A portal opens acroos from Zephyr and a Xarend walks out wareing bright geen pants and shirt walks out "i think ur forgeting something" he smirked "me"
Xarend looked at blade "if you say so.." Xarend opened a portal and it opened at Disney Castle...Xarend started looking around "now where could it be"
Xarend steeped infront of Blade "let me spar with him...ive been dying for a fight...i dont even care if its for training"
Xaed walks in where doxyc and the starnger are..."who is that"
Xarend's portal opend and he was on crestfallen...Xarend sat down outside of the castle
i already saw the movie...yes it was the 5th one
ooc: what has happend latley
ooc: what u like to say it alot
ooc: i think doxycs should be "what ever"
Xarend dodges the broom and opens a portal
Xarend summonds his keyblade and throws it and its lands right infront of roka "or how about u fight"
ooc: ummmm sure i guess rp: Xarend looked at roka..."hey roka...one more round...just us"
Xarend watched roka walk away then looked at blade "see he still remembers last time we fought...if her would of ran...we would be dead now"
Xarend smirked agian "hmmmm...your still not in my league"
Xarend smirked "having fun are you-
Xarend looked at doxyc then back at roka "i feel like killing him myself"
Xarend leans up aginst the wall and watchs roka "your still wasting your time roka"
ooc: ok Xarend is really bored and since he cant go inside were everyone is he will just have to do something
The Fu**ing Pink One
ooc: its ok i was gone for two weeks