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  1. Redsonic
    You want to dual wield them?
    Post by: Redsonic, Sep 2, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Redsonic

    Live Feed is up. Today, i'm looking for playable riku using extreme methods. Lol..
    Post by: Redsonic, Sep 2, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Redsonic
    I have a theory.

    What digit do we THINK is teh Final Xemnas Clone?
    Post by: Redsonic, Sep 2, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Redsonic

    OK. We found a method of having Sora drive into Riku in slot two.

    1.) Place a dummy character in slot 1 that wont crash, like Goofy.
    2.) Place Sora in slot 2.
    3.) Place Donald in slot 3.
    4.) Use the donald method to have Sora slot 2 drive into the form you replaced with Riku
    5.) Slot 2 will drive into Riku.

    This bypasses Slot 1's HUD, so we will know if that's the reason riku crashes the game.

    PLUS, this method is natural. In the final fight, your riku partner ''drives'' into Playable Riku, this replicates that.
    Post by: Redsonic, Sep 1, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Redsonic

    Join us as we search for more using Godshin's STATUS Mode this time.

    Upon further research of the SLOT mod. Riku was mentioned in 3 different areas. Riku/Alternate Riku/Alternate Riku2. Therefore, we should find 3 different STATUS of Riku. One of them will contain Playable Riku's data.

    Join us, click that link and watch the Live Feed.
    Post by: Redsonic, Sep 1, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Redsonic
    It's is actually Erkz' ''status modifier''. But we found Erkz's modifier doesn't effect STATUS at all.

    Godshin's Status Modifier Affects THIS
    *Equipped Stuffs/Doesn't effect weapon model, usually
    *Status, which means Drives, HP, MP, ect.
    *Other Status-related stuff

    Erkz's Modifier, we renamed to the SLOT modifier. It does not effect Status at all. Instead, this modifier effects
    *Weapon Model
    *Running Speed
    *Jump Height
    *SOMETIMES it will affect basic attacks
    *Other stuff
    Post by: Redsonic, Sep 1, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  7. Redsonic
    Character STATS Modifier (Does not affect Movesets) [KH2 US]

    200F9000 10400005
    200F9004 944F004C
    200F9008 240100YY [Note 1]
    200F900C 142F00ZZ [Note 2]
    200F9010 240F00XX [Note 3]
    200F9014 A44F004E
    200F9018 03E00008
    201D14F4 0803E400

    [Note 1] - The "YY" values.
    These tell the code what character you're modding. Like if you're playing as Roxas[Yes, you CAN use this code in conjuction with the Universal Character Modifier for Maximum Damage!], you'd set it to Roxas's value, else the moveset doesn't change...

    01= Sora
    02= Donald
    03= Goofy
    04= Mickey
    05= Auron
    06= Mulan
    07= Aladdin
    08= Sparrow
    09= Beast
    0A= Jack
    0B= Simba
    0C= Tron
    0D= Riku
    0E= Roxas
    0F= Ping

    [Note 2] - The "ZZ" values.
    o_O This part of the code is weird. It supposedly affects the position of one's weapon. However, if you set it to 'Sky' on certain people, it freezes. And if you set it to 'Normal' on certain people, they T-Stance when attacking or even moving.

    02= Normal
    01= Sky

    [Note 3] - The "XX" values. (These values need re-testing. Someone help me here please. I beg ye. The first few work just fine, but once you get down to around where Riku was, you get BSODs with Music. =( )

    Credit on completing this list

    Universal Slot Mod - Affects Weapon, Jump Height, Run Speed, and SOME Affect Movesets
    May be Compatible with Godshin's mod

    -Interesting Digits We Found (40, 41, 24, 35, 36)
    -Thanks to everyone in the credits for helping me complete this list
    ===XX Values=====
    01= Sora
    02= Valor
    03= Wisdom
    04= Master Form
    05= Final Form
    06= Anti Form *
    07= Lion Form
    08= SPECIAL **** +Attack doesnt do anything
    09= Sora SPECIAL***** (Works Fine) +Gives you a ''magical'' kingdom key. +Magic has Wierd Effects
    0A= Dual-Wield Roxas
    0B= >>No Keyblade, No Freeze<<
    0C= >>Freeze<<
    0D= Roxas
    0E= Freeze SPECIAL ***** +Alternate Moveset
    0F= Freeze SPECIAL***** +Mystery Moveset
    10= SPECIAL ***** +Alternate Moveset, Runs %40 faster
    11= Donald
    12= Donald 2
    13= >>Freeze<<
    14= Goofy
    15= >>No Keyblade<<
    16= >>Freeze<<
    17= Aladdin
    18= Auron
    19= Ping?
    1A= Mulan?
    1B= >>Freeze<<
    1C= King Mickey **
    1D= King Mickey ***
    1E= King Mickey ***
    1F= >>Freeze<<
    20= >>Freeze<<
    21= >>No Keyblade, Doesnt freeze unless you use Magic<< +Gives Sora Godlike Running Capabilities +Freeze when switching areas
    22= Sparrow
    23= Riku ****
    24= Barbossa or Will Turner (Works Fine. Gives you a rapier)
    25= >>Freeze when you do stuff<<
    26= >>Freeze when you do stuff<<
    27= >>Freeze when you do stuff<<
    28= SPECIAL ***** >>Freezes when you try to jump<< +Alternate Moveset
    29= Freeze SPECIAL ***** +Mystery Moveset
    2A= >>Freeze<<
    2B= >>Freeze<<
    2C= >>Freeze<<
    2D= >>Freeze<<
    2E= Freeze SPECIAL ***** +Alternate Moveset
    2F= Freeze SPECIAL ***** +Gives Sora Godlike Jump Capabilities
    30= >>Freeze<<
    31- >>Nothing<<
    32- >>Freeze<<
    33- >>Freeze<<
    34- >>Freeze
    35- Hacked Sora +God Speed +Kingdom Key
    36- Alternate ***** (Works Fine) +You do not possess a keyblade until you attack in the air +Attacking on ground freezes you
    37- Stun4 ***** +Cannot attack +Magic=Freeze
    38- Alternate +Alternate Moveset +Do not use Magic
    39- Super ***** +No Keyblade +Guard=Freeze +You run SUPER SUPER Fast
    3A- >>Freeze<<
    3B- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
    3C- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
    3D- Stun ***** +Kingdom Key doesnt appear till you move +Attack/Jump=Freeze
    3E- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
    3F- Useless ***** +Cannot attack +Super-speed +No keyblade +Magic=Freeze
    40- Alternate Riku ***** (Works Fine) +Gives you Reverse Way to the Dawn +Unable to Attack +Magic, like BLIZZARD is Superfied +Higher Jump Height
    41- Alternate Riku2 ***** (Works Fine) +Unable to Attack +When driving or using magic, Way to the Dawn emerges +You're as fast as playable riku +You jump as high as playable riku
    42- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
    43- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
    44- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
    45- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
    46- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
    47- -Assuming this is a Dummy-
    48- -Assuming this is a Dummy-
    49- -Assuming this is a Dummy-
    4A- -Assuming this is a Dummy-
    4B- -Assuming this is a Dummy-
    4C- -Assuming this is a Dummy-
    4D- -Assuming this is a Dummy-
    4E- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
    4F- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
    50- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
    51- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
    52- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
    53- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
    7A- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
    86- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
    10A- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze

    Notes -

    **This is King Mickey's Moveset, and it also forces the Reverse Kingdom Key into your hand. According to other sources, when the Keyblade "Fake" is equipped, it allows you to use Mickey's moves even as Sora. If "Fake" is not equipped, Sora will T-Stance every time he attacks or tries to use a finisher [I've suffered the T-Stancing, so that part's true].

    ***These are Fake King Mickey's Movesets. What I mean by fake is, while it does force the Reverse Kingdom Key into your right hand, IT DISABLES YOUR ATTACK BUTTON ON THE COMMAND MENU.

    ****This is Riku's Moveset... which doesn't differ much from Sora's. However, it has the neat little effect of forcing the Way to the Dawn into your hand. With regards to the Way to the Dawn, it is a very, very weird weapon. It allows you to use "Block" without a Keyblade, and some of your attacks are done Keyblade-less as well. It also crashes if you drive into Final [and possibly Master] Form while this is on.

    *****These change the way Sora attacks.

    Additional Notes -
    1] Do NOT change your equipped weapon while using a code that forces a weapon into your hand. These include the Riku, Mickey and other ally codes. Change it before, or after using the code. It'll save you alot of resetting.

    2] Though I admit values need to be tested for this code, from what I've seen, this code has more repeats than the UCM...

    3] Telling you beforehand, don't combine Roxas with Final Form. I know you want to, but don't.

    4] Loading most other movesets besides a Keyblader when equipped with anything other than Kingdom Key can randomly "BSOD with Music" your game.
    Post by: Redsonic, Sep 1, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  8. Redsonic
    Thanks for catching that.
    Post by: Redsonic, Sep 1, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  9. Redsonic
    You're lazy. Lol. (No offence)

    But, here it is.

    200F9000 10400005
    200F9004 944F004C
    200F9008 24010001
    200F900C 142F0002
    200F9010 240F0023
    200F9014 A44F004E
    200F9018 03E00008
    201D14F4 0803E400
    Post by: Redsonic, Sep 1, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Redsonic
    Oh, we already found some VERY INTERESTING Codes. We'll release them to the public soon.
    Post by: Redsonic, Sep 1, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  11. Redsonic
    Now click the small box to enlarge the vid and join the chatroom
    Post by: Redsonic, Sep 1, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  12. Redsonic
    My Live Feed is up again, with various experiments
    Post by: Redsonic, Sep 1, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  13. Redsonic
    You have to give Mickey Way to the Dawn
    Post by: Redsonic, Aug 31, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  14. Redsonic
    How to play as Riku...FOUND

    1.) Notice how the 8D1 Riku Freezes in ALL WORLDS You cannot be saved by King Mickey in.

    2.) The controls for the Riku are exactly like the Mickey one, and plus, Riku's Dark Aura is bassicaly a Pearl Ripoff.

    3.) Assuming that, give Riku Mickey's status, then place him in king mickey's slot, then get saved by him. I didn't try it in Sora's slot, though.

    There you go. Riku.
    Post by: Redsonic, Aug 31, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  15. Redsonic
    De-equip Auto Limit, and the Potion. Should fix all your problems
    Post by: Redsonic, Aug 31, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  16. Redsonic
    There's a small little vid on the right hand side. Click it to enlarge
    Post by: Redsonic, Aug 31, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  17. Redsonic
    Nope, watch yourself
    Post by: Redsonic, Aug 31, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  18. Redsonic
    Actually yes. It's on my live feed. Got Riku to function somewhat (not talking about hovercraft riku)
    Post by: Redsonic, Aug 31, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  19. Redsonic
    i'm going to enable Riku Status on Sora, then force my Rikufied Sora to equip Mysterious Abyss.
    Post by: Redsonic, Aug 31, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  20. Redsonic

    I think I have an idea.
    Post by: Redsonic, Aug 31, 2007 in forum: Code Vault