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  1. Redsonic

    Not really. I checked %03do's referrer and it is indeed used. (It isn't nop'd out)

    But reraise is nop'd out. %03do is used? huh. I have an idea. I'll replace all of donald's lines of coding with %03do's coding, then use donald's abilities and see what happens.
    Post by: Redsonic, Aug 18, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Redsonic

    But why is Reraise in the Party Member's list? I find that odd.

    Hm...and who is %03do?
    Post by: Redsonic, Aug 18, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Redsonic
    What about the party member ''Reraise''?

    Could be Riku or something. The party characters in the coding are
    %03do (wtf is this? Sora?)
    (Why aren't Jack and Tron in this list? Maybe it's because Sora's outfit changes in that world or something, making them ''special'' characters?)
    Post by: Redsonic, Aug 18, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Redsonic
    Hey guys, what's a Bone Crusher? I found it in kh2's coding
    Post by: Redsonic, Aug 18, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Redsonic
    Actually, you just need to do a battle that has a Boss Gauge.

    Ex. ''The Gates'' life bar when fighting the boss of Mulan, or Saix's beserk gauge
    Post by: Redsonic, Aug 15, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Redsonic
    I'm just trying to be realistic. If we want to find Riku, we need more hackers, INCLUDING Khkid who says he's gonna have troubles doing these things due to IRL Stuff.

    Anyway, can anyone find that party modifier code? It's around page 335.
    Post by: Redsonic, Aug 14, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  7. Redsonic

    Villain Vale Raw
    202C66D0 0803FFCF
    200FFF3C 3C0E0102
    200FFF40 35CE0102
    200FFF44 ACAE0000
    200FFF48 00A0882D
    200FFF4C 080B19B5

    Seashore Raw
    202C66D0 00000000
    200FFF3C 00000000
    200FFF40 00000000
    200FFF44 00000000
    200FFF48 00000000
    200FFF4C 00000000

    Can't find the Party Modifier code right now, it's somewhere in this thread near page 335-ish...i'll see if I can re-do the disney castle-to-villain vale code in the morning...though I have no means of testing it to see if it's the right one.
    Post by: Redsonic, Aug 13, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  8. Redsonic
    Oh, the codes are still on my (one month old) Broken Gameshark...
    When I get that fixed i'll tell you the exact code.

    But, all I did was play around with the Villain's Vale Cheat code (which I found oddly similar to the Seashore and Vault Codes)...And just played around with it getting various results.

    Then, I compared certain parts of the code to the (OLD) Party Modifier code, that controls your party in certain worlds, I looked at the World Digits for the party modifier code, and discovered World Digits between certain parts of the Villain's Vale Code, and the Party Modifier Code v.2 matched.

    I tried playing around with it, and got it to make me goto Villain's Vale by going to Disney Castle. I also managed to make it so it goes to the Heartless War in HB, bypassing Villain's Vale completely...which is when my gameshark broke.
    Post by: Redsonic, Aug 13, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  9. Redsonic
    Wouldn't work. Riku is programmed to be triggered similar to how Sora obtains Roxas's three keyblades, which is via a in-battle cutscene. Then again, that's a reaction command, not an in-battle cutscene.

    The only way I can possibly see Riku being possible is if Xemnas is in the party. Then again, the game could possibly crash when it's come for Sora to get zapped.

    I'd say Riku being Playable is just a dream.

    Now, as for my Destiny Islands update.

    I've managed to make it so I jump to Villain's Vale in various worlds, meaning I have found a ''room digit modifier'' sort-to-speak. But I have to wait for a new cheat device to keep working at it
    Post by: Redsonic, Aug 13, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Redsonic
    Theory A.) On some random forum they say if you do a battle playing as (the unplayable) Riku Hovercraft form, and trigger an in-battle cutscene such as marluxia's, it'll do something ''interesting''. I don't know if it meant freeze the game, or give Riku a hovercraft. Honestly, I have no idea.
    My Comment.) I can't test this theory since I don't have KH2FM+, mmm....

    Theory B.) This theory I thought up myself, with logical evidence.

    First, let's get the facts
    *A.) Riku is triggered when Sora is captured
    *B.) Sora being captured is an in-battle cutscene triggered with Xemnas
    *C.) Before being played as, Riku does an animation at the end of the cutscene
    *D.) That riku animation possibly is still part of Xemnas's in-battle cutscene
    *E.) After that cutscene, you play as Riku.
    *F.) Before the match, you have Sora and Riku in your team. The third party member slot is EMPTY.
    *G.) It could be possibly to use Khkid's soon-to-come forced party new code to give a save point in the World of Nothing without replacing Riku or Sora

    I'm catching a train of thought on this one, I'll think a bit and edit this post when Theory B is complete
    Post by: Redsonic, Aug 13, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  11. Redsonic
    Could? I figured out how already, kinda.

    You know that Hollow Bastion-to-Villain's Vale cheat code?

    I played with it a little, and some results changed the color of the worlds, kept them all locked, and one even made it goto hollow bastion and not villain's vale.

    I was working on the modifier to make it trigger Villain's Vale when I walk into a different world, but that's when my gameshark broke.

    Plus, remember the ''OLD'' Party modifier? That allowed you to change the layout of your party in specific worlds?

    Of the world modifiers for party layouts, there were 4 ones that were unknown to them


    I suspect, since there are FOUR Cutscene Areas, that one of them is the Villain's Vale Party Modifier, one of them is the Destiny Islands Party Modifier, one is the Vault Party Modifier, and one is the Seashore Party Modifier
    Post by: Redsonic, Aug 6, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  12. Redsonic
    I thought you guys said it was impossible to get to Destiny Islands in kh2?
    Post by: Redsonic, Aug 6, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  13. Redsonic
    You said you had Way to the Dawn EQUIPPABLE? Outside of Cutscenes? is this True?
    Post by: Redsonic, Jul 31, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  14. Redsonic
    ....How did you see it on TV?
    Post by: Redsonic, Jul 25, 2007 in forum: Production Studio
  15. Redsonic

    The official trailer for the game =]
    Thread by: Redsonic, Jul 24, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  16. Redsonic

    Perhaps.....or perhaps not.

    Maybe the ''cutscene'' works similar to a Reaction Command

    Maybe once Khkid gets the Full Party Code for the World of Nothing, or whatever...

    Can't try it myself, my gameshark is busted
    Post by: Redsonic, Jul 24, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  17. Redsonic

    You still haven't responded to my theory stated in that post =|

    Step 1.) Replace Riku with Save Point
    Step 2.) Get Electrified
    Step 3.) If the game didn't freeze, and you're somehow playing as Riku, goto Save Point
    Step 4.) Ditch the Place

    That'll work.
    Post by: Redsonic, Jul 24, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  18. Redsonic

    DUH! Didn't you read my OTHER Post? You are BLIND, lol jk. Anyways, This method WILL WORK.

    Perhaps it stick Xemnas in the party and forces him there.


    Replace Riku with a Save Point, then get Electrified. It the game doesnt stall and you're still Riku, goto the save point

    Edit: Oh you fixed the full party thing on the final battle? This should produce good results
    Post by: Redsonic, Jul 24, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  19. Redsonic

    Perhaps it stick Xemnas in the party and forces him there.


    Replace Riku with a Save Point, then get Electrified. It the game doesnt stall and you're still Riku, goto the save point
    Post by: Redsonic, Jul 23, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  20. Redsonic
    Sort of. People are speculating that a combination of the Save Point Code and the Final Battle as Riku would do the trick.

    Step 1.) Activate FULL PARTY
    Step 2.) Activate SAVE POINT IN THIRD SLOT
    Step 3.) Play the FINAL BATTLE
    Step 4.) Get Electrified and play as Riku
    Step 5.) Use the Save Point and SAVE THE GAME AS RIKU, then goto the world map
    Step 6.) Land on a planet.
    Step 7.) If Playable Riku was removed from the team upon landing on the planet, reboot the game and load the save file of the final boss with FULL PARTY ON
    Step 8.) Check if Riku Playable is in your team with that save.

    Though the above might work, I have a heavy feeling that the playable riku works via DRIVES...perhaps the Antiform of the Final just....sort of..rings a bell...

    But if it doesn't, then Try the 7 Steps above
    Post by: Redsonic, Jul 23, 2007 in forum: Code Vault