wow these are pretty smexy =] i love the first one and 4th one its so simple and smexy!!!
i have a PS2 but i don't have CoM so im a fail XD!!
u might get banned O_O
JAZZ u need to stop bumping up old threads!!
am i doing it right? lol
yes serious but actually my grandama was the second one haha but yea im serious!! and those r Hmong people XD
yes dead seriously!!
OMG!!! DEAD SERIOUS!!! at 1:48 my grandma and grandpa r in there!! dead SERIOUS!!! my grandpa is the old guy on the right !!! and grandma is like the 3rd one back!!! ah!!! lucky grandparents tehe!!
i lol'd at that
NO RENNY DO NOT TOUCH A COMPUTER!!!! u need to be withdrawn away from the computer u come on i will freckin bite u!!! haha jk but seriously don't come on O_O have fun at ur beach thingy!!