Torrin didn't entirely seem to catch his drift when he asked but when their connection was made he seemed to understand. The battle wasn't going too well as Illiana was struck down hard. He himself was hit by the arm of the Darkside too but not nearly as hard as Illiana had been. He focused on his magic and reached out with healing magic, not that he was rather skilled with it but he had been taught the basics of the healing arts. After he was done he slammed the shaft of his glaive into the ground, a spectral banner waving from it's shaft. Those that looked to it would see something that inspired them. "Stand fast! We have faced stronger foes than this, think of the Horned King, that we ground down. Think of why we fight. For the people back home we care about and our families! Let's show this Darkside what we are worth that we will not be beaten so easily!" Boreas bellowed. Boreas cast Cure on Illiana and used Inspiring Presence.
Boreas chuckled at Torrin's remarks regarding Grandmother Willow, if they hadn't fought it before where did this thing come from? He was drawn out of his thoughts by the counterattack, he tried getting out of the way of the orbs but to no avail as the darkness crashed into him he let it wash over him, it hurt but it was going to take more than that to keep him down. Boreas looked to Torrin. "Hey Torrin gimme a hand would you?" Boreas said, drawing strength from their old bond, borrowing some of Torrin's power, he then continued with wiping out the remaining shadows with his blade before directing his wrath towards the Darkside. Boreas actuvated D-link Torrin and attacked.
Torrin seemed up for their fight, Illiana decided to come along as others formed into their own groups and went to their business, it seemed like it was going to be just the three of them which was fine by him really. Torrin selected one of the scenarios and he had been right there had been stuff in there that he hadn't heard off before. Boreas didn't particularly care too much that he had missed out on these battles and it wouldn't be a blast from the past for him. It amused him that one of the enemies was a willow tree. "So Torrin, you fought that tree before then?" Boreas asked, it was quite possible for it to have happened prior to him having linked up with the forces. "If it's a tree, we'll just burn it down to ashes." Boreas said following after Torrin as they started their training match, they were one person short for this and while he had his concerns Torrin being here might make up for the one person missing. He stood to Torrin's right as the environment changed, he didn't recognise the place at all but the ruins told him enough this place had fallen. They had been surrounded by their enemies while a Darkside guarded the easiest way to break the encirclement. Boreas called on his blade in the glaive-guisarme form. "I'll set to culling the horde." Boreas said as he charged into the shadows carving a path through them they were no match for his blade as he carved a path through them, breaking the encirclement. He then switched to his repeater crossbow and cast fira, finishing off 4 more shadows and sending a bolt towards the darkside above. Boreas used ATTACK and Fira targeting the Darkside once and 4 more shadows.
It didn't take long for Boreas to be found by Master Selene and making his way to the Council chambers. He took his place at Torrin's right hand, keeping an eye on Chrysantheum,protected by the Council or no she still had to prove herself to him as he had talked about with Illiana. He did note two other strangers with them, perhaps even more reinforcements. At least it seemed like his concerns had been adressed, even if a member of the Light Chasers team was now with them. He listened attentively to the meeting, so her master had turned against her, still that didn't do much to stop him from remaining wary of her, no doubt Torrin felt the same way. He did make note of Chrys being a master and the fact that all the students of the Light Chaser were now masters. The fact that the Council seemed more cooperative to show what they were planning was a welcome change of pace, it helped ease his doubts about them a little bit, but it was rather curious how it all fell into place right now. He glanced to Torrin when he mentioned his other master had been called Imera and used to have been on the Council too. The plan to train sounded good to him, he rolled his eyes at Tinarah's question, his master wasn't here, neither was Torrins and apparantly the one of the new arrivals wasn't there either. The reinforcements were appreciated but these would have to be made count, as was pointed out they weren't up for the job and training was necessary, Boreas understood that. The mirage arena would be a boon, to train in active combat situations to improve their abilities without the risk of dying was exceptional and a truly powerful asset for their training. Torrin denied the offer for armour, he had lost his armour in combat against the Light Chaser, his second skin, Boreas understood why he would denied the offer for it to be made by just about anyone, they had their own man back home to make and maintain their armour and as briliant as Master Kidemonas was in making the Mirage Arena, he doubted he could beat their smith. Furthermore it was the sentimental value of one's armour, a second skin, it wasn't their way to take it to simply discard it later to get a new suit. He didn't know how long the newcomer had been around the Castle but while he understood the desire to fight, it should be a fight they could atleast win and sure the worlds falling was a problem but recklessly charging into battle was pointless as Aria tried to get that through to him and expanded on the question Tinarah asked, it was a rather unnecessary question in his opinion, Torrin was with them should it be necessary he could lead them and guide them as he was a master and Boreas didn't exactly need the guidance he had a pretty good idea how to train by himself from basic training. The Master that had said they weren't strong enough was in charge of their training together with a rather condescending Master by the name of Kaio, it didn't matter to him that he was condescending, he would do as was required of him to grow stronger. It was just like his training for the army, the master was blunt but had the right idea, he'd have to keep his cool and set aside his pride to undergo this again after being an accomplished Captain but he had to try. The assertion that the Light Chaser was responsible for falling worlds was questionable to him, unless he intended to look like the saviour of everyone. The pure Darknesses having been eliminated sounded intriguing but as Gero pointed out a last resort plan so no need to worry about that quite yet, they hadn't failed here. Master Kidemonas seemed rather annoyed with Torrin for the refusal it was a little amusing to him and was glad he had his armour already. Boreas fell in line behind the master as he showed them the way to the Mirage Arena and explained how it worked, when they were free to start with their training Boreas checked the little screen and looked to Torrin. "I see one for two people, you want to have a go, like old times? I mean there's some for more than two, although I must say if you don't want to have a go with me, I am seeing something for on my own and let's be honest nothing better than knowing where you stand than going alone." Boreas said, while looking through the list of the simulations that had been made.
Illiana seemed to grow more upset as they spoke, clearly she understood his position well enough and had thought about the issue at length. She wasn't going to give him the full story, and that was fair enough but to then assert he wouldn't understand anyway was pointless if she wasn't even going to try. "I can understand that pain of failing to protect your sibling..." Boreas elaborated. "My own younger brother is not with us anymore. I sometimes wonder if he was scared walking into that battle, if he felt it would be the last time he would do so." Illiana grew more and more upset, he could understand her point a bit better now. He had never felt it as his duty to set his brother straight even after his father didn't return from the war. She had wanted to keep him safe, away from the war. He didn't say anything at her emotional outburst. She had gone off to war to keep him away from the frontlines, that was a big sacrifice. They had no such luxury of choice to make sure the family was safe back home, they all served. "Clearly it is important to you and while you're asking I won't simply forget what we're talking about. I am willing to let you try it again, maybe point out the planned deaths of thousands. Or knock him out and carry him off like he tried doing to you." Boreas said before Illiana ran away, the kid still needed to be punished for working for the Light Chaser but perhaps there were more humane punishments than death. If that plan didn't work though, perhaps death would be a merciful alternative. At least they had made the people responsible for their conscription pay. He was curious to learn more about it, but with how Illiana acted he doubted that it was going to happen. With Illiana having run off Boreas turned back to the Castle and headed back inside, not on the warpath anymore.
Illiana seemed outraged by what he had said, but Boreas stood by it. "I would take my own brother down for some things cannot be forgiven. And if the King judges that my brother should die then so be it. The King is strict but fair." Boreas said. "And you mean to tell me that you will just forgive and forget about the fact that your brother is working for a man intending to wipe out all darkness including my people. You have tried reasoning with him and you failed miserably so it's time to make him face the consequences for his decision." Boreas was adamant in that regard she had had her chance to try and convince her brother to see reason and she had failed so diplomacy could go out of window for it didn't matter what she said her brother wouldn't listen. "As hard as it may be to understand for you I love my family, enough to do the right thing when they go wrong as opposed to shielding them from the consequences as if they are children." Boreas said. He didn't say that it would be easy for him to do at all because it wouldn't it would hurt every step of the way, but he had to do it. "They would do the same for me and I'd ask that of them, I fully face the consequences of my actions. Does your brother realize the price that people will pay for the mad plan he is helping execute? Considering that he asked us who would be against such a plan my bet is he doesn't so you'll condone the death of thousands for the sake of family loyalty? You would support your family members no matter how heinous their actions, letting them stain your family name and you are angry with me for not following suit?" Boreas asked looking her in the eyes, he had a couple years on her and knew that made a difference in their perceptions of the world just like how they hailed from different realms altogether, but to condone such behaviour wasn't something he could do from no one. He listened to her account of the war back home. Five thousand years of peace, that was impressive to say the least, their war had been going on for about 24 years before that there was still fighting but against the heartless, it was a different war back then. Should the current war come to an end he would be re-assigned to the old war. She had been sixteen when the war had ended and she had served in the war? Those child soldiers she mentioned, she had been one of them. No wonder she didn't agree with the way things had gone. He felt bad for the way things had gone for Illiana. "Children should never have been conscripted into that war you had going on even if it meant losing..." Boreas said, a thought struck him, with Take he had understood that all manpower was necessary just to survive against the dragons that had been different. The Council however seemed to do an alright job of not dragging children into this, he wasn't the best at judging ages but as far as he knew there were no children on the team, aside from Take, but he had been a soldier anyways and perhaps Tinarah or Aria but he could be wrong in that regard. "I can see now why you'd say you don't trust people, you've been a pawn in a game you shouldn't have been in. I myself didn't join the war before my eighteenth year as the King forbids it." Boreas said, Take shouldn't have been conscripted either but from what the kid had told him about the war it was a desperate fight for survival. But in a struggle for power, without utter annihilation on the line it was indeed an extreme measure that should not have been taken.
Boreas listened to Illiana's words on trust and shook his head his questions did seem to have struck a nerve. "You do realise there are more options than blindly trusting anyone and shutting yourself off like some hermit on an abandoned island no one ever comes to, right? those are just the extremes. Either way as I said who am I to judge." Boreas said. She hadn't been with her family in two years now, that must have been rough, he had been away from what remained of his family for extended periods of time but nowhere near two years. If she could only trust her family then it must have been a right mess she had made with that council, at the very least it confirmed the fact that she had served in the military. "I'm sure they have a plan in place, even if it is kept under wraps and away from us. I won't deny they made rather questionable decisions, but they're the ones in charge and it is their duty to come up with a way to combat this." Boreas said, he had raised his concerns with Torrin and Master Skia he didn't need to raise them with Illiana as it was pointless, even if she had seen his outburst to Fost, she was in the same rank and file group as him and she didn't need to know, he'd trust Torrin's judgement and see this all through, Council or no. Boreas anticipated a reaction to her combat effectiveness against her brother but he didn't quite expect such a violent reaction. The dart flew past his head and embedded itself in a tree. He didn't doubt it was a deliberate miss intent on scaring him. Boreas glared at her for the dart throw, he had thrown down with Take over less than a direct attack towards him albeit that was without the Council anywhere nearby. Boreas fought down the urge to punch Illiana there and then as he did put it rather bluntly. He bit back a retort when he saw how deeply his words had cut. He thought about her question, would he have killed Lysandros had he gone traitor? He'd fight him and capture him deliver him to the King for judgement, his father had told both of them that loyalty to the throne was what had made House Thessalian what it was today and Boreas had seen that loyalty shaping their House. "If my brother had become a traitor, he knows the consequences, I would fight him if it is asked of me and if possible leave the final judgement to my King, such is the burden of loyalty, they know the price for betrayal. As for Torrin, until a couple days ago, I hadn't seen him for six years without a word from him." Boreas said and walking with Illiana quietly for a while when she asked him if he had any other questions. He did but they weren't very impotant questions and merely his own curiosity, he doubted he'd get an answer anyways, but after all she had been curious about him. "The war back home, what is or was it about?" Boreas asked, not thinking he'd get much of an answer. "And what about you, is your curiosity sated or do you have more questions?"
Illiana didn't seem to agree with his assesment on her but it didn't matter too much. "I wouldn't say everyone, but isn't there anyone you can trust beside yourself? Must be a lonely life you're living otherwise, but hey if that's how you like it who am I to judge. As a soldier, I prefer to have people beside me that I can count on when it matters, bonds forged in the heat of battle you know, you're all in the line of fire together anyways so might as well make the most of it, even if it hurts losing them later." Boreas said, he thought of Captain Tharsus and other comrades he had lost in the field. "I can tell for a fact she can handle herself alright in combat, after all when you were making a miserable attempt at fighting your brother, and Adalric fought Dentro, I was charged with fighting her. I'd imagine you want to ask her about Koa and I can't blame you for caring about family, if she proves that she can be counted on when it matters, I'm willing to tone down the scepticism. You're right though she's on a trial run and we'll see where it goes." Boreas said his tone changing a little when speaking of family, given the fact that the first thing she had asked him when she came to was what had happened to Koa after she had gone down and the girl appeared at that same time it made a good place to ask for informaton about him if they had worked together. "Also you seemed rather intrigued about what Take asked me, any particular reason for that?" He could rein in his curiosity with Torrin, but that didn't particularly extend to others, before their fight when she had called Koa her little brother she had mentioned a war back home, perhaps he wasn't the only one that had fought other people.
Conrad had found a way to the person they were looking for, the lady he approached cared little for the flattery, the hag was getting personal for her as it had attacked her family directly. "I am sorry that we didn't arrive sooner, Madam. We intend to rid you of this beast." Conrad assured her. "That would be much appreciated, let me gather my friends so we can go." Conrad said as he turned away from the woman to rejoin Lakoda and Everette, the latter of the two just explaining what they had discovered. Conrad came to a rather sad conclussion that he had just spoken to the mother of that lost child... He felt bad for what he had said... "The woman I spoke to said that our contact is with her boy, they were attacked last night... she's willing to lead us there." Conrad said his tone a little more quiet than normal, if they had arrived sooner then perhaps they might have been able to stop that attack, deep down he knew it was pointless to think like that as it changed nothing, all they could do now was avenge the child and Conrad already felt like they were here to rain vengeance on the hag that had destroyed Lakoda's life. This would be the day where all the hurt that had been done to her would be avenged, he could still remember the moment she had told him what had happened here and the anger he had felt at the injustice. They would help Lakoda drive the blade that was forged by the hag's own hands home.
Boreas heard the others continued their conversation, but he didn't pay attention to what was said as he walked away, weapon still in hands. After that conversation that morning he had told Torrin he would support him and follow him into any battle even a losing one. This was just more proof to him that he could not rely on the Council's judgement. He would follow Torrin and trust his judgement, give him advice if asked for and help him, but he'd remain wary of the Council, their treatment of the forces under them didn't inspire much confidence in him. He'd give the masters out in the field with them the benefit of the doubt as they were all in the same boat. He was a little lost in his thoughts when Illiana joined him and spoke up, he just glanced at her for a moment, listening to what she said, she had been there when he had fought her, but she had her fight with Koa at the time so perhaps hadn't caught much of their duel. "Sounds like you don't trust her either? Good thing to know I am not alone in this and that someone else has a sensible head on their shoulders." Boreas said. "A mere change of heart, really? At the very least they had the sense to interrogate her or at least that's what he said, I'll wait and see where this goes, before making up my mind whether I should trust her or not." He'd keep an eye on his own and Torrin's back and if the dagger came he'd be the first to act, he wouldn't lose more people to betrayal.
After Boreas had answered Take's question but others joined their group in the courtyard, Boreas turned to the newcomers as he was greeted and as he truly saw who it was he summoned his Keyblade in it's glaive form and took up a defensive stance, about to demand what she was doing here the Master however beat him to the punch. He was to simply believe that the student of a very powerful and strategicly skilled enemy abandoned their Master to now fight him and not expect this to be a ploy by his enemy? Boreas felt like the universe was mocking him somehow, talking to Torrin about the lack of reinforcements and then this being thrown his way. Having to work alongside your enemies wasn't a foreign concept to Boreas, but in those cases they would all be doomed if they didn't work together to get away from the Heartless they'd all die, he didn't have the same sense of urgency in this decision. At the very least the girl had been interrogated, but the fact that Fost pointed out neither him nor the Council cared for their opinions only served to make Boreas dislike this decision, of course they didn't care, they didn't have to work with her, it wasn't their backs the daggers would be plunged into, they were all sitting out here in this Castle while they fought, bled and died in their war. The others with him didn't seem to have a problem with the decision, Tinarah arrived too and none of them seemed to have any concern over this decision and of course the girl had the protection of both the Council and this Fost. Boreas didn't like any of this. "So I'm supposed to trust I won't find a dagger buried in my back over this?" Boreas said, he didn't buy a simple change of heart even if scrutinized by this supposed ally of the Council. "Of course Gero is fine with it, it isn't his neck being risked by this decision but hey you don't care, after all you're all here safely in the Castle away from the frontlines." Boreas said, weapon still in hand. The scion of someone who wanted all his people dead had a change of heart, perhaps she finally saw what her Master did wrong, but Boreas didn't trust the change of heart at all. He had a measure of respect for her skill at arms after their duel and not being swayed to change sides, loyalty was something he could respect even in his enemies. Boreas was in no rush to get acquainted with his former enemy and if his concerns weren't even heard anyways there was nothing left here to even be done, as the others talked to Fost or Chrys Boreas walked away Glaive in his hand, shooting a glare at Fost and Chrys on the way out.
Take was going to be fine as he had predicted there was something however that he was curious about. "Qamar's powers? What do you mean with that?" He asked, considering what she had asked him not too long ago there was probably only going to be one answer, but he wanted to be sure. The head wound that Take had sustained was bleeding a little but if the kid said he was fine then he wasn't going to do anything about it, as he had pointed out he was a tough kid and it was just a little blood, he'd be fine. Boreas looked a little bit confused at Take when he mentioned the crest thing again, Boreas had put it behind him and carried on, he took it that he had spoken to Torrin or just based it off the fact that the Light Chaser had made a point of Torrin's position. It was only part of the reasoning as Take implied but that was fine with Boreas he didn't need to explain it to him especially considering it entailed explaining the intricacies of the Realm of Darkness which he didn't feel like doing, much less to an outsider. His question however wasn't something he had expected, he figured the boy was just trying to make sense of it all. He was aware that Qamar was still there and while he considered brushing off the question like he had most of Qamar's, Illiana's arrival put him on the spot, perhaps not the boy's intention but that's how he felt. And as Take himself was a soldier and had told him what they fought back home Boreas figured it was only fair that he gave the boy an honest answer. In addition if Iliana's claim of being some member of the upper echelons of command she'd be a soldier too, and thus someone he'd have a measure of respect for. He sighed before speaking up. "It's a civil war, well if you can call it civil. We fight against other people, sometimes the Heartless force us to abandon hostilities, but we fight other people." Boreas explained, he knew Take fought against dragons and he wondered what Iliana if her claim of being a soldier was true fought, whether it was other people or something else entirely. He didn't forget that Qamar was still there and she would hear what he had to say but it didn't matter too much to him not right now. "And good morning, Iliana." Boreas said almost as an afterthought realizing he hadn't really seen her at all today before this point.
Boreas smiled at the remark Torrin made regarding patience. "Had it not come back, I'd make do with a normal one." Boreas said with a small smile. He had trained with normal weapons too and utilised them for the past five years, while not nearly as effective against the heartless but in an emergency it would work and if they had to fight the chasers it made no difference at all. Boreas watched Torrin go before he went his own way wandering through the hallways he saw Chrono and greeted him with a good morning once more before continuing on his way to the training area, figuring he could get some training in. He found Qamar and Take sparring there and didn't make his presence known just watched them train together, it didn't take long for them to stop though due to a rather unfortunate accident. Take's blade hit his head and Take tried to yield but not before being hit again. Qamar rushed over trying to offer to heal him, but Take was understandably angry. He was tough and judging from the blows he had taken during the fight with the Horned King he'd be alright, just needed to sit down for a moment. "Qamar. Just leave him be, if he needs to be healed he'll ask for it, he's a tough lad." Boreas said walking over.
Boreas smiled at the comment of not being used to asking for help. "You're not alone in this anymore." He assured his friend, he figured their friendship despite having taken a hit of six years would make it easier for Torrin to approach him if he ran into something he might need a hand with. He nodded in agreement with Torrin that it had been productive enough of a talk. Then Torrin addressed him significantly more formally and Boreas narrowed his eyes a little, looking at his friend. "Is that a hint of respect I hear Master Solus?" Boreas said returning the favour to his friend, he hadn't been there to see Torrin perform his Mark, nor had Torrin been there when he was promoted to Captain of the Emerald Company. Boreas thought for a moment and said. "Just one thing it isn't spectacular but just stay for a moment." Boreas held out his hand and concentrated closing his eyes in an attempt to summon his blade back again, he hadn't tried since the night before. As Boreas felt his gauntlet take hold of the blade he opened his eyes again to look on it. "I tried last night before I went to bed and failed, but I'm glad to have it back again." Boreas said before continuing. "Captain Thessalian, won't keep you from your precious toast any longer simply for the sake of my own curiosity." Boreas said, as he opened the door again and headed out hearing the piano music fill the castle. "If you need me you know where to find me." Boreas said to his friend, he looked to his room real quick to see if he forgot anything, he wasn't entirely sure what to do now, but he'd figure something out.
Boreas listened to his friend and really looked at him as he spoke, he felt bad for bringing up these things. He had been so concerned with himself that he had not seen the full burden born by his friend. "You're right, despairing gets us nowhere and we can't fail." Boreas said, he wasn't going to point out that Torrin completely missed the point of Captain Tharsus' words, not right now. His friend seemed determined to see this all be resolved in the end and both of them going home. His friend acknowledged that Boreas would follow him into a doomed battle, after all it was his duty that brought him here and so it shall be done. He turned to his friend and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I will see this through to the end. Dentro's supposed immortality did not stop us, Ardyn's power did not stop me after he had hurt you. You know I am here to bring you home and that can only be done with both of us and a home still being there." Boreas said, letting go of his friends shoulder. "Look, you've been doing this for a year and now you got us lot to worry about too. You're the resident expert for lack of better term, I'll trust your judgement on this Torrin, all I ask is that if you need it you'll ask for other's help too, we're all in this together." In battle Boreas managed to inspire others to go to greater lengths and draw on more of their power to go on. Tinarah was a good healer, Take a good tank, Torrin himself a monstrous fighter everyone had their specialities and it would help if they managed to create a synergy between all the parts of the team, to make the most of it and perhaps like Master Skia said call on everyone and risk it all though perhaps that was the point Torrin tried to make, direct confrontation wasn't the way and they should do it differently especially with a lack of numbers.
Boreas imagined Torrin attacking Tinarah and Chrono and surpressed a laugh, even more amused at the accusations leveled at the two of them when they fished Tinarah and Gero out of the water. "You must have been rather paranoid then, what gave you that idea anyways?" Boreas asked. "And if you don't mind my asking angry about what and what reasons?" He had to stop himself from taking a guess at those reasons. Torrin promised that he'd make sure that he would see his mother again with a hand on his shoulder. "Thank you Torrin, having delivered a handful of those myself I just hope you don't have to do that." It was hard to deliver them, yet whenever asked he would do it. "I know you will do everything to keep us safe, but as Captain Tharsus put it sometimes there's nothing you can do it's war..." He looked at his friend with understanding, being responsible for the lives of others placed a heavy burden on you one that he knew. "And I'll be honest here, I don't exactly have confidence in our mission. We're fighting someone that can fight four masters, two of which are high up in the tree, to a standstill with a handful of students and two masters. With no reinforcements to fill in the gaps created by casualties it makes no sense to me, especially when two of our group are part of a group that our foe needs." Boreas explained. "I trust you, blindly. Just not so sure about everyone else higher in the tree." He knew there was the chance of both of them going down in this but if Torrin had been fighting the Light Chaser for a year he stood the best chance out of everybody. Boreas chuckled at Torrin's remark regarding not being allowed to die without either Torrin or Joch's permission and shook his head. "If only it were so easy, Torrin, if only it were so easy."
Torrin answered rather quickly and also spoke for Aria. "No, I've had breakfast already." Boreas replied, he refrained from pointing out that he noticed his absence, but him being here with Aria at this time reminded him of the other time he had caught him in the morning. He hadn't heard any screams this morning though so maybe it had nothing to do with it. Aria never said anything to him before the knight stalked off again. He heard Torrin call him from down the hallway that he'd be over soon before rushing off, Boreas wasn't sure when the last time was he had seen him run that fast for anyone. Boreas wasn't entirely sure what to make of it, he went to his room and found a change of clothes and a bit of wire, closed the door behind him and changed clothes before activating his armour again. He placed the letter on his desk and washed his clothes in a wooden tub before using the wire to create a makeshift clothes line and hang them to dry when Torrin walked into his room. "I apologise for calling you away, it wasn't exactly urgent and you seemed rather busy back there. Thank you for coming anyways." Boreas said, he had half a mind to ask his friend if Aria really was doing as fine and dandy as he had claimed she was, but figured that if there was something he should know he'd tell him. "First off, I'd like to apologise for yesterday, it seems like I do that a lot these days, but you were right, I had lost control, too clouded by rage and hatred to see the futility of having gone back there. But after a good run and some fishing I saw the light. I will see to it that I keep the anger more restrained." He meant it, if they had any time to spend at this Castle then he would make some time to improve his control if possible. He walked to the door and closed it. "Which brings me to the second thing... I have a favour to ask of you as both my commander and my friend." Boreas said. "Not sure if you have changed your mind about that dynamic in the past six years but here we are, nothing you can do about that." He took the sealed letter with only one word on the outside. 'Eudora' it read in elegant handwriting. "I'd like you to keep this with you and should I fall in battle to deliver it to my mother back home. It's something a few comrades asked of me in the past and should I fall out here, I would at least want her to know why, that I fought to keep everyone safe. I fully intend to return home in about two months or when this is over whichever comes first. It's just something I was thinking about this morning. And I'd appreciate it if you would do this for me." Boreas said holding out the letter to his friend.
"Likewise." Conrad said as Everette placed a hands on his shoulder, the mention of packing things reminded Conrad that he too hadn't exactly planned to go out today and Lakoda had caught him a little by surprise. He left for his own room and gather his things as Lakoda had gone to Midarah to get the mission approved. With an ease of familiarity he gathered the things he might need in the field and quickly grabbed something to eat, he'd eat along the way as they travelled it was easier that way and they could get going sooner. He waited for the others to arrive and they all headed for the village that had sent out the request for help. Conrad ate during the carriage ride and when they walked Conrad stayed beside Lakoda, in a way to remind her that she didn't have to do this on her own. Arriving in the village made Conrad smile a little bit, it looked significantly better than the last village he had been in for a mission, it even looked rather pleasant were it not for the threat of the Hag being out here somewhere. The fresh apples looked delicious and the smell of fresh bread made Conrad feel a little warm and fuzzy inside causing him to smile. He listened to the name mentioned by Lakoda and as Everette headed for one of the shopkeeps Conrad figured asking one of the people browsing the Market Stalls. He approached a lady, Conrad would hazard a guess that she were a farmers wife but he could be wrong, but at the bery least if she were a local it didn't matter that he was. "Excuse me, Madam would you be so kind to help a stranger out? I am a mage and my friends and I were here about a job and we are looking for Levimu Drove, would you perhaps know where we may find this fine gentleman, so that we might help your lovely village?" Conrad asked, showing the Guild Mark on his hand when mentioning the Guild, as he spoke he tried to remind himself that this village was dealing with the monstrosity that had destroyed Lakoda's life, and that at first glance it looked nice there was a monster nearby with all the consequences.
Dubhán silently took the praise that Noire gave him for his reason, it made no sense to lose the whole hunting party over one lost hunter as hard as that decision was. She seemed to think of a quick solution to the problem at hand which was Vice and Arian fighting each other. Noire could grab one, he could try and restrain the other, if he had the choice he'd go for Arian, mainly cause Vice seemed that much more belligerent, it'd be better to let Noire take care of him as she was many times the huntsman he was more than capable of downing an Ursa in a single assault, more than capable of restraining a student. Noire however had different ideas and handed him ear plugs he wasted no time putting them in his ears curious to see what Noire's angle was. He anticipated a sort of song to lull them asleep but shadows arose to drag his compatriots. It seemed so strange and it terrified him a little and he was glad that he had no decided to get mixed into the fighting as Noire held up a hand he took out the ear plugs and handed them back. Noire told him to be prepared for anything but for Dubhán remaining wary was a given, after all in a hostile environment you always expected the worst to come out. "What... was that?" Dubhán asked a little hesitantly refering to the strange power Noire displayed in front of his very eyes, he still did as instructed and followed Noire to the Temple.
She wanted to get to know him? Sure it helped to know your comrades and she undoubtedly needed to know more about where she hailed from which was very clear from the things she said. "Light Chaser or not, it is my duty and so it shall be done." Boreas simply stated, he would see that it was done, even if it cost him dearly, the letter in his pocket a reminder of the price he might pay for his mission. He looked at her when she brought up both sides of the war. "I never said anything of the sort." He said harshely, he had been taught the reason for the war. "I do know it and you clearly do not know very much about your home if you truly believe that the differences are that trivial." Her remark about what Darkness could do to a person from the Realm of Light cast doubt on whether she paid as much attention to her tutors as she clearly claimed. "Darkness can do that to any person regardless of which realm they are from. The reason Master Skia has not fallen is either she has not delved deep and is careful when dabbling with it or she has the iron discipline required and knows when to quit. Perhaps a combination of the two." Boreas said speaking not as harshly as before, sure people from the Realm of Darkness were used to living within the Dark but they too could get lost to it, perhaps the real advantage they had was more people to properly train students in it's use. "As for the army it isn't simply brute strength that wins battles, the way you are right now no, you wouldn't do alright, perhaps they'll set you on the right track during training." Boreas said with brutal honesty, he simply glared at her over the remark of him glossing over large parts of his life. He focussed on his breakfast and cleared his plate before excusing himself, he wanted to go find Torrin figuring a good place to start was the man's own room Boreas headed there. Walking down the hallway he heard his voice before he found Torrin, he was talking to Aria. He stopped in the doorway. "Good morning Torrin, Aria. How are you two?" He greeted them both, although the question seemed a bit unnecessary as Aria didn't seem to be doing so well. "Torrin, I was looking for you, but since you're busy, would you come find me when you have some time?" He lingered for his friends answer but there was a task he could set himself to to kill time if it was necessary.