thats ironic because i am eating the thing in the commerical right now
Ok drink it and if any one notices say the hobo in the basement did it
i like Zexion...his wepon his kool...and is hair pwns everything
ooc: ok time for part to of my story A thick fog rolled in over port royal. Xarend and Captin Jack Sparrow where walking on the docks when a ship appeared in the fog. Jack looked at it "Sees thats my ship" Xarend looked at it "nice ship"...the ship came up to the docks and started shooting...Xarend looked at jack "Not so friendly...are they" Jack looked back at the ship..."well..." Jack opend his mouth as big ant like things came off the ship started coming down off of the ship "we should get going" jack started running "why do we...have" Xarend looked at the ship "go" Xarend started running behind jack...they hid behind some the things pasted Xarend asked jack "what are those things" "long story...lets go get my ship" Jack got up and started walking to the ship...The things turned around and saw us...Xarend had no idea what to do what a big key-like thing appeard in his hand and a vocie in his head siad fight till everything you have is gone...Xarend nooded his head and charged at the things...Xarend ran into them and swong the keylike thing at them...after 5 minutes of intense figting all the things where gone...Xarend and Jack started being sneaky to get to the ship...they snuck onto the ship and there was a guy with a long beared with a pirate on...he was looking toward the town and by the edge of the ship...Xarend snuck up behind him and grabed his legs and fliped him over the edge of the ship...Jack started stearing the ship away...Xarend had rum inhis hand and he was singing "A pirates lif is the life for me YOHOHO and a bottle of rum
Xarend walks around on the beach
ooc: thank u
ooc: did anybody like my post
Dont diss sora that song kicks but and he rules for singing it
A young boy was walking around Port Royal...he saw a guy in a pirate hat so the boy walked up to him...The man looked at the boy and the man siad "how are you young lad..." the boy looked at him with a confused look on his face "who are you" The pirate smirked "Why I am Captin Jack Sparrow" "Your captin Jack Sparrow...if you where a pirate you would have a ship" "Why I do have a ship?" Jack siad "O-really...which on is it?" the boy asked him Jack sparrow looked around "well its not here..." "So you dont have a ship...?" the boy siad siad "well im after the black pearl." Jack told him the boy started thinking "can i come and help you find it?" "I dont think a little kid could help." Jack started walking away "I got Rum" the boy siad as jack was walking away Jack turned to him "Ok get your rum and come on..." The boy smiled and walked up to him "by the Xarend"
ooc: im trying to find a world for me to be in and ater i do thst i will start
ooc: i dont even have an intro...u siad that u couldnt think of one for me so i dont kno if im in it or not
ooc: so am i haveing a storyline or not
Xarend just laid there in the water looking up in the sky
Xarend laid down on the beach
Xarend kept walking around in the rain
Xarend just walks around in the rain
"ok ill do that" Xarend walks to the doack and does a backflip off into the lake
"so what no dare" Xarend looked at tatin "tatin dare me"
"so what no one has a dare for mw"
"well just make up something and i will do it"