Boreas listened to the explanation that Gero gave, it was an assumption and not an entirely unreasonable one, he doubted it would hold indefinitely but at the very least they had time to prepare and they wouldn't be blindsided by another front in the war. Kaio reminded Qamar of her place and Torrin added on a little more, Boreas was rather amused by it but never showed it, he simply gave Qamar a stern look reminding her of the discipline and restraint he tried to teach her. Torrin wasn't entirely certain about his own standing and it depended on who was asked, the nobility wouldn't regard him very highly for coming back requesting resources after vanishing without explanation. The commoners would most likely be rather indifferent if not slightly happy with the return of the Crown Prince,as for the Royal family, Boreas wasn't entirely sure what to expect even if the King had sanctioned his journey out here. Torrin seemed to imply that Boreas' word might hold the greatest weight of everyone, but he doubted it, either way Boreas words would definitely hold some weight. "Very well Master Gero, that makes a good amount of sense, in the mean time it gives our people time to prepare for the attack as best as possible." Boreas said, he understood the reluctance of Torrin to return home in this manner, but he would remain at his side. The discussion regarding the material and what it might entail for Tinarah's family he didn't pay too much heed to but the details did seem rather intruiging, their mother murdered over research? Chrono having found her body, that must have been rough. Kaio then berated Illiana for her choice of wishing to remain here. "Illiana, we're already stretched thin as is, we just had two weeks to train and have some down time, it's time we get moving again or risk losing this conflict. He is out there somewhere and by remaining here I doubt you'll see him again, especially since I doubt Master Kaio makes idle threats." Boreas said, he kept it only thinly veiled as to who he was refering to to not put her on the spot but he figured that Illiana would put two and two together and understand he refered to Koa. "As for figuring stuff out for yourself, I may be entirely wrong but I don't think this'll be the last down time we'll have, even out in the field a moment may present itself for reflection." Usually before sleep everyone had their time to themselves to do whatever they wanted, he wasn't sure what to expect and he may have lost any goodwill he had with Illiana by playing it in this manner, but it was necessary to at the very least try otherwise they'd effectively be down yet another person and they already didn't have a great deal of manpower to spare.
Boreas took his seat to the right of Torrin for the meeting and listened attentively. They had no idea where their enemy was which was a bad situation cause they could easily be blindsided. These assignments were to pave the ways for Marks of Mastery? Boreas' master was nowhere near and presumably not even able to oversee it out here anyways so Boreas wasn't too concerned about that aspect of these operations. Sure he had trained a little under Master Skia more out of necesity but he still had his master back home. The choice of assignments was easily made when presented it, while it would be interesting to see another world in the Realm of Light and see where Chrono and Tinarah came from, heading home alongside Torrin was to be his choice, especially if they were to play the part of emmisaries to their own people, Boreas didn't like it very much. Sure some materials to make keyblade armour could be spared. Torrin definitely didn't seem to like the task at hand, especially considering the fact it would be the first time he would be home in six years he wouldn't want to ask for stuff in the first place... and it probably wasn't how he wanted to return home. Illiana brought up a valid point of Eilonwy being all alone once the team left her there, if they managed to convince his Majesty to actually allow that to happen, Boreas would be sure to provide the information to let the King make an informed decision. Deep down however he could not shake the feeling that this was all merely a ploy. The Council knew that if they asked for support the current situation would not allow for it so they'd force them into this conflict by painting a giant target on their backs. "I'll grant you the fact that if Eilonwy were to stay at his Majesty's castle the amount of soldiers around would make a rather good guard, but how is it better than her being surrounded by several keyblade masters, especially considering we do not know where enemy forces are located." Boreas said, Torrin had sat back down again resigning himself to his fate, Boreas gave him a nod to let him know he'd follow him home. Qamar was going to join them as well and Illiana requested not to go at all citing business to take care off, while he was curious what that might mean he knew better than bring it up now or at all he doubted she wanted to talk about it.
"It's not just up to me, it'll have to be discussed together with Torrin, we agreed to meet at the Mirage Arena later, it did however seem he specificly wanted me there. I'd say ask him when you see him." Boreas replied to Qamar, it wasn't his call to make, Torrin had requested he'd be present for training later, what sort of training was never mentioned, it could be anything from hand-to-hand to the mirage arena, Boreas was hoping for a little old hand-to-hand, feeling it was a place where in a duel he might hold his own against Torrin. Take sensed the dragon that Qamar was dragging around, it belonged to that Lumen kid as far as he knew, he didn't particularly care why she was running around with it but he understood why Take had his reservations. He noted that Chrys sat by herself and turned his attention back to the conversation when Master Atmos walked in, she apologised but it was fine to him. "Good morning Master Atmos, it's alright." Boreas said, before he could ask whether there was a problem she explained that there was another meeting master Atmos didn't seem to thrilled about the prospect of being sidelined again and he couldn't blame her, Choma and her had made the opening moves that brought this conflict out into the open, furthermore they were the masters of several people on the team, it made sense to deploy them alongside their students, but that meant weakening the stronghold and the balance of power was already tipped in the favour of the Light Chaser so they couldn't afford to draw too many forces from their own stronghold, it sucked being sidelined even when there was a good reason for it, but he understood how she felt. Boreas finished the last of his porridge and rinsed the bowl he had used. "Well, since there's a meeting I might as well go there, you coming along as well Take?" Boreas asked, the kid had been wondering what was going on and sure answers weren't going to be handed out that easily from the higher ups but at least they'd know what they were going to do now. Boreas headed for the meeting room, passing the piano where Taran was attempting to wake Illiana up and smiled a little to himself before making his way to the meeting room and taking his place.
Boreas listened to Take's explanation and he could definitely understand the feeling. "No it's alright to voice your concerns. Home had a fairly similar pattern if only that battles didn't happen one after the other not even during campaigns, having been on guard duty I can understand the sense it's like it's the calm before the storm and we're just waiting for things to go wrong or for the Light Chaser to move. I have taken the time to get some rest and train but I know what you mean, it's nice and all this peace and quiet but this fight isn't over yet." Boreas said. "It makes sense that you're worried in a sense or at the very least wondering what's going on, especially when information from up top is less than satisfactory, because you think what am I training for? And it's good that you keep it on your mind actually, it helps to remain focused on what we're supposed to be doing here, sure it's been quiet for two weeks and all of us have been training, but I doubt I need to tell you that that means it's over. Look if possible try to relax, but don't grow complacent, as for the training it's important I would rather be out there taking the fight to him or his students but judging how that went last time we'll definitely need the training, I do agree that the calm is a bit unsettling..." Boreas ate some of his porridge, it was a difficult thing especially when Atmos had deprogrammed him from unquestioning loyalty, sure it could be a dangerous thing to blindly follow orders and Atmos probably got it out of him as Masters were to think critically and independently, not blindly follow orders and the point of learning the arts of wielding a keyblade was to become a master so it made sense, but it troubled Take. As Boreas thought of things he could say to help Take more, perhaps offer to train together to take their minds of it, Qamar joined them. "Morning Qamar." Boreas responded, dropping the again eventhough he had greeted them as he passed her that morning. When she explained that she didn't want to train with him again claiming she felt more comfortable now, Boreas felt a sense of relief, he wasn't up for it today anyways, he was fine with training her, but to him it remained to be seen if anything he had tried to teach stuck with her, he hadn't taught her anything about using darkness itself but rather tried to lay the foundation for her use of it through teaching discipline, he had exchanged ideas on it with Master Skia as well. "I am supposed to train with Torrin later, maybe I'll study a bit more after that, we'll see." Boreas said. "Maybe go for another run later, regardless of the weather." Going out in weather like this wasn't something that bugged him in the slightest, especially since he had the chance to warm up afterwards, be it through porridge or that hot chocolate stuff Aria kept going on about, it was a warm enough drink it just might help.
Take joined him at the table, and mentioned he was going to study more later. "Well good luck with the studies, and yeah Enzo is an odd one, maybe he just wants to help you or something, I really have no idea..." Boreas said eating some of his oatmeal porridge. "Well I ran into Torrin the other day and told me we'd train today, what he has in mind I don't know. For the remainder it's wait and see I guess. Perhaps Qamar is going to bug me about teaching her some more..." Boreas said before sighing, he chuckled a little bit at the sarcastic comment about invisible fishing trips. It seemed his fishing trips with Master Skia hadn't exactly gone unnoticed, which wasn't too unsurprising, but he wasn't sure what Master Skia would do in such bad weather, but he was willing to bet that she wouldn't go out, he knew Take wasn't being serious but if he had nothing better to do he might as well wait and see what was going to happen. Take had mentioned that he was getting weird vibes today, but to him it was just another day, perhaps a day with not the greatest weather but nothing out of the ordinairy. "Weird vibes? What do you mean?" Boreas inquired, perhaps these two weeks of being stationed here had made him too complacent about the situation.
Take accepted his offer and Boreas filled the empty bowl with some of the oatmeal porridge that he had made. Boreas chuckled at Take's explanation of the Flammie getting too friendly, he had warmed up a little bit to the dragon since first meeting it that was for sure, but he wasn't quite there yet. "Good work on getting her inside, and yeah thinking of what you mentioned of your home it makes sense that you're not a fan of it." Boreas said, having had to fight against dragons would make trusting them hard, and definitely when they were on top of you and had you in a position where they could easily kill you. Boreas added a little bit of honey to the oatmeal porridge. "No you're right, I went outside, I am not putting my morning routine on hold for a few drops of rain, even went for a little bit of a swim but the water was too cold to be pleasant." Boreas said as he gave Take the bowl he prepared. It was then that Chrys walked into the kitchen without so much as a word, Boreas greeted her good morning, but that was all, he hadn't seen anything in the past two weeks to change his mind, although that was more on him for refusing to train with her, although others certainly didn't share his opinion on the fact and did work with her. He had trained a lot on his own too but he had sought out others even training with Take, Chrono and Tinarah, someone he still was on uneasy terms with, after completing that he could have sworn he saw a small smile on Kaio's face. Boreas sat down at a table with his own bowl of porridge and started to eat it, then Qamar barged in, quickly making her own breakfast and sitting down at a different table, he heard her say something but didn't exactly hear what was said. Aria walked into the kitchen then as well and he greeted her back, she apparantly already had breakfast, which wasn't at all a surprise to him given the fact they had eaten together for the past couple of days. It didn't matter to him either that they stalked off to their own place, but he did think that a meal with the whole team could help foster stronger bonds, but that wasn't his place to really say. Torrin seemed happy with the food that had been prepared for him judging from how he exclaimed that it was laid out in a face. Before the two of them left Torrin expected him to be at training later, Boreas didn't say anything, they had agreed to train together today, but not much had been said about it. "So what's your plan today Take? Going to hit the books again?" Boreas asked, he had seen him in the library a couple times over the past two weeks when Boreas was learning more about field medicine.
Boreas was stirring the oatmeal porridge with a wooden spoon when Take snuck up on him, Boreas wheeled around and nearly punched Take where he stood, but holding back when he saw that it was Take, it was clear he had been outside for a while as his hair was still damp and he shivered a little as he warmed up. "Oh, Take it's you, I nearly punched you there..." Boreas said turning back to the pot he was making the porridge in. "It's simple oatmeal porridge." Boreas said, it paled in comparison to the eggs, bacon and toast others made but it suited him fine, and with small groups peeling off the main group with breakfast every morning over the past weeks he found himself having it more and more and made some extra for others if they wanted any. He had made a habit of preparing simple porridge and adding extra flavours in his own bowl, that way everyone could simply flavour it their own way. "If you want some as well there's more than enough, feel free to add more things, I deliberately kept it basic, should others want any they can flavour it to their own tastes." Boreas said, he intended to add flavour to his with a little bit of cinnamon, crushed walnuts and since it was available a tiny bit of honey. To prepare for it Boreas pilfered through the cabinets in search for a handful of walnuts that he proceeded to crush on the countertop with a spoon. "So how are you today? I saw the Flammie was being a bit too friendly with you earlier." Boreas said crushing a few more walnuts before he dug around in the cabinets for some bowls as the porridge was just about ready. He stirred it a little before turning to Take and offering him a few pieces of walnut before scooping some of the porridge into a bowl, putting the walnuts in, adding a litle bit of cinnamon and honey and stirring it well together. "You want some too?" Boreas asked, gesturing to empty bowl.
Boreas spoke a little with Illiana, she had mistaken him to be her brother, the disappointment of that fact was ather telltale, between that and how unstable she was on her feet he figured it was more than just a little under the weather, he offered his help but she didn't want it so he left her to her own devices with the advice to get some rest in the coming days, while the opportunity was there. In the two weeks that followed Boreas rose early every morning to do his normal training exercises regardless of the weather, Aria tagging along once or twice, he finally made up his mind whether he would help train Qamar controlling her darkness and mercilessly taught her the discipline required, paying no heed to her complaints and accepting nothing less than perfection, much like had been demanded of him during his own training. In his free time he studied in the library particularly looking into field medicine and expanding his understanding of it, theoretical knowledge was one thing and applying a different one entirely, but it was a worst case preparation, after they had faced Quietus and everyone had been drained the little knowledge he had, had been helpful and if he was to support the team more it was good to know. When he ran into Illiana he'd ask how she was doing, making sure not to put her on the spot in front of others. Where others trained under their respective masters, Boreas' master was far from here, however he accompanied master Skia on her little fishing trips, they were nice moments of tranquility in the hectic days of training and studying, they spoke of his training and what problems Boreas ran into during his studies and training and gave advice on how to hone his skills and improve his team work. It amused Boreas that Skia tried to get him slapped by an invisible fish again, but he had learned from the last time. When they'd get back Boreas usually went back to training and under Torrin's tutelage improved his transformations and practiced with almost every single one, the last one he was unsure what to do with as it wasn't useful as an infantry weapon, he had let the Keyblade guide him in it's formation and wasn't sure what to make of it. The days flew by and Boreas worked on his concentration in combat, his magnet spell and field medicine. He took note of what had happened to the masters sent to retrieve the Warrior of Light, but didn't pay too much attention to it, it had already happened nothing could change that. That morning Boreas had woken up early like any other morning the weather was miserable outside but that wasn't going to stop him, after doing his exercises he put on his armour and headed out, he put a black woolen cloak over his armour before heading out, paying a little attention to the Flammie before going about his usual morning routine running down the dirt paths in the Illusian Hinterlands, the rain didn't help too much but Boreas continued, ignoring the puddles as he went about it. Before returning to the castle Boreas headed out to the shore and went for a quick swim in the cold waters, had it been warmer he would have swum more but he quickly returned inside finding Qamar, Take and the Flammie now inside the Castle with the Flammie playing with Take, he put the woolen cloak away greeted them good morning and went to the kitchen, passing Aria on his way there and greeting her as well. Having arrived in the kitchen he intendedto make some breakfast that would help him warm up a bit, Boreas decided to just make warm porridge to serve as breakfast, making more than just for himself.
Boreas had a good guess as to why Kaio sighed, as it was harder to kick someone when they already accepted their flaws. He had been subjected to a thorough verbal thrashing before and knew to take the criticism of instructors to heart as blunt as they could be it was a good way to make you remember the problems with the way one worked. Boreas listened to the advice that the master had to say and he had a good point, it made sense to use his toughness to draw the attention to him, he had tried to shield Illiana several times during their battle and failed so he had to think of other things, perhaps using his spells to bolster his comrades' resilience. He surpressed a smile at Kaio's remark about his throwing arm and took the advice regarding his focus to heart, it had been troubling him over the past day how his focus was so easily narrowed and drawn in. He had to remain focussed in battle, Qamar had mentioned meditation earlier but he wasn't sure how much use that was as meditating on the field of battle seemed impractical. He would work on it much like he would work on his lost control while directing his anger, he was glad that he kept it contained this time. "Makes sense, keep the tough ones up front so the enemy wastes resources trying to bring them down." Boreas said. "Very well, I shall see to it that I improve, Master Kaio." He intended to get some rest and then perhaps do some research in the Library see what they held and if there was anything useful for him there. Before he would rest though he wanted to go for a walk, go over everything that had been said and learned. He went outside and took a stroll, it was nice enough outside. Soon enough he ran into Illiana who seemed to be staggering along holding a hand to her head, she had seemed rather insistent to get away quickly after they were done with the training session, he hadn't really paid much attention to her then but she seemed to not be doing so well. He knew she wasn't fond of considering other people as friends, he took a moment to consider whether to ask or not, Boreas decided to take the gamble and approached Illiana, he wasn't trying to sneak up on her or being particularly quiet so she shouldn't be too surprised of his appearance. "Are you okay? You don't seem to be doing very well..." Boreas asked Illiana.
Boreas spotted Chrys but didn't pay her heed. He caught Illiana's rather irritated remark towards Torrin and he definitely understood especially since he had been the one to fall, Illiana apologised for not doing as much, which was fine. Kaio had just finished talking to Tinarah and set his sights on them, Torrin mentioned how it wasn't a painless win and Boreas could second that given the fact he had been the one to go down, he remained quiet though as Kaio gave his assesment. Boreas took the criticism, it was a direct way of delivering it and one Boreas was thoroughly familiar with. Some points were exagerrations but they were made with the purpose of pointing them out and he was right Boreas could have supported the team more than he had. Torrin drew the attention of kaio to him, but Boreas contemplated what the master had said. Torrin took his leave after telling him to get a rest, he didn't need to be told that again but first he would speak with Master Kaio. "You are right, I should have supported the team more, my magical healing capabilities however are severely limited, but there are other ways I can support them, what would you have me do?" Boreas asked, he bit down a retort to the remark of having fallen, he had given it his all, expended his magical power and fallen, it wasn't like he had gone down easy even if it were thanks to his team mates. "I take combat seriously, whether it is a training maneuver or not. You are right in saying believing the simulations to be real is indeed foolishness, I get focussed in combat, focussing more on the battle at hand rather than whether it is real or not, I got carried away with besting the foe and getting through the fight." Boreas explained, he felt a little ashamed of getting carried away like that, but he didn't show it. His rousing speeches definitely had an effect even if it was merely a training.
Boreas had given it's all but it didn't matter, a wave of darkness washed over him and he collapsed to the floor, there was only blackness for Boreas, he never saw how Torrin and Illiana ended the fight. When Torrin spoke to him to wake up he realized something important, it hadn't been real at all. Boreas opened his eyes and scrambled up from the floor, they were in a white room. "So we did it then?" Boreas asked Torrin between ragged breaths, he had fallen before the end, it didn't matter too much as it was a training and Boreas had tasted defeat before but never this. He felt drained and still a bit sore after that training session, but he'd live, he was beaten but not broken. Torrin seemed to be quite tired himself as well, he wasn't sure what they did to finish the fight but at least they got completed it. Boreas headed for the door and walked back into the main basement, he had talked with Torrin about going their seperate ways in training but after how much they had done right now he wasn't too sure about having another go, sure inthe field he might not have the luxury of rest but there were other ways he could keep training. His opinion about the machine hadn't changed it was a good way to train everyone without the risk of getting overwhelmed and losing people to too brutal a training regime. Maybe later he would see if he could get another group together to make another attempt, but first he'd grab a little bit of rest.
As he battered the legs of the beast he felt regenerative energies wash over him, but the foul beast would make sure that it was undone, as he couldn't get out of the way of the beast's claws, Illiana and Torrin managed fine though, he felt sluggish and slow, everything hurt, but he wouldn't back down, he refused to give up and surrender. He held his Pernach with both hands and slammed it into the legs even more. He didn't even know how he could keep going like this, how he had it in him to do this, but he just kept going, making it count as much as he could... Boreas Attacked
Boreas remained wary as Illiana and Torrin unleashed their wrath on the Demon Tower, he felt bad for not contributing but he hadn't much left in him to keep going. Their wrath took out the Demon Tower, their surroundings changed once more to a place he still didn't recognise, this had all gone on without him and from what he understood this had all taken place over but a handful of days. It showed him only little of what transpired before he joined, their foe was easily spotted among all this treasure, he took a quick glance at the coins but didn't recognise the design. Their foe charged them and while Illiana and Torrin got away no such luck for Boreas, he stood his ground with his glaive hoping the blade would deter the monster but it just brushed the blade away and while it cut the monster, it did not stop it from back handing, Boreas sending him sprawling into a pile of coins, his vision swam as darkness crept up from the edges of his vision. This was it, the end of the line for him, he had given it his all against these monstrosities, he'd had given his blade to this war only for the blade to not return home. That same dream replayed itself the look on his mothers face stirred something within him, no he wouldn't let Torrin deliver that letter, even if he had asked it of him he had to get up, he pushed himself up from the coins, pain flared through his muscles, his breath was ragged, he summed his keyblade to his hand as it had been thrown from his grasp several feet from him, he shifted it to the Glaive-guisarme form and used the haft of it to support himself as he got to his feet. His legs shook with the effort to keep him up, it was a miracle he was still standing. "This is it.... the final fight... we made it this far. We laid low mighty foes... this is but the last that bars us from victory... If we give it our all we might prevail here... One final push is all it takes... so let us look inside ourselves... look to who we fight for and why... so we might have the strength to seize the day..." Boreas said, as he looked to the glowing banner, he saw the banner of House Thessalian, his family and it gave him strength, he shifted his blade into the Pernach and gave one last charge with a wordless cry he slammed the blade into the spindly legs of the great beast, hoping he might bring it down to make it easy prey. Boreas used Inspiring Presence and attacked.
The heartless surged into the boat and he almost felt that the boat would be torn apart and they were doomed as without the boat they'd make for even easier targets, between Torrin and himself they thinned out the herd but there were still a great many of them, the flames had taken their toll on his comrades and he himself wasn't doing very well either, he wasn't sure if they would make this, he had seen Torrin's raw power but would it be enough to save them? Boreas was beaten but not yet broken, he would not allow himself to be, he had to keep on fighting until he could no longer hold himself together. Boreas shifted his keyblade to the glaive-guisarme again and took a defensive stance, he would take as many with him as he possibly could and figured the best way would be in a counter attack and he readied himself for the opening to present itself for one final charge. Boreas used Parry Stance
Illiana told him to stop apologizing but it couldn't be helped he was taking a risk with their lives and he felt his legs being shaky as the tree disintegrated, he used the glaive to keep himself upright. The environment changed again as the rage coursed through him, with the change of the environments he felt some of his strength return to him. The environments were alien to him and he was confused as to where he was. It reminded him of being on the ship on the sea but it was different, there were stars all around. A swirling mass of heartless moved towards them, Boreas changed his keyblade to the repeating crossbow and as he sped forwards he fired the crossbow, unleashing bolts at high speed towards the mass, the bolts finding their targets before Boreas changed the drained magazine before slamming a new one home and fired more magical bolts at the mass. He would have preferred to close the distance and engage in melee but he knew with a vessel like this in these environs was madness and while feeling better than when engaging this tree he knew he was getting to his limit. Boreas used Furious Charge and Attacked Boreas's Info HP: 36/150 MP: 4/31 FOC: 5/35 FLUX: 3/4
Boreas and Torrin's onslaught cut down the Dark Leviathan and once more the environment changed once more, Boreas took in the greenery, it was gorgeous to say the least, but he didn't at all recognize the place. Boreas looked around warily to see if he could spot their foe, in the previous fights it had been obvious but not so much here, he tried to shield Illiana, but when their foe revealed itself to be the tree in the centre of the grove, Boreas was in the wrong position to shield her and as the leaves cut deep Boreas was preparing for something, he glanced at Illiana who seemed to be doing a bit better now but it was still going to hurt, Torrin on the other hand was in worse shape. He himself wasn't feeling the greatest either but if they wanted to make it they had to destroy this thing. Boreas got out of Illiana's way to let her unleash her fire. "Torrin heal yourself." Boreas said, his voice bearing an undertone of command. He felt guilty enough for what he was about to do right now anyways but he had to keep his comrades safe and it was a gamble. "I'm sorry Torrin... Illiana" He muttered softly, before concentrating, breathing in deeply to focus holding his breath for a moment and then breathing out, he repeated this a few times, closing his eyes and on the final one he breathed out and flame erupted around him. Boreas charged the tree savagely hacking away at it as the flames swirled around him, he would burn this tree to ashes before it could take them all out. Boreas entered his form and attacked.
Torrin followed up with his own instantaneous cut to the Leviathan taking out one of the beasts' claws. The creature however wasn't exactly pleased with this and the remaining claw struck them, Illiana seemed to be doing worse even with both his and Torrin's healing she seemed to be only holding on by a thread. He didn't have the magical energy left to be able to help her. They were in a bind, Boreas cursed under his breathe, he could try and shield her but he didn't have high hopes of actually succeeding in it given the sheer size of the beast. That left just trying to destroy the beast as quickly as possible. As Illiana seemed to be shaken back to reality and went to work on her injuries Boreas looked to Torrin, the look in his eyes betraying the concern, he was so concerned with this fight and his comrades that he forgot the fact that none of this was real at all. He broke into a run flinging his Glaive-guisarme at the great Leviathan with such force that it made it seem Boreas was intending to end the great beast there and then in the same fashion one would catch a fish with a spear. As the blade embedded itself in the Dark Leviathan Boreas ran for it, yanking it free before aggressively slashing at the monstrosity, he had to make sure they all got out of this fight alive, he knew Torrin was his superior but he still saw it as his responsibility. He made sure to stand before Illiana hoping that he might shield her from this monster so that she might be able to get into better shape still. Boreas used Judgement and Attacked.
Between Torrin and his onslaught the Darkside stood no chance at all, as it faded away their surroundings changed significantly, he didn't recognize the place at all "One down, four more to go." Boreas chimed in. He took in his surroundings, a dimly lit cavern, this could have been on any world, and as Torrin confirmed upon seeing their opponent that this was before he joined them. He had been to the world of Atlantis with Atmos though when he was looking for his friend. Boreas eyed the great beast before them, he hadn't seen anything like it before, he guessed that due to it's size it couldn't be fast. He judged wrong as it surged for them he couldn't get clear quickly enough, the beast barrelled into Illiana and himself. He scrambled to his feet. "Torrin, can you give her a hand? I'll cover you." Boreas said as he shifted his keyblade into the repeating crossbow, slamming a magazine home and firing off a volley of lightning bolts at his foe before shifting his blade back to the glaive-guisarme, charging the great beast and delivering a powerful slash, before disengaging while steering clear of Illiana and Torrin. Something must have been wrong with her, did she want an out? Or was she being spiteful over the things he had said earlier that morning, it didn't matter, should it come to it Torrin and himself would carry on as far as they physically could, he just hated that Illiana wanted to come along and then not pull her weight. Boreas used Thundara and Zantetsuken Prime Boreas's Info HP: 91/150 MP: 12/31 FOC: 20/35 FLUX: 3/4 STATUS: Wrath of Darkness (1 Turn), Inspiring Presence (3 Turns)
Conrad saw Lakoda's reaction to him relaying what the lady had mentioned, as they walked to the inn, Conrad stuck to her side and offered his hand as reassurance. He remembered the time she had been so wounded she thought the healer helping her had been the hag and he had taken her hand to remind her she wasn't alone. He hadn't thought of it too much in the moment other than make sure she was alright. The innroom they were lead into was rather spacious as far as innrooms went, it was bigger than the one they had treated Renza in. The farmer's wife gave them the short introduction and Conrad stepped forward. "Yes Mister Drove, we are mages from the Divine Rose Guild here about the attacks of a mysterious entity." Conrad said. "I am Conrad, and these are Everette, Maira and Lakoda. What can you tell us about the attacks. How frequent do they happen? Do they all happen in the same place? Are they limited to a specific time of day?" Conrad asked, maybe something could help them find a way to find this mysterious entity they suspected was the hag that had stolen the voice of their friend. The only plan other than searching these woods systematicly would be laying a trap but the villagers probably weren't going to be too inclined to cooperate with that and understandably so, maybe they could ask the boy what had happened to him as well if asking their contact proved fruitless.
The Darkside counter-attacked once more, luckily Boreas managed to get clear of the fists of the Darkside as they came for him. He glanced to Iliana she too managed to get clear this time. Torrin however wasn't so fortunate, perhaps the simulation holding it against him that he wouldn't take it seriously. "It can take a beating but that won't matter in the end." Boreas said as he went in for the attack, stabbing and slashing at the Darkside while remaining wary of it's fists. Boreas then disengaged and in one fluid motion thre the glaive-guisarme at the Darkside as if he were hurling a javelin, the blade impacted hard into he Darkside's body before returning to his hand. This was only the first round and they were one man short of the recommendation, although Torrin certainly made up for that, Illiana didn't seem to be pulling her weight in this fight and that was something that irked him, he expected everyone to do their part in combat. Boreas Attacked and used Judgement. Boreas's Info HP: 111/150 MP: 12/31 FOC: 35/35 FLUX: 3/4 STATUS: Wrath of Darkness (2 Turns), Inspiring Presence (4 Turns)