That was really nice. =) I could always picture Zexion as that considerate, forgiving person. I'm REALLY glad that you didn't have Vexen fix up Roxas, that would have been a nightmare. 0.0
OK, I was on vacation for those last two chapters, but now I'm back and I'm caught up! =D Great chapter here, once again, stupid Saix had to come in and ruin everything, but oh well, and I really don't know who that female person was...their manner of speaking kinda sounded like Xigbar, but he's a guy...OH WELL, I guess I'll find out someday!!!! =D
Banned cause you don't have purple eyes I'm off to bed
banned for not having purple hair
Banned cause they don't have a pwnful avatar like mine, like what Emo Penguin said =D
Banned cause they can't spell Lexaeus backwards BLINDFOLDED eating a pice of lemon pie
Banned cause Your username has 3 L's in it! Ment for Larxel* =P
Zack is awesome! >=P Banned cause your yuna and not Zack (or cloud)
Banned for using the awesome word, 'confuzled' ment for Larxel *
Banned cause your ugly =PPP
^Banning myself for being too hawtttt =) GAH! Your not myself! I'm banning you for not being myself!
Banned for being WRONG!!!! >=P
Banned for banning people 0.o....
banned becuase your username starts with a vowel =P
Banned for joinging April, 2007
banned for having a hard username to pronouce >=O! (Taf-ca-ae-tt)
Banned for having a cute avatar that I don't have >=D
Banned for being emo o.o =P
I'm really indecisive when it comes to names, so I chose something easy. My favorite person in all of Kingdom Hearts is Axel, and when I tried that and it was taken, to make it look better than lame old Axel8, I added some coolio X's. I dunno, maybe i'm just a crack head, but to me, the big X and the litter x next to eachother kinda remind me of flames...XxXxXXXxxXxXx Nah, I'm just a crack head. =P