I used that same deviant art picture for my story, and isn't it the best picture ever??!! Also, that small memory with Axel and Roxas happened in my story because of that picture, but a bit diffrently. As usuall, awesome chapter. Keep it up.
Well, I certanly think that abortion should be avalible to rape victims no strings attached. It's just simply not fair. What if the mother never wanted to have a child in the first place? Now every time she sees that kid's face she'll think of the horrible inccident that happend to her. Although, if you were fooling around with someone and knew of the consequences, if you were to get an abortion, make sure the embryo is still very young. If it has a heart beat AND brain waves, it's alive. Then it's considered murder. A person can live with a heart beat and no brain waves. They're brain dead. An alive and well person has both. Therefore, the fetus is alive with both. Before that, like I said, it's murder, and wrong.
I'm an atheist through and through so I say whatever the hell I want. Thruthfully, the bible may say it's a sin, but the bible also says killing's a sin. How many Christan's have killed people and were able to go back to a preist and say, "i'm sorry", and make everything better? The bible also says stealings a sin. The bible is the most shoplifted book in the world! The bible contradicts it's self. If you've ever read it and your smart enough to make sense of it you'll find it out that it's a big piece of crap that's been breaking it's own rules since the begining of time. Anyway, back on topic, do I think saying "God damn it" is a sin? Well, trying to look through the eyes of a christian, if your saying "God damn it" and directing it to a person, maybe it's a sin. If you said it and you've dropped a brick on your foot, nah, it's not a sin, it's a reaction.
Wow, Mirai, I second every thing you just said. I'm all for evolution, and an atheist through and through. Like what everyone else said before me, evolution can be scientifically proven and God can't be. I'm all for the real crap. >=P
SPAM= Stuff Posing As Meat =)
Eh, do I really suck that bad that nobody's commented anything of mine? by not getting reviews, it makes me think that nobody cares. If I suck, don't be afraid to tell me people. I dont' get mad at stuff like that, I accually use it to my advantage. C'mon, tell me I'm great, or tell me I'm horrible. Any review is a great review. =) Chapter 12! ONE MORE CHAPTER TO GO! I wanna get this story done and over with so I can start on my new one…I’m not good at multitasking… Ok, here’s when things turn to normal…in a sense…This chapter was a lot of fun to write, I hope you enjoy it! I also think this one is the longest…I wrote it within two hours =P Chapter 12 Chapter 12 Last day Roxas’s bedroom. He opened his eyes knowing today was the day. Today was the day everything would end. The torture, the pain, and the lies would all end today. They would end because he would leave them behind. He knew what time it was before looking at the clock. His mind had been waking him up at 4:00 A.M. for the past weeks, and Roxas had become accustomed to it. He shut his eyes and sighed, forcing himself off of the bed. His limbs were suddenly heavy, and he forced himself to move on. Although he couldn’t feel it, fear was ringing in his brain, telling him to not take a step forward. Roxas slipped on the Organization robe over his body. The leather caressed his bare skin and sent a chill up his spine. Kicking on his sneakers, Roxas took a final glance around his room before shutting the door behind him permanently. His light steps hardly made any sound. He pressed onward through the white hallways, his face unmoving, and his eyes glowing in the shadows. The light cast in from the wide open windows did little to light up the hallway, and made the shadows larger. Roxas descended the many flights of interminable stairs before appearing at the front door of the castle. He opened the door with one hand, touching the cool marble surface for the last time. The rain that never stopped continued to fall. The streets of the World That Never Was never flooded. Roxas pursued on, not really knowing where he was heading. The neon street lights advertised companies that didn’t exist, and the windows on the buildings opened up to rooms with nothing but light inside. The footsteps sounded like they were being dragged along by someone who wished to go no further. As Roxas continued on, he saw a figure leaning against the wall to a building. The figure had his arms crossed, his head held low. Roxas knew who stood there, but he didn’t dare turn to look at him. As he passed him, he knew this would be the last time he saw his friend again. “Your minds made up?†It was more of a statement than a question. Roxas came to a slow halt. He turned his head to the side, looking over his shoulder at Axel behind him. “Why did the keyblade choose me?†He paused. “I have to know.†Axel whipped around and threw his arms at his sides, “you can’t turn on the Organization!†He didn’t mean to demand an order at his friend. He meant to warn him of the choice he was making. “You get on their bad side and they’ll destroy you!†Roxas turned his head over his shoulder again. “No one would miss me.†He faced forward and began to walk again, knowing that if he stayed another moment longer, he’d cave in to Axel and would return back to the Organization. Axel stood where he was, feeling alone and left behind. “That’s not true,†he paused, wondering if Roxas could hear him, “I would…†Axel lowered his head and his arms, admitting defeat. He knew as well as Roxas, we would never be able to talk to him again like the friends they were. Roxas continued on, hearing what Axel said. He didn’t care. Their friendship never existed. No matter how much he believed it was there, just like their beings a friendship between them was non-existent. Once he turned the corner, Roxas started to run. Dusks started to appear out of nowhere and were now chasing them, slithering through the air. The shadows cast by the light of the moon and the neon signs cascaded off of every sleek surface. Roxas ran harder and harder until he came to a huge building lighting up an entire courtyard in the city. The lights in every window on the face of the building made it look like it had a hundred eyes. The lit-up billboards on the top of the building made a crown atop the skyscraper. A vision flashed in his mind. “Do you know what happens to Saix when he eats sugar?†The friendly face of Axel appeared in front of his eyes. He forgot all about the dusks that were chasing him. “He goes beserk!†The cheerful face of Demyx followed that of Axel’s. He wanted to turn back, he wanted to see his’ friends’ faces again. But he couldn’t. He was too close now. He erased the memories from his mind and turned around to face the swarm of dusks. They froze in their place, and then all disappeared into clouds of thorns simultaneously. He knew where he was. He was at Memory Skyscraper. The rain started to fall harder, and the neon lights on the buildings flashed and dimmed out. Small puddles of rain formed ahead of him, but to slowly disappear moments later. He pulled his hood over his head and pushed on further. Thunder boomed over his head repeatedly. Roxas took his place in the center of the courtyard of buildings, right in front of the skyscraper. He looked at it a moment, thoughts of the Organization running through his head. He heard a sound to the right of him and looked at it from over his shoulder. A black shadow with two golf ball-sized glowing yellow eyes crawled out from a dark hole in the ground, pushing its way through. The heartless got out halfway, stretching its crooked antenna out to full length and then pressing its hands on the solid ground behind the dark hole to push its body fully out of the ground. A number of other heartless did the same thing. Roxas didn’t move from his place. He didn’t panic. He looked out and saw the hundreds of heartless all around him and didn’t’ flinch. It was just a good day’s work back in the castle. Xemnas had found out about Roxas’s betrayal from the moment he stepped out of the castle. He sent the dusks after him, and he sent the heartless after him, reminding him that he still needs to obey their rules. Roxas was going to slay these heartless, and he was going to release hundreds of hearts into the air to make Kingdom Hearts completely. He was going to help out the Organization by doing that, too. But he only thought about saving himself. Atop of Memory Skyscraper stood another lone figure. His eyes were covered by a black blindfold, and he wore the same Organization robe Roxas had on. His silver hair danced in the wind, licking the sides of his face and caressing the breeze. Roxas noticed him out of the corner of his eye. He drew his keyblade, Oblivion in his right hand, but to his surprise also drew out another one in his left hand. Not thinking much about it, he used it to his advantage anyway and clashed the two together, challenging the heartless as well as the person on top of the building. Riku smiled softly to himself and spread his arms out wide. Just at that moment, the clouds parted in the sky to show Kingdom Hearts glowing as eerily and pale as ever. The outline of the moon created a heart-shaped line of violet fire around him. The heartless shielded their eyes from the light, but the fire quickly faded. Riku removed his blindfold for a split second to get a better picture of the world around him than versus one through damp black cloth. When he got a good look at the person below him, he smiled and put it back on. Roxas looked up at him through his locks of blonde hair. He knew Riku was looking straight at him, but whether he could hear him was a different story. “Where’s Sora?†He said to more of himself than Riku above him. Suddenly the heartless began jumping at him in all directions. He swung his arms forward and backwards, striking with the two keyblades. He moved backwards and sideways, letting the heartless jump in front of him so he could slash them with one of the two weapons he held in each hand. He jumped into the air and moved backwards simultaneously, slashing heartless in front of him as well as in back of him. With every stroke of his keyblade another heart was released, another heartless faded into darkness. One heartless flew into the air, threatening to jump on top of him from above. Roxas jumped forward, flipped in the air and drove his keyblade into the chest of another heartless that dared to jump into the air after him. He reached the ground again and propelled his body into the air again, heartless joining him in the air. He spun around slaying the shadow in back of him, pressing higher into the air and he spun around to slay the one on the side of him. Heartless jumped higher into the air and Roxas threw himself higher into the air, spinning like a funnel cloud tilted on its side, slaying every heartless that was within a yard of him. Roxas’s feet met the ground again, keeping one of his keyblades guarding the front of him, one guarding the back. He jumped backwards and soared into the air, landing in front of the front door of Memory Skyscraper. Riku watched above with amusement. Such a young kid as talented in fighting as the one before him should be hailed with praise. This was the way Roxas was brought up in the Organization. The only thing he knew how to do was fight and kill. He had been taught by only the best, and when he started to outgrow the best, he was pushed back in line as everyone else, making sure that he couldn’t overthrow them all. Roxas looked up at Riku, waiting for him to make the first move. Heartless climbed the walls, hugging the marble faces of statues that were carved into the sides. Hundreds of shadows and glowing eyes advanced on him. Waiting a little longer for Riku to move, the heatless make their attack. They sprung at Roxas but Number 13 was too quick for them. He bounded upwards to the side and pushed off of one of the statues with his right foot, and then did the same with the other side with his left foot. He flipped in the air to gain balance and planted his feet in the face of the building. He held his keyblades out to his sides, their sharp ends scraping the building as he ran upwards. Roxas ran so fast he was able to get up the side of the building and defying gravity (this he was taught by Xigbar =D ). Heatless appeared in front of him, but he made sure that he didn’t lose his balance. He swung both keyblade out in front of him, crisscrossing each other making X shapes. They disappeared in clouds of black, blinding him temporarily every time one was slain. He ascended upwards, getting closer and closer to the figure atop the skyscraper. The army of shadows followed him in close pursuit, not letting him forget that they were still there. He ran faster and faster, swinging his arms and slaying shadows, keeping his eyes locked on the figure now only a couple yards away from him. Riku looked down over the edge of the building, waiting for the perfect moment to jump. If he had been sane right now, and not obsessed with thoughts of saving Sora, he wouldn’t have even thought about climbing the skyscraper in the first place. But to do what he must, he must make sacrifices, even if they questioned his own sanity. Roxas took a couple of steps forward and hurled his keyblade at the figure right in front of him. Riku seized his chance and jumped off of the edge of the building, the rain pounding on his back as he soared downward. He flipped himself over backwards so that the light of the building were reflecting on his back. He kept his arm tucked in close to him, but opened his hand. The oblivion keyblade fell in place, the palm of his hand. He closed his fingers around it. Riku swung he hand around to the neck of the blade was across his chest, the point sticking out on the side from him. Roxas was amazed that the figure was able to catch his keyblade, but he had another one in his hand. What even amazed him more, was that he was able to hold it without it disappearing and returning back to him. He dismissed the thought from his mind and concentrated on running up the side of the skyscraper. Their eyes met. Roxas slashed out with his remaining keyblade, only to miss. He swung himself around and started to run down the building, following Riku who was still falling downwards, head first. Roxas picked up speed and was descending the building faster than Riku was falling. Riku flipped over in the air so his stomach was now facing the lights on the building. He reared his head backwards and stuck his feet out first, breaking his fall. He brought Roxas’s keyblade over his head, and Roxas parried it and flipped over Riku, landing catlike on the ground. He spun around, slaying all the heartless next to him. Riku landed in front of the door of the skyscraper. He drew out Roxas’s keyblade in front of him, but jumped high into the air, flipping and swing the blade around, slaying more heartless. Together the two fought back-to-back, slaying every single remaining heartless. When every single last shadow was gone, they jumped forward, only to turn around and jump back at each other again. Riku held his keyblade out in front of him while Roxas repeatedly slammed his down on it. Riku tried to push Roxas off of him, but he was too strong. Instead, he jumped backwards and shot a ball of darkness out from his fingers. It caught him off guard, and Roxas was thrown backwards. Riku seized his chance and ran towards him, his keyblade ready to strike. Roxas held his blade out in front of himself, protecting him. Riku brought his arm down with all of his strength and Roxas faltered a bit but parried his attack. He threw Riku off of him and jumped to his feet. Riku shot another dark ball at him, but Roxas sliced through it and ran faster. He brought his keyblade over his head and brought it down with all of his strength. Riku was too slow, and failed to guard himself with his blade. His body crumbled to the ground. Roxas stood at the ready, ready for Riku to spin around and attack him, but he didn’t. Instead, he flipped himself over on his back and kneeled on his knees. Roxas held the keyblade to his side, eyeing his old oblivion keyblade that lay on the floor besides him. Riku clenched his fists. “Why? Why do you have the keyblade?!†Riku shouted at him. Roxas felt himself grow weak for a moment, but then regained himself and filled his insides with rage again. “Shut up!†Those were the only words that could escape his mouth then. He raised his keyblade in front of him and brought it down upon Riku. With lightning reflexes, Riku grabbed the keyblade at his side and swung it out in front of him. It parried Roxas attack and sent the boy flying backwards into the air, crash-landing on the cold concrete. Oathkeeper disappeared from his hand. Riku slowly got up and walked over to where he lay. He looked over his body, pitying him. He stabbed the earth with oblivion, making it stick in the ground besides him. He stood there a moment, thinking about all that must have happened to him to make him risk his life to run away from the Organization. What was he risking? He had no life. He didn’t exist. The ran started to fall harder again. Thunder rumbled in the sky. Riku continued to gaze at Roxas, and was shocked when he saw his eyes flutter open and his hand grab the keyblade at his side. Roxas waited for his vision to clear and he used the blade at his side to help him up. He gripped the handle of oblivion and wrenched it out of the ground, swinging it out in front of him to strike Riku. Riku jumped backwards landing far away from him. Roxas got up and started to run at him. Riku shot a ball of darkness at him, but Roxas sliced through it without trouble. Roxas continue to charge at the person before him. As the darkness parted away from his eyes, he brought oblivion down, but Riku quickly dodged it. He swung it out and stood in his battle stance, a lost look of unidentified defeat on his face. “Quit fooling around!†Roxas yelled at him. He swiped the air with oblivion as if challenging Riku closer. Riku paused. The edge of his lips twitched in a small smile, but he returned his face to stone. “What’s wrong, Sora?†he chanted, “are you done already?†Roxas was taken aback but didn’t falter. He tightened his grip on his keyblade and gave Riku a sharp snarl. “Pretty pathetic.†Riku taunted. Roxas realized what he said and his face turned to confusion. “What are you talking about? You’re the one who’s losing!†Roxas put his fingers to his lips surprised that he snapped all of a sudden. When he heard Riku’s voice again, he returned to anger. “You really are his nobody.†Riku said softly. He turned his head to the side. “I guess I have to trust DiZ.†“Why do you keep talking about him!?†Roxas yelled, agitated, “I’m myself!†He drew oblivion and summoned his new keyblade. “I’m me!†He ran at full speed at the figure in front of him. He slashed oathkeeper at Riku, but missed and retaliated. He sliced the air with oblivion, also slicing Riku. Riku fell backwards with a painful wail, falling backwards on his feet but soon collapsing. Roxas stood up, out of his battle stance, and kept an eye on him. Riku fought to stay conscious. The blow knocked all the wind out of him and he was gasping for air. “You can’t beat me, no matter how much you try!†Roxas spat at him. “I guess so…†He paused, gasping for more air. “Looks like I have to do it.†He said softly to himself, admitting defeat. “Do what?†Roxas drew his keyblades out to both sides of him, and got back in his battle stance. His eyebrows dipped in confusion. Riku rose slowly from the ground, speaking softly but getting louder, “The power sitting in my heart…†His hand reached for the blindfold covering his eyes and he began to pull it off slowly, “the power suppressed by my heart…†He dropped the blindfold at his side and paused. “If I were to be someone else…†He clenched his fits and brought his arms to his sides, screaming loudly. It was more of a scream of pain than a yell of rage. He was lifted into the air, slowly floating above the ground, his arms outstretched and his head held back like a fallen angel. Darkness spewed from the ground in a circle around him, and then tall columns of purple, blue, and black. Roxas tightened his grip on the two keyblades. His face was twisted in a snarl, but his eyes showed curiosity. Riku disappeared into the swirling vortex of darkness and wasn’t visible to Roxas. The colors swirled around and around, making the darkness look alive. Finally, all at once the darkness faded away, the remnants licking the air and light around them. Where Riku once stood was a man with dark tan skin and slicked sliver hair. Behind him was a guardian made completely full of darkness. The man’s face showed no sign of emotion. His arms were crossed and he floated a foot about the ground. The guardian’s muscles flexed beneath its black skin. Its knifelike teeth were as dangerous as daggers dipped in poison; its hands could strangle the life out of any living being. Suddenly, the two were gone. Roxas gasped, amazed, but then they were right in front of his face. He came eye-to-eye with the glowing orange eyes of the man and he was forced to look into them. Out of nowhere came the guardian’s giant hand. It rapped its fingers around Roxas’s puny body and gripped him like a young girl would a doll. Roxas was lifted into the air by the guardian, fighting back to no avail. He kicked and squirmed but the grip was too tight. He didn’t admit defeat yet, he couldn’t. Roxas didn’t know the meaning to defeat. He grunted and gasped for air but it got him nowhere. He lost the feel in his feet, the tips of his fingers. Without knowing it, he dropped his keyblades to the ground, and they hit the concrete with a metallic clink. They both disappeared into darkness and light as soon as they hit the ground. The man stared at Roxas and blinked. “The power of darkness.†_________________________________________________________________ Riku looked down at Roxas before him. The boy lay unconscious on the ground, his face peaceful and silent. The moon was clearly visible now and it was casting an eerie light in the courtyard of buildings. To his right, a corridor of darkness appeared, and another man walked out of it. The man was dressed in a long robe that caressed the ground behind him, and there was a long red cloth rapped around his head. Riku quickly turned his back to him and pulled the hood of his cape over his head. He turned his head slightly to the side, looked over his shoulder with his eyes that were now cloaked in the shadows of his hood. “He sensed Sora.†A deep voice emerged from the rapped up face. It felt like thunder itself, rolling over a flat plain. “Did he say he hated Sora?†He paused. “What a joke. A nobody cannot feel emotion.†Riku hesitated before speaking, “If he were to meet Sora…that might be different†________________________________________________________________ When Roxas awoke, he was in a royal blue room laced with wires and cords that ran in every section of the room. A computer was to the right of him with six monitors that all showed different things. More monitors lined the walls, showing someone’s data. Roxas was too dazed and far away to see whose data it was. Two figures stood in front of him. One was tall and in an Organization robe, the other was a bit shorter and wore a red robe with a blood red cloth rapped around his head. He was pretty sure the man in the Organization robe was the man he fought earlier, but he didn’t know who the other figure was. His eyes were only open a slit. If he were to open them further, the light from the room would hurt him and give him a tremendous headache. He forgot about seeing and focused on listening. “Will it work?†“If we can maintain the simulated town until Namine finishes chaining together Sora’s memories.†The voice was deep and intimidating. There was a small pause. “What will happen to Roxas?†The voice sounded concerned. “He holds half of Sora’s power within him.†The man with the deep voice turned sideways. “In the end he’ll have to give it back. Until then, he’ll need another personality to throw off his pursuers.†He sat down in the computer chair and started to press some buttons. “Poor thing.†DiZ pressed one big button and a light shined over Roxas’s head. He felt like he was being poked and prodded with needles, and stinging sensations filled his body. “It’s the fate of a nobody.†________________________________________________________________ “Hey, wait up!†Roxas ran up the sun-lit brick hill and turned the corner into a shadowed alleyway. Once he stepped out into the light, he squinted his eyes but walked to a fence and opened the gate blocking the way. A royal blue blanket blocked the doorway to the Usual Spot. When he pushed it aside, inside were his best friends ever, Hayner, Pence, andlette. They all had a blue sea-salt ice cream in their hand, and Hayner had two. Roxas walked over to him and sat on the radiator next to his friend. Hayner handed him the ice cream and Roxas gladly took it. “Thanks for waiting up with me guys.†Roxas said sarcastically. “I don’t think I’ve ever had a friend like you.†_________________________________________________________________ Hey, read my above post and COMMENT!!!!! PLEASE! Only one more chapter to go and we're done with this story!
Chapter 11! This is a long one =) ** Just for future advice, the whole scene with Axel and Roxas on the station tower in twilight town isn’t going to be in this story. I have no idea when it takes place, how they both got there, so, yeah. I’m just pretending it was never there, and I’ll make my own thing up. Chapter 11 Chapter 11 Day??? Hallway Roxas fell lifelessly to the floor. His head smashed on the hard tile, creating a sickening thump. With the last of his strength, he picked himself up to sit on his knees and took huge inhales, filling his lungs with precious air. Axel stood looming over the young kid, his jaw hanging in awe of what just happened. He looked at his own hands. The leather on his gloves had turned blacker and shinier. As he looked at them closer, he noticed that they were sodden with water. He felt his face, and he felt the hair sticking to his damp skin. Axel heard a soft footstep to the left and look in that direction. Demyx was standing in the middle of the hallway, sitar in hand, a nervous expression on his face. Axel looked at the Roxas at his feet and back at Demyx, who was having a hard time decided if he should take a step closer. “Demyx, what are you doing here?” Axel said, his eyes flickering back to Roxas who was having a coughing fit. Demyx opened his mouth to speak, but thought better of it and took a step towards Axel. He raised his hands defensively. “I was just trying to help you…by making you come to your senses…” He approached Axel with caution, as it he was a wild animal about to spring at any moment. Axel sighed softly and felt his now flattened hair that fell down and settled on his shoulders. He shook his head slowly. “You dumped water on me?” He asked. Demyx nodded. He took a couple of steps forward until he was about a yard away from him. Roxas got up slowly from his position, glaring at Axel in the corner oh his eye. Axel noticed this and shifted his weight nervously. Demyx lowered his hands and smiled softly. “Friends shouldn't be killing each other.” Roxas looked at Axel and Axel returned the glare. They both said nothing, their emotionless faces showing no sign of apology. Axel sighed and walked forward slowly down the hallway to his room. Roxas looked at Demyx and gave a slight thank-you nod. He waited for Axel to round the corner and he made his way up to his own room. Demyx stood in the empty hallway, feeling empty himself. He had just saved Roxas’s life, and Axel’s best friend. All he got was an attitude from Axel, and a nod from Roxas. He gripped his sitar tightly and followed the two down the hallway. Axel’s quiet footsteps continued down the corridor. His face was hard as stone; the only emotion shown was in his eyes. It was sorrow. What was he thinking? He almost killed Roxas! He thought about that. Roxas-gone. Roxas had- “Eh, little dude! What’s the matter?” Axel came face-to-face with an eye patch and a glowing orange eye. He took a surprised step back and saw Xigbar hanging upside down in front of his face. He rolled his eyes in disgust and pushed him in the chest. Xigbar didn’t move, but he flashed a smiled that drilled an annoying hole in Axel that felt like a hundred wasp stings. Axel continued to make his way down the hallway. Xigbar’s eyebrows dipped in disappointment as he watched his prey walk away from him. He warped to staid right-side up on his feet and jogged to up Axel, cutting off his path and planting himself in front of him. “C’mon, what happened? Tell me!” Axel’s face tightened and he crossed his arms. He shoved him to the side and continued walking, shaking his head angrily. Xigbar smiled, feeding on Axel’s annoyance and anger. He trotted back up to him. “Please?” He begged pathetically. Axel sighed and snapped his fingers. “Go away, Xiggy.” He said with an edge in his voice. He began walking again. Xigbar finally stayed behind. He knew Axel had done something to him. He smelt something different in the air, and swung his ponytail over his shoulder to pat out the fire. He glowered angrily at Axel who was halfway down the hall. “Oh yeah, do something with your hair! You look like Marluxia!” _________________________________________________________________ Once in his room, Axel crashed on his bed. He buried his head in his hands. _________________________________________________________________ Roxas turned the corner to see Xigbar leaning against the wall, his arms crossed and his head held low. Upon hearing Roxas, his head perked up and he rushed over to him. “Ahh, what’s the matter? I just saw Axel, he”- Xigbar stopped mid-sentance. His usually clueless expression quickly turned into a cruel snarl. Roxas ignored him and continued walking. Xigbar warped away leaving Roxas alone in the hallway. _________________________________________________________________ Axel sobbed into his hands and his entire body shuttered. He sat up straight and ran a hand over his eyes. He got off the bed slowly and walked over to the other side of the room and looked into the lone mirror, the only thing hanging on any of the soot-covered walls. A large crack ran through it diagonally that he split a while ago. His eyes were red and puffy from shedding tears he didn’t think was possible. His hair had mostly dried, but it was flattened and straight now. It fell over his ears and touched his shoulders, falling in layers. Axel’s hair looked like Marluxia, only in red and longer layers. _________________________________________________________________ Roxas opened the door to his room and walked inside, and sat on the bed. He didn’t know what to think, or how he should feel. He laid down on his bed, griping his pillow tightly. He cried to himsel, yet he didn’t know he could shed tears. _________________________________________________________________ Axel continued to stare into the mirror. He scowled at his own appearance, he hated his own reflection. He raised his fists and smashed them both into the mirror, shattering it into a hundred pieces. He griped the wall and banged his head into it, making his vision flicker before his eyes. Slowly falling to the ground, the tears began to fall. Axel sat at the bottom of the wall, his arms wrapped around his knees that touched his chin, and his forehead leaned against the wall. He took a huge inhale and sighed sending a shutter throughout his body. When he heard the door to his bed room open, he didn’t move. “Demyx, get out of my room.” Demyx froze on the spot a foot away from the doorway. He was about to walk out of the room but he took a step forward and held his ground. Axel sighed and turned his head towards him. His face was stern and cold, almost like everyone else in this castle. The fire in his eyes had died out, and the sparkling emerald glow was gone, replaced with nothing. “I said get out.” Demyx hesitated to move. Maybe he should just leave him alone and let him get over what happened, but no. Demyx wasn’t going to back down this time. He’d been pushed around and ordered too many times. He wasn’t going down without a fight. “Demyx, I’m going to make you get out.” Axel said, unwrapping his arms from around his knees and leaning back on them. “No, Axel. You can try, but I’m not listening to you this time.” He surprised himself. Demyx never sounded so serious or determined before, and he liked the new edge in his voice. It made him sound intimidating. Axel raised his eyebrows in surprise at the new serious Demyx, but quickly caught himself and dipped his eyebrows, making his face look even more intimidating than Demyx’s threat. “What do you want?” He spat. Demyx’s hand gripped his sitar tightly. “I don’t want you or anyone else to push me around all the time. You don’t appreciate me at all!” Axel strengthened his glare and he stood up straight. He felt rage course through his body and warm him up, but he kept it concealed inside of him. “I saved two lives back in that hallway!” Demyx raised his voice and started to really yell at Axel. Number eight’s eyes filled with sorrow again and he looked down at the floor, unable to look truth in the eye. “You know you couldn’t live without that kid! He’s everything to you! The only thing keeping you alive was his heart that’s still out there!” At this point, Demyx had dropped his sitar and was up in Axel’s face, yelling at him everything he had failed to accept. “You know as well as I do that you couldn’t last a month without him. You’d kill yourself from the pain that you couldn’t feel, and the fact that he has a heart out there and you don’t. You’re jealous and selfish, Axel. You’re selfish, and I truly hope that one day you’ll finally come to realize that, and you’ll do something for someone else besides yourself.” Demyx had lowered his voice and pitied the Nobody in front of him. “I hope that one day, you can lie down, and realize that you’re better off not existing without a purpose. But I hope before that happens, you can find a purpose to your existing.” Number nine’s voice had returned to normal. He grabbed his sitar off the ground and gave a final glace at Axel before getting out of his room, without a fight. His part was over. The only fighting that was to be going on, was to be within Axel. _________________________________________________________________ Roxas thrust his keyblade through the heartless in front of him. There were only five more left, but he was too exhausted to continue. Why did Xemnas make him kill double the amount as heartless as usual, and today of all days? Surely someone had told him about the fight he had with Axel, and surely it was Saix’s idea to make him take his anger out on the heartless. Roxas didn’t want to take his anger out on anything. He wanted to crawl into bed and cry for hours. The pain in his throat was unbearable. His keyblade-holding arm felt like jelly, and his knees were about to give out under him. He couldn’t move, exhaustion was settling in. The heartless were closing in on him, ready to strike… But he threw his keyblade out and it sliced through two in a row. He summoned it back in his hand, and prepared to throw it again. The remaining three heartless lunged forward and jumped on Roxas’s back, pushing him down. Roxas struggled to get up, but just collapsed. He rolled over on his back, and started to stab the heartless that were now on his stomach and legs. They’re antenna’s were twitching like the legs on a dieing insect, and they’re crooked fingers bent in impossible ways. Roxas stabbed the final shadow and just completely collapsed. His arms lay limply on the ground beside him, and his legs felt numb. He closed his eyes and felt himself drifting away to sleep, but a sharp voice that felt like needles pierced the air. “Good effort. We would have given you another serving, but we felt generous today.” Roxas forced his eyes open a slit and watched Saix loom over him, not even thinking about helping him get up. When his vision started to blur, the last thing he saw was Saix disapear into a corridor of darkness, and someone walk out. Roxas felt slender arms wrap around him and lift him into the air. He was cradled close to the person’s chest, and he felt safe. He let himself fall asleep. _________________________________________________________________ Roxas awoke on his bed, still in his uniform. The last thing he remembered was feeling a warmth in his body as someone talked to him softly and laid him down on his bed. He sat up and tried to focus his eyes. His right arm was sore from killing all of those heartless. He didn’t want to wake up to see the stone face of Saix every day, telling him it was time for more heartless killing. He didn’t want to walk the lonely corridors of the white castle with the same marking on every wall, reminding him of what he was. He didn’t want to be called by a number, making him feel that all he’s only a tool for the Organization. He didn’t want to be here anymore. …Then why put up with it? Something hit Roxas like a rock. He didn’t need to stay here anymore, he could just leave. Why was he putting up with all of this? “You're finally up?” Roxas turned to face Axel who was sitting in the chair besides his nightstand. He was glaring at Roxas with a stone face, yet he knew that Axel was feeling turmoil deep inside him. “How long have you been waiting for me to wake up?” Roxas asked, amazed at Axel’s loyalty. Axel shrugged. “About ten minutes.” Roxas smiled. Axel got up from the chair and sat next to his friend on the bed. Those teardrop-shaped markings until his eyes made the sorrow in his eyes stand out even more. His smile failed to mask the chaos going on inside of him. Roxas didn’t expect for Axel to apologize. He knew he wasn’t going to. He himself wasn’t even going to apologize for saying those things about him and starting all of it in the first place. He couldn’t. Something as big as that would be hard to apologize for, since it was an accident to began with. Even though killing your best friend may not seem like an accident, in the Nobody world, it could very well happen. There’s nothing to hold you back. Besides, Axel was the type for apologies anyway. “Hey, Axel?” “Hmm?” “I don’t like it here” “Neither do I. In fact, I hate it here.” “No, I mean…” He sighed, looking for words. “I don’t want to stay here anymore.” Axel seemed taken aback. His eyebrows dipped in confusion. “Whaddya trying to say?” Roxas hesitated, but began again, “I want to leave the Organization.” Axel’s eyes widened. He stumbled on words as he tried to speak. “You want to…leave?” Roxas nodded. “You can’t leave, y-you just can’t leave, Roxas”- “Axel, I have to.” “No you don’t, Roxas, listen to yourself”- “If I stay here it’s only going to hurt me and other people in other worlds. I have to go.” “No you don’t…” “Axel.” Roxas’s gaze was serious and grave. Axel knew he sounded like a child, fighting for something he knew couldn’t happen. Roxas was serious about this. He was leaving, with a fight or without. “Axel, I need to. I need to find…” Roxas sighed softly and dropped his voice to a low whisper. “Sora.” Axel’s shoulders slowly sagged and his head drooped. He remembered what Demyx had yelled at him earlier. “You know you couldn’t live without that kid!” What would he do with Roxas gone? He couldn’t imagine it. He pushed the thought from his mind as best as he could, only for it to be replaced by another one. “…that heart that’s still out there!” He had to leave. He had to. There were no other options anyone could give to Roxas. He needed to find himself, and from there he would end up saving the world. Axel knew what this Organization was doing. They were putting the lives of others in danger, and trying to help themselves. He also knew that not long after Roxas would leave, Axel would follow. “Axel?” “Yeah?” “I’m going to do it.” Axel didn’t want him to go. He knew the Organization would be looking for him in every corner of the sky. He also knew that he himself would be the one to take care of him. He just couldn’t have that weight upon his shoulders. Axel didn’t say anything. He wasn’t going to promise Roxas that he wasn’t going to stop him. He nodded in understanding and got off of the bed. He gave one last sorrowful glance before walking out the door. He did know, however, that kid was going to be the end of them. _________________________________________________________________ Alright, there we go, chapter 11, two more chapters to go!!! =) REMEMBER, COMMENT PLEASE! *GOOD AND BAD*
I think your absolutly right about everything, but I do think Vexen is late 40's to 50's, cause he's pretty old. =/
Well, Twilit_shadow already did my name in her fanfic Love of a Nobody, lol, and she did her and my name, Sydney, into Nexydys =P. If I did my name, it'd be Denyxys *den-ix-is =P
cuddly Saix =D
I always thought Axel was like 21 or something. Also, if your desprite, you'll hang out with anyone. =)
I love the storyline, the hot guys, the gayness (lol XD), AXEL *of course* =P, I love the music in KH 1 - the music in KH2 was the same song for basically everything ='(, the Organization...everything... but, you know, mostly Axel >=D
Wow, thank you. Usually I try sharing my writing with the only person I can, my sister, and she says its horrible and other bad stuff like that. So, I guess, from only hearing bad things, I start to belive it as well. I kinda need these motivational things like this to keep me going. =D
Yay! After days of endless searching, I finally found the picture that gave me the inperation for this chapter! I was looking at DeviantArt one day for random pictures of Axel and I came across this one and thought it was really good. It wasn't until I was writing this past chapter that I realized it really helps me right it. When I was about to post the chapter, I wanted to find this picture and write, "my inperation for this chapter", but I couldn't find it. And now, here it is!!! http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/39074430/?qo=3&q=axel&qh=boost:popular+age_sigma:24h+age_scale:5
These are just a few poems I dabbled into Microsoft Word one day and they've been rotting on there for a long time. I thought that maybe posting them for everyone to see could spare their life a bit longer. I have a lot more poems than these, but I think these are the ones that are SOMEONE Kingdom Hearts related, whatever. My best work? Maybe not. Enjoy them anyway. Memories Something dim, not quite clear Although they hold something dear Can spark thoughts of wonder and awe Or scenes you’d rather not withdraw Can be a great and wonderful thing Or as painful as a bee sting Some people can’t remember at all But to others it comes as a wake-up-call Can be of a loved one, a cherished one Or a hated one, a tie undone No madder what the memory, bad or good, Even though most seem to be misunderstood Memories are a precious thing, A great gift fit for a king. Ok, theres that one. That I used to know Your not the person I used to know Your not the friend I used to know Your not the comedian I used to know Your not the freak I used to know And now you've changed Into something that I don't know And your acting Like someone that I don't know I like the old you That I used to know So please change back Into the person I used to know And that one. Untitled Destiny took its toll And your not here right now Legends are lost, but not forgotten Heroes are slain, but never gone You’ll be remembered throughout the ages Your story will be told far and wide Death is a mere curve in the road A path we all must take. And theres that one too I'm nothing No one’s watching, listening, hearing I feel like I’m disappearing No one’s looking, gazing, seeing Into the person they are being Although I am in clear view I feel like you can see right through No one ever pays attention To the things I’m trying to mention I wave good bye, no one waves back My depressed feelings are starting to stack I’m always right outside of the ring No one includes me in anything No one’s looking, gazing seeing, I’m just an imaginary being Even though it’s hard to bear, I guess I’m really just not there. That was the last one. Uhhhm, I hope you enjoyed my pathetic poetry, and please comment, good and bad!!!
>.>... Ok, I could just flame you right now, but I'm not THAT mean, so I won't. PM me if you do wanna hear what you did wrong, and I'll be more than happy to tell ya. If you think your writing is absolutly fabulous and theres nothing wrong with it, don't PM. Simple as that. =D
I've had people rep me before in threads, but it doesn't show up in my rep thingy! I've only had one rep in my rep thingy! *starts to cry*
In this river- Black Label Society =)
Yay! Someone is posting! I'll take an AMV please =) song: In this River Artist: Black Label Society Clips: I want this AMV to be mostly about Roxas and Axel, not necessarily being COMPLETLY about their friendship, but mostly about how Roxas is Roxas and how Axel misses him...yeah, do whatever you have to do, just make it a vid about the two of them and I'll be happy. =D EDIT: Oh, and if your not already working on it, can you make it seem like Demyx is doing the guitar solo with his sitar or something? If your already working on it and your past that part, don't bother.
hmmm. Well, I can't stand how I wrote the first nine chapters to my fanfic, Roxas's days in the Organization, but the other fanfic I'm working on right now that hasn't been relised yet is ALOT better than that one. My best? Nahh. My best piece of work, I think, is a tie between a picture a drew of Xemnas and another one of Demyx. Comming in second would be another tie between another pic of Marluxia, and another of Axel. I don't have them on this website, but once I find my USB cord for my camra, I prolly will.