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  1. Vladek515

    Boreas just watched the situation between Enzo and Qamar play out, Enzo seemed like the person intent on infuriating every single person he encountered, Boreas sincerely hoped he wouldn't have to deal with it too much or that the bloke changed his ways. Qamar scolded him some more before she came back his way and sat down beside him with her breakfast. Boreas hadn't waited for her to begin digging in. Qamar mentioned wanting to punc Enzo in the face and he understood that sentiment, almost blurting out that she should do it, but he restrained himself. She then proceeded to clarify that she wanted to know things about him, about his life. "I can't fathom why you would possibly be interested in any of that, but I'll humour you." Boreas said, a lie, she probably wanted to learn of her home by looking at what his life was like and thought for a moment what to say. "I trained under a keyblade Master just like you and well when the majority of my training was completed my duties brought me elsewhere and I have served in the army since then, fighting on the front on numerous occasions over the course of several years and.well the reason I am here was cause we found a lost Master Atmos that I was to help back to the Realm of Light. She was charged with returning Torrin, I made a request to aide in such endeavour which was granted and reasoned the quickest way would be to win this war he has walked into." Boreas explained, not really going into meeting Torrin again or what transpired in the past between the two of them.
    Post by: Vladek515, Oct 29, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Vladek515

    He listened to what Qamar had to say regarding the person she saw as her father. And he kind of understood the naivety of a child but at the very least that that situation was very wrong and learned some more normalised ideas regarding the father figure. He wasn't sure how much she had seen and how much her claim based on books. Not that it mattered much to him, at the very least she seemed to have learned from the experience. He weighed what she said about leaving the Realm of Darkness, blindly following another master, given the circumstances he wasn't sure she would be punished for it even if people like her that had left or had the desire to do so had caused this war he had lost so much to, Boreas remained silent over the remarks and looked at her when she brought up her questions. "
    Like what?" Boreas asked, he didn't think he lead a particularly interesting life, but he could be wrong.

    With the breakfast prepared Boreas headed for the dining hall and helped himself to some bacon, eggs and hashbrowns to accompany his toast. He sat down at the long dining table and when Enzo looked at him Boreas simply glared back unflinching not answering the question, the guy then proceeded with shamelessly loading some of the prepared breakfast into a bag he was carrying and Boreas simply glared at him as Qamar decided to take matters into her own hand anddecided to yell at him for it. It amused him to no end that it was her of all people that was yelling at Enzo given his yelling at her during the fight against the chasers, he looked around the room and noted a couple of people were missing among them Torrin, Illiana and Aria. He didn't think too much of it as they all had woken up at different times before even the small group in the last world they had visited had different times. Greeting all the masters with a simple good morning was all Boreas did before digging into his breakfast.
    Post by: Vladek515, Oct 28, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Vladek515

    Qamar followed his train of thought regarding the dagger it was possible that she stole it from her father and what she mentioned about the person that had abducted her mother made his blood boil. Not only did that man tear a family apart but also forcing her to do his dirty work, the mention of instead gambling to be imprisoned was understandable as it also meant to be away from that man. "So was he always observing you when you did your handiwork? Saw no chance to disappear? If he poisoned your mother I'd see no reason to keep going back to him even if he fed you." Boreas asked, he knew it was a bit insensitive to ask it but it made no sense to him.

    So she left the Realm voluntarily leaving with her previous master. "
    I personally doubt that the Master would ask his Majesty for permission. After all we have perfectly good Masters in the Realm of Darkness to train someone to wield a keyblade." Boreas pointed out. She seemed to be incinuating that she belonged on the side he had been fighting against for the past 5 years. The people that wanted to leave the Realm of Darkness, but their departure would cause an imbalance between the realms with all the consequences attached to it. However Boreas understood that she never had an actual choice in the matter. That master though was responsible for the journey, as she never could have gotten to the Realm of Light without them.

    She made a comment about giving her teacher her full attention he'd wait and see how that would play out, when it would come to that. He chuckled at the remark about Master Skia joking about invisible ants. He had been convinced she was pulling his leg when talking about the invisible fish, but they actually existed as he could still feel the slimy slap to his face from one of them. He considered making a cup of hot chocolate for himself but decided against doing so this early in the morning and with Tinarah mentioning breakfast was nearly done he decided to just wait for that to be finished before finding Torrin.
    Post by: Vladek515, Oct 27, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Vladek515

    Boreas wasn't entirely expecting the reaction Qamar gave, she had seemed a tad nervous just bringing this up but to what extent he hadn't anticipated. She admitted he was intimidating and feeling like she regretted it which to him almost said that while she wanted to learn to control her darkness she didn't want to go through with it so badly as to tackle any obstacle in the way. She also admitted that she didn't want another person to be killed while being helpless to stop it. "
    This is war, whether you like it or not there's gonna be casualties. You can't save everyone and sometimes there's nothing you can do. Then you just accept you did what you could and go on." Boreas said, he used to have trouble with the idea too but that was years ago and sometimes he still wondered if it was the truth or he was just trying to calm down his own conscience.

    He waited patiently to let Qamar find the words to express herself and drank some water. She mentioned a nostalgic feeling that she didn't get when talking to Master Skia, a tad strange but still and she explained why he showed him that picture randomly at a time when more important matters were at hand. "
    Well yes the way the two are holding each other would suggest the man might be your father. The armour is clearly of our make." Boreas started off, thinking of what else she said, he felt bad for her losing her mother like that and not having family left. "I am sorry for your loss." Boreas said even if it had been years too late for that. "Did you etch that name into the blade yourself or was that already there when you stole it?" If it had been there when she stole it she might have stolen from her own father. Stealing was still crime even under those circumstances, but with her mother poisoned she would have had no choice, not that it made it any better.

    She then went on to wanting to learn more about his homeworld. "
    The war is a complicated matter, but how did you someone from the Realm of Darkness end up out here in the Realm of Light?" Boreas inquired he could understand why Torrin wouldn't want to talk of home, he hadn't been there for the last six years, five of which Boreas had resented him for it. Now that he was here with his friend though, even if his friend had significantly more responsibilities, he couldn't resent him for leaving and with what he had been fighting was just glad he was still here. When she finally came to the core of her issue after a way too long roundabout. "There you go." Boreas said as she finally answered his question. "Darkness and anger are seperate things although can be tied together, anger spilling from darkness or darkness following anger on the way out." Boreas explained, he could help with this even if he wasn't a master, his own Master had given Torrin and him the same lectures on the subject although Boreas received extra lessons to guiding his rage. "I might be able to help with this." Boreas said finally "I'll consider it, if I do it I'll need you to listen to exactly what I say."

    He hadn't really paid attention to the conversation between Choma and Tinarah. Chrono however had walked in as had Take. "
    Good morning Take, Chrono." Boreas said looking to each individually. Take seemed to keep to himself mostly as did Chrono at that but Chrono had just sat down wheras Take was heating up some water and do his own thing.
    Post by: Vladek515, Oct 26, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Vladek515

    It didn't take long for someone else to appear in the kitchen and he was greeted by master Choma. "
    Master Choma." Boreas said nodding back in greeting. Boreas hardly ever took it easy but was intrigued by what the Master mentioned about making their training more useful Boreas had a pretty good idea how to keep on training. "It's fine, I'll wait." Boreas said to Tinarah, it amused him that while she handed out work to others including a master she avoided attempting to do so to him. He simply glared at Qamar when she asked him whether he could clear his head the other day. He had been able to do so perfectly fine, actually enjoyed himself that afternoon and had gotten it out of his head . "Yes, I was, speaking of which I was angry and lashed out, shouldn't have done that but still." Boreas said not elaborating on what happened, then she started to bring him food and put a glass of water in front of him. And then proceeded with beating around the bush regarding him potentially helping her train in something, with the memory of her being a loose cannon during his face off with the Chaser and having gotten a comrade killed and master Thallasa giving him authority to whip everyone into line. "Alright I am going to stop you right there." Boreas said. "Don't beat around the bush and explain what you want me to do here what a master couldn't teach you better, beating around the bush is just wasting time." He wanted it crystal clear.from her before he made his decision. He had his own things to take care off and would help if he could. Sure Torrin and him were natural choices due to them hailing from the Realm of Darkness, and yes Torrin had a lot on his plate with the burden of leadership, but he wasn't a master, he was a student himself still, sure he had his experience as a commander and maybe that was useful here too but he wasn't entirely sure of it just yet.
    Post by: Vladek515, Oct 25, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Vladek515

    Boreas' light sleep remained undisturbed until the morning when it grew more restless and Boreas dreamed, it was an unpleasant dream and Boreas awoke sweating, the events from the day before clearly having left their mark. He had dreamt of the Light Chaser destroying him and his mother being informed of his passing. Something that he realised could have very well happened the other day, it had been easy in his rage to defend Torrin until the end to make sure he lived even if it cost him his life. He knew his mother would have been devastated if that ever came to pass. Boreas shook the covers off of him, it was around his usual time that he had woken up but given how much he had run the previous day he didn't think he needed to go for his run right now so instead he put himself to strength training doing several sets of exercises within the confines of his room. During the exercises the dream remained at the back of his mind and he was reminded of something a comrade of his had asked of him a few years ago, the request seemed strange at the time but Boreas had obliged and looking back at it he understood it a lot better and it gave him an idea, after finishing up his exercises and freshening up Boreas sat down at his desk and wrote a letter.

    As Master Skia had mentioned and he had seen twice now the Light Chaser was incredibly powerful and maybe next time Torrin wouldn't be there to stop him from doing something rash and with three casualties already on such a small team Boreas didn't like their chances and was very much aware of the dangers of combat. Boreas poured out his heart into the letter explaining why he was there and how he felt about it, what had brought him out here and what they were trying to do and ending it with what had happened if this letter was delivered and how he felt about it. When he was done he sealed the letter with a red wax seal and put it in his pocket, he'd give it to Torrin when he went to apologise. Writing the letter had taken longer than he would have liked but after yesterday he felt like it was necessary. His stomach however had been protesting for the entirety of the process and with the letter done he left his room to find breakfast as he headed for the kitchen the smell of breakfast being made grew stronger and stronger. In the kitchen he found Tinarah making breakfast and Qamar leaning against the doorframe. He squeezed past Qamar and sat down at the table. "
    Good morning, how are you two this morning?" Boreas asked, he had half a mind to make porridge again like every morning but with Tinarah working so hard he figured that for once he'd play along, he noted that Qamar was dressed differently, which wasn't too big a surprise as everyone had taken a beating the other day and the only reason his clothes weren't destroyed due to his armour, although he would have to wash his clothes, his armour was damaged here and the cloak in worse state but it didn't matter.
    Post by: Vladek515, Oct 24, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Vladek515

    The Master wanted to laugh at his misfortune with the fish but couldn't bring herself too, it probably was cause his reaction wasn't too funny, just treating it like an interuption, then again it had been a long day and while funny wasn't exactly his strong suit after a long day it wasn't any better. He felt a little disappointed that it was impossible to learn this Judgement Bolt. "That's a shame, maybe throwing enough of those at the Light Chaser might make for a rather convenient solution, I mean he can tank one but how about a dozen?" Boreas said handing back the fishing rod to the master. "It's been a long day I guess, I know that for me it has been, I think I have sufficiently cooled down, so if it's alright with you I'll go back to the Castle with you." Boreas said. "And don't mention it, it was nothing. I enjoyed the company and the distraction to be honest, guess I needed that so thank you." Boreas said as he grabbed the fishes and headed back to the Castle with the Master on the way back he spoke of what had happened during their mission leaving out a few details like Torrin's use of Darkness saving them. Boreas remained wary around the masters that were on the council, but at the very least, master Skia didn't exactly seem to dislike him outright.

    Back at the castle Boreas brought the fish to the kitchen, he made himself some dinner and went to his room to grab a shower to wash away the remaining fish slime. He ought to have some rest, before he did though he attempted to summon his blade, closing his eyes and holding out his hand visualising his blade before him, but it didn't come to him. Boreas went to the kitchen and helped himself to a breadknife. He knew it wouldn't do much in case of an emergency but he always slept with at least a single weapon and now that his keyblade was temporarily out of commision, he would make due with what he had. He lay down in the same bed he had a couple nights ago drifting off to a light sleep, he'd find Torrin in the morning and apologise same with Qamar, but for now he would get his sleep.
    Post by: Vladek515, Oct 23, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Vladek515

    Boreas listened closely to what the master had to say giving her the time to find the words as he kept an eye on the rod. The decision to hold back initially made sense, without a leader they were without purpose but to hold back for 6 years it seemed a bit strange, but with someone like the Light Chaser out there a little understandable even if it caused this problem to grow worse from neglect. "When I first saw him he fought Gero, Stamatis, Atmos and Torrin simultaneously to a standstill..." Boreas said illustrating the point that he understood that the Light Chaser was indeed a force to be reckoned with. "He is a very skilled and cunning opponent, as he knew where we were and struck while we tried to regroup. And well if he can fight those four to a standstill I feel like the only option we have left is weight of numbers, call upon every single wielder and hope it is enough. If it's not then I guess it doesn't matter too much at least not for me and my people... It's gonna be a mess either way really even if we win with brute force..." Boreas said grimly. "But yes fishing is indeed a nice way to distract oneself of all that. I found going for a good run works for me too." He felt another tug on the rod and Boreas fought to get the fish on shore, this one put up more of a fight and it took Boreas a while to get it ashore, having to get closer to the stream to do so, but in the end Boreas won once again, quickly removing the hook and casting it out again. "Another good remedy is spending time with family or friends, a crisis has it's way of changing our perspective on who and what are important to us." Boreas said with a hint of sadness, missing his own family. "So this Judgement Bolt, is it a hard thing to le-" Boreas was interupted as something wet and slimy slapped across his face as one of the invisible fish had leaped at him, his cheek turning red from where the fish had hit him. "As I was trying to say before being interrupted by a fish, is Judgement Bolt something that is difficult to learn?" Boreas asked wiping the slime from his cheek.
    Post by: Vladek515, Oct 22, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Vladek515

    Boreas took the fishing rod when the master offered it and confirmed there was no trick to it. "
    Sounds like a good way to even the odds on those invisible fish." Boreas said as he got closer to the water and cast out the line, listening to what the Master had to say. Six years ago had been a bad year for him too, perhaps not master of masters disappearing level bad but it hadn't just been them suffering a loss. "A lot can happen in but a couple of years, if but a moment is all it takes to change things for the worse." Boreas agreed, in those six years he had joined the military and risen to the rank of captain, lost his younger brother and comrades. "And having endured guard duty on numerous occasions, I can imagine how you feel about being cooped up in a Castle if you'd rather serve on the frontlines, but I understand it's orders from higher up forcing you to set aside your own feelings on the matter and just carry them out regardless for they know what's best." Boreas was distracted by a tug on the rod and Boreas started to reel in he definitely caught something and after a short fight with the fish Boreas pulled it from the water and the master had been right there seemed to be nothing there but the rod implied otherwise with a cautious hand Boreas felt where the fish should be and had his hand slapped by the fish indicating it was clearly there. He removed the hook from it's mouth and cast out the line again.

    But six years of guard duty and I'd imagine uneventful guard duty at that..." Boreas said, shaking his head, he did not like that idea at all, he knew there were people that loved guard duty as it definitely had it's advantages, but it wasn't for really for him. "I shudder just at the idea of it." He added but it did point out something to him, there clearly was something here worth defending. What that was he didn't know but he was curious, perhaps it might explain why the Council seemed to deem the threat of the Light Chaser adequately adressed by sending a handful of students and two masters to fight back. And with three casualties on their side and but one on their opponents side, the odds were only changing more in favour of the Light Chaser, he dearly hoped that they were working on something to turn the tables on the Light Chaser the way master Skia had turned the tables on the invisible fish.
    Post by: Vladek515, Oct 22, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Vladek515

    "Well yes, I can't say I have heard of invisible fish before, there's the ghost carps back home they are kinda see-through, but you can still see them... I guess I shouldn't be surprised invisible fish are a thing given how many worlds are out there I shouldn't be so surprised that invisible fish are a thing." Boreas answered. He gave Master Skia a questioning look when she mentioned it wasn't simply a past-time to fish for invisible fish. "Playing catch with an invisible fish... eating an invisible fish... if I give you a hand with this, would it be possible to try some of these invisible fish?" Boreas asked he was genuinely intrigued by these invisible fish but he couldn't help but feel a little that the master was pulling his leg with all the talk of invisible fish, but he'd entertain the idea. He however took note of the fact Varos wasn't one to smile, if he had to deal with the master he would give the matters discussed the gravity they were due.

    Boreas laughed at the joke about the fish. "
    The fish are invisible and as you pointed out I wouldn't exactly see it coming so it is still quite the possibility I get slapped in the face by one." He added "The only difference is that I would know it's a fish." Then however came the rather obvious question as to what he had been doing out here. He clearly hadn't been here for the fish, that much had been obvious. "Torrin ordered me to clear my head after we returned here so I went for a run, I didn't want to go back to the castle yet, so I figured I'd sit here by the stream, take some time alone, didn't really expect to have company, but I do appreciate it nonetheless." Boreas answered, a straight answer for the obvious question, nothing more nothing less. Sure he didn't tell he had to go clear his head from demanding to be sent to his death but he felt like that wasn't something that Master Skia and by extent the council needed to know. He didn't doubt that they didn't know more than they let on. "Is there any trick to catching invisible fish or is it just straight forward fishing?" Boreas asked, she had just a fishing rod with her so he guessed no but looks could be deceiving. "So how long have you been on the Council if you don't mind me asking? And do you enjoy your work here?" Boreas asked, they were questions purely out of curiosity and really the information wasn't useful at all except perhaps her thoughts on her work but even then he didn't expect too much from it.
    Post by: Vladek515, Oct 21, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Vladek515
    Def +5
    AP + 3
    FOC + 2
    HP + 1
    MP + 1
    Post by: Vladek515, Oct 19, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  12. Vladek515

    Boreas was rather surprised to see one of the masters out here or even someone else out here he hadn't really run into anyone else during his run. What the master said was even stranger things. "
    Yes I am the Prince's friend, the name is Boreas." Boreas answered getting up and holding out a hand. "Pleased to make you acquaintence, Master Skia." He looked back at the stream and thought about what the Master had said. "So you're saying there's invisible fish in that stream over there?" Boreas asked. She was serious about fishing here by the looks of things. "I have had significantly worse than a simple fish hooks but thank you for your concern." Boreas added, he didn't know this master and she was on the Council of Light so he had to be careful as to what he was going to say and let her know and perhaps get to know more about what the Council has been up to, not that he figured she would tell him much at all. "So I take it you come out here to fish to help break the monotony of Council meetings and being cooped up inside for the better part of the day or do I have the wrong idea of what being on the Council is like?" Boreas asked the Master.
    Post by: Vladek515, Oct 19, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Vladek515

    Boreas jogged down the dirt path away from the castle, downhill made it significantly easier. If he were in a better mood he might have appreciated the view of the rolling green plains, but his mind was still filled with anger at his blade being broken. It hadn't happened before at least not to him, his father never spoke of it happening. Torrin mentioned it'd take a few hours for it to come back, Tinarah mentioned something about his heart. A shadow passed over him and he looked up to see something big pass over him as he increased his speed as if running faster might somehow get either his blade back or get him closer to the Light Chaser to retaliate. He sprinted across the plains for a while until he started to feel tired from sprinting. He stopped for a moment to catch his breath he. He didn't know how long he had been going for, but the peace and quiet had settled in around him, just the sounds of nature and his own breathing. His heart was perfectly fine, in balance as it should be at least as far as he knew it was the case, Tinarah had been wrong about that, he'd have to wait to see if the advice of his friend held more merit or that he'd perhaps look to Master Thallasa for help on the matter. As he had caught his breath Boreas removed his helmet and went back to running feeling the wind against his face as more and more anger ebbed away.

    He jogged far from the castle and he wasn't entirely sure how much time had gone by when he decided to loop back around. Torrin had been right and Qamar had only wanted to help him calm down and she too meant to protect him from himself, he too knew that if he had gone back there and then he would have died, he had been prepared to do it before the Light Chaser had interfered, he had been prepared to sacrifice himself for Torrin. His mother would have been distraught, he imagined that by now someone had informed him he had been sent away per his own request. He hadn't had the time to tell her, and with the power the Light Chaser wielded the chance of him not making it was very real even more so than when he lead the Emerald Company to battle. The Castle was visible in the distance again but Boreas wasn't quite ready to face his friend again even if most of the anger had subsided. He found a small stream running across the plains and sat down in the grass beside it to rest up for a bit. He owed him an apology, same with Qamar and felt guilty for the words he had uttered in anger, but that could wait he wasn't back at the castle yet and that was fine with him.
    Post by: Vladek515, Oct 19, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Vladek515

    Boreas was trying to talk to his friend when Qamar came in again to try and dissuade him. Just like she had tried to stop him from going after the Light Chaser. He hadn't seen her reach for him as he had crashed into the ground. Others were up and about now too. With Aria looking after Take, the stranger being up and about. "Leave me alone, Qamar." Boreas said angrilly "Why don't you stop getting involved in my business and run along, I don't need your help and if I do find myself needing it then I'll find you." Tinarah joined him and said something about his heart. It registered but he didn't acknowledge it as Torrin turned back to him and ordered him to stand down. Being back on a relatively safe world Torrin gave him free reign to do as he saw fit. "Understood, Master" Boreas said there was an undertone to his words that he disapproved but there was no other way and deep down in a place clouded by all the anger he felt he knew Torrin and Qamar were right it'd be pointless. His armour was dented, the cape he wore torn and singed and beneath it all Boreas was beat up too but he needed some time alone. Boreas without a word took off, he simply jogged down the road away from the castle. He'd come back when he was at peace once more.
    Post by: Vladek515, Oct 18, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Vladek515

    Tinarah ran at the Light Chaser but luckily Illiana stopped her, Qamar stood beside him, he realized it had been her that had been beside him fighting the Horned King, it didn't matter to him he just jerked his head backwards indicating her to stand back, this was his stand. Torrin however told him to stand down, Boreas obeyed keeping his keyblade by his side standing at a pause. The Light Chasers responses made his blood boil and Boreas had to restrain himself from going over and kicking his teeth in. Then the Light Chaser verbally taunted him even more before sundering the blade into two pieces, the silver wind, his family's blade destroyed he lifted the hilt up and stared at it in disbelief as the hilt disappeared as well. "You... YOU.... YOU!" Boreas started to shout with an anger that surpassed that he displayed when Chrys got away. "I'll make you PAY for that!" As he started in the direction of the Light Chaser who continued to talk to Torrin about handing Aria over. "I will die before I let you win!" Boreas shouted. "With or without my blade!" But before Boreas could even lay a hand on the Light Chaser things happened very quickly, the Flamie attacked the Light Chaser, who was making a beeline for Take. And Torrin unleashed the darkness.

    As the Darkness lifted Boreas unceremoniously crashed into the floor. He got up and found Torrin, after he checked on the others. "
    Send me back." Boreas demanded. "I will have his head for destroying my blade." He was entirely serious the notion of walking directly into his death drowned out by the anger for the Light Chaser. "Send me back, right now." He looked his friend in the eyes the pure hatred for the man who destroyed the blade that had been passed down through his family was visible beneath it. Take seemed rather confused as to what had happened and while Boreas got along with the kid he wasn't the best person to talk to right now. He needed an outlet he needed to release this rage he felt. He had been tasked with keeping the blade safe and using it so that someday he might pass it on.
    Post by: Vladek515, Oct 18, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Vladek515

    As the Horned King's resistance crumbled Boreas noticed something the final push performed by Chrono was a rather impressive one as the attacks hit in successive waves, what Boreas didn't realise was that there were multiple Chrono's Then the King was thrown into the Cauldron by that despicable man he challenged Torrin and Boreas still within his rage but the winds from the cauldron extinguished the flames that he was wreathed in. Boreas was itching to introduce his Pernach to wipe that grin of his face even knowing how futile it was after Take mentioned the dragon, the fact that Take of all people mentioned utilizing a dragon meant this situation was really out of hand. Ardyn mentioning Glyde was gone explained while the boy hadn't been there, another loss for their team. Boreas blood boiled and he took a couple of steps towards Ardyn, he would rather die fighting even if it meant an unwinable fight.

    Boreas angered swelled as every option for threatening Ardyn was being systematicly taken down. The Flamie wouldn't help them, some witches wouldn't save them? Then Boreas would hold out as long as he could to make sure the others got away and with the healing he received from Tinarah he might have been able to hold out. The blades being pointed at them scared him given how deadly they were but he showed no fear unless one looked into his eyes, but if it meant Torrin got out then he hoped the death of the Thessalian line would at least be useful in making sure the royal line continued. Boreas however was stopped dead in his tracks by an explosion of light. He was blinded and his eyes took moments to ajust as his ears rang and only muffled voices were heard. The smell of burning Iron filled his helmet as his senses recovered.

    When he regained his sense he saw the imposing figure again, the one he had seen at Choma's Castle, things just went from bad to worse. On his own he wouldn't be able to hold them long enough if at all. Boreas took another step forward positioning himself clearly ahead of the group including Torrin. "
    Stop beating around the bush and just say what you want to say and leave. What do you want?" Boreas cut in, this being the third supposed immortal for the day and he had clearly reached his limit in dealing with their theatrics. He kept his Pernach in his hand but held it lowered in a deceptively idle position, but Boreas was ready for another fight.
    Post by: Vladek515, Oct 17, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Vladek515

    Boreas laughed as the Horned King yelled about his immortality to him it seemed like the desperate cries of someone that knew they had already lost and the illusion of immortality crumbled all around them. But the laughing cost him as the Horned King swiped at him the bony hands colliding with such force he was pushed back. His cape torn and singed, dents and scratches in his armour were showing how much Boreas was taking on here yet when Tinarah offered to heal him he held up a hand, others first. He would be the last to take it unless really needed. Furthermore their foe wasn't destroyed yet he wasn't going to let himself go down that easily. The flames seemed to increase in intensity as Boreas charged the skeleton once more the mace in his hands slamming it into the side of the ribcage and on the back swing he swung low for the knee and in one smooth motion for the skull. He followed the combination up with a kick to clear some room between himself and the Horned King shifting his keyblade into the Repeating Crossbow again, he slammed home a magazine and emptied it at point blank as the fireballs crashed into the Horned King.

    Boreas used ATTACK and Fira

    Boreas's Info
    HP: 41/145
    MP: 25/30
    FOC: 13/33
    FLUX: 0/3

    STATUS: Rasp (8 Turns) [5 MP lost per turn], Rainbow Glow (1 Turn), Inspiring Presence (1 Turn), To Glory and Ruin! (1 Turns)​
    Post by: Vladek515, Oct 16, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Vladek515

    They had beaten back the White Fang but not before the White Fang dealt them one last blow in taking Lloyd away from them. Dubhán mirrored Noire's motions aiming his weapons but if she wasn't going to fire then neither was he. He fell in line behind Noire. Aryan however was having none of it and wanted to go after Lloyd even firing an arrow, not sure how much that was gonna do Dubhán figured that the copter would still make it anyway. "
    Noire is right. And Lloyd is a tough one, he's an outsider like me, you don't make it beyond the safety of the kingdoms if you're not." Dubhán said as Vice decided to give his two cents and not help the matter at all only inflaming tensions. "Alright stop it Vice, Aryan this is going nowhere. Aryan you're right we're supposed to be a team we can't afford to be be lost in fighting each other. Out here we need to work together, each does their part. Vice cut the crap you don't need to share anything and with how you're acting I don't even want to know you but at least pretend you can work together I rather work alone too but you don't always get what you want. Either way with Lloyd gone Noire is our leader, she can ask us for councel on matters but the decisions are hers. As much as I want to run after that chopper and get Lloyd, we can't if we do we lose a lot of time and the guardians may all be lost." Dubhán hadn't spoken nearly that much before and tended to keep to himself but the situation required him to step in before it would go sideways even further. Lloyd would make it but they had a duty to fight for all of Remnant and sometimes that meant making tough decisions and the needs of the many outweighed the needs of the few, if a hunter got separated from the party the hunting party would stick together and if possible look for the missing one but if it was too dangerous they had to make the hard decision... They had to make the difficult choice for the greater good of them all.
    Post by: Vladek515, Oct 16, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Vladek515

    The others seemed to have heard him as Boreas didn't hear as much talking anymore not that he was focused too much on the others as his foe was before him, until he disappeared into the green missed and disappeared only to reappear again in front of him, Boreas dodged the swipe of the bony hands and spun through into a low cut with the Glaive. That's when he felt it his magical energies were burning up. The foul sorceror must have put a spell on him, the coward. He noticed from the corner of his eyes that someone was beside him but he didn't see who it was nor did he care too much. As Boreas shifted his blade back into the Pernach and lunged at the skeleton swinging repeatedly battering the skeletal Sorceror as the flames went were sent all around him, Boreas not paying heed to them he wanted to grind this skeleton to dust for his boisterous claim of immortality and he was going to even if it was the last thing he did as the heavy mace head crashed into the sorceror again and again. "
    Where is your immortality now?!" Boreas roared at his foe as the mace head crashed into a kneecap, followed by a strong boot to the ribcage.

    Boreas used Furious Charge and Attacked
    Boreas's Info
    HP: 72/145
    MP: 25/30
    FOC: 18/33
    FLUX: 0/3

    STATUS: Rasp (9 Turns) [5 MP lost per turn], Rainbow Glow (2 Turns), Inspiring Presence (2 Turns), To Glory and Ruin! (2 Turns)​
    Post by: Vladek515, Oct 14, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Vladek515

    As Boreas held his ground he noted that in the midst of the battle people still deemed it necessary to have some conversation that'd be better placed after this was all done. Luckily the Horned King was retaliating demanding their attention but still people carried on. As the fireball collided with Boreas, he gritted his teeth and let the heat of it spark his inner fire as the fire from the fireball dissipated a purple aura started to glow around Boreas, intensifying rapidly until it seemed as if the man was on fire. "
    Less talking more fighting!" Boreas shouted as he started to relentlessly attack the horned king with his glaive with jabs and slashes with the glaive he forged his anger into a hammer with which to smite his enemy forgoing defence for the attack as flames struck the Horned King following the impact of his glaive. As Boreas fell into the focussed anger onto his enemy he didn't pay heed to where some of the flames went that flew from him. Boreas was attempting to put the Horned King on the defence by pushing relentlessly.

    Boreas went to Glory and Ruin and ATTACKED
    Boreas's Info
    HP: 87/145
    MP: 30/30
    FOC: 18/33
    FLUX: 3/3

    STATUS: Cheer (1 Turn), Rainbow Glow (3 Turns), Inspiring Presence (3 Turns)​
    Post by: Vladek515, Oct 12, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena