Chrono had fallen in behind him in his attack and Boreas was glad to have someone at his back, sadly however Chrono fell back after his attacks. Boreas was left in awe of the display of force that Torrin put up but there was no time to be lost as the Sorceror retaliated with his green mist, it burned and felt sickening as he inhaled it but Boreas fought through it, he had fought amidst fire and smoke, this was just a small degree worse. Boreas made ready as around him his team members got back into the fight. Boreas wanting to not be outdone by Torrin felt the battle rage run through his veins. The pain helping him in that regard as Boreas slashed and jabbed in a neat combination with his glaive as he weaved the weapon around him using the staff to protect as the blade attacked. He ended his combination by shifting his blade into the Pernach form and throwing it straight at the Horned King's head and after colliding it returned to his hand as he held his glaive in a defensive position. "Don't let up! We shall grind him to dust!" Boreas shouted. Boreas used ATTACK and JUDGEMENT Boreas' Info HP: 116/145 MP: 30/30 FOC: 18/33 FLUX: 3/3 STATUS: Cheer (2 Turns), Rainbow Glow (4 Turns), Inspiring Presence (4 Turns)
"Keep on dreaming, Torrin." Boreas retorted to his friend as he said he would have wrapped things up if they had gotten here any later. With the Horned King challenging them and Torrin returning the challenge in return, it wasn't the first person to claim immortality that they would fight and prove wrong. The dark magic swirled and grew heavier within the air but Boreas paid it no heed as he was getting back into his battle focus. He shifted his keyblade back to Glaive-guisarme and raised it into the air as a spectral banner appeared attached to the long haft. "Let this day be known as the day we challenged and cast down an immortal. Torrin and I faced one with similar boisterous claims and we ground him down. There are more of us here we can do it again. Show me what you are worth! Show me your true mettle! Charge! And lay low the tyrant!" Boreas bellowed addressing his comrades, before advancing upon the Horned King himself. He was overtaking by an unfamiliar person who proceeded to roundhouse kick the Horned King before flailing his arms and retreating. "Hold your ground!" Boreas called at him as Boreas went in for the attack, slashing diagonally, whirling into a jab which he spun into an overhead slash. Boreas didn't fall back, holding his ground in the face of the Horned King. Boreas would not back down from this fight and he would hold his ground and sell it dearly. Boreas's Info HP: 145/145 MP: 30/30 FOC: 33/33 FLUX: 3/3 STATUS: None. Boreas used Inspiring Presence and ATTACK! (using all AP as per usual)
With Everette on board they had a solid team to do this especially since Everette understood what he was getting at. His extra experience and the skills of a well-trained and experienced mage would be very helpful on a mission like this. The man didn't even hesitate when answering and Conrad appreciated that, the willingness to help her was nice to see but Conrad hadn't doubted for a moment that Everette would help them out given the fact he had gone out of his way to find a working charm for her. Lakoda hadn't doubted for a minute that he himself would come along to do this with her. And Lakoda hugged Everette first and then hugged him, Conrad wrapped his arms around her to hug. "It's nothing." Conrad said as he hugged her. When she left he was left with Everette. "Thanks for helping us Everette, you hit the nail on the head by saying your experience will do well on this mission, I figured extra man power couldn't hurt not on a mission this important." Conrad said kindly. "I think between the three of us we ought to be able to pull this off. Just like our last one."
The skeletal warriors he had bashed aside would rise up once more. The Flammie continued to provide aerial support. Boreas glanced around for his companions that were also fighting their way through the oncoming army Take was cleaving his way through with a great axe, the weight of the axe head would help clearing them out of the way the same way his pernach did. Tinarah intended to hold the rear while they kept advancing towards their friends. Boreas carved his path through utilizing his pernach to parry blows and launching ripostes, it had been a while since he had been into this sort of fighting. Inside it wasn't much better, but having spotted Thallasa and the others he figured he'd fight his way to them. As he whirled around he threw his pernach forward and as the blade soared through his foes he ran through the path it carved grabbing the blade once more as he neared the end of the path to block a blow from a sword as Boreas whirled around and crashed the pernach into the skeletons side to get it out of the way. As he neared though he caught Thallasa's warning and for a moment looked to the Master and nodded as one of the skeletons brought down a blade on his shoulder, his armour taking the worst of the hit, Boreas swiftly kicked it's legs out before introducing it to the mace head. "Show me your fury!" Boreas bellowed as both a challenge to their foes and as an encouragement to his allies. They were all going to have to pull their weight in this and where fighting as a unit was concerned Boreas felt right at home. The Horned King was their mark and that was where Boreas was heading, to his foe and to Torrin whom he gave a smack on the shoulder "Sorry we're late, we were held up a little." Boreas said before he continued to carve his path, after Aria who was leading the charge.
When she handed him the paper it soon proved him right. This was important, he followed the signing that she did and read the job posting again and she was right the descriptions seemed in line with what she said and the story she had told him four years ago after their first mission had gone so wrong Midarah had to come get them. "It most certainly seems to point in that direction, Lakoda, this is the best lead we have had since we started our hunt." Conrad signed, Everette joined them asking what was going on. "I am going with you on this mission, there is nothing you can say or do to change my mind about that. I promised you I'd go with you and be by your side when confronting her, remember?" Conrad remembered the promise he had made Midarah too, it was the same he had made Lakoda, that he'd be there with her to find that hag. It had lead them on a few missions together, all false leads. He had silently sworn bloody vengeance on the hag for what she had done to Lakoda and if he closed his eyes he could still see her tired and tear-stained face as she had knocked on his door in the dead of night. "I understand completely Lakoda, I'll go with you, no doubt about that. Everette will you join us too?" Conrad asked continuing to sign, he knew Everette was another person in Lakoda's circle of trusted friends and he figured they could use the extra manpower here. The day was finally here then, he had alays remained optimistic about getting Lakoda's voice back and now they had a real chance at it, deep inside of him he felt something stir in anticipation, but Conrad wasn't going to make use of that power unless absolutely necessary.
With everyone following suit the Flammie started off in the direction of the Horned King's Castle. Chrono and Take seemed to hang back as the soared through the skies after the Dragon. Darkness started to fall over them as they got closer to their target and lightning crackled in the skies, good conditions for a raid perhaps not so much for an aerial raid but the weather would help mask their approach as they got closer to their target. An army was marching from the gates of the castle as they closed the dragon loosed a fireball, and the raid had started with the gates destroyed the way was open, except for the skeletons that were marching out of the castle. He saw Tinarah go to land on the approach and while she landed and immediately sprung into action that wasn't how Boreas was going to get stuck in there. Boreas flew in low as if to come in for a normal landing but before he touched down he shifted the keyblade into the glaive-guisarme that he whirled around to create more room around him and then raised the weapon as he kept moving forwards, a mystical banner appearing on the polearm as Boreas shouted. "Come on we don't have all day let's get our comrades out of here! Follow my lead!" Boreas then shifted his keyblade into a heavy headed Pernach and started to cut his way inward using the weapon to bash aside the cauldronborn as he fought his way into the castle they were going to get Torrin and the others, Tinarah had pointed out that taking out the soldiers wasn't the objective and Boreas was very much aware of it after all he had mentioned a raid but he realized that out of the people with him only Take might understand that and didn't say anything.
Conrad had some more food with Lakoda and Shawn, that evening Conrad had asked Lakoda if she had a moment and since the two of them were partners since Conrad had gotten here she could talk to him. He told her about the mark and how it had been there four years ago with the mages he fought. Why the mark had been familiar when she had drawn it and the name tying it all together. Following her advice Conrad went to Midarah with the information. It wasn't the first time he had raised his concerns with the Guild master and like before she listened and put his mind to rest. Not long after Conrad himself took his well-deserved rest. Over the next several days Conrad busied himself with making up his report leaving out no details, he also spent his time training and studying the book that Shawn had given him, there wasn't too much useful information in there but he still went over it as the subject intrigued him. Conrad had slept in a bit that morning due to having stayed up late studying the tome. He freshened himself up and got ready for the day. Leaving his room to head for the main hall he ran into Lakoda she seemed a little shaken. "Good morning, Lakoda. Is everything alright? You seem a little shaken." Conrad asked her, he saw the paper she was clutching in her hands, she had been on her way to find him by the looks of things that meant it was going to be important.
Take fought against Boreas trying to throw him off and get back at the Flammie. Take was right, he didn't know it's intent but if it had wanted to kill them it wouldn't have gone out of it's way not to directly blast them as it hit Ardyn. "It wouldn't have landed if it wanted to kill us and could have blasted us easily in that surprise attack if it wanted us dead already." Boreas said, when Take finally looked and seemed to be more comfortable with the creature and adding he wouldn't outright attack the creature Boreas let go and got to his feet offering Take a hand to pull him back up. Boreas glanced at Tinarah and Chrono interacting with the creature, if he hadn't needed to tackle Take he would have gone up to it himself but now they had no time to lose. "You're right Take, we don't have any time to lose now." Boreas added, calling on his keyblade Glider. The Flammie seemed to be looking for something and sniffing the air and growling and then shot up into the sky it had looked at them and then at them back at the sky and back at them. "Alright, it looks like our furry friend here wants us to follow him, everyone mount up. We got a castle to raid to find Torrin and the others. Move like you got a purpose!" Boreas said as he got onto his glider and flew up after the Flammie finding the creature circling above the swamp they had found themselves in. He oriented himself in the sky to find the direction the castle had been in according to Ardyn and waited for the others to join him.
A warning shot?! He called that a warning shot? Take already pointed out that wasn't a warning shot and he didn't feel the need to reitterate it. It wasn't lost on him that the kid tried to steal the man's hat and he cast Take a glance questioning his actions, sure this man had shot down Torrin and really he did deserve his hat being nicked or some sort of retribution for what he had done to Torrin. He'd love to wipe that arrogant smirk of his face himself, even if the others were at that Castle he directed them to especially after Tinarah's inquiry giving them even more detailed directions and Tinarah was ready to move out. It wasn't lost on Ardyn however that his hat was being stolen and Boreas reacted without hesitation when Ardyn made his threat, preparing to stab him between the shoulder blades and draw attention away from Take. He was blinded for a moment and felt the heat even through his armour as the beam passed by, the bright light momentarily blinding him, when his vision returned he saw the scar in the land where Ardyn had been, now only burnt earth remained, he saw Take in front of him. "Are you alright?" Boreas asked him, the two of them had been close to the beam that had destroyed Ardyn even the hat had disappeared from Take's hand. He wheeled around when the giant creature landed and he took it in. "Oh you gotta be kidding me..." Boreas muttered softly. "I guess Torrin has been right all along... shame he isn't here to see it..." It seemed like the creature was observing them. Boreas was about to start stepping toward the creature, when Take bolted past him and at the creature, remembering the talk between Torrin and Take and what Take had told him about his homeworld. "TAKE NO!" Boreas shouted, but it was no use so Boreas went after him and tackled him and preventing him from harming the creature. "It helped us, Take." Boreas said. "This creature did nothing to you." He held Take down fighting to keep him restrained. "Look at it, does that look like one of the dragons from your home?! Does it?" Boreas asked him, keeping his temper in check.
Boreas was surprised the man was still standing and with ease removed his Glaive-Guisarme. "That's rich coming from the stranger shooting a stranger that I call a friend. In those cases I tend to leave my manners at home." Boreas snarled, having seen similar regenerative abilities on Dentro albeit these seemed to be stronger. He didn't flinch when Ardyn looked him in the eyes. "And oh no, I haven't worked it out of my system. You're not the first arrogant clown with regenerative abilities I have run into, he too thought himself invincible with his regenerative abilities yet he was beaten." Boreas said. "Don't think you can get me off your back with such simple boasts, I have found that when people make claims like that they tend to be bluffing, I wonder if you are." Boreas said looking Ardyn in the eyes, he knew these abilities were stronger than Dentro's and while he'd love to grind those abilities down, there was no time. Boreas was about to ask Ardyn where Torrin was when Take made his move, Boreas took a step back giving him room to bring the Glaive to bear, aiming the tip of the blade where the man's heart should be. Tinarah was now pleading to be sent to Torrin, with a healer being sent to Torrin that would at least sort the problem out of a wounded Torrin, but it would divide their numbers even further. "No Tinarah he's going to tell us where he is and we'll all go." Boreas said, they had to stick together, especially since he didn't trust the person that shot his friend out of the sky to actually send her to Torrin.
Conrad listened tentatively to the information he was receiving, he was visibly shocked by hearing the Guild name as he had a run in with them several years ago, a run in which had lead him to this guild. He looked to Lakoda for a moment and took a moment to calm down and gather himself while listening to Lakoda pitching in and looking at the picture she had drawn. "I agree, we ought to let Samuel rest for now and he can be informed later." Conrad said, looking at the picture again, it was exactly like the mark he had seen on the giant serpent and now that he had a name with the mark it explained why he felt like he had seen it before. Because he had seen it before, but the memory had been buried beneath newer ones and he couldn't place it. "I saw that mark on the back of the serpent... it may be pure coincidence, but I am sure I saw that mark too..." Conrad said, he wasn't going to mentioned recalling the name or now recognizing the symbol that lay before him to just about anyone. He needed to swap some thoughts with Lakoda on the matter later, perhaps even bring this to Midarah's attention.
Torrin agreed with his assesment. "They'll get over it, with the way the wielders here travel between worlds I wouldn't be surprised if they get another chance at it." Boreas said, he laughed at the joke Torrin made. "I sincerely doubt you'd replace me like that old friend, you like having me around too much for that." He added jokingly. Boreas looked back at the others and was about to range ahead to scout when a crimson saber shot up hitting Torrin causing him to fall. "TORRIN!" Boreas called out, he swung around and dove... not fast enough... he wasn't going to catch his friend before he plummeted to the earth, he pushed himself even considering letting himself fall to catch up but he knew even that wasn't going to make enough of a difference. He followed Tinarahs lead through the canopy, relying on his armour to shield him from the worst of the branches. With the adrenaline flowing through him he didn't need it, he needed to get to Torrin, everything else be damned. Boreas was going to find who that saber belonged to and repay the owner in kind. As Tinarah had landed she spoke to another person, in his rage Boreas wasn't going to ask questions and transformed the glider beneath him into his glaive guisarme with the bladed end point down intending to drop onto the stranger ending them in one go, adding his speed and weight to the strength of the blow.
Torrin gave his reasoning for not trusting the fairy king's magic and they were understandable. It was unnecessary to rely on the fairy king for flight as they had their own method. He followed Torrin's example of calling upon his glider and mounted up. And after waving at the old man and the fairy took off after Torrin who had left a few moments before. He overtook Chrono and gave him a thumbs up indicating he was doing a good job and he knew that his own example may make it look too easy. Boreas raced to easily catch up to Torrin his damaged green cloak fluttering behind him in the wind. He looked behind to see the other three following them before turning to Torrin. "They have already improved since last time. They'll know their way about the gliders soon enough. Since the swamp is straight ahead do you want me to scout on ahead, get an idea of what we're dealing with here or do you want us to move as one?" Boreas asked both sides had their merits and disadvantages he would do as commanded but the suggestion couldn't hurt at all.
Torrin agreed to his plan and lead the way, Boreas sticking by his side. Boreas held his cool as the door opened and the fairy appeared. He kept a close eye on the fairy as it spoke and Boreas bowed to show his respect for the king of the fairies when it was revealed. He listened to the king of fairies and the resident of the house explained their story. It seemed their teammates had ended up in as grand an adventure as they had, perhaps even grander, but Boreas was glad to have done his part in beating Dentro. He would have served where ever he would have been assigned. He took note of the direction the swamps were in and laughed at the pun the fairy king had made, even as the alien sensation of floating overcame him. He was used to the glider, but not to this sort of flying and was glad to be put back on the ground with both his feet. Take had wanted to fly and perhaps deep down Boreas too had wanted it too. Take hadn't been the only person that had wanted to fly apparently Tinarah had as well "Thank you for your help." Boreas said joining his thanks with those of Take and followed Torrin when they were out of earshot of the fairy king and the old man, Boreas turned to his friend. "Gliders it is then? Why didn't we make use of the fairy kings offer, didn't trust him?"
Boreas had gone through the portal expecting the very worst and potential hostilities when they arrived luckily for them Boreas had been proven wrong. Torrin informed them that the communicator still wasn't any good. Boreas didn't put his glaive-guisarme away, as something still felt off in this place. "Sounds like a more solid plan of scouting from keyblade glider and if necessary we can still resort to that." the place seemed tranquil enough, very peaceful away from other people, strange though that the pig pen was empty. Boreas followed Take toward the house, Glaive-guisarme in hand. "You know Take, since you mentioned it being the usual drill, we ought to be prepared for it. Everyone stay alert." Boreas said as they headed for the house. He stayed sharp even if this was the place where the other group had landed didn't automatically mean it was safe.
Boreas nodded when Take responded that he was fine. "That's good." he simply said it wasn't his way to tell Take to go find a healer the boy was a soldier and knew his limits better than he did and if he could still fight then so be it only when it would be horribly irresponsible to let him go on would he step in. When Take took off the glove he glanced at the hand. The bruising made it look worse than it may have been and he saw the strange scarring on his wrist. He wasn't going to inquire after it and noticed the wince. Take knew how much he could do with the hand and the fist fight had proven he could still use it. Boreas only nodded that he understood when Take said his hand needed some more time. Torrin showed up shortly afterward and seemed to be happy they had resolved their differences. He only shook his head when Torrin mentioned healing. When Torrin tried to raise Aria over the communicator to no avail he looked at his friend and nodded understanding that it may spell troubled and he kicked into gear. "Alright, we can't call them in like that, it may suggest trouble. When through the portal prepare for the worst and hope to be disappointed, stick close to the portal so that we might fall back. Torrin on the other side asses the situation and proceed on glider to find the others if necessary?" Boreas said preparing himself for the transition through the portal when Edna showed up. "Thank you for everything, ma'am. Goodbye." Boreas said, noticing Chrono had already gone through the portal, he breathed in deeply and went through the portal, cape flowing behind him and glaive-guisarme in hand prepared for the worst taking up a defensive position on the other side of the portal, prepared for the worst.
Conrad listened attentively to what was being said he raised an eyebrow at how vague Shawn was putting it almost as if he wasn't allowed to know what had gone on if Shawn thought that was necessary for this mission Conrad wasn't going to argue just another thing they couldn't talk about. He turned his attention to Lakoda who was pouting at him for having gone on a monster hunt without her, as it was a thing they usually did together. "Well Lakoda I seem to recall having given you the chance to come along and well furthermore it didn't exactly say we were going to hunt a giant serpent." Conrad said with a smirk that quickly changed into a broad smile accompanied by laughter as she poked his ribs and claimed to raise him from the dead just to send him back herself for dying on her. He was familiar with her soundless laughter and was glad to see her laugh. "You really thought I would die like that? Oh no it takes more than that to be rid of me and know that the same goes for you, missy" he added with a grin on his face. He fidgeted with his hands surpressing the urge to sign along with his speaking because of the awkward situation it had lead to that morning. As Lakoda gave an explanation for what happened on their mission Conrad simply listened while taking a bit from his food, his breath caught at the mention of a Dark Guild and he stopped chewing a good thing too as more rather shocking things were revealed and he controlled himself enough to chew and swallow before speaking up. "I never knew... he never mentioned them to me, I mean I guess there always had been the possibility of him having siblings but I didn't know..." Conrad said rather surprised at the news of Samuel's siblings. The mage and him got along rather well and even helped each other out, but he had never spoken of them. "So are you going to tell him about it all? You know him becoming an uncle and all? I won't breathe a word of this to him unless you want me to." Conrad if he were in Samuel shoes would want to be told but he wasn't Samuel, but he still thought he deserved to know what was going on with his family. "Those mages from this Dark Guild, did they mention a name or did you see their mark?" he was merely curious as he had had a run in with members of one in the past.
Boreas helped Take to his feet as the boy took his hand. Boreas noted how Take was rubbing his hand and that when he spoke he sounded rather emotionless. As Take was back on his feet Boreas grabbed his shirt and put it back on, proceeding with activating his armour. During the fight he had noticed the scar on Take's back. "You know that the enemy wouldn't have stood a chance if they caught me like that right?" Boreas said with a grin it wasn't entirely true as the chaser he had fought held her ground against him, but if it were the heartless they would be destroyed. "I'll take you up on that challenge it was a good fight, you held out well and if you learnt how to dish out as well as you take them it'd even the odds significantly." Take's mention of brawling with his brothers brought memories back of him rough housing with his own brother they hadn't done it often but there had been a couple of occasions where they brawled. "You alright?" he knew Take could take a good hit and with his fists he doubted he had done lasting damage with his fists, but the way he rubbed his hand suggested it hurt badly and he had switched back to his emotionless speech. Boreas was considering heading back inside but when they left he doubted Torrin wouldn't send for them, so he figured they'd take the time to talk some more.
Boreas' words had only aggravated the situation even more to the point where Take took off his shirt too and wasn't going to back down either. Boreas simply put up his fists in a defensive stance no need to bleed each other dry by using weapons. When Take was ready they began Boreas pressed his advantage of both strength and reach. Take held out formidably but Boreas channeled his anger into his blows. He struck hard and true the counters from Take struck true as well and while it hurt and leave bruises and create more openings but it wasn't enough to put Boreas out of commision. Boreas ended it with a strong blow that left him winded with a quick follow up to send him just enough off-balance. Boreas remained standing to catch his breath for a moment Take hadn't gotten up yet and without anger clouding his mind he saw what he had done, Take had yielded and started apologising to him for the jokes and going too far. "Apology accepted, but I too was at fault perhaps more so than you I let my pride and anger blind me over what are as you said petty things. I should have been above it rather than resort to violence... I was angry and unreasonable..." Boreas said as he walked over to Take and offered him his hand as a peace offering and to help him to his feet. He had perhaps just been looking for a fight that morning and taken his opportunity no matter who it was.
It didn't take long for Take to follow him outside and the kid looked rather confused at him but Boreas looked at him with a look that left no room for misinterpretation. The evidence of Boreas service to the king was clear on his body each scar from a cut that he received serving in the war. He raised one of his eyebrows as Take spoke up not wanting to fight over this. "So you insult and challenge me to prove whether I had the strength to back up my words and now that it comes down to it you try to get out of it. Absolutely pathetic. And if your sense of humour entails riling people up I most certainly hope you leave me out of your jokes unless you would like my fists to remind you." Boreas said there was still anger in his voice. "I am not one to refuse a challenge, whether it is directly aimed at me or not. Get out of my face then if you are not here to make good on your challenge." If Take wasn't going to fight and weasel his way out of it then he wanted to be alone to find his center again and perhaps save the anger for something more useful.