I love everything you write. Your such a good writer, and your hilarious. I've read almost everything in your archive =P Keep it up, and KILL DAT EVILL WRITERZ BLOCKKK >=D
Your story was very nice. You used the right amount of detail to where your not overpowering the story, but I can still imagine everything that happend. Also, the part with Xemnas was so cute at the end =D
Don't worry, my stories are late too. I have a new chapter every week, practically. Keep up the good work and no one will bug you about it being late. =D
I hate Saix so much it's not even funny.=P But, I do have to admit, sometimes I do like to read about him being a jerk and doing it good. I will be looking forward when he's the ultimate baddy, and I hope he gets his *** kicked while doing it. =P
Thanks, and I will =D
Whoa, chapter ten… my descriptions have gotten surprisingly better since my very first chapter… I read my earlier chapters over before I wrote this, and I SO wish that I could go back and rewrite them. If I did, that would kind of be weird, but oh well, I’ll have to deal with my horrible writing… Just imagine the descriptions in the first chapters to be as good as these. CHAPTER 10 Chapter ten Day ??? Roxas’s bedroom A silent figure walked through the shadows cast by the looming buildings in the World That Never Was. His footsteps echoed eerily around him as he rounded the corner and entered the Castle That Never Was. His lithe body caressed the shadows and evaded the light protruding from the windows. He was able to mute the sound of his steps by walking slower and more carefully. The hood over his head shadowed any identification by his face. He eventually came face-to-face with a white door that had the number 13 marked on the top of it. He crouched down and turned the doorknob. The door opened without a sound letting a slit of light enter the dark room. He quickly but stealthy trotted inside and closed the door behind him, shutting out all light. The room was dark once again. The figure turned his attention to the lump covered by a thick blanket on the bed before him. He crouched a little lower. He snaked his way to the foot of the bed and began to climb over the edge and onto the mattress. The person in the bet felt the weight of someone else and stirred. The intruder threw himself off of the bed and flattened himself on the floor of his bedroom, rolling over and sliding himself under the bed. The person awoke suddenly, sitting straight up and rubbed his eyes. He glanced around and seeing no one there, laid back down and covered his head with a pillow. Underneath the bed, the intruder held his breath, trying his best to stay quiet. Once he heard the sound of the person hitting his head on the pillow, he crawled out and began to crawl across the bed once again. He slowly made his way over the person’s small body and next to his face. His eyes were closed peacefully, his blonde locks falling over his young face. The trespasser laid himself down next to the young boy, his face right in the boy’s face. “Roxas…Roxas...” he chanted softly. The young boy’s lip twitched and he rolled around and turned the opposite way, away from the man on his bed. “Roxas…” He put one hand on the other side of the bed so he was now looming over the boy. “Roxas…” the man said softly and poked his chest. Roxas’s eyebrows dipped and he wrinkled his nose. He pulled the blanket over his head, but the intruder’s hand left hand was balancing himself on that same blanket. His hand fell forward and he lost his balance, falling right on top of Roxas. He smashed his forehead on Roxas’s forehead. Roxas cringed and his eyes snapped open. He rolled over on his back and looked at the intruder’s head, now on his chest. “Axel, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” He yelled, yanking the hood covering his face backwards. Axel lay on top of Roxas facing him, with his head resting on his chest. Seeing Roxas’s angry and tired face, he flashed him a weak grin. Roxas sighed angrily and pushed Axel off of him. Axel caught himself from falling off the bed and settled down next to him, grabbing one of Roxas’s many white pillows to put under his head. Roxas grabbed it from his hands and put it over his head and slammed himself back down on the mattress. “Roxas, I need help…” Axel whispered, inching closer to him. “I’m sorry Axel, but therapy is too expensive.” Roxas spat at him, sounding muffled under the pillow over his head. “No you idiot, something else” He said, poking Roxas hard in the back. He heard Roxas sigh. “Axel, what could you want at 2…in…the…MORNING?!” he yelled, elbowing behind him and hitting Axel in the ribs. Axel cringed back. “It’s three in the morning.” “Whatever.” He sat up sideways on the edge of the mattress, his right arm holding him up. He shrugged. “Fine, go ahead and buy your own ice cream next time.” He said coldly. Roxas laughed under his pillow. “I already do buy my own ice cream, not to mention yours.” Axel clenched his left hand into a fist and drove it into the mattress. He grabbed both of Roxas’s arms and flipped him over onto his back, the pillow sliding off of his head. He climbed over his body placed both knees on an arm and sat on Roxas’s stomach. Roxas lifted his head up to see Axel sitting on him, arms crossed. “Help me. Now.” Roxas closed his eyes and let his head fall back. He tried to move his arms, but all of Axel’s body weight was on top of him. “What do you want?” He spat at him. “It’s Larxene”- “Uh, Axel, she doesn’t like you, she’ll never like you, it’s imposs”- “No, no, this time it’s different.” Roxas lifted his head back up to stare at his friend. “What could be possibly different this time?” He said sarcastically. Axel uncrossed his arms and crossed them again. “She’s flirting with Demyx.” “She hates Demyx.” “Maybe it’s just a trick.” “It’s not a trick, Axel, get off of me!” he said, squirming. He raised his knees and kicked Axel in the back which made his legs skid forward, off of his elbows. Roxas bent his arms and grabbed Axel’s arms and threw him to the side, off of the bed. Roxas stuck out his tongue in disgust. “Axel you got to gain some weight, your arms are like twigs.” He said, pulling the blanket back over his head. On the floor, Axel rubbed his head and glared angrily at Roxas. He fixed his wrecked hair and stood up. Normally, any other day had Axel came to Roxas in any time of the night, Roxas would have been more than happy to help his friend out. Obviously, Roxas wasn’t acting normal. “What’s with you lately? You’ve been ignoring me and being nasty to my face. I feel like I can’t even call you my…” He stopped his sentence and looked down the to floor. Roxas sat up in his bed, looking at Axel with half-shut eyes. His messy hair made him look twice as tired. He rolled his eyes at Axel’s hurt face. “Axel, don’t give me the guilt trip. You know that stuff doesn’t work on me.” Axel looked up at Roxas with his eyebrows bowed and sad eyes. “Get out of my room and let me sleep. Close the door behind you.” Roxas spat at him, laying back down and covering the blanket over his head again. Axel stood in the middle of the floor, feeling awkward. He turned around and walked out of his room, shutting the door behind like Roxas ordered him to. Roxas tried his hardest to fall asleep, but he couldn’t. Never, in his entire lifetime, had Roxas seen Axel look that hurt, and leave a room that quickly without putting up a fight. He forgot about it, and lay in his bed, trying to fall asleep for the rest of the night. In the morning, Roxas finally opened his eyes and rolled out of bed. He put on his robe and walked out of his room into the dinning room. All through breakfast, Axel didn’t look up from his plate of pancakes. He twirled the uneaten pancake around on his plate with a fork, until Demyx asked if he could have and it took it away. After that, Axel walked away from the table, alone. Roxas shoved the last bit of pancake into his mouth and followed him. Axel walked slowly down the hall, his head held low, and his footsteps soft. Roxas trotted up behind him, calling his name. Axel stopped in his tracks, his sad, empty eyes following Roxas. Roxas scurried around him and stood next to him, looking up at his tall friend who needed to look down just to see his face. “What’s wrong?” Roxas asked. He knew the answer, of course. Axel arched his eyebrows. “You’re ready to talk to me now?” Roxas rolled his eyes. “You’ll still mad about what I said? Oh, man up Axel! So what if I told you to get out of my room? I’ve heard you take worse!” Axel put his hand oh his hip and poked Roxas in the chest with his other hand. “You said I needed therapy, you wouldn’t help me with the simplest thing, you called me too skinny, AND you ORDERED me out of your room. Not to mention you’ve been treating me like that for weeks now.” Roxas rolled his eyes. “Oh, my, Axel can’t take a few stupid insults to the face! He’s mad ‘cause he needs a shrink and has to eat more! Awww, poor him!” He said, waving his arm around, walking in a circle and saying each word dramatically. Axel’s face turned to anger as he crossed his arms. He stared at Roxas, every inch of his body quivered with fake rage. “Stop, Roxas.” He said sternly. Roxas stopped in his tracks to face him. He both hands on his hips and leaned forward, taunting him. He smiled evilly. “Oh, Axel’s telling me to stop ‘cause I’m hurting his feelings. What’s he goin’ do? Burn me?” Roxas said in a baby voice. Axel gritted his teeth and slammed both arms down to his sides. He couldn’t believe he was letting a 15-year-old make fun of him like this. Trying desperately to keep his temper down, he turned on his heel and continued to walk down the hallway. Roxas stayed in place, still throwing insults at him. “Now baby Axel is running away! He’s afraid of hurting his best friend.” Roxas said in that annoying baby voice. “That’s ok! He won’t be able to feel the pain anyway!” He yelled at his friend. Axel whipped around and hurled a huge fireball towards Roxas. Before he could react, it slammed into him, smashing him into the wall. He slid down the wall and sat down in a heap at the bottom of the wall and the floor. Before Roxas knew it, he was being lifted into the air again by his neck, held up against the wall. Axel tightened his one-handed-grip on his neck and lifted him higher. Roxas’s face went instantly from confusion to panic. He grabbed Axel’s wrist with both hands and tried to pry it off of him. Axel clenched his teeth as he strangled his best friend. Everything he ever cared for was fading away in the eyes of the young kid in front of him. He didn’t care. He was filled with false anger, hate, and rage. No sorrow for his dieing friend or even guilt of killing him made him release his grip. Right now, like every other waking moment of his life, Axel could feel nothing to make him stop. Flames spewed out of the ground around Axel’s legs, licking the black rubber of his boots, and crawling upwards. Roxas was frozen in shock; the least he could do to fight back was hold onto his wrist. His shoulders began to flake away and float into the air. His fingers began to get shorter as the ends floated off into the air to disappear. Roxas was slowly fading away, being engulfed in darkness. Axel felt nothing, thought nothing. The only thing he could see was Roxas taunting him, insulting him. He didn’t see himself killing his only friend. He saw his friend killing him. Killing him from the inside out, reminding him how fake his emotions and this friendship really was. Something crashed over Axel’s head, sending him back to reality. He saw pieces of Roxas floating off into the air, and he saw his hand around his neck. He drew his arm back, as in pain and left go of Roxas. Axel watched before his eyes in the longest seconds of his life, his best friend fall and crash to the floor below him. ________________________________________________________________ I don't know if I can call that a cliffy, but oh well. =P =D Oh yeah, just for future refrence, I'm going on vacation tomorrow, and I won't be back until next week. You're all going to have to wait until then for me to come back for me to wright another chapter. ='(
Now that I think about it, I wouldn't call myself obsessed, I just know alot about the game from memory. I played it a bunch of times, but then again, I play all of my old games over again. I guess from play it over and over again, I can recite certain things and I know ALOT about it. I'm the same way with almost everything I own. The only thing I must say is, if someone brings up the game outside of this forum and they know the game as well as I do, I can be talking about it for hours. Obsessed? Maybe a little.
Yummy =P I've written in Axel's point-of-view before, and if you want to make it good, it could be challenging, yet fun. I feel your pain. You wrote this really good, and you made Saix the evil Axel-hating ugly face person he is. Good job! =D
What is it? =/ POST NUMBER 100!!!!!
Uh, hmm where do I begin... Ok, for one thing I'm going to be perfectly honest with you. If you don't want to hear me be honest, then don't read what I'm about to say. First of all, I hate the song "Chasing Cars" but that has absolutly nothing to do with it. Second of all, at the end Axel and Roxas suddently went gay on eachother (did you want them to be gay?) Third, I guess the storyline was OK to begin with, but as soon as Axel recited the line from the song I started cracking up laughing cause it had absolutly nothing to do with anything. It just seemed so out of place and changed the entire mood of the story. Fourth, I do have to admit, you did the desecriptions pretty good and, (despite everything else I just mentioned) I acually thought you wrote it pretty good. =) Sorry if I hurt your feelings, I'm just an honest person. =P ="(
or that too.
I second everything you just said Shadowjak =P. To me, I think they just choose it to be Organization 13 because 13 is supposedly an unlucky number. If they didn't do that, it would be organization 6 with only Xemnas, Xaldin, Saix (as much as I hate him I have to admit it ='( ), Axel, Marluxia, and Roxas. Xemnas cause he's the leader, Xaldin because of his role in Beauty and the Beast, Saix cause he is basically a huge main villain, Axel becuase of his ties with Roxas and what he did with evey one in CoM, Marluxia cause he was the big boss in CoM, and of course Roxas because he's Roxas. Everyone else was just thrown in there to add to the Organization and make the game more interesting.
poor furbie... ='(
VOTE #1 !!!!!! YAYAYAYAYAAYAYAYAYAYAYA So one day when you rule the world (and Canada) just thank Xx Axel xX for voteing for you first!!! *Edit* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WHILE I WAS TYPING THIS SOMEONE ELSE VOTED FIRS!!!!!!!! oh well I'll be number two
glorb belly
hahahaha =)
I second that
The green stuff that oozes out of frogs skin to make them all oily and smooth Page Pwn >=P
I have a few stories of my own but that's a diffrent story... Have any of you guys ever watched Ghost Hunters on the SciFi channel? They're really good and everything they do is real. Unlike most ghost-hunting-people, they're out there to disprove a haunting. 80% of the places they go to aren't haunted. If you like the paranormal and crap, check it out. http://www.scifi.com/ghosthunters/ <--------- link to their site
Hahah true But some people call it anime cause I guess it's drawn the same way or whatever I personally don't think it is either =P