Lol. Now try
Doing various battles on KING mode Check it out!
Ghost Worlds on World Map P5JJ-K8CY-KDZJF W8K2-VB2F-3UH7F FH19-F358-MBPRJ 460A-HRJ5-FH8JC HPZ1-EGJ5-U5FWT BHZ6-76XW-0RUKX 9Y7H-9VDG-W3W5G
Not really. I'm working on a world modifier code. I got something that kinda works, but not what I wanted right now. Here's what I have RIGHT NOW That is good. (Original Villain's Vale Code: To get into Villian's Vale use this cheat, when Hollow Bastion is covered in darkness activate cheat and go to HB. u'll find urself there. 202C66D0 0803FFCF 200FFF3C 3C0E0102 200FFF40 35CE0102 200FFF44 ACAE0000 200FFF48 00A0882D 200FFF4C 080B19B5) (Modified Code: 202C66D0 0803FFCF 200FFF3C 3C0E0104 200FFF40 35CE0104 200FFF44 ACCC0000 200FFF48 00A0882D 200FFF4C 080B19B5) Activate that, goto Hollow Bastion after it's covered in darkness (the way villain's vale is supposed to be activated) and tell me what happens)
Give Riku infinite hp?
As of now, I got an Action Replay, since my gameshark kept breaking for no reason, And now I am able to record new cheat vids, and I am now able to keep working on new codes. Besides the difficulty codes, here is what i'm currently working on. 1.) Various Methods of accessing Playable Riku, I have some theories that involve bringing Final Xemnas (clone) into a Boss Event then driving into him, but I won't know till I try. 2.) World Modifier code, not so important though An alternative storyline to .Hack//ROOTS One Month after the event where Ovan saves Haseo's life, he has already joined the Twilight Brigade. As this episode begins, Haseo is completing a quest he and Ovan took together.
The contest was to tape yourself battling any boss of your choice using a Difficulty Mod Code, including King Mode, Final Mode, ect. Nauske and Axel Ryman were the only ones who competed, probably because not everyone has a capture card and cheat device! =D. So, all YOU have to do is vote for your favorite entry in this topic. The person who has the most voted for entry will be rewarded. Get voting people! =) === Entries - Nauske's Entries: =Entry 1.)Demyx- Lv-Impossible: =Entry 2.) Xemnas- Lv- Final: =Entry 3.) Saix- Lv- King: Axel Ryman's Entries: =Entry 1.)Dual Xigbar-Lv- King:
Alright. a Seperate Topic will be made for the people voting part.
I wonder how good the cheats will be for vol.3 I'm definitely going to make a .hack fanfic using these cheats
Well, from the looks of things, Kingdom Hearts MUGEN is pretty much in the scrap heap right now. the Last post we had over there was the 15th. Least this game will get finished. =p. Speaking of which, i'm still working on Marluxia's AI right now
God probably doesn't exist anyway, so it's wrong for the church to decide who goes where. The only thing that happens when you die is your brain cells stop sending signals and waves all over your body, so you lose every single bodily function, and your body just shuts down. The people that recall having dreams while they were dead, were infact the dreams they had BEFORE Their brains stopped sending brain waves. So, at least the veteran didn't have to suffer what the Church did.
Even if you make the HUD Invisible, the game will still call the members to load stuff onto the HUD, regardless or not if it's invisible. Unless you find a way to totally remove it, not make it invisible.
Today is the last day for entries.
Hey guys, I just thought of a clever idea. Drive into Sora solo, Then get captured. Then, when playing as Riku, let Sora's drive gauge run out and see what happens. If, when the drive gauge depletes, Riku reverts to Normal Sora, we know Riku is a drive. If not, who knows.
Why not just use a Third Sora to activate the save point then?
Get us a dump of Riku in the Final Battle =D
Yeah. Because those types of triggers work via how much damage is dealt to the boss. Xemnas, for instance. Has so much health that when you deal a certain amount of damage, he spams that move till his health at the point of the laser fight The code isn't effecting it, it's how the fight is programmed. The ''we shall go together'' works via how much damage is dealt to Xemnas, versus the health.
G.U. Vol.1 Rebirth Codebreaker format ------------------ Master Code for CB6+/GS3+/XP4+ 901300D0 0C04BFDC Master Code for CB/GS/XP F01300D0 0000000E Unlock ALL Member Addresses 2AE3BCCF FFFFFFFF 2AEFBCCF FFFFFFFF Save Dump (7Mb) 20145B50 3C030010 20145B54 3C050070 2045BD58 00100000 2045BD4C 00700000 Jokers D0452842 0000???? D0452942 0000???? Inf Money 209F9FD0 05F5E0FF Exp Mod D0555B28 00000292 20555B1C 2403???? Use Item For Max Items 201EF904 2403270F Gain Item For Max Items 201EF9C4 2402270F Gain Money For Max Money 201EA7EC 2403270F Gain 1 Item For Max 001ef9d6 00000000 001efafe 00000000 Gain Money/EXP for ???? (Needs testing) 201ea878 10000003 201ea880 10000003 Inf Item Usage (May Want to joker 201ef908 00000000 (Off Code for Jokering use with above) 201ef908 a5230002 Max Keys 20A07640 00630063 Max Greeting Cards 20A03210 63636363 20A03214 63636363 10A03218 00006363 00A0321A 00000063 No Play Time 209F9FC8 00000000 Max Play Time 209F9FC8 05F5E0FF Character Mod 10A023F4 0000???? Party Member Mod 10A023F6 0000???? 10A023F8 0000???? FFFF - Nobody 0000 - Haseo 0001 - Atoli 0002 - Kuhn 0003 - Pai 0004 - Silabus 0005 - Gaspard 0006 - Piros 0007 - Alkaid 0008 - SakuBo 0009 - Endrance 000A - Antares 000B - Matsu 000C - Yata 000D - Ovan 000E - Zelkova 000F - Taihaku 0010 - Gabi 0012 - Tenrow 0013 - IYOTEN 0014 - Asta 0016 - Bordeaux 0017 - Sakaki 001B - Azure Kite 001E - Negimaru 001F - Grein Sell Item in town for 90 items 10A08C28 00000303 00A08C2A 00000003 00A08856 0000005A 00A08858 0000005A Sell in Guild Shop to max 15 00A089C4 0000000F Max Arena Win Points 10A082B0 0000270F Haseo Max Weapon Skill 109FAB0E 0000000A 109FAB10 0000000A 109FAB20 0000000A 109FAB32 0000000A 109FAB44 0000000A 109FAB56 0000000A 109FAB68 0000000A 109FAB7A 0000000A Sickle addition to arms proficiency of Hasewo 009FAB0C 00000002 109FAB12 0000000A Platform enhanchment 00A0232C 0000003B 00A08C2B 00000003 Haseo Mod 10A024D7 00000256 Item Mod 01 009FC114 000000yyÂ@Classification 109FC116 0000zzzzÂ@Type 109FC118 0000ssssÂ@Ability 1 109FC11A 0000ssssÂ@Ability 2 109FC11C 0000ssssÂ@Ability 3 109FC11E 000000xxÂ@modifier value (?)-> maybe weapon attack value. Item Mod 02 009FC11E 000000xxÂ@ Correction value (?) 009FC120 000000yyÂ@ Classification 109FC122 0000zzzzÂ@ Type 109FC124 0000ssssÂ@ Ability 1 109FC126 0000ssssÂ@ Ability 2 109FC128 0000ssssÂ@ Ability 3 modifier value xx=00(+0)~63(+99) Classification yy=00 (weapon),01 (cloth),02 (decoration, like rings etc) Type zzzz=in the different list Ability 0000 (fire attack attribute) 0001 (water attack attribute) 0002 (wind attack attribute) 0003 (earth attack attribute) 0004 (light attack attribute) 0005 (dark attack attribute) 0006 (poison attack attribute) 0007 (curse attack attribute) 0008 (sleep attack attribute) 0009 (seal attack attribute) Twin Sword (sword name, prerequisite level, rare value) 00 ->akutabane 01 ->kouga 02 ->banjaku 03 ->ransetsu 04 ->chirimukuro 05 ->hikou 06 ->madarame 07 ->yama arashi 08 ->naginata 09 ->koshinata 0A ->kebari 0B -> nodogirimaru 0C -> haine shin, lv1 rare value 1 0D -> haine shin, lv1 rare value 1 0E -> kaita zangeki 2, lv51 rare value 1 0F -> kaita zangeki 1, lv74 rare value 2 10 -> kai Twin Lancer 1 lv 62 rare value 2 11 -> Chainsaw2, lv87 rare value 2 12 -> rare kaita zangeki, lv94 rare value 4 13 -> kaikari aitemuwaku, lv999 rare value 1 14 -> kaikari aitemuwaku, lv999 rare value 1 15 -> kai kari aite mu waku, Lv. 999 Rare Value 1 16 -> Kai Kari Aite Mu Waku, Lv. 999 Rare Value 1 17 -> Chainsaw3, Lv. 101 Rare Ralue 2 18 -> Kaita Zan Geki, Lv. 113 Rare Value 2 19 -> Rare Kai Chainsaw5, Lv. 999 Rare Value 2 1A -> Kai Twin Lancer2, Lv. 125 Rare Value 2 1d -> Empty Skies, Lv. 1, Rare Value 2 Haseo weapon Kaishiki/Twin Sword 00~1D Taiken/Big Sword 20~38 Taikama/Big Sickle/Scythe 3C~49 Max Level 209F9FCC 000003E7 Max Money 209F9FD0 05F5E0FF Max HP 209F9FD4 0001869F Max SP 209F9FD8 0001869F Max P-ATK 109F9FDC 0000270F Max P-DEF 109F9FDE 0000270F Max M-ATK 109F9FE0 0000270F Max M-DEF 109F9FE2 0000270F Max Fire 109F9FE4 0000270F Max Water 109F9FE6 0000270F Max Wind 109F9FE8 0000270F Max Earth 109F9FEA 0000270F Max Light 109F9FEC 0000270F Max Dark 109F9FEE 0000270F Action Replay MAX/EVO Codes --------------------------- ARMAX ID (Also known as a GAME ID): 09CB Master Code G508-551M-6NMDZ AQJ4-JEHD-R62QR Remove your Member Addresses CGPA-TUBY-RCYHT CB19-AYQK-8HQ9R 4KNV-PR92-7QGE3 Get ALL Member Addresses JNKV-14QX-ZRC97 5KY3-Q2F6-10FJE 2GJ0-DVWW-H8RW8 Characters Always Online 9EZ1-907R-U73TT XMEH-T5PK-G89EU AHDM-8QHW-ZG6Q7 Characters Never Busy 41AE-QP7C-BGEFH Q0CE-H5GF-6D4WZ KYA6-XXTK-EJCEE Save Dump 5CEV-W7DE-8FBV7 EZKM-G1EG-26DA2 UE3U-ER3B-ANVP8 H7HC-MVXA-JUEH7 N6U5-HKBP-ZGAKR 99999999999 Money 70WX-U4K7-4E3AH 6H1U-PFPJ-Y4RGJ Max Dark Element 65RM-Q3EE-1Q2GK 6JJR-PTDY-FTMZW Max Light Element MDTG-X9HZ-1ZM36 ZWFH-4DK7-6TV4V Max Earth Element DEQK-Y4X3-EE47H HKDV-DTFR-Q4J2R Max Wind Element V54M-PVZ2-8PFK8 HTAA-XE3J-3WVEQ Max Water Element QC6Z-ETJ6-6WDB9 7WM5-DW38-WADMB Max Fire Element 5550-N0PG-YXGC6 W12X-JM5Q-U0VAM Max Magical Defense VUTJ-GK3M-Q4H2R PAP3-3CB6-5WUAN Max Magical Attack NCC8-0GQ8-0KG0H C7BZ-ZYPY-4Y1P3 Max Physical Defense XWX2-4XQG-6K19Y 6KGV-Z2TA-1259N Max Physical Attack BQY0-3GVB-XJPGD V0ZV-1WME-HW7R0 Max SP KFPW-E52J-H605G MK1R-K4NQ-Y205C Max HP FPWJ-NFN2-2UEX5 RNGR-6P3X-XHC1A Max Level (Level 999) 67AP-W0WN-XHWHQ GM9E-3490-C7RGU Haseo Mod (Test code) K6EP-6FHX-GGZRQ FJMX-3RC4-8CCC3 Platform enhanchment JW39-D6DZ-JZ7Z1 XNMA-PC42-GMNRY 4FR5-XTZC-2H8K6 Haseo Max Weapon Skill 2766-0ZEE-G0J2T T01E-X43R-5645Z 5XRV-6UM9-A8U7F 2HWF-196A-W2EWE G3X1-0C1V-1VK6W CMPR-J5WB-RU9Z2 TNY0-XA8A-VMEQ0 G2N5-9XC5-FKGJT E2VX-XQAU-JEBD3 Sell in Guild Shop to max 15 1949-8BR8-VB3N1 MEXG-X1H7-4ZJZN Max Arena Win Points 8F49-CW22-TXPVE K1WK-A97C-ZM0G1 Sell item in town for 90 items FZVD-MJ4V-P4F23 BDQQ-RA63-QC0NW 3JT9-394X-AT6U9 E1BW-H11D-NV140 AYE4-C1DK-UPT9H Sickle addition to arms proficiency of Haseo U2GP-E01Q-8X97X 62C3-GDBB-YE72A 3A90-91E1-D3B75 Max Keys ER0T-9BKG-KHEG9 CH2D-ZKRJ-3JNM8 Infinite Item Usage (Consider Jokering) E3B2-N6MV-MWQ0B HFPF-HZ79-7DGTK Off Code for Jokering use with above code DTVW-MY7H-TW8RU G6EZ-YDZA-8W3CN Gain 1 Item For Max 367T-DG2N-RPMPX PCAW-891P-TY0M0 Z1F1-6RBF-GW4MU Gain Money For Max Money FRAB-XYP7-R5F8Y 7ZGE-RGXZ-RZU84 Gain Item For Max Items 1C3A-ND0B-8ZYK8 49KV-C4EB-JT8EA Use item for Max Items CD8T-UF32-E9MGD ZMPV-ZQK8-MP48H Max Greeting Cards XZ1K-U7R8-AK340 WR03-VBHF-N2X5Q D2VZ-JEAP-1WUBT 1D4M-WPW7-0ZPRW F0EJ-P7BZ-ATNWJ Max Play Time ZEU8-VEXY-8B9TX 22KM-JVEJ-EHNXA No Play Time A6N7-44FV-MQWKY PWBF-JZUY-ZTFYB Character Modifier Codes (You become these characters) Haseo ZECV-P1JC-UNB9E HG1X-6TVY-T9T9W Atoli VP9F-A2RX-MHN1Q P796-N015-V513W Kuhn VM6P-K6Q0-7VDXC R7N4-KMJ2-4D35P Pai JC44-63BB-E6DFH 28FF-5T0Y-49KDF Silabus 5VTX-5HQM-F264G 73DY-E5RY-38JX0 Gaspard 0AD0-HZ0F-Q1UHM H47F-YV7Y-TDW7N Piros 7DJC-XWJ2-EC148 UFYZ-RAEB-CAG2M Alkaid 5Q2U-W9FY-YJEED 1G20-P3WN-Q7853 SakuBo 60W9-XVR3-BE33T NM5W-C6JE-28F8Q Endrance Z4RR-0ZJ2-EY91Y E9FC-901A-PVX83 Antares ZZ9Q-MDBB-HKP7A TDT2-EUU2-E422V Matsu 2BAB-G3FK-TA5RA MWYQ-H1F0-TQEKZ Yata AWX9-WFKX-F1ZE5 DYE1-88GK-N4CRT Ovan 8XQU-B9F7-338XG AJAY-5AKE-T85GZ Zelkova 76JZ-DF06-5RU00 BN6N-TETZ-EK7CM Taihaku YHJ7-DQ48-DGT73 BK9X-7RTY-6RZGX Tenrow XCYG-KKHD-D6MK0 A4FD-DPU0-B3QP4 IYOTEN JU4D-T5VE-0RD6F MDRF-YK1N-4880W Asta 451P-JXQ4-5WCFN B53X-JJ2T-JF89M Bordeaux J4VC-B5G5-5QG96 0NWY-REMM-D0PVN Sakaki NQ8R-EEFB-697YC HY92-TK8E-6XNHC Azure Kite KEWX-D3XB-278EW PCH3-D7GW-G61YD Negimaru ZXFD-2DCY-CZJ5G 1BHG-PEQ2-JAZ6Z Grein FQR8-3W11-YP0JW 4FQX-3A85-02GMY Party Member Modifiers (You are in a party with these people) Haseo (Primary) Q7MK-5CJ1-PVDGQ WB4T-UBMR-G2FTE Haseo (Secondary) 774P-69WU-NTNRW NEJ8-FEQ7-R3DYC Atoli (Primary) D4VU-DVFD-0B4HD XMN0-CGCB-YM13R Atoli (Secondary) GZZ7-8978-56KBW RNDB-J1XQ-NTHHV Kuhn (Primary) 6DY3-T6B3-3U31P 8QRK-JVGD-WW37D Kuhn (Secondary) PA0B-ZQPY-A9W7M N2MK-H23U-373KG Pai (Primary) VNPQ-RP3N-UDYX5 4GV2-AU8K-VTA49 Pai (Secondary) WW30-MC2Y-PYHR5 GCQE-A0ZJ-JFWDG Silabus (Primary) ZCNP-BWD7-ADRCC 7PGU-2Y65-35M9B Silabus (Secondary) Q66C-QBE3-YBCYN V9E2-29TF-H6XF0 Gaspard (Primary) Q66C-QBE3-YBCYN V9E2-29TF-H6XF0 Gaspard (Secondary) 7ZCA-1010-8GB1J YG3M-TQMR-73NAR Piros (Primary) 6YBK-QGWD-5M69Z MHPG-0KHG-H1ERH Piros (Secondary) 72ZR-55V1-AUMU5 PEXM-P16A-NV87W Alkaid (Primary) 82FF-HVEH-1PB5F 6EGM-GY89-U4DMW Alkaid (Secondary) T6CW-J8P5-R8UWU CUZ2-ANNE-FJ024 SakuBo (Primary) PJ47-0G4T-X2JRW 4ZU7-BYAG-D8J1K SakuBo (Secondary) XB3G-H22D-79VHR 513K-T5W3-QGHMT Endrance (Primary) WCP1-2WAF-WUXNJ W06H-FFPC-ZM9A8 Endrance (Secondary) D18M-RQD4-DHTY7 W9FF-W0GU-4C6GX Antares (Primary) CP6J-1BNK-ZB6MZ YAPY-VF6X-F0Q4C Antares (Secondary) KBCH-YCQE-Q3700 BUXH-WKYE-JX1Z7 Matsu (Primary) MX5X-FY1C-JRYMU WXGB-CDH1-5M7JF Matsu (Secondary) 6KWU-W39P-GCRUU RUUB-PR09-5AR44 Yata (Primary) TV62-J95T-YJD27 N98P-1P6K-V0YJF Yata (Secondary) MFVR-XC4R-BHYQF 844D-CR0K-FR90W Ovan (Primary) TCGB-J0AF-RZ9HJ WH2F-R0N7-91D03 Ovan (Secondary) VYWR-UH0Z-2R8QW FPMT-YP72-UX1YN Zelkova (Primary) XP0F-9UHQ-7HZH0 34CQ-E4RW-24VF6 Zelkova (Secondary) YRGD-Y35Z-2HBJ2 V6YW-1F2D-WU60J Taihaku (Primary) HY11-NCD5-4WE07 7BU5-UX3G-EZ218 Taihaku (Secondary) WCV0-H0UE-W9N79 4JKW-Q7Z7-89Z2T Gabi (Primary) FCVR-256Q-QE5BD MQMW-MXQ0-7GRW5 Gabi (Secondary) MHY7-Y3WA-AWKQF RRD1-CVUR-2F19P Tenrow (Primary) VG9V-034R-HTYTX 2KBB-B9H9-25ZPV Tenrow (Secondary) ZUDT-0KQM-CP285 Z32B-EQEP-0TYAN IYOTEN (Primary) WEQB-JJRQ-1Z1CR 5Q7N-FX5V-FMPYB IYOTEN (Secondary) X8NC-8XW1-63ERA 40RK-TJ01-1XTR3 Asta (Primary) K0WV-2UP1-YX4XN VUP6-8R1K-D84EB Asta (Secondary) VWK1-DHNH-EZR4X 6BX2-YHXT-KH3JC Bordeaux (Primary) E46A-H4W7-2UG4E 8PXJ-5NZK-UP1F5 Bordeaux (Secondary) ZNYE-AHE2-MBH0V FD1W-ET3A-P9P9E Sakaki (Primary) TJ8W-4R38-KE0PX P47E-J6MA-7DMP1 Sakaki (Secondary) TA62-HZ71-W61YE CC2Q-40EW-ZF230 Azure Kite (Primary) KFAK-1R7X-3EJEC JR6R-5HWZ-BC68Q Azure Kite (Secondary) U6KB-A0ZF-NC1Y0 6RK9-NKYD-W271F Negimaru (Primary) U5PG-WAZ8-43B28 HQV6-61HH-A9XUV Negimaru (Secondary) 2PB2-C7A2-39QNT DTBX-BCMK-JC3VU Grein (Primary) FVUC-K8V8-0RYHY 6AAD-X8ZH-UFJ6A Grein (Secondary) HPJ0-07EC-8630Q 6PNP-VTVW-97CUN