Xarend thought "i dont have a fear"
"ok whats my dare"
ooc: ok kool
Name: Xarend Age: 14 Gender: male Apearance:http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f47/CRAZYbutNOTcute/Anime%20Boys/52.jpg Rank: random person Personality: cocky Interests:likes having alot of fun Element: Darkness Weapon:http://i198.photobucket.com/albums/aa87/Proverbs18/My_2nd_Keyblade__LastJudgement_by_F.jpg Other: nothing really
ooc: can i join...?
Xarend waved back to tatin "ok someone dare me"
Xarend just looked at them
Xarens wonders around and sees every one playing "can i play"
ooc: ok im starting my story rp: *a long period of silence* end of chapter one
ooc: i go camping and like SO MANY LONG POST...my mind id going to expolide if i have to read any more
ooc: what have i missed these last couple od days
ooc: what about ur idea
ooc: yea just forgett about me
Xarend looked upat the sky and had the drops fall onto my face
Xarend swam to shore "yea i love the rain"
Xarend noticed it was raining...'lets get out of the water"
i didnt like any of the jak games
Xarend smiled at tatin
Xarend swims behind her and come up "BOO!"
Xarend went under the water after Tatin