Live Feed is Up. Today, i'm testing out the new digits system, among other things EDIT: OMFG I FOUND HIM. I FOUND PLAYABLE RIKU'S DIGIT. CHECK THE LIVE FEED NOW! The only problem is he is invisible. However, if i'm correct...than I know how to fix it.
My Live Feed is NOT Up I am playing Gears of War right now
Um....that code crashes my game before kh2 even loads
Full Party 40340C9C 00130001 03020100 00000000 That's the code I need a joker for
I need someone to joker the OLD Full Party Code on page 3 (or was it 2?)
Clontox claims the VERY FIRST Full Party Code works. Do you have the very first old full party code?
I got the full party in The World of Nothing to KIND OF Work It gives me the option of replacing Riku with Goofy in the final battle, but the third slot is still empty.
Can you remake it? 20340C9C NNDDWWMM = Doesn't seem to be anything 20340CA0 NNDDWWMM = Doesn't seem to be anything 20340CA4 NNDDWWMM = Twilight Town 20340CA8 NNDDWWMM = Doesn't seem to be anything 20340CAC NNDDWWMM = Hollow Bastion 20340CB0 NNDDWWMM = Beasts Castle 20340CB4 NNDDWWMM = Olympus Coliseum 20340CB8 NNDDWWMM = Agrabah 20340CBC NNDDWWMM = The Land of Dragons 20340CC0 NNDDWWMM = 100 Acre Wood 20340CC4 NNDDWWMM = Pride Lands 20340CC8 NNDDWWMM = Atlantica 20340CCC NNDDWWMM = Disney Castle 20340CD0 NNDDWWMM = Timeless River 20340CD4 NNDDWWMM = Halloween Town 20340CD8 NNDDWWMM = Doesn't seem to be anything 20340CDC NNDDWWMM = Port Royal 20340CE0 NNDDWWMM = Space Paranoids 20340CE4 NNDDWWMM = The World that Never Was
You said a couple months ago you had a somewhat working Full Party Code for the World of Nothing, can I have it?
Yes but no-one cares about that weapon, lol. Jk. Edit: HEY KHKID, I HAVE A QUESTION The small video is on the right side of the window. Click the small vid to enlarge it and join the chat
Here's a preview of the new digits system i've found out. Do note this is NOT using the universal char mod Come with us and BE There when we find something truely groundbreaking!
I'm always onto something.
Well. Right now I believe it might be possible to play as the EMPTY World Character in Hollow Bastion. In the 1000 heartless do I force the empty Riku into my team?
No. Later, I will. Finding Riku is my top priority right now
Someone try playing as the Riku that's actually the World Character of Hollow Bastion
The real fun has yet to begin. I have uncovered yet another digits system, meaning more party capabilities. I'll explain more later.
Hold R2 when walking into a map to give Sora WTTD NVVW-JT5Z-U0QPY JZYP-UVEJ-FD4ZT A525-BK0G-TN8T5 MVGZ-7CW2-P21VF ME6Y-CC6F-WT3GC 5C3U-KP5T-MEPDN CZQH-VDCR-6VXR3 4772-HP3A-NRNQ4 PD13-DPX6-YWG8A YNZM-RZKU-TGK1N Then drive into Valor Form and change areas while holding R1 to give Valor Form the Kingdom Key and Godspeed Capabilities 3P58-0KH0-4C9WB PX5Z-EMWA-RNMJ2 A525-BK0G-TN8T5 MVGZ-7CW2-P21VF MTP2-7T05-27H73 5C3U-KP5T-MEPDN 8YHX-BWTN-1N8MJ 4772-HP3A-NRNQ4 PD13-DPX6-YWG8A YNZM-RZKU-TGK1N Voila, you will be dual wielding WTTD and KINGDOM KEY in Valor Form, plus Valor Form will have godspeed capabilities You kept joining the room and leaving after saying stuff like o-o.... The other users got pissed and asked me to ask you to stop rejoining, but you didn't listen
Ok. In order to get it to dual wield, I believe you'll be needing two seperate codes, jokerfied
can't you make that code yourself?