EPIC PWN!!! XD!!! HE GOT OWNED HARDOCORE!!! haha yea Tidus with his flips xD
shiki u bad repped me xD!! i got a red rep from you T-T
oops sorry haha wrong link xD u can either save it or use this.. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x95/lilrice_2007/Star_Angelavvy.png
omg i loved this song!!! she pours her heart and soul into!! i love it!!
Ne-Yo is awesome i like So Sick and Closer xD closer got stuck in my head for awhile " closer..closer...I JUST CAN'T STOP! XD!"
xD i think this song made me like him now XD!! BI!!
any1 heard of him?? if not here u go!! hes just epic XD!!
O_O they're alright but not my kind of music xD they're more for girls then guys XD
my gf has heard of them, she says they're amazing so ima take her word XD!!
alright done with 3 xD hope you all like em xD @Star_Angel [IMG<]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x95/lilrice_2007/Star_Angelavvy.png[/IMG] @Shiki [IMG<]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x95/lilrice_2007/ShikiAvvy.png[/IMG] [IMG<]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x95/lilrice_2007/Shikisig1.png[/IMG] @Finalsword78 [IMG<]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x95/lilrice_2007/Finalsword78siggy.png[/IMG] had to use gimp :sweatdrop:
FF8 was awesome just loved the storyline =]
OH WTH!?!?!? i wasn't ready T-T dang it have to wait a freckin hr till i revive...
O_O this thread got very bloody while i was off playing Dota...
its StarKiller or Crimson xD i think O_O
wow those are really good =] i like them all xD keep up the amazing work!
this thing worth even putting up??? but it isn't very good at all just two pics and whole bunch of red... and not even funny..
its pretty catchy xD i'll give them props for that but Nobody from the Wonder Girls is catcher xD alright ima stop posting in this thread about the WonderGirls xD sorry plz don't hurt me!!
wow thats cool!! Sora is like in a blizzard with a happy face xD but overall its cool!! 9/10 =]
cool a narutard XD!! well nice to see u here and hope you have fun just stay active and follow the rules =]
xD the kind u smell or the group xD why don't they name their fans like the Wonder Girls did calling all their fans Wonderfuls XD!!