ooc: ok what has happend since i left
i love penut butter cookie dough...this is the best
ooc: so while everyone is having a party...im in twight light town doing nothing sitting around...i see how it is...thanxs everyone
i really dont care about it
13th if you read last page u will fing out how the video is coming
ooc: all the keyblade wielders
ooc: well how did they all die
ooc: the hole thing does apply...like if it didnt apply...what if everyone guy didnt have a strong heart...nothing would happen
ooc: ok even in kingdom hearts there was no school and sora had to find out every thing on his own also the keyblades pick the kids so yea...
ooc: well then why is there a skool for them...aqnd you guys haveto put how they died
ooc: how come a lot of people have a keyblade...i mean if the school you go to give people keyblades then how come all the teaches have them to i mean if i was a keyblade master (and i will be in the near future) i wouldnt be at a school...no i would be saveing the world...so you better have like the school burn dwn and everyone exept the main charictors die...so its more realistick
ooc: it dose f ur british
ooc: Duel wielder give ny the f***in bees
ooc: how come like no one posted all day
After sailing on the sea for about a month or two Xarend and Captin Jack Sparrow found land agian...but the bad part was that they where back at port royal...Xarend looked at Jack "not like this isnt fun but its just not for me" Xarend then jumped off the boat and swam to land...Xarend got up on the dock. Xarend was soaked...Xarend started walking around...he passed a guy in a cloak...the guy started walking next to him Cloacked guy: "so you got your keyblade" Xarend: "Whats a keyblade?" the key-like thing appeared in his hand Cloaked guy :"Thats a keyblade" Xarend: "So what do you want" the cloaked guy stands infront of him Cloaked guy: "I want you to join Organization XIII Xarend Smirked "I work alone" cloaked guy: "well then...your still coming" A portal opens behind the cloaked man and he grabs Xarend and they go through it
ooc: ok i was just wondering...where is the knight acadamy
ooc: where is everyone
ooc: hi everyone
ooc: ummm three days grace naber to late bon jovi its my life
ooc: ok first of all i can pester doxyc tomarro if he is at skool and how about three days grace never to late...i had an isea for that song and i think it would work out good...i would say linkin park but doxyc hates them...so yea