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  1. Vladek515

    His opponent was skilled as evident in her movement, he'd have to catch her off guard, the opening he had been looking for didn't present itself so he was going to have to improvise. His opponent cast a spell and then came at him faster than before. The wide low sweep was dodged by creating more distance as she started, but seeing she was spinning in a full circle, Boreas wasted no time to close the distance, however she spun faster than he anticipated and the thrust struck him in his free arm, as it then slid across his armoured arm towards the inside. Beneath the helmet Boreas' face contorted in pain, but he had the opportunity he had looked for and grinned as he took hol of the shaft of Chrysanteum's keyblade and held it in place in turn swing his own keyblade into Chrys' side twice and then swinging deliberately past her face but on the backswing struck out with his elbow towards her face, followed by a quick strike from his blade. He then brought up his leg to kick her back forcing distance between them again, less than last time and keeping his blade ready for the coming attack.
    Post by: Vladek515, Apr 17, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Vladek515

    Boreas heard something about there be no downsides to their plan, he wanted to argue but really the rage coursing through him and the sheer frustration at the seeming lack of comprehension skills that now was not the time to argue with orders and disobeying them. And then there was this girl claiming his observation was biased because he didn't know what they had been doing before. It didn't matter at all what they had been doing before. Tinarah didn't seem to be handling his yelling too well but she had to understand now was not the time for this. He didn't care at all whatsoever that his observation was biased, they turned up at a moment like this and dare claim his observation was biased. He felt more rage bubbling up. Oh he had an idea of what they had been doing alright but it was far too late for words. Illiana seemed to disagree and wanted answers from her brother. Boreas didn't share the sentiment, he had no use for words. The only thing his opponent was right about was the fact that neither was going to back down. They couldn't work this out, he wasn't going to allow them to destroy his home while he still drew breath.

    Qamar yelled something at him about it not being the army and Boreas would have told her it would have been a lot less rage inducing if they all just did as they were asked so he didn't need to yell at them to get going and doing their part. His opponent wanted to make this quick and while on the one hand he wanted to just end her as quickly as possible if he had to he would drag this all out for as long as humanly possible. He knew that being tired wasn't going to help but he knew his battlefield experience was going to be an advantage for him. Even before Chrys challenged him Boreas slowly started to close the distance between himself and Chrys, picking up speed as he did his face hidden beneath the helmet of his armour. They either backed down and went their seperate ways or fought, there was no other solution to this not in his eyes. Handing over Aria was out of the question and he had no reason to disuade his opponent for he didn't know them, she was the enemy and enemies were fought. As he had closed the distance he opened up with a quick lunging strike, putting his strength at the last part, he stepped back his blade swiping in a guarding semi-circle from straight up, moving clockwise away, following with an aggressive swipe from left to right not making a full swipe, bringing his blade back around, over his own head and mirroring the strike stepping in to deal
    an overhead strike and then stepping back again, creating some distance between himself and his opponent, he was looking for a specific kind of opening as he kept up a defensive stance, the rage still coursing through his veins. Deep down he could respect Chrys a little for fighting what she believed in even if that made them opponents.

    Post by: Vladek515, Apr 15, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Vladek515

    Tinarah didn't think they could fight it, but they at the very least had to try. As Torrin was assigning everyone a task someone showed up, someone that Torrin apparantly knew and judging from the sound of it this was one of the apprentices of the Light Chaser, when Torrin told him it'd be a nice change for him to fight another keyblade wielder, Boreas grinned wickedly. "Gladly, Torrin." He responded, the first person to join his opponent claimed it was for the good of all worlds. "We're not gonna hand her over, if you want her you'll have to step over my dead body. You claim to do this for the good of all worlds, but I believe you'd be better of claiming for all worlds in the Realm of Light and that is what I take issue with." Boreas said he looked at his foes, disgust clear on his face.

    As Torrin told Aria and Take to fall in with him Aria wished them good luck, although before that she did mention that they should have kept her while they had the chance, while true you don't relinquish important pieces of your plan to the enemy, still hardly the time or the place to taunt them with it. Tinarah however decided exactly now was the time to ignore instructions given, in a situation where everyone needed to carry out their tasks, Boreas missed his soldiers in this moment, they would carry out the orders without hesitation. Sure he knew it was asking a lot here and there seemed to be something more going on that Tinarah had a personal stake in the past but now was not the time for revenge. "
    Tinarah! You have been instructed to fend of the Heartless, it has become your assigned duty so get to it. This is hardly the time for personal vendettas, unless you want to doom this world get to it! Illiana, Adalric and I will take care of this. Take and Torrin will look after Aria now move, before I make you move!" Boreas barked, his tone unforgiving.

    Illiana felt the same way and also ordered Tinarah to get going. She explained one of them was her brother... oh dear even more personal stakes, but she seemed rather agitated at this brother of hers. Good, she could use that anger in the fight. Then the girl, who he could only assume was Chrysanteum as Dentro had called her, spoke up. "
    You claim you get persecuted for wanting to help. You want to help? Be my guest there are plenty of heartless to go around. No your simple timing here shows you for what you are vultures, scavengers you chose this exact moment to show up knowing you would find us scattered, making for easy pickings and capturing Aria, instead of actually helping by fighting the heartless. You claim to want to help but your actions do not reflect your words." Boreas spat.

    "Qamar, you aren't going to save this world with that attitude. Just like Tinarah you have been given your orders so carry them out! Torrin didn't give those instructions for no reason, as you can see Thallasa is clearly already trying to work on something and we have to buy time so fight for all that you are worth!" Boreas barked as he summoned his keyblade. "This goes for all of you the man was crystal clear you all have your instructions you know what to do so do it. It's the best plan we have for saving this world, cause I doubt these clowns got a better plan! NOW EVERYONE CARRY OUT YOUR ORDERS NO BUTS! JUST DO IT!" He bellowed, he was losing his patience with all these people. Boreas took up a guarded stance, activating his keyblade armour for the fight.
    Post by: Vladek515, Apr 13, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Vladek515
    With Boreas mounted up and Qamar already taking off, Boreas called for Glyde to get on then turned to Tinarah. "
    You can hop on, Tinarah." Boreas said, motioning to one of the bench-like seats on the side, it was the best he could do for them and it wasn't exactly the most comfortable, but it would get the job done. When the two of them were also seated. "Hold on. We're going to ge-" Boreas was cut off by the clouds rolling in and the ground shaking. This wasn't good at all. "That's it we're getting off the ground. Now..." Boreas told his passengers as he took off. Qamar had told them to get to Thallasa and Torrin, but for Boreas that didn't need to be said, they had to regroup pool their strength and fight if they could. He didn't exactly like the skies darkening like this in combination with the ground shaking, as they soared through the sky at honestly rather reckless speeds, showing Boreas wasn't too used to having passengers along and if they were along they didn't mind a rough ride. Boreas spared no expense to race to the top of the building, the skies darkening further and he noticed pools of darkness starting to form. This really wasn't good, he hadn't seen this sort of thing before so he just raced for the top of the building and performed what could be vaguely called a landing before joining Aria, Torrin and Illiana. Aria was wondering what they were going to do. "Fight it if we can. I take it either of you know more about this, can we fight it?" Boreas directed the question more to Torrin. He was nearing the end of his rope but he prefered fighting to running, even a fighting retreat.
    Post by: Vladek515, Apr 12, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Vladek515

    Conrad felt Renza clutch his hand tightly but her grip seemed to get weaker and weaker as she relaxed more and more. She seemed to react positively to his humming. He nodded when Samuel said that they had to make whoever did this pay. "
    Yeah, we'll make them pay for this." He said softly, but the look in his eyes spoke volumes. "I have no idea who they are, but we'll make them pay. Just poisoning someone's water supply for no reason..." Conrad hoped they caught them so they could make them pay, but more importantly save all these people. "If they have any able-bodied people left they might be able to supply the village from the farmsteads, but if they poisoned the rain water then I am afraid.that plan won't last forever or is already been compromised..." Conrad said.

    The rash on Renza's body lessened as Samuel used his magic and she shuddered here and there as she clutched his hand Conrad saw her closed eyes. The light intensified and Renza's eyes fluttered open and she muttered his name, turning her head to the side. "
    I'm here Renza, you're going to be okay." Conrad said as he placed his other hand on top of the one that clutched his hand. He looked to Samuel who thanked him for his part in helping Renza. "Thanks, I know that after a day of helping all those people you were already drained, but thanks for helping her. All I did was helping you as you did the hard work." Conrad said, he was glad Renza was at the very least out of the danger zone. He changed his position a little bit and gently pulled her a little closer to him.
    Post by: Vladek515, Apr 12, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Vladek515

    With the battle done and the generator taken out their part here was done. Mr Incredible was back to normal and Mezmerella was taken out. Frozone seemed more concerned about the team names, what was it with people being concerned with naming of teams. Tinarah filled Mr Incredible in and there was a bit of a crowding around take to make sure he was alright. Boreas looked at the boy and gave him a thumbs-up. He did a good job protecting them and helping out. Chrono called for them to go to the surface and Boreas shared the sentiment they might need some help up there even after Thallasa's assurances that they were simply mopping up now. Tinarah left take to join the heroes and she didn't exactly look very happy. "Good job there bringing Take back on his feet, you did well." Boreas said with a weak smile.

    Boreas then followed Mr Incredible and Frozone up the ladder out of there, he breathed in the fresh air on the surface he was glad to be out of the tunnels they only brought back memories of the tunnels back home and all the associations with those tunnels. They were soon swarmed by people and many questions were asked. As their superhero names were asked Boreas thought for a moment with Torrin's words to play along still in the back of his mind. "
    I am the Emerald Herald." Boreas said "But you'll have to excuse us as we aren't done yet and still have rather pressing matters to attend to." With those words Boreas started to remove himself from the group of people as Qamar came to him suggesting to use the gliders. "Sounds good." Boreas said, he didn't exactly like the remark regarding the others being too fresh to do the glider themselves, sure it was true but it didn't need to be said. He tossed up his keyblade to make the glider, it looked like a jetbike with the wing pattern from his blade repeated along it's sides. Boreas mounted up there were two seats on the sides, one on each side, it took him a bit extra focus as he wouldn't usually need it. "Alright everyone mount up, two with me, two with Qamar. I don't care who goes where." Boreas adressed his team mates.

    Post by: Vladek515, Apr 11, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Vladek515
    Boreas is claiming 1 HP and 2 AP levels in the name of King Joch, may his black banners rise ever higher.
    Post by: Vladek515, Apr 10, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  8. Vladek515

    The fight was going alright, until the counterattack came. Qamar was hit hard, as was Take, with the latter going down. Boreas for a moment debated whether to sound the reatreat even if it wasn't his call to make but rather Frozone's. Mezmerella was agile and as she weaved through the fight Boreas kept his eyes on target and as the spinning kick came in, Boreas blocked with his keyblade, but the weariness of an almost sleepless night cost him as he only softened the blow, forcing him back. Qamar's clothing changed as she went after the generator. Boreas touched the communicator he still had from the other day. "Master Thallasa, the device should be coming down any moment. What is the situation up there?" He asked.

    Tinarah got Take back up and saw it as futile to try and go after Mezmerella, who had taunted them. "
    I have faced Shadow heartless more fearsome than you! You do nothing but hide behind Mr Incredible you coward!" Boreas shouted as he set about retalliating against Mezmerella. He shifted his Keyblade into it's crossbow form and as Mezmerella weaved through the melee he tracked her when he found the opening he was looking for he fired a Blizzara spell at her. As the spell was cast, Boreas sprung into action again relentlessly hunting for openings in the defenses of Mr Incredible to slip past and attack the coward that was hiding away, he wasn't going to let her get away. Again he wasn't sure how many of his attacks managed to connect, but he was certain he was connecting. "Don't let up! We can still win this!" Boreas shouted in encouragement of his comrades, with everyone at almost the end of their powers the balance was tipping for sure, but it was still in their favour.

    HP: 14/85
    MP: 1/30
    AP: 0/52 (42 +10)
    DP: 3

    Active D-links/Buffs:
    Royal Black - Turn 2
    Inspiring Presence - Turn 2
    Post by: Vladek515, Apr 9, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Vladek515

    Frozone had been right, the hats they destroyed had only rebuilt into even stronger varieties but what the way Frozone had told them not to engage them and just run was what had made Boreas suggest still engaging them. Just running with enemies on your tail sounded like a rout. He had seen what happened during those, even been in one himself, he had seen many fall ever since that time he tried to keep his unit from a disorganised retreat and instead fighting on as they fell back holding their formation. He fell in line with the others being the last to pass Frozone as he sealed off the tunnel with his ice magic. Boreas had to fight down his instinct to strike down his enemies as he ran. He had heard Qamar cackle in the fight earlier when she was hit, something wasn't entirely right with that girl.

    Boreas could feel the air temperature drop when Frozone sealed the tunnel behind him. They soon found two of their targets, both the generator and Mr Incredible, but unlike Boreas would have predicted Mezmerella was present too, right within striking distance, were they getting cocky? Tinarah and Glyde had already engaged their opponent. Boreas took a stance and aimed his keyblade forward as a purple glow surrounded him. "
    We have found what we came here for! Both the generator that has been plaguing us is right here and our hated foe forcing our allies to fight us is here. Victory here means we rid ourselves of two pests who think they can beat us in a war of attrition! Let us show them the error of their ways!" Boreas shouted inspiring his allies to greater feats of martial prowess.

    Before Boreas joined the battle, he placed a hand on his activator. "
    May his Black Banners stand victorious today!" Boreas shouted as dark energy poured from the activator and started to swirl around him as he drew on the power of his King, feeling invigortaed Boreas joined the fray, holding nothing back he went fully at Mezmerella trying as best he could to bypass Mr Incredible, it was difficult but he knew he hit her atleast a few times with the slashes of his blades. He feinted here and there in attempts to get past Mr Incredible's defences. He was still very much focussed on the fight before them, silently thanking for the fact that his blood was still rushing through his veins and the task at hand helping him with fighting off the effects of his rather poor night of sleep, but he was definitely getting weary.

    HP: 24/85
    MP: 11/30
    AP: 0/42(+10)
    DP: 3/3
    Abilities used:
    Inspiring Presence.
    D-link with King Joch
    Post by: Vladek515, Apr 6, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Vladek515

    The remaining hats called in reinforcements while they had nearly destroyed their forces. The hats lashed out and slashed at them, the cuts hurt and they even slashed at his cape, damaging it and that when Boreas liked it, he wasn't going to have it though and the damage would give it more of a story but he'd make them all pay. Frozone called for them to keep moving so he could seal the tunnel behind them. It was a sound plan. "
    You heard the man, let's keep moving. I'll guard the rear, take them out on the move! Go! Go! Go!" Boreas called as if passing down orders down the line. He slowed to be at the rear of the group and engaged the hats as he moved, his keyblade swung left and right as the hats tried to attack him as they ran for it, he wasn't having that at all though the damage to his cape was avenged as he hammered several hats guarding the rear along the way. "This is for tearing my cape!" Boreas shouted at the hats as he broke them by savagely slamming them into the ground, into each other, the walls of the tunnel.

    HP: 31/85
    MP: 11/30
    DP: 3
    Enemies slain: 9 Hats
    Enemies remaining: 32 Hats
    Post by: Vladek515, Apr 3, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Vladek515

    Conrad was sitting by Renza's side as Samuel joined him Everette had joined them but only for the moment as he was going to investigate, Samuel wanted to object to it but Everette had already gone. "I know, for now I'll help you out here, Samuel." Renza clutched his hand tightly. She had shaken her head, she hadn't drunk any well water at all, which while a relief was still rather worrying if she got this sick this quickly from rain water... He felt conflicted, between wanting to help Everette investigate what had happened, but Renza had seemed so attached to them wanting to help them all out when she didn't need to and as she clutched his hand he felt responsible for this and perhaps she was comforted a little by his presence, either way he needed to help Samuel to help her.

    Samuel told him in a low voice so only he would hear that this was worse than anything he had seen with how fast it was affecting her. They had been very lucky... with the request for the cloth and Samuel's help he looked at Renza, squeezing her hand gently. "
    I'll be back in a moment, I promise, you're gonna be okay." Conrad said as he let go of her and headed downstairs to find water, he quickly checked on the stew, the fire was getting a little low but that didn't matter right now. He found the bucket Renza had found earlier and not wanting to take any chances he found the test kit, put a little bit of water from the bucket in a petri dish and used the test kit. The water was entirely clean. He grabbed the bucket and a pair of clean pieces of cloth from the kitchen and headed back upstairs. He put a cloth in the water and put it on Renza's forehead to help cool it. With the other one he dabbed at Samuel's forehead as the beads of sweat started to form.

    Renza breathed shallowly and she had tears welling up in her eyes from the pain. He put the cloth aside and took her hand again rubbing his thumb across the back of her smaller hand as he held it in his. With his free hand he dug in his pocket and retrieved a plain white handkerchief and started wiping away the tears. "
    You're doing great, Renza, just hang in there. Samuel is going to make you feel better." Conrad said in a soothing tone. He realised how lucky they were, if this hadn't happened they could have all been sick now, it didn't make him feel any less worried about the little girl on the bed, but the realisation it had been a close call wasn't lost on him. But if the water had been fine earlier and the rain water supply wasn't right now that meant someone had been poisoning the supply... he still had to test the supply of the inn but he could already guess the outcome simply looking at the evidence in front of him.

    And if that someone just poisoned the supply they couldn't be far away. He hoped Everette was safe, the man was an S-class mage and more than capable of handling himself in a fight. "
    The water in the bucket is clean... judging from Renza's condition someone poisoned the supply... it just happened too if the bucket is fine and then she goes to get drinking water and it's not... The person that did this might still be out there, I hope Everette catches them." Conrad said in a low voice for only Samuel to hear. "You'll be okay, Renza." He soothed and started to hum a soothing melody.
    Post by: Vladek515, Apr 3, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Vladek515

    Thallasa was crystal clear as to who was in charge here. Boreas gave a short response as they were order to follow Frozone's lead and to move out "Understood, Master Thallasa." Boreas fell in right behind Frozone keeping up with the sprint as his blood got pumping the tired sleepy feeling began to be pushed away. "Good... good... if I can keep this up all day I'll be fine..." Boreas muttered softly to himself. As they reached the tunnels Frozone halted them, the tunnels were crawling with robots. With Frozone leading the charge and Take following suit. Boreas of course couldn't hold back.

    Following Take into the battle summoning his keyblade as he went. The first hat that came within his reach he dealt with with a forceful overhead strike to slam it into the ground the impact of it denting the spherical head of it into the ground the little light dulled out and died. In a smooth spin Boreas grabbed the tentacle legs of the next janking it slamming it's spherical head into the next and as both were stunned from the impact Boreas spun through and followed up by slamming his keyblade into the pair from the side. Sliding his foot outwards to stop the spin Boreas made for the next group hearing Take vaguely mention something about overhearing something Thallasa and Torrin were speaking in private about. Boreas wasn't going to deal with it now it was time for battle, not time for talking and the pounding rhythm of his heart substituting the sound of the drums Boreas struck down the next hat with a diagonal slash sending it crashing into the ground it tried to get up again but got a boot stomping on the little hat part. Switching to a reverse grip, Boreas struck a pair with a first a sideways slash and then switching grip again and pummeling them with another blow. The two hung there for a moment before their lights went out and they dropped.

    Boreas found three more hats threatening their flank so Boreas sought them out these robots were nothing compared to the heartless back home, they were simply pests to be eradicated so they could get to that machine and break that too. They would only delay the inevitable Boreas savagely attacked the three he had set his sights on, his keyblade denting their small heads until the little light went out. Boreas was in his fighting mindset and focussed on his enemies and defeating them so they could move on and get done with this mission.

    HP: 40/85
    Enemies slain: 9 Hats
    Enemies remaining: 32 Hats
    Post by: Vladek515, Apr 2, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Vladek515

    Everette seemed to be a comforted a little by their words at the very least which was good. Conrad was busy with the stew as Samuel reminded Everette not to beat himself up. Conrad took the compliment of rooting for them as S-class, even if he himself didn't think he was quite ready for that yet. "It's alright Everette, it's like Samuel said you pull your weight, you are capable and you do a good job." Conrad said as he stirred the stew some more. Renza had gone outside to get the water, when she went to get it earlier she was back relatively quickly, he heard a noise outside. "I'll be back in a moment." Conrad said as he went to check what that sound was. He opened the door only to see Renza on the ground reaching for the door.

    Conrad saw the rash on her face and her face contorted in agony and felt the horror overtake him. "Renza!?" He almost shouted. She had been fine a moment ago, did it take effect so quickly? Conrad knelt by her side and picked her up, carrying her back inside. "Samuel, we got a problem...Renza's sick... I found her outside on the porch... she's burning up... has trouble breathing" He spoke a slight tremor of panic in his voice as he walked over to his two comrades. "Something is very wrong here, we may not be done yet with the tests...." Conrad said as he went to one of the empty Inn rooms to put her in a bed, the first priority was to get Renza some help, Samuel was the most capable person in the town at this moment. "Renza, did you drink well water?" Conrad asked her in a kind tone, sitting on the side of the bed. No, Everette reminded her, to get the rain water... and Renza wasn't careless she had shown competence in the completion of her tasks, not to mention the well was further away she couldn't get back there so quickly. No was there something in the rain water now too? But it was a closed system, either way he couldn't draw conclusions just yet.

    Conrad looked at Renza with sorrow in his eyes, the girl had escaped so far, but now it seemed like it was her turn and he felt sorry for her. She was having difficulty breathing and it worried him, going from one moment being fine to such a state the next, there was nothing he could do for her and her fate was in Samuel's hands now. "
    You'll be okay Renza, Samuel will do what he can, you are in capable hands." Conrad knew how capable Samuel was having healed him on quite a few occasions, he took one of her hands gently in his as reassurance, knowing full well that he was touching the rash but they had concluded it didn't spread from victim to victim, her hand felt like it was burning up. "We need to check the rain water again... Samuel would you mind if Everette or I used the kit to check it again while you help Renza, it's in your backpack right?" He asked, they needed to be sure if the instructions they had given were still good, even if it was getting really dark now they had to prevent making this even worse, if they were going to tackle this problem.
    Post by: Vladek515, Apr 2, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Vladek515

    Conrad smiled when Renza gave him the bowl with the sliced potatoes. "
    Thank you Renza, nice work." Conrad said as he put the potatoes in the stew as well and kept an eye on the fire, it just had to stew now. Conrad listened as Samuel added on his remarks of support for Everette. Samuel was right out on the mission they didn't have to solely rely on oneself. It did mean that to some extent they had to be able to handle themselves and Everette was quite capable of handling himself it was just this relatively small thing that he needed help with. And Samuel was right in needing to be using his magic sparingly, the right choice was to simply wait till morn and then head for the river, they already had a long journey behind them that day. Conrad was free to use his powers but his powers were of limited use and there was one he still rarely used as suggested by Midarah and his own experiences with the power. Conrad simply watched as Renza was setting the table and paid attention to the stew as he did, it was kind of funny to see she still had both the flowers she had picked when they went to the farm and the duck feather. "We'll be fine, it's been a long journey and a long day I know we're on a time table here but pushing ourselves right now by going to the river accomplishes nothing, we're better off getting some rest and heading there tomorrow so we can look with daylight." Conrad added, stirring the stew a little with a wooden spoon.
    Post by: Vladek515, Apr 2, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Vladek515

    Glyde suggested planning their own trap, Boreas doubted they could there was nothing their opponents really wanted that they did have and they were the ones at the backfoot having to act in unfavourable conditions. "I understand that if we had the luxury of acting sooner it might not be so bad, but sometimes we gotta play the hands we're dealt. And yes if we can get those goggles then we can tip the scales further, but if I were them, I wouldn't easily expose such an exploitable weakness, I don't know about the limitations of this spell but I'd put the puppet in the fight while the puppeteer is safely away from fighting not allowing for an easy way to break the spell." Boreas said.

    Thallasa then offered up a plan it sounded like a solid plan, he wasn't too big a fan of splitting up but he understood why and he knew that he was on the tougher team, with the people in the worst condition all on his team he wasn't sure if they could take an awful lot of opposition. If they got in a fight they would have to get it over quickly. With the plan formulated and everyone assigned their position. Torrin told him that his cape was better. "
    In your dreams Torrin." Boreas replied. Boreas wasn't too big a fan of the high collar but his cape was better than Torrin's, especially the colour. He was headed underground again and given what happened the other day he wasn't too fond to head back down there, but the mission came first. "Good luck in the ambush, give them some from me if you would and all of you come back in one piece." Boreas told the team heading into the ambush. Thallasa hadn't been with them for very long but Boreas appreciated her leadership and the capacity to formulate sound strategies.

    Qamar then put him forward as the leader. Still having the communicators given to them the previous day he was already supplied with one. Tinarah suggested to follow Frozone, he knew the way in those tunnels. "
    I'm with Tinarah on this one Frozone is more acquainted with the tunnels, should it be necessary then in an emergency I'll take charge but I'd say Frozone is the leader here, unless the man himself disagrees." Boreas said. "And you're right, Glyde, they wouldn't leave something like that unguarded. If you can get a clean shot off, if not we'll break it in another way." Boreas said, he didn't hear Take whisper to Chrono as he turned to Frozone. "Let's get going, and we ought to be careful down there, if our experience underground is anything to go by we gotta stay sharp."
    Post by: Vladek515, Mar 31, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Vladek515

    Conrad smiled as Renza took his hand and walked with him to the Inn, Everette and Samuel in tow behind him. When they got inside Renza got some light into the place and Everette gave both him and Renza a task and Renza happily went to work on her given task, going to get water. "Will do." Conrad said as he too headed for the kitchen, they could make a simple stew tonight, with Everette cutting the vegetables and Renza working on the potatoes Conrad started working on the meat as assigned first tenderized the meat before starting the careful process of browning it. When he was done he put the meat on a plate he was borrowing from the inn and set it aside.

    Everette seemed a little stingy when Samuel said he wished he had more energy, Conrad listened along as he took the cut vegetables and went to go get some rain water for the stew. He filled up a kettle with the water and tossed in the vegetables to slowly start the stew. Then started cutting up the browned meat. As he did he thought about what Everette said he could understand there would be a frustration from something he couldn't help especially when the issue Samuel was having could be combatted to some extend but even then Samuel lead quite the busy life. Conrad himself had spent quite a few nights having fallen asleep at his desk, less often now but when he was begining to learn sign language he had fallen asleep in the midst of it, in combination with not wanting to sleep because of the nightmares he stayed awake a lot more, ending up falling asleep at his desk a few times he was woken up in the middle of the night by Lakoda knocking on his door, but most times he would wake up in the morning all stiff.

    As he put the vegetables in the kettle he started to cut up the meat into small chunks. "
    Everette you're not alone here, I understand it's frustrating to forget things, but we're a team here. It's okay if you forget things we got you covered. And yes we are under time pressure but now that we have a solid lead and an actual source we do have a little bit of breathing room. Don't get me wrong I'd like to see this sorted as fast as possible too, but we too have our limits. We'll get going early in the morning." Conrad said from the kitchen keeping an eye on the vegetables in the kettle, ready to add in the potatoes when Renza was done with them, he looked at her as she was hard at work peeling the potatoes and smiled at the sight of the girl with her tongue stuck out slightly.
    Post by: Vladek515, Mar 31, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Vladek515
    Boreas nodded. "It ain't just that, they had attacked the building already, there was nothing going to stop them from simply returning under the cover of night. Since we didn't organise watch, I felt like I had to." Boreas said to Torrin not long afterwards the costumes were revealed, the one belonging to him standing to the right of Torrin's, Boreas snorted at the placement in amusement. The craftsmanship was excellent and he rather liked the colour combination of green and black. However he didn't exactly need another suit, his armour was more than enough to hide his identity or to mark him out as a warrior which he figured was the equivalent of the hero in this world. He simply stared at his suit as the others began to take and put on theirs. "Thank you, Miss Edna, but I don't think I'll need another suit. I have my armour..." Boreas said, scratching his head. "I know I'm kind of late as it could have saved you quite a bit of work..."

    Torrin standing beside him nudged him with his elbow and whispered. "Boreas, she worked really hard on those. Plus we'd be super heroes. So just play by their rules." Boreas looked at his friend and wanted to argue some more about how he didn't ask for this suit to be made. Torrin hadn't asked for a suit either and the suit seemed to be made exactly for him. Perhaps it could be used to cover his armour as well, give their opponents a little bit of a surprise too. "Alright, alright I'll wear it." With the colouring he wouldn't look out of place on the banner of the Emerald Company, the company of footmen he was in charge of back home. He took the suit with him and disappeared, heading for his room to change into the suit, his was one of two that didn't have a mask which was perfectly fine by him. He tried putting the suit on with his armour beneath it but it didn't quite fit so he opted to just wear it without the armour.

    Returning in the tight suit he didn't feel too comfortable in it but he'd manage for the day. He only smiled when Torrin said he was feeling pretty heroic right now, Boreas would argue differently but he did like the style of his own suit the high collar made him almost feel part of the nobility. Frozone called for them that there was something to see and Boreas went outside. He saw the letters in the sky and then watched them transform into game time. Another taunt. Take asked if everyone was up to snuff and Boreas wasn't at a hundred percent but he felt that as soon as the fighting would start it wouldn't matter to him anymore. Tinarah seemed bitter about the fact they gave them more time to prepare. "
    Tinarah, in this case it doesn't matter what move we made, we'd be walking into a trap. All we can do is either walk in and give it all we got to overwhelm them or not play at all and personally I hate sitting on the sidelines." Boreas said. He thought of a plan, they could enact but there were so many unknowns here to properly formulate anything useful.
    Post by: Vladek515, Mar 29, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Vladek515

    The Chief was going to warn the people in the village to not use the well water and they had enough of a supply to last them a week if it was necessary. Conrad hoped that the chief was right in the fact that there could still be more rain coming in. Conrad shook the clammy hand of the chief looking him in the eyes. He definitely seemed to be doing worse right now. The river was only polluted with branches and more run off from the mountains. But they hadn't checked since then, but they didn't have anyone left for it since this outbreak, the situation was bad but there were a few hopeful lights in all this. They atleast had rain water for a while and they still had leads to investigate. "Not a problem, Chief Yolvun, we're glad we can help." Conrad added. He had been worried that they couldn't help at all but it slowly but surely seemed like they could.

    Have a good night Chief. We'll inform you if we find anything." Conrad told the chief as he left only to hear Renza speak up telling both him and Everette she wanted to help anyways because it was fun even if it was just helping with dinner right now. He looked at her big pleading eyes and he couldn't surpress a broad smile. "Of course you can help. Come on let's get to the inn so we can work on dinner." Conrad said as he held out his hand to Renza to walk with him to the inn. The others would follow sooner or later, that they got started on dinner already would only mean less waiting for them.
    Post by: Vladek515, Mar 27, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Vladek515

    As they decided to go talk to the chief, Renza popped out of the house with some bread for them. She apologised for taking so long, before heading back inside and wrapping the bread in small pieces of cloth. Conrad took his piece and smiled. "Thank you Renza. And of course you can come along." Conrad said, not in the least because she added that the chief didn't want her to be alone at night. He took a bite of his warm honeyed bread. "This is very nice Renza." Conrad said as he followed the others to the chief, nibling on the bread as he did.

    Conrad listened to the exchange between the Chief, Samuel, Everette and Renza. "
    Renza is welcome to stay around, but as Everette said we brought our own supplies, she doesn't have to look after us but she can stay around." Conrad said before thinking if they had any more questions. "Has anyone been to the river since all this started?" Conrad asked Everette and Samuel already assured the chief more than enough. The chief did seem to be in a bad shape right now, was his condition getting worse? He looked the chieftain over to see if it was getting worse. "And how large is the stock of rain water? Is there enough to use solely rain water for atleast a day maybe more than that until we figure out what is causing all this?" Conrad asked as well, to prevent the situation from getting worse the well should be avoided, but if they had no choice then there was a problem, perhaps they could get water from the surrounding farms, which would strain the already limited manpower available in the village.
    Post by: Vladek515, Mar 27, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Vladek515
    Boreas listened to the comments of Elastigirl, this frozone guy seemed a little reluctant to admit his defeat and accept their help, but he figured that was fair enough considering he was used to working alone. "So I guess the easy way to break that control then is to break those glasses..." He said to no one in particular. When Torrin came over to him saying he hoped today would be more productive. "Yeah, that would be nice to get some things done today and about that...." Boreas said taking a good look at Torrin he looked tired and he didn't imagine he looked much better than Torrin did. He took a step closer to Torrin and added in a low voice, mainly hoping to keep it between the two of them. "I stayed up to keep watch... didn't want us to get caught in the middle of the night..." He said, he knew it was going to affect him badly today and he had seen Torrin and Aria at night outside too. Perhaps Torrin would clue in to that as well. "I did catch some sleep by accident actually, but not too terribly much..." Boreas said, forgetting about his weird dream. Then the short lady that didn't take too kind to Torrin breaking down her door and was talking about super hero suits. He wasn't too sure what this was all about and he really didn't need some new suit at all especially not if it looked anything like what these other heroes were wearing, but he was curious nonetheless and followed Edna and Torrin.
    Post by: Vladek515, Mar 26, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena