hehe thanks I hate Saix so much, so I had to make him the bad guy *sorry Saix fans* :p
idiot Axel! VEXEN TOLD YOU YOU HAD STICHES!!!! *kicks Axel in the shin* Oh well, I still love you!!! :D
:D :D :D I love Axel, but when he was dieing I was laughing so hard!!! :D :D :D You wrote it awesomely, but I just pictured Axel flying around his room, knocking everything down, and the baby flying out. XD I felt bad at the same time, too. XD =P Great job!
Roxas's days in the Organization (Chapter two) The second chapter is ready =D Poor, poor, waterboy…. :( Please comment at the end, the good and bad!!!!! Chapter 2 Day 2 ~Roxas’s bedroom~ He woke up slowly. The whiteness of his room blinded him for a few seconds while his eyes got adjusted to the light. He heard the other Organization members rising from their beds. From the slightly open door, he saw the happy Demyx kid walk past his bedroom. Roxas didn’t have to change (he slept in his robe) so he got up to follow him down the hallway. Demyx saw Roxas following him and turned around. “Hey, good morning, Roxas.” He said. Roxas nodded to him and tried to grin. Demyx continued to walk down the hallway, and he followed him, stopping in the kitchen were he and Axel met Xigbar yesterday. Today, one of the three men that were at the meeting yesterday, that was named Xaldin, was at the stove. He was frying something in a pan. He heard a familiar voice coming from the room next door, and Roxas walked into a dinning room. A long polished wooden table stood in the middle of the room with six chairs along each long side of the table. A chair with a large back sat at the head of the table. In it sat Axel. Axel was talking to a man with short blonde hair. Roxas went over to him and stood next to him. “I’m telling’ ya, Luxord, there’s no way flower-power over there can beat me in a fight. I don’t care what the others say, fire is the best- oh hey Roxas” Axel spotted him and turned away from Luxord. Roxas eyed Luxord, and the man stared back at him. Neither of them waved. “Roxas, this is Luxord.” Axel introduced him. He still didn’t wave. Some members of the organization began to walk into the room and sat at chairs. Axel turned away from Roxas and began to argue with Luxord again, but was interrupted by someone grabbing his hair and dragging him off of the seat. Xemnas threw Axel into Roxas, and Roxas had to step back to stop himself from falling. Axel ended up on the ground, rubbing his head. “Axel, know where you stand. Get back in your own chair.” Axel looked up at Roxas, giving him a thanks-for-nothing kind of look. He got up and sat next to Saix and Demyx. Roxas stood in place, next to Xemnas’s chair. Xemnas pointed to a chair all the way at the end of the table on the right side, next to a girl with yellow hair. Roxas went to go sit down it in. The girl next to him eyed him. He wanted to sit next to someone he knew was nice to him, but Axel and Demyx were in the middle of the table, not looking at him. Xaldin walked into the dinning room, and served everyone sausage. Everyone began to eat, including Roxas. Xaldin kept walking back and forth from the kitchen to the dinning room, serving everyone more food. Once he was done he sat at the top of the table, next to Xemnas. “This is really good Xaldin,” a guy with pink hair said to Xaldin. The sound of metal falling and hitting something hard was heard. Roxas jumped. “Sorry…” Demyx said, running into the kitchen to find something to wipe up his spilt orange juice with. Axel sighed and shook his head, smiling to himself. “That boy, can never do anything right!” Saix said, banging his fists on the table. “Vexen, please,” A man sitting next to Xaldin stretched his hand over to the spilt orange juice and soon the liquid was frozen solid. Saix nodded thanks at Vexen. He put his head in his hand, and his arm on the table. Demyx came back into the room with a roll of paper towels. He ran over to his spot and spotted the frozen orange juice. He sighed. He sat down and put the paper towels down. He picked at the eggs on his plate quietly. “Can someone please remind me why this imbecile is on our side?” Saix said to everyone. Demyx looked down at the floor. “He can’t do anything right!” Demyx’s head lowered a little bit more, and it looked like he was getting smaller with each insult he heard. “The worst he can do in a fight is blow bubbles into enemy’s faces,” He shrunk smaller. “The only thing he’s good at is playing that pathetic object he calls an instrument,” Saix spat more and more horrible comments, showing no mercy for the poor happy kid Demyx. Xigbar dropped his fork on his plate. “Saix, don’t you think that’s a bit harsh,” He said, looking at Demyx, who now looked like he was about to explode and drown the castle in tears. “His hair is absolutely horrendous,” “Saix,” “His brain went missing along with his heart,” “C’mon Saix,” “He-“ “SAIX!” Everyone turned towards Xigbar. Demyx stood up and ran out of the dinning room, almost tripping over his own feet in the doorway. Saix closed his mouth. Even though he completely despised Demyx and had a whole bunch of other insults coiling up inside him, ready to spring out of his mouth, he listened to his elder and stopped. Everyone else sat in silence for a moment and got back to eating, like nothing ever happened. Roxas finished the last bit of orange juice in his glass and stood up. Xemnas saw him do this, and made no comment. He walked out of the dinning room, up the stairs, through the hallway and into Demyx’s room. Demyx was sitting on bed, his sitar in his lap, and his head down. There was a tiny pool of (what Roxas assumed was) tears on the face of his sitar. Demyx was the first person he met that made an effort to be nice to him. He didn’t have to help him find his outfit, or find his room, or even be nice to him at all. Almost everyone in this Organization felt so cold, and lifeless. Demyx was the only one that actually tried to seem happy, although he could feel nothing at all. He had heard Roxas come in. When he looked up, Roxas saw his eyes were red and puffy. He didn’t know what to say. “I’m sorry, Demyx.” Demyx wiped his eyes. “Don’t be. It’s not your fault. I need to deal with him and everyone else every single day. I’ve been though worse…” he wiped the puddle of tears off of his sitar. Roxas stepped forward. He had a mixture of feelings, if he could even call it feelings. Supposedly, he didn’t have emotions. Supposedly, he couldn’t feel anything. Supposedly, he didn’t have a heart. Then what would you call the sympathy brewing up inside him? They heard footsteps coming down the hall quickly. Xigbar popped his head into the room. He saw Demyx and frowned. He then sat beside him on the bed. “Aw, c’mon Demy. That big meany didn’t mean anything back there.” Demyx gave Xigbar a sarcastic look. “Well, he didn’t mean all of it. You’ve been through worse than this! You can take it.” Demyx looked down at his sitar, then at Roxas. He nodded. “I’ll be fine. You can leave me here.” He said, sniffling. Xigbar patted him on the back and walked out. Roxas nodded to him goodbye, and shut the door behind him. Xigbar was waiting for Roxas around the corner. He patted Roxas on the back and walked beside him. “That was nice of you. You didn’t know him that well, but you went to see if he was ok anyway. Takes a good Nobody to act like they really care.” Roxas sighed at the word ‘nobody’. He looked at the floor. “That kid’s so sensitive, sometimes I really do think he has a heart.” Xigbar said before rounding another corner and leaving Roxas alone. Just what he needed. Someone to remind him again how he doesn’t really exist.
I love this story so much! Keep it up and write lots more!! :D :D :D :D :D
I was planning on doing that acually :D Thanks, too! :)
hahah! I know what part this is at!! I like this story alot, and I love how you added real events in with made up ones. Keep up the good work! :D
This is about Roxas's day’s in the Organization, and how he met everyone, blah blah blah. Obviously, I made it completely up =P. It’s my first ever fanfic. Please comment at the end, the good and the bad of it. Chapter one Day one ~Throne Room~ Roxas followed a man in a black cape through a corridor of darkness. He continued to follow him until he came across thirteen people on huge white chairs in a huge white room. The man he was following stepped into another corridor of darkness and appeared on the highest chair in the room. Roxas silently walked to the center of the room, where an odd symbol was on the floor. “Xemnas, who do we have here?” A man said to the right of the largest chair. The man had an eye patch on his right eye and a scar going up his face. “The keyblade master. Welcome, Roxas, to Organization XIII.” A few people stirred in their seats at the sound of ‘keyblade’. “So now we’re Organization XIII? How many times are we going to change the name?” A man to the left of Xemnas said. His face was shrouded in a hood. “Xaldin, I will change the name of this organization as many times as I deem necessary.” Xemnas told him. Xaldin leaned back in his chair. The three men engaged in conversation. Roxas didn’t pay attention. He stood it the middle of the white floor, feeling small and insignificant. He had no meaning here, as Xemnas put it when he named him. “Saix, when you get a chance, do you think you can arrange to have another chair built up in here for Roxas?” The superior said to a man with long blue hair. Saix nodded. Finally, the meeting ended. All thirteen people disappeared off into their corridors of darkness. Roxas looked around. A young blonde haired kid was walking up to him happily. Roxas was glad to see someone smiling. He was brought into this world seeing nothing but evil smirks and expressionless faces. The blonde haired kid stood in front of him. He nodded to him, grinning from ear to ear. "Nice to met ya' Roxas. I'm Demyx, and I'll show ya' your room and give you your uniform." The kid named Demyx turned around and Roxas followed him. They both walked down a long, interminable, miserable stairway, through a gloomy hallway, and into a small, sad bedroom. Everything was an ugly gray-ish white-ish color. Demyx reached into a pathetic white dresser and pulled out a black robe. He threw it at Roxas, and Roxas caught it in his hand. Roxas stood there. "Here, let me help ya," Demyx snapped his fingers and Roxas was engulfed in darkness. A few seconds later, the darkness melted away, and Roxas had on the black robe. The robe was way too long at the arms and the end, and the waist and arms were really tight on him. Roxas stood there looking awkwardly at Demyx. "Oops, wrong robe..." Demyx bit his fingernail. Just then, another face poked in through the door. "Ah! There it is!" Another guy walked into Roxas's bedroom. His spiky red hair caught Roxas's attention. He was wearing a black robe, but it was too small and baggy for his tall, skinny figure. He stood next to Demyx. "I think this might be yours..." The man snapped his fingers and once again Roxas was enveloped in darkness, along with the guy with the red hair. When the darkness peeled away, Roxas's and the man's robe fitted perfectly. "The name's Axel." The man with the red hair said to him. His turquoise eyes stared friendly at Roxas. “Got it memorized?” He said to Roxas, pointing to his head. Roxas stared at him. Demyx rolled his eyes. "Alright, I'm off to practice my sitar." Demyx said, waving happily at the two. Axel waved goodbye him. "Careful not to brake any eardrums while your at it," Axel said after him. Demyx shut the door behind him, leaving Axel and Roxas alone in the horrible white bedroom. Axel sighed and plopped himself on the bed and laid down. He rested one hand on his forehead, while the other hung off the bed. "Well, kid, how'd you get here?" Axel asked him. Roxas didn't answer. He didn't know. Axel turned to face him. He smiled. "Either you don't want to talk, or you don't know. There aint anything wrong with me, kid. You can tell me." Axel said to him. Roxas looked at his turquoise eyes. "I don't remember anything...am I supposed to?" Roxas said to him. Axel smiled and looked up at the ceiling. "…Yeah, you’re supposed to. Here, let me explain.” Axel right then and there told Roxas about nobodies, the true power of the keyblade, and all about the Organization. As Axel talked, the ugly, small, sad bedroom started to turn, not so pathetic. Axel was making sense to him, a lot more sense then the happy Demyx kid, or the three men at the meeting. The more Axel talked, the more Roxas listened. "So, your somebody is the master of the keyblade, huh. Must be a strong guy." Axel got off the bed. He started to walk out of the bedroom, and motioned for Roxas to follow him. He did. The two walked down the hallway, the sounds of an instrument was heard someway down the hallway. They arrived in what looked like a kitchen. The man with the eye patch on his eye was standing at the stove. He was stirring a large pot with his right hand, and looking at a cookbook he held in his left hand. A dark gray smoke was swirling out of the pot. “That’s Xigbar right there…” Axel said to Roxas, pointing to the guy in the eye patch. Xigbar turned around and waved to the two of them, eyeing Roxas with his good eye. Axel opened up a corridor of darkness. He stepped through, and Roxas followed him. ~Twilight Town~ The two found themselves in a town that Axel called Twilight Town. There were only a few people that walked around and roamed the streets, and none of them bothered to even look in the direction of the two. Axel bought two blue ice creams that he called Sea-salt ice cream. They both headed to the clock tower. Roxas sat on the edge on the top of the clock tower. Axel was next to him. They both ate their ice cream in silence. “How’s your ice cream?” Roxas looked at Axel. He shrugged. Axel looked forward, towards the sun. “I know how you feel. Everything is being thrown at you at once. It’s hard to comprehend.” Roxas looked down. “I don’t…exist?” He asked the redhead. Axel grinned weakly, and shook his head, also looking down. “We were all a bit, upset, when we found out the same thing. I guess it’s normal for people to act like that.” There was an awkward silence between them. “I guess people need to believe that they’re really more important to the world, then how much they really are. That’s why we’re so stunned about us not existing, or being here by accident.” Axel said, looking forward into the sunset. Roxas followed his gaze. The sun melted on the horizon. As the last bit of light disappeared, Axel stood up. Roxas looked at him. “But that’s just my theory.” Roxas heard him whisper to himself. ~Oh yeah, Part One, it means the exact same thing as Chapter one, just in case of any confusion~
I love this story :D :D :D good job!!!!!! :)
I love this series! It's so funny! =D Keep it up, and make lots more of them :D :D
I think you have a good idea going with the whole, same story-diffrent points of view, thing going on, but watch how you organize the story. It was a bit confusing at parts, but overall, I thought it was pretty good, and there is room for potenial. :D :D