird to be reading my name in this story! =D Everytime I see someone say Syd or Sydney I imagine myself being there or something, it's so weird! =P Keep it up! =D
Ugh, I didn't get to post sooner.... That was really nice. Your descriptions were flawless this time around. Your really able to create a strong mood in the story =D. Keep them up, I wanna read everything else you can throw out here! =DDD
Riku, hands down. Sora is a little optimistic little brat. He's always happy and always tries to be the hero. Riku on the other hand is a bit too emo for me, but he's ALOT better than Sora. Riku's more down to earth and know's where he stands, unlike Sora who thinks he's better than everyone else cause he was the first keyblade weilder out of all of his friends. Riku's also hotter and has better hair. Sora never says thank you. (When Axel exploded for him, did he says thanks? NOOOOO! When Ansem the Wise blew up Kingdom Hearts did he says thank you? NOOOOO!) BUT, I must admit, somewhere deep down inside of me, I really do like Sora. Riku's just better.
k...I don't want to sound like an idiot but how do you record you voice??? :p:D:( Do you need a special program on your computer or anything?
I like it alot, and I'll keep reading it. :D:D:D The only thing I have to say though, is that the descriptions are awesome. Almost too awesome. As I was reading some parts, I had to go back and re-read the sectance because there was so many great words crammed into one sentance. Sometimes, that can't be good, because as I was re-reading the once sentance, I completely forgot what the sentance before that one said, and I found myself having to re-read paragraphs. It happends alot when people are trying to try too hard. The part when you decribed Axel was perfect. The words you used were great, and you added just enough to give me a more than clear picture in my mind. Remember, you want to give desriptions, but just enough so that the reader can imagine by themselves, if that makes any sense at all. Keep it up! :p *I'm just giving my opinion and advice, I'm not flaming your story and I'm not saying you have to write like I say*
Chapter 9…getting towards the end here…CHAPTER 9 Chapter 9 Day 50 Roxas’s bedroom Why? He’s still out there. Why me? I’m still out there. “Roxas?” Roxas didn’t even bother to lift his head off of the pillow. He knew who’s voice that was. “Yeah?” Saix seemed taken aback. He wasn’t used to people not paying attention to him. “Xemnas wants to speak with you. He’s in the Dark Realm.” Roxas still didn’t move off of his spot. Saix remained in the doorway. “Now.” Saix spat at him. Roxas sighed annoyed and got off of his bed, rubbing the back of his head. Saix disappeared into a Corridor of Darkness. Roxas slid his sneakers on and opened a portal as well. He didn’t know exactly where Xemnas was, but he had a good idea. He pulled his hood over his head and walked into the corridor. As Roxas wandered through the darkness, making his way to his leader, he thought about everything that ever happened to him. Why does he have the keyblade? How did he really come to be? Why was he different then everyone else? Roxas finally reached his destination. He walked through the corridor and saw Xemnas in his hood, staring out into nothing. At the sound of Roxas’s corridor appearing and closing, Xemnas turned his cloaked head towards him. “You have arrived.” Xemnas’s voice always gave Roxas chills. It was empty and hollow. It suited him. Roxas walked over to stand next to him, facing him. What could he possibly want now? “I’ve been to see him.” Roxas stopped dead in his tracks. A flame flickered on inside of him. How dare he bring up Sora now… “He looks a lot like you.” That sent him over the edge. Why would he even think to bring up Sora to his face? Everyone in the castle knew that Roxas was always uneasy about the topic of Sora still being alive. Who does Xemnas think he is that he could just mess with his own thoughts and make him remember it all over again? “Who are you?” Roxas asked, disgusted. If the Superior answered Xemnas, Roxas was ready to turn around and leave… “I’m what’s left.” What’s that supposed to mean? What’s left of whom? “Or…maybe I’m all there ever was.” Roxas hated riddles. “I meant your name.” Roxas really wanted to find out who Xemnas really was. He wanted to know who his Other was, the Other that made him superior, better than everyone else. Xemnas paused for a bit. He looked forward into nothing again. Although Roxas couldn’t see his face, he sensed Xemnas scowl under his hood. “My name is of no importance.” He turned to face Roxas. “What about you?” He asked. Roxas bend his head down a little farther, praying for Xemnas to not finish the question… “Do you remember your true name?” Roxas’s hooded eyes looked down at his feet. Even though he despised his leader right now, he couldn’t disrespect him by not answering. “My true name…is…” He suddently remembered the paper Axel gave him, when Axel wrote down Roxas, and Roxas wrote Sora out of the letters in his name. He looked up at Xemnas, Xemnas’s orange eyes glowing in the darkness of his hood. They seemed to sparkle as they watched the pain Roxas was experiencing inside of him. “Sora.” Roxas was glad he finally was able to say and hear that name without cringing. Xemnas nodded. He looked back into nothingness and didn’t speak for a long time. Roxas figured it was his time to leave, so he opened a corridor and warped back into his room. Once in his room, Roxas kicked his sneakers off and jumped on his bed, back into the relaxed position he was in before Saix interrupted him. He just went back to thinking about what he was thinking about to begin with. He’s still out there. Why am I here? I’m still out there. ________________________________________________________________ Ok, it was short, but I needed to get it out there. Please, as always, remember to comment, good and bad!!! :D:D:D
As alot of people on this forum alright know, I HATE SAIX with a burning passion of a million suns. Stupid guy with ugly hair and ugly face and ugly 'x' scar and ugly attitude, and... everything about this guy is just ugly and I hate him. He's a little goody-two-shoes ***-kisser that sucks up to Xemnas and tries to get everyone to turn on Axel. (I don't hate him becuase he did that to Axel, that's just another thing I can bring up so I can hate him more). I just dispise him from every corner of my body. I also hated Larxene for a while cause she was hitting on Axel in Re: CoM, but then I got over that and started to like her. I voted for Saix though, for who I hate the most.:D
Next Chapter, Chapter 8 Chapter 8!!! This is a long one!!! Chapter 8 Day 25 ~Roxas’s bedroom~ He’s alive. He’s still out there. He has answers. He’s alive. I’m still out there. “Roxas?” Roxas bolted out of his bed, startled. He turned his head to see Demyx in the doorway. Roxas calmed down. “What are you doing all alone?” He asked, tilting his head to one side. Roxas wondered if Demyx knew about Sora. Just in case if he didn’t, he figured not to bring up his name. “I was…thinking.” Roxas asked, slowly moving his head to face the ground. Demyx nodded his sitar appeared in his hand and he plopped down in the chair at the corner of the room. “Where did Axel and the rest of them go?” Demyx questioned, bringing his sitar onto the top of his lap. Roxas leaned back on his bed and stared at the ceiling. “Demyx, they left for Castle Oblivion two days ago. You finally noticed now?” “I was rendered unconscious for the past three days when Xaldin hit me with the frying pan at breakfast the other day, thank you very much.” He said as-a-matter-of-factly, crossing his arms. Roxas shook his head, smiling to himself. Demyx found ways to pass Roxas’s time and get the nagging thought off of his mind. With Axel gone for a few weeks Roxas’s questions and feeling were put on hold with no one there to talk to. When Roxas wandered through the white hallways listening to his own echo, he noticed how he didn’t really know anything about anyone or anybody that has to do with this castle. He only ventured into the north and eastern part of the entire castle. He knew everyone’s names, everyone’s number and their rank, but still he was treated like the stranger he is to them. A month later, a lone corridor of darkness appeared in the meeting room while the Organization was having a meeting. Xemnas stopped mid-sentence and glanced down at the mangled person coming out of the darkness. Roxas leaned forward a bit in his chair as he saw a flicker of red mixed between the swirls of the dark purple and black. Axel walked out of the corridor bending over, his head facing the ground. The corridor disappeared behind him. “Axel, why are you here? Why aren’t you at Castle Oblivion with the rest of them?” Xemnas said to him, the tone in his voice showing both questioning and anger. Axel sighed softly and stood up straight. He turned to face Xemnas and looked him in the eye. “Because the rest of them are dead.” Everyone gasped in the room. Axel’s head turned around sharply and he looked at Roxas. Roxas found his gaze uncomforting, unlike it usually is. He dove deeper into his eyes and found that deep inside his gut, something was wrong. Xemnas clutched the end of his stone chair tightly. Xigbar chuckled. “All of them are dead? You’re the only survivor?!” He said to Axel, leaning dangerously far out from his chair. Axel nodded. Xigbar broke into a fit of laughing. “What has happened that so many of our numbers perish?” Saix said, his voice sounding like smooth glass. Axel turned his head to him. If Saix wasn’t so high up in his tall chair he could have seen the dirty look Axel just threw him. “That little brat came to the castle, as we all know...He wiped out everyone at the castle.” “Axel, something deep inside of me tells me that a 15-year-old kid could not take out five of our members alone.” Luxord said calmly, twirling a card in-between his fingers. “Yes, some of our finest members were in that castle. You mean to tell me this boy did not have any help from any outside force with the disposal of our members?” Xaldin shot at Axel. Before Axel could open his mouth, Demyx piped in. “Well, maybe this kid was really strong. Maybe Axel is telling the truth.” “That’s nonsense.” Xemnas said, banging his fist on the chair. Everyone’s head directed towards him. “Axel, I want the truth. How did everyone get wiped our? Tell me exactly what happened from beginning to end.” Xemnas told him. Axel nodded and warped to his own chair with a corridor of darkness. “About five days after we arrived at Castle Oblivion, Sora arrived.” Roxas shifted uneasily in his chair. He haven’t felt this nervous since the first few days in the Organization. Something about Axel’s eyes bothered him. “As he traveled through the castle, Namine began messing with his memory to get him to rescue her. It wasn’t entirely her fault, though. Marluxia and Larxene plotted to over throw us.” “Aha, I knew that Marluxia was a bad dude! We shouldn’t of accepted him into our ranks.” Xigbar exclaimed. Axel shot him a look for interrupting and began again. “I knew of this, and I asked to join their plan. I worked as a double agent, basically.” He said causally, leaning back in his chair. Xemnas nodded slowly. “That still doesn’t answer my question. How did our people end up dead, and you’re the only one still able to walk out of there alive?” Axel opened mouth to speak, but closed it and looked over to the side. He kept forgetting how intelligent Xemnas is. “Ok fine I’ll tell you. In order for Marluxia and Larxene to trust me, I had to dispose of another traitor.” “Traitor? Or just another person standing in your way to wipe out every person at the Castle?” Saix spat at him. Axel gripped the arm of his chair and pointed his finger at Saix. “You better shut up moon man or I’ll,”- “SILENCE!” Xemnas boomed over them. Saix folded his arms and looked at Xemnas while Axel leaned back in his chair again. Everyone was silent and Xemnas spoke again. “Who was it that you took care of?” Axel crossed his arms. “Vexen,” muttered. Despite the bond Xemnas had with Vexen, he did not seem fazed by his good friend’s death. All he did was nod. “What happened to the rest of them?” Axel was silent for a few moments. “Sora and Riku took care of the rest of them.” “Riku? Wasn’t he the kid with Ansem…?” Xigbar asked. Xemnas nodded. “Axel, what made Sora spare you?” Xemnas said, trying hard to keep his voice level monotone and hide his irritation. “He didn’t. I fought him twice. Right before I came here I was defeated by him. I was just smart enough to know when to surrender, so I didn’t end up like the rest of them, dead.” He waved his hand in the air and warped to the floor. “Where do you think you’re going?” Saix asked him sternly. Axel turned his back on him and began walking slowly out of the meeting room. “I’m done with being interrogated. I’ve told you all I know, I’m going off to bed.” Axel replied. “Meeting is over.” Xemnas said. He dissapeired off his chair and began to walk out of the room with the rest of the remaining people in the Organization following him. Roxas trotted up to Axel. Axel glanced down at him. He smiled. “Miss me?” Roxas smirked. “Not at all.” He replied back to him. He was joking around, and Axel knew that. They both walked up to Axel’s room. Once inside, Roxas jumped onto his bed and cuddled with a pillow. Axel remained standing, a nervous look on his face. “Meet me at the station tower, I have to tell you something.” And with that, he disappeared into a corridor of darkness. Roxas tilted his head to the side in confusion and opened another corridor in the room. He walked into it, and found himself on top of the station tower with Axel sitting down at his feet. Roxas took his place next to his left. “Axel, what really happened at Castle Oblivion?” asked Roxas after a few seconds of silence. It took another few silent seconds for Axel to reply. “Sora didn’t take everyone out on his own. I set them up.” Axel regretted telling Roxas this. He knew how Roxas hated that he was a killer. “How’d you do it?” He sighed. “I set it up so that Larxene and Sora would meet simultaneously and Sora would have to fight her. I knew that he would win because, after all, you also beat her.” Roxas nodded. “I was about to take care of Marluxia myself, but then Sora showed up and Marluxia tricked him into fighting me. He got away as we were fighting, and I left after I got rid of Zexion... I never really stuck around for the death of Marly, but in the end something tells me that he’s long gone.” Roxas’s eyes deepened. The same old look of his blue puppy dog eyes were back. “Lexaeus was truly killed by Riku with no help from anyone…and I took out Zexion with the help of the Riku replica…” Roxas had no idea who Riku or the Riku replica was, but he didn’t ask. Instead the only thing he could say was, “Why did you do it?” Axel looked at Roxas with a sincere gaze. For once since Roxas knew him, his emerald eyes reflected a different emotion. They showed the remembrance sorrow, guilt, and the smallest flicker of not truly knowing what to say. Then it dawned upon Axel. At the time he was in the castle, he knew exactly why he really eliminated everyone there. But now, staring at Roxas, he found another incentive that wasn’t there before. “I did it…to save Sora.” He took in a deep breath and sighed. “Sora would have perished inside there alone if I didn’t ruin Marluxia’s plan.” Roxas dropped his half-melted ice cream he had in his hand and it fell silently to the ground below them. “Of course, I also did it because they were all dirty backstabbers and traitors…” Roxas thought about what Axe had just said. He risked his own life to take the lives of others, to save Sora? It didn’t make sense to him at the moment, but as he dived deeper into the notion he finally realized why. Axel saved Sora – half of Roxas’s self. Roxas smiled. The lost puppy eyes were gone from him. They now showed gratitude and understanding. “Axel?” Axel turned his head back to him. “Hmm?” “Thanks for that.” Axel cocked his head to one side, but then smirked when he grasped what Roxas was thanking him for. He looked forward into the ever-living sunset of Twilight Town. “No problem.” He replied back. _________________________________________________________________ COMMENTS, COMMENTS, COMMENTS, AND MORE COMMENTS PLEASE!! Lack of reveiws isn't good for one's soul... :( :( :( ;)
haha, I'm still here, remember me!? :D :D :D I was looking for new chapters on the Creativity Corner for this story, but instead due to the new rule you had to post new chapters within the same thread...and therefore I didn't get to read the new chapters. Anyway, I just caught up with everything and the only thing I can say is, great job, your story is awesome. Sorry, I have nothing on critism for ya. :( Post the next chapter quickly, is all I can say :D :D :D
are you still doing this project thing, cause I just found a brand-new pair of head phones and can still record my voice if ya need it.
EDIT: Nevermind, I had Eastercat do mine =D
As much as I love him, I would love to see Axel get burned...That'd be awesome. Well, I do think if they were to censor anything I think it should be like blood and violence and swearing and stuff like that...I know for a fact in CoM Axel says after releasing Namine, "This is going to be one hell of a show"...They didn't censor that. Then again, it's not really all that bad.
I think of a girl named Jordan as a soldier. Yeah.
... A hunting dog...
This really happend? Whoa. It was very good. The ending was sad and a bit rushed, I think. All matt did was say, "I'm moving," and then he ran down the hall way, not even saying goodbye. Overall, it was pretty good. :D :D :D
That was pretty good. You also used alot of details, but didn't over due it. Great job :D :D :D
:D Ahhhh, smart :D I'm trying to get my sister to read it, but she's such an idiot and won't give in... Yeah, but that was really good. :D :D :D
Xemnas :p