Xarend smirked agian "well it will be kindof hard to talk to him...if hes dead"
the boy siad "if anyone hears a loud noise...dont come to it" the boy them waked to the woods
Xarend through his keyblade at roka with a smirk on Xarend's face
Xarend appears right beside roka "wow i though you were smater than this...now me and blade can kill almost all the knights right now"
the boy looked around "well im going to go kill something"
"so u think u can just get way like that" xarend smirked "but i kno where ur going" Xarend opends a portal and walked through it
ooc: yea i kno...doxyc lives in westminister
ooc: i live in broonfield,co...and i dont care if u take them ok
ooc: ok i have my keyblade up to her throat...if u grab her it would a mojor gash on her thoat...and i didnt kno i live in colorado
ooc: u just powerplayed...you cant just grab them...u think i would just let go...and let u run off...edit ur post
Xarend moves so that ur attacks go toward amaya and Seikei
the boy stands there noticing that no sees him there
Xarend appears behind Amaya with his keyblades in his hand...when she gets Seikei out of the POD...Xarend holds one keyhlade up to her throat "if u know whats good for you, you will hand him over" Xarend pushes hiskeyblade into amaya's throat ooc; hows that dual wielder
Xaremd looks at roka..."u do kno that...after ur gone...the oned u want alive..." Xarend opens a portal "will die by my hands..." Xarend smirks "thats if u even make it that far..." Xarend walks through the portal
ooc: dual wielder u live in colorado...i did not kno that Xarend and roka's blades kept clashing
the boy looked at Tantray and opend his mouth but couldnt talk untill he siad "i dont like u"
The boy walks out from the tent and walks over to everyone "whats going on"
a little teenager walks into the camp...he had blood acroos his whye shirt and pants
A loud grizzly roar echos to where everyone is
Name: Xarend Gender: Male Age: 14 Appearance: He has light lue hair...yellow eyes...whit tripp pants (long pants with a lot of chains on them Personality: Cocky, can be rude...a really fun person Interests: Fighting... he likes to train to get stronger and better at fighting...loves to make people laugh Other:...nothing really Element/Weapon: he has to keyblades his Broken Melody and his Scythe keybldes...his element is twight