Xarend smirked "You heard Doxyc...he has to leave...but ill fight you...one-on-one...and trust me...i will win"
Xarend looked at mixt walk over to him "what do you want"
Xarend leaned agients a wall and smirked "im so scared"
Xarend sommonded his keyblades "im in the mood to fight so HURRY UP"
As Xarend looked around he grew bored so he sommond heartless to to find it
a portal opend inbetween Doxyc and Mixt and Xarend walked out..."if you guys are going to kill each other...lets make it intresting.....Mixt find yourself a partner and it will be a team fight...and if you choose not to fight...you will set an exsample of what you really are"
Xarend pulls out another kitty "and Zephyr trust me...i can KILL YOU" Xarend peted the kitty
Xarend looked a the kitty and it ran off " i miss my kitty" Xarend then looked at Zephyr... i say lets train i kick kill Zephyr
Xarend puts the keygun in his pocket and pulls out a kitty "no training" throws kitty at doxyc
Xarend walks behind Zephyr and smiles " hey Zephyr...did u loose something" Xarend holds his keygun in his hands..."dont get me mad" Xarend walks away with his keygun "i wonder how to us this" Xarend turns to Zephyr and pulls the trigger..."me like"
Xarend gets mad and grabs Zephyr by the thort and lifs him in the air "ur not the boss of us...if u say we should do something...u expect us to do it...as if...from now on...me and Doxyc call the shoots...got it" Xarend drops him to the ground
Xarend looked at Zephyr "HEY ZEPHYR U WILL NEED THIS" Xarend through him the keygun
ooc: u cant just take t out of my pocket first of i i walked away...sencwend do u relly think i would judt let u take it from me...u wish
Xarend looked at Nuthura then picked her up...and walked off
Xarend put the keygun in his pocket and looked at Nuthura..."how do we kno this isnt just a plan of his...how do we know that he isnt planing stuff with the heartless and the nobodies"
Xarend looked at Zephyr "hey Zephyr...did u loose something..."Xarend hods ur keygun in his hand
Xarend smiled and looked at doxyc "het doxyc how good is ur balence...try this" does a backflip and lands back on the keyblade
Xarend smirked still standing on his keyblade "and as i say...you cant kill...what u cant beat...so that makes u insaniffacnt to me"
Xarend summonds his keyblade and stabs it into the ground and stands on it
Xaren jumped down and landed next to Doxyc "its true..."Xarend loked at Zephyr "you cant win"