The dictionary defines the word limbo as: A region on the border of hell or heaven, serving as the abode after death of unbaptized infants and of the righteous who died before the coming of Christ. A place or state of oblivion to which persons or things regarded as being relegated when cast aside, forgotten, past, or out of date. An intermediate, transitional, or midway state or place. A place or state or imprisonment or confinement. We, on the other hand, call it home. It's a place where those of us with unfinished business in the world go to finally be at peace. When you find your calling-- your reason for not being at rest-- and finally come to terms with it, you move on. You just disappear-- get obliterated, as we refer to it-- and never come back. You've finally moved on, leaving the rest of us here in the in-between. Some of us have been here for a long time, others just brief periods. There are a few like myself that choose not to move on. We do everything in our power to keep from being erased. We don't try hard, we don't cooperate with the NPC's, and we most certainly don't try to think about our lives before this place. If that happens, well...I've already told you that much. ***********Welcome to the in-between, a world where the dead whom aren't ready to die belong. Anything can happen to them here-- it's just like the world of the living, but with a twist. Those that die in this world don't stay dead. They "return to life" after a brief period of unconsciousness. It's filled with people and things referred to as: NPC's, that are generated by this world. They don't actually feel, they don't actually exist. They are just nameless, faceless, robot-like beings present to help the departed reach their final destination--wherever that may be. The "monsters" of this world try a little harder than the humans. They are supposed to be a way of scaring the dead into wanting to move on. If you get captured by them, you become an NPC yourself. Never moving on, never looking forward. You enter the mundane routine of living a hallow life, going through the motions. Those that refuse to move on are aware of this danger, but risk it anyway. They want to continue living happy lives, even if it's not with the ones they loved most. New relationships are developed in this world, and are a necessity to both survive and be obliterated. Which will you choose?? All original credit to this RP goes to the creators of Angel Beats. It's a great series, we highly recommend you watch it! However, it is an original series as well. There will be no characters from the storyline, even if some of the extras do seems to sound similar. It will not give any spoilers away either. The only thing being used from the series is the setting, and the NPC's. There will be the black ghostly looking NPC's and the humanoid soulless drones. With that being said, ENJOY! The story takes place in a realm of limbo. Your character is dead, but has not yet moved on. It will be up to you to make them do one of three things: a) figure out their purpose and get obliterated, b) refuse to try and remain in the limbo world for as long as possible, or c) get consumed by the black ghost NPC's and become an NPC as well. As an NPC you have no control over anything. Rules: Some characters must move on for the purpose of the plot. We have some extras set aside to help develop the storyline, but some of you will have to lose your character If your character does move on or gets consumed by an NPC, you can most definitely make another one. People die all the time after all. Not every death is tragic or even traumatic, so don't get over the top with your BIO. Some people die and there is just something out there keeping them from moving on. Not everyone and their mother was murdered by some serial killer whom is still at large. This is crucial! If you wan't to leave the rp for whatever reason, let us know and then you can either do it or we will have your character get obliterated and move on. If you are just randomly gone for an extended period of time, then your character will get consumed by an NPC and have the horrifying experience of becoming one as well. They will not move on, they will become an empty shell not remembering who or what they are. It will be especially hard on everyone else's characters having to watch one of their friends be resorted to a husk of a person. Please say something! Myst and Hyuge of GM's! You must listen to us both. We will be guiding you along on this spiritual journey. Your character can not die of normal means. The only way your character dies is by getting obliterated or consumed. If you get shot, you reawaken after a short period of time. No one dies permanently. Regular forum rules apply -i.e language, violence, sexual content- be mature You may have up to two characters! Feel free to create more as your other ones get obliterated. =] Last but not least; have fun. We've worked hard and hope you enjoy this! We sure will. ;~] Character Skeleton:Name: Character Name: Age At Death: Appearance [photo or description]: Bio: How they died: Length of Limbo: Other: Accepted OC's: Spoiler: Accepted Spoiler: Ceril Name: Hyue/Mist Character Name: Ceril Luxton Age At Death: 17 Appearance: Ceril Bio: Ceril was diagnosed with lukemia at age nine. her parents fought tooth and nail to try and save her, but with their lack of funds and repeatedly getting dropped from insurance providers for constant medical attention, they couldn't help her to the fullest extent. she went to school on days that the illness weren't too bad, but spent most of her time at home. her friends would visit on occasion, but as she got older and closer to death's door, they slowly stopped coming. by seventeen, she couldn't last any longer. the doctors were amazed that she made it that long. her parents felt horrible that she ahd to suffer for nearly half her life. How they died: Disease Length of Limbo: Four Months Other: when she woke up in limbo, ceril noticed that all her hair was back and she felt healthy for the first time in eight years. she was pleased to be there. she had friends that cared about her and never had to worry about getting sick again. nobody, including ceril, understood why she was even there. ceril thought she had come to terms with her disease and made her peace before she died, but there was apparently something still holding her back. Spoiler: Makeo Name: Myst/Hyuge Character Name: Makeo Takinato Age At Death: 18 Appearance: Makeo Bio: Makeo Takinato was a senior in high school ready to graduate. School was normal for him. Nothing ever bad really happened there. His life story was much more drastic than that of other human beings. His parents abandoned him saying he could never be trusted. Many friends left him because of this fact as well. He did nothing wrong however. He was always in the wrong place at the wrong time He began to hate the world and all the people in it. He would not accept death however. He had to keep fighting on to survive. One day however, there was a terrible accident. The boy was traveling to Tokyo to train to become a lawyer. How they died: But... the plain crashed... Some were still alive after the crash. He was badly wounded and buried under the shrapnel of the plain. A medical team arrived shortly after the crash. When the shrapnel was finally all removed, he was the last person to be found. He died right before being found. Length of Limbo: 2 Months Other: Now that Makeo has come to the after life. He fights to survive, alone. Not being able to trust any of the others who have joined him in this world. He is a lone soul in dire need of a friend. Spoiler: Aura Name: Myst Character Name: Aura Age At Death: 16 Appearance: Aura Bio: Aura, a girl taken away from society to live amongst the samurai in the deep mountains. She was trained in the way of the sword and taught to always respect the riles of the Bushido Code. Normally the samurai apposed to female ranks forcing her to be abused by many of her colleagues. She had promise however. Her father being the head of the samurai at the time could not give seed to a male offspring so left his will to his eldest daughter. She was successful in many battles had throughout her years as a teen. How they died: She was stabbed in the time of the Russo-Japanese war. Her back was turned to help a friend, and the blade went through her heart killing he instantly. Length of Limbo: She has been living in the world for quite some time. Fighting back from the shadows trying to absorb her. She has the will to continue living. Other: Because of her past, she is very well skilled with swordsmanship. Guns are not her specialty. Spoiler: Olivia Name: hyuge Character Name: Olivia [Liv] Preston Age At Death: 19 Appearance: Olivia Bio: Olivia grew up in foster care all her life. she was a drop-off hospital baby that belonged to the state. Olivia never knew her parents and whomever left her hadn't even given her a name. the doctor that found her outside one of the doors named her. they didn't even know an exact age. the pediatric ward assumed aproximately how old she was, but there was nothing official. her records marked the day she was found as the date of birth. the foster homes were unhappy places, never finding one that had parents who actually cared. it was always about the money. Olivia tried hard to be the good kid everyone looked for. she tried hard in school and took care of her younger foster siblings. the children always liked her in the homes she stayed in, except for the birth children. no matter where she went, her foster parents' children always had it out for her. they would blame her for stealing or breaking things, for starting fights she hadn't even been involved in, the list went on. eventually, Olivia couldn't take it anymore. she started to become that bad kid they all expected her to be. she started drinking, popping pills, doing drugs. her grades dropped and was on the brink of expullsion from her most recent school. she barely graduated, passing with d's and c's. she had no plans, no job, no money. Olivia ended up living on the streets, homeless. How they died: she couldn't take it anymore. Olivia never wanted to be just another foster kid failure, but that's what she became. she died of a drug-related suicide. pill overdose, it was her drug of choice. Length of Limbo: two years Other: due events that happened before and after coming to limbo, she doesn't get emotionally attached to anyone. the only person she appears to open up to is aura, only because aura was present when something major happened in her afterlife. she does her best to help the others gain the ability to move on, evn though she'll never be able to join them. Other Other: Surname given after the doctor who found her. Spoiler: Teito Name: Master of Keyblades Character Name: Teito Matsuri Age At Death: 17 Appearance [photo or description]: Teito Bio: Growing up, Teito was a reckless youth. He would usually take any challenge that he came across. It didn't matter if he could gaurentee suscess or not, he would never give up. Unfortunately, he had a tendecy to not pay attention to certain things, which ultimately led to his demise. How they died: Car Accident Length of Limbo: 1 year Other Spoiler: Eva Name: Doukruo Character Name: Eva Vandenberg Age At Death: 16 Appearance: Here Bio: With a steady income her family was able to live comfortably. Middle-class and happy it was a good life. However Eva found such a life boring and would often bring trouble to their door. It started with simple things like dying her hair, which her mother hated, to sneaking out and starting fights. Still she wasn't all bad, never once did she do drugs or anything of the sort. She even had a loyal boyfriend, one who said he would wait till she was ready before going any further in their relationship. But she wasn't sure if she even liked boys, and had to break it off until she discovered herself. He...didn't take it so well. 'Go out that door and I'll kill myself!' It was just...dramatics, right? She thought, leaving in the end. She was wrong. How they died: Accident Length of Limbo: Two Years Other: Spoiler: Yuki Name: Bloody Rose Character Name: Yuki Age At Death: 16 Appearance Yuki is a fairly handsome young man, who stands at 5,8 and weighs 130lbs. He has a fairly slim build with pale skin and bright green eyes taged with dark blood red hair. He wears the a black tee shirt with a pair of blue jeans and a chain neckelace with a pendant shaped like a cressent moon. He also carries around a black accoustic guitar and keeps a revolver in a holsteir on his hip. Bio: Yuki was always alone. He was always picked on in school for reasons unknown to him, and he always just sat by himself. Yuki's parents weren't completely loving other. They never hurt him or anything, but they would always put other things infront of him. Yuki filled the void with music, writing his own songs and playing the guitar. He was slowly breaking into the music indrusty, and he managed to get a gig which could've of been his big break. How they died: On the way however, he was a victim to a hit and run accident from a drunk driver. He passed away after the ambulance rushed him to the ambulance. He cursed his fate. He was murdered by some careless stranger before he could make any of his dreams come true... He never did anything worth while... Length of Limbo: 3 monthes Other: He's pretty well known in the Afterlife School. He's popular among the NPC students who haven't turned into monsters, but the NPC Teachers often get annoyed with his Music Playing antics, and is constantly on the run from there. (His current hidehout/base is an unused storage room. He's had 3 encounters with the Monsters that would turn him into an NPC, the first time he barley escaped. After that, he made a revolver to defend himself from them. The 2nd and 3rd time, he confronted the monsters and narrowly managed to overcome them. Spoiler: Esme Name: Flowergothic Character Name: Esme Richards Age At Death: 17 Appearance: here Bio: Esme was always the leader: having a 15-year old brother named Evan and a 10-year old sister named Lisa. She was the leader at her school, with people always following her. How they died: Car accident. Drunk driver slammed into her car. Length of Limbo: About 5 Months Other:
This was my attempt at a creepy pasta. I don't think I have the creepy goodness inside me. But nonetheless, enjoy. Pokemon Neglect Hey, you. Yeah you. Who else would I be talking to. You are the only person here after all. Well let me tell you a story. Remarkably this story is not too far off of your personal life. In fact, this is a story about someone in your life. Someone precious to you. Someone you always counted on but never gave it credit. You think I am crazy? You say you cherished all your friends and the Pokemon you met on your journey? Well let me tell you about the time you didn't care or cherish a certain friend. Someone you have never even consider every time you leave. Remember this place? Yeah I know you do. It is the Pokemon Daycare center that you dropped off your Pokemon. You must be wondering, this is a place where all of your Pokemon are trained while you are away on business battling other Pokemon and saving the world from a space-time rift that could destroy us all. After your journey however, you gained a sudden urge to catch them all. So you decided to catch a Ditto to help you on your journey to “collect them all”. This Ditto in fact is a level 1 Ditto. Just found and caught. You named every other Pokemon but this time you were a little tired and decided not to just this once. You said you would get back to it later. The day had arrived where you had visited the Daycare Center once more and you dropped off that Ditto and your best friends Empoleon so you could get yourself a cute little Piplup. You heard rumors that a Ditto could breed with any Pokemon that had a gender. It was a good theory sense a Ditto knew the attack Transform. So a few days pass and you see the old man out front wants to have a word with you. Apparently the theory was correct and your Pokemon produced an egg. Right after that you take your friends Empoleon out and return it to your friend. Did you forget someone though? No, certainly not. Another day arrives. You just came back from the big city where the Global Trading System is held. You had a big grin on your face. You just got that Dragonite everyone was talking about. You wanted to still complete that Pokedex that the Professor begged you to complete, so you went and dropped off the Dragonite for a Dratini you hoped to get. The same results happen and you receive an egg. When going back into the center to talk to the old lady, you get that wonderful Dragon Pokemon back. The old lady asks you if you want to get the other one as well and you say no. About a month goes by and you have finally finished off the Kanto and Johto Pokedex and are just about to start your Hoenn dex. All is well. The money is flowing in. The Professor is pleased with your findings and that other trainer you grew up with has taken a liking to you. Life seemed good. However after some time while completing your Pokedex, the Old man gives you an egg that takes much longer to hatch than normal. You think the Pokemon just might be a super powerful one and you continue to try and hatch it. Finally it hatched and a huge gasp left your mouth. The egg was empty. You knew this happened before with some of your Ghost type Pokemon but you were breeding an Aggron this time so you knew it could not be the case this time. You try again thinking maybe it was just a fluke. It happened again and again and after the fourth time you decided to do something about it. You went to have a word with the old man outside the fence of the center. You ask him why the eggs have not been hatching correctly. He says you have found a couple of Bad Eggs and should probably talk to your Pokemon. You go into the center and the old woman at the counter asks you to take them back. You take your Aggron back for the normal 100 Pokedollars it costs you. You decide that maybe he isn't the problem so you take the Ditto out to maybe talk with it for a little. You are surprised to see you have to pay a 5000 Pokedollar fine. You ask the old lady why so much and she says you pay per level and the Ditto had grown to level 50. You are doing well in life so you pay the fine. The Ditto come out and happily jumped into your arms and you feed it some Poffins. You spend a good hour with the Ditto and tell it your time was up. You check the Ditto back into the center and promise you will be back. You were talking to the old lady though. A while longer has passed. The Ditto sits there in the center waiting. It has been a few months since you have come to say hello to it. At night it can be heard crying at the sky in its little home it made over the year you have left. Some Pokemon including your own are beginning to poke fun at Ditto. It spends long times crying under the weight of your disappearance. For some odd reason though, the Ditto still loves you and trusts you. It has not given up complete hope. That is what the old man tries telling you while you are playing with your watch and taking an egg. You completely ignored him. Now every time you come to take another Pokemon out of the daycare the old lady just asks you if you want to take the Pokemon out and maybe the other one you have there. She won’t even engage you with common chit chat now. The old man outside sheds a tear when you come to pick up the egg he was holding. The two began to wonder if you actually cared about your Pokemon at all. Maybe you were one of those senseless trainers that just left your Pokemon in the PC all the time. No, not you. You would never abandon a Pokemon like that. It has been another few months. You have almost done it. You only needed one more Pokemon in your Pokedex to completely fill your Pokedex. A Phione was the last thing. You were about to claim a Manaphy after your amazing work of discovering your Rotom could breed and make multiple. You went into a Rotom selling industry. You were rich now and the person you lived next to was now your fiance. The Manaphy was yours. You took it to the Daycare center and dropped it off. The next time you visited this place would be your last. A terrible accident occurred. A few hours later after you dropped off that Manaphy, some person dropped off his superb level 100 Rotom that he bought and trained from you. Apparently the Rotom and Manaphy did not get along at all and the Rotom ended up killing the Manaphy. The poor thing was only a level 10. It was nearly an infant. The Manaphy did not even have time to breed with the Ditto leaving you with an unfinished Pokdex. This incident did not help your business either. Now Rotom were becoming banned for trainers to use officially making them useless. This was just not right. Nothing like this ever happened. Pokemon were never meant to kill one another if they didn't like one another. They usually just had a skirmish to show who was superior then they left it at that. You come back and notice that the fine to take back your Ditto is 5100 Pokedollars. The Ditto you left here went from level 1 to 100 after the two years you left it there. You return to your house depressed now. Only one Pokemon was needed to complete everything. You put the Ditto back into your PC that night. You wake up to take your collection to Professor Rowan being that this was all you had now. You go to the PC. Your eyes widen. You are in complete shock. Every Pokemon you collected was gone. The only one remaining there was a Ditto.
I am reproducing I tell you. Machina and Hero of Time have turned into me. They have the same Signature and the same Avatar. I hope this doesn't effect any of you either. I don't want this to reproduce anymore!
I really enjoyed the RP but then Noteworthy mysteriously dissappeared. Does anybody else have a wish to recreate the RP? It did very well in its prime and could possibly do well once again. For those who do not remember or would like a refreshment or are entirely new to the idea, here is Noteworthy's thread on it. I wish to restart it if anyone else wants in.
Welcome to Our New World! Hey and welcome to the family. I am Your humble host to our shinobi world. I figure sense I cannot find a Naruto family, I should bring one here and begin the transformation and let world peace begin. Have to eliminate the Pain somehow so why not start here. Together we can all learn to know each other. We can share our Pain and maybe someday we will succeed. I leave my faith in Naruto Uzumaki. Rules of our Shinobi World 1. No starting fights. This is a new shinobi world where peace can only be found. 2. Choose a character from the anime. Let us start from the beginning of our days when the Kyubii attacked the Hidden Leaf and onto the present day. 3. Put spoilers in spoiler tags List of Members/ Nations Spoiler: Members Spoiler: Hidden Leaf Myst Sasuke Uchiha - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Kingdom Hearts530 Rin Itachilives741 Itachi Uchiha - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ReenaReeka Kushina Uzumaki SuperHodzic Kakashi Hatake - - - - - - - - - - - - - Loriah Sakura Haruno Spoiler: Hidden Sand Twilight_Nobody13 Gaara
So, Disney has bought Lucasarts so in other words Star Wars... This also means a new Star Wars movie known as episode 7 is to be release in 2015. Here is the video showing so. What does this mean for the future of Star Wars? What will we do now that Mark is to old to play as Luke and the other cast being too old. I am quite afraid to see what the future holds in store but at the same time am quite excited. P.S. Could be some happy or sad news to a particular staff member known as Misty.
So, I have a few ideas for a Hetalia based Roleplay involving World War 3. Any interested? You of course would play as an individual country and make alliances to win the war. Includes some humor, and requires some knowledge about the country you are playing as.
Now I have not watched the anime at all because I want it to get a little more in (And I am currently watching something else). But this anime was made by the same creators of my favorite anime Angel Beats so it caught my eye. Here is the opening for it:
I am a Triforce Scorpio :3 Which one of you lucky Khvidians actually got the Kingdom Hearts Symbol???
It is Halloween so show off your costumes or scary Avatar's and Signatures to show the spirit of the day to celebrate the spirits. Muwahahahaa.
This is just beautiful :'D
The Story Among the Tribes This is a tale that you peoples have passed down through uncounted generations...It tells of a war of unmatched scale and ferocity, the likes of which wound never be seen again.One dark, fateful day, the earth cracked wide and malevolent forces rushed from the fissure.They mounted a brutal assault upon the surface people, driving the land into deep despair.They burnt forests to ash, chocked the land,s sweet springs, and murdered without hesitation.They did all this in their lust to take the ultimate power protected by Her Grace, the goddess.The power she guarded was without equal.Handed down by the gods of old, this power gave its holder the means to to make any desire a reality.Such was the might of the ultimate power that the old ones placed it in the care of the goddess.To prevent this great power from falling into the hands of the evil swarming the lands...The goddess gathered the surviving creatures on an outcropping of earth.She sent it skyward, beyond the reach of the demonic hordes, or attempted to.The demons discovered the plan the goddess had constructed and struck her down.The power had been broken as a last resort into four separate pieces, each being sent to the tribes of peace.Each tribe member had been bestowed with a piece of the ultimate power.The dark forces would rest no more to claim what they believed to rightfully be theirs.Now, a new legend bound to this great reality stands ready to be revealed.A legend that will be forged by your own hand.Shall you protect the world or grovel for the ultimate power is up to you. The goddess had bestowed the ultimate power into four forms. That of power, wisdom, courage, and a fraction of each as one. Each tribe has learned to adapt well with the piece given, but still struggles in the war against the dark powers. The dark powers will stop at nothing to obtain the power bestowed by the goddess. The creatures that were given the gift of the goddess are as follows: Gorons The Goron race was bestowed with that of power. Gorons are very durable and strong. The rocks on their back make for an excellent shield as well as rolling tool. The species can curl into a ball and roll for a limited amount of time. The Gorons also can survive in any amount of heat. They mainly reside in a location known as Death Mountain which is in fact a volcano. They are very friendly, once they have learned to trust someone. They are a very proud bunch that prefer solving problems on their own. Gorons also can breathe in water but are not suited in such meaning if they fall into a deep water source, they must drill themselves out with their backs. The theme of the Gorons is known on Bolero of Fire. Zoras The Zora race was bestowed with that of wisdom. Zora's are very agile and tactical. The fins on their body allow them to be the best amphibious beings in the land. The fins on their arms also act as boomerangs. They are sharp, but not sharp enough to cut through rock. Zora's cannot survive in cold environments but can survive warmer than average areas comfortably. Zora's are also fast on land as well as water. The scales on the their skin allow them to dive into deep areas of high pressure without being crushed. The theme for the Zoras is the Serenade of Water. Dekus The Deku race was bestowed with that of courage. Deku are very quick and light. They resemble plants and as such are able to blend in with a plant envirement very well. Deku during this time are very brave, but secluded for the most part. Deku have two traits that are unique. The creature can burrow into the ground and kick its way up, deploy a flower, a sore high into the sky. This does not allow much movement once up however. Another feature is that they can extract seeds from their mouth at an alarming rate. They will face the largest of foes, with the right tactics. The theme for the Deku is the Minuet of Forest. Hylians/ Humans Hylians are elf-human hybrids bestowed with a small fragment of each trait. This allows the species to create weapons such as swords, bows, bombs, and much more. The artillery is not as powerful as the other three but the Hylian race can use a mixture of all the traits bestowed upon the others. They are also the most abundant of the three other races. Some Hylian trained under a special technique to try and have a uniqueness to them. This technique is only at its toots and is not perfected. Those who are trying this are known as the Sheikah. The theme to the Hylians is the Prelude of Light. The Dark Ones The dark ones spewed from the earth to seek the ultimate power. They are beings known form a realm of twilight. They are quick, semi-strong, but not that bright. They have been the dominating power over the course of the war thanks to generals in their army. The generals they have are intelligent and strong unlike the fighters. The generals have the ability to teleport freely as long as they have been to the location before and have enough stamina to do so. The generals can also summon a 3rd arm from the hair on their head. The warriors (as seen in the picture) have an ability the generals do not. When a teammate is down, a loud squeal can come from the creature, reviving up to four of its comrades. The theme of the dark ones is the Nocturne of Shadows. Gerudo: The Forgotten Tribe The Gerudo were given nothing by the goddess. The tribe was mocked and ridiculed for being filled of nothing but women. The gods played a joke with the tribe and bestowed nothing upon them for laughs. This soon lead to the gerudo to be envious of the other tribes. They learned how to become expert thieves. With this they have stolen many goods and have learned how to use them. They, like the Hylians, are able to wield many weapons. The most common they are known for are the dual swords and their archery. They wish to rule over all the tribes. They are an enemy to both the tribes and the dark ones. The theme of the gerudo is Requiem of Spirit RULES1. No godmodding please. It isn't fun if you are just too OP.2. Be respectful to others. This is meant to be fun.3. Keep in PG-13. It is a war so their will be blood. Remember, we may have a younger audience.4. Follow the rules of the RP Section.5. Do not kill another person's character unless you bring it up with me and the person.6. Have fun in the RP. To the characters of this legend: Pictures are also provided in the OOC link
To the Story being told: The Story Among the Tribes This is a tale that you peoples have passed down through uncounted generations...It tells of the war of unmatched scale and ferocity, the likes of which would never be seen again.One dark, fateful day, the earth cracked wide and malevolent forces rushed from the fissure.They mounted a brutal assault upon the surface people, driving the land into deep despair.They burnt forests to ash, chocked the land,s sweet springs, and murdered without hesitation.They did all this in their lust to take the ultimate power protected by Her Grace, the goddess.The power she guarded was without equal.Handed down by the gods of old, this power gave its holder the means to to make any desire a reality.Such was the might of the ultimate power that the old ones placed it in the care of the goddess.To prevent this great power from falling into the hands of the evil swarming the lands...The goddess gathered the surviving creatures on an outcropping of earth.She sent it skyward, beyond the reach of the demonic hordes, or attempted to.The demons discovered the plan the goddess had constructed and struck her down.The power had been broken as a last resort into four separate pieces, each being sent to the tribes of peace. Each tribe member had been bestowed with a piece of the ultimate power.The dark forces would rest no more to claim what they believed to rightfully be theirs.Now, a new legend bound to this great reality stands ready to be revealed.A legend that will be forged by your own hand.Shall you protect the world or grovel for the ultimate power is up to you. The goddess had bestowed the ultimate power into four forms. That of power, wisdom, courage, and a fraction of each as one. Each tribe has learned to adapt well with the piece given, but still struggles in the war against the dark powers. The dark powers will stop at nothing to obtain the power bestowed by the goddess. The creatures that were given the gift of the goddess are as follows: Gorons Spoiler The Goron race was bestowed with that of power. Gorons are very durable and strong. The rocks on their back make for an excellent shield as well as rolling tool. The species can curl into a ball and roll for a limited amount of time. The Gorons also can survive in any amount of heat. They mainly reside in a location known as Death Mountain which is in fact a volcano. They are very friendly, once they have learned to trust someone. They are a very proud bunch that prefer solving problems on their own. Gorons also can breathe in water but are not suited in such meaning if they fall into a deep water source, they must drill themselves out with their backs. The theme of the Gorons is known on Bolero of Fire. Zoras Spoiler The Zora race was bestowed with that of wisdom. Zora's are very agile and tactical. The fins on their body allow them to be the best amphibious beings in the land. The fins on their arms also act as boomerangs. They are sharp, but not sharp enough to cut through rock. Zora's cannot survive in cold environments but can survive warmer than average areas comfortably. Zora's are also fast on land as well as water. The scales on the their skin allow them to dive into deep areas of high pressure without being crushed. The theme for the Zoras is the Serenade of Water. Dekus Spoiler The Deku race was bestowed with that of courage. Deku are very quick and light. They resemble plants and as such are able to blend in with a plant envirement very well. Deku during this time are very brave, but secluded for the most part. Deku have two traits that are unique. The creature can burrow into the ground and kick its way up, deploy a flower, a sore high into the sky. This does not allow much movement once up however. Another feature is that they can extract seeds from their mouth at an alarming rate. They will face the largest of foes, with the right tactics. The theme for the Deku is the Minuet of Forest. Hylians/ Humans Spoiler Hylians are elf-human hybrids bestowed with a small fragment of each trait. This allows the species to create weapons such as swords, bows, bombs, and much more. The artillery is not as powerful as the other three but the Hylian race can use a mixture of all the traits bestowed upon the others. They are also the most abundant of the three other races. Some Hylian trained under a special technique to try and have a uniqueness to them. This technique is only at its toots and is not perfected. Those who are trying this are known as the Sheikah. The theme to the Hylians is the Prelude of Light. The Dark Ones Spoiler The dark ones spewed from the earth to seek the ultimate power. They are beings known form a realm of twilight. They are quick, semi-strong, but not that bright. They have been the dominating power over the course of the war thanks to generals in their army. The generals they have are intelligent and strong unlike the fighters. The generals have the ability to teleport freely as long as they have been to the location before and have enough stamina to do so. The generals can also summon a 3rd arm from the hair on their head. The warriors (as seen in the picture) have an ability the generals do not. When a teammate is down, a loud squeal can come from the creature, reviving up to four of its comrades. The theme of the dark ones is the Nocturne of Shadows. Gerudo: The Forgotten Tribe Spoiler The Gerudo were given nothing by the goddess. The tribe was mocked and ridiculed for being filled of nothing but women. The gods played a joke with the tribe and bestowed nothing upon them for laughs. This soon lead to the gerudo to be envious of the other tribes. They learned how to become expert thieves. With this they have stolen many goods and have learned how to use them. They, like the Hylians, are able to wield many weapons. The most common they are known for are the dual swords and their archery. They wish to rule over all the tribes. They are an enemy to both the tribes and the dark ones. The theme of the gerudo is Requiem of Spirit. RULES1. No godmodding please. It isn't fun if you are just too OP.2. Be respectful to others. This is meant to be fun.3. Keep in PG-13. It is a war so their will be blood. Remember, we may have a younger audience.4. Follow the rules of the RP Section.5. Do not kill another person's character unless you bring it up with me and the person.6. Have fun in the RP. Character Sheet: Username:Character Name:Race: (Out of the six listed)Picture: (Optional)Rank: (Military rank in the war)Bio:Personality:Weapon: (Optional)Other: (Optional)
So yush. I got to photocopy my drawings FINALLY and will not upload them here for you all to see my struggles with my art. Want to make a career out of this but with animation and I need a lot of improvement. So please, critique and give me pointers. I would really appreciate it. I also could not find all of my drawings sad to say so I can only show a fraction of what I have. The Oath to Bring Mother Back (Attempt) Spoiler There was the point in time I had this craze for anything and everything Fullmetal Alchemist. Good times. This was my attempt at drawing the Transmutation Circle that is forbbiden. Trying to draw a perfect circle multiple times is a true pain in the rear believe me. Some Dude from FF:CC Spoiler I bought this game called Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers. It was not the best game I have ever played. It was just decent. The villain in the game though rose my interest. He had such a unique design I just couldn't pass it up. So, then I tried to draw him and this is the result. Tales of Symphonia 2 Main Male Role Spoiler Okay. Before I start. The only Tales of. game I have ever played is Tales of the Abyss. I saw this guy (and some girl) in a Nintendo Power Magazine and thought he would be cool to draw. Really there is no other reason. behind him. The XIII Sisters Spoiler Now this one is one of my favorites. My favorite Final Fantasy game is XIII and one of my favorite all time characters are these two right here: Serah and Claire "Lightning" Farron. My friend requested me to draw him this to put on a jacket and I did so and I am really proud of the results. The Disproportionate Twilight Darknut Spoiler Played some Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and loved the detail on this guy. After fighting several of them in the Cave of Ordeals, I decided to attempt and draw him. He has several errors. I did draw this guy when I was in 7th grade so about 5 years ago. Just another look at the past. A Battle Within the Digestive Track Spoiler While I was in my Junior year of High School (2 years ago). I stumbled across a huge drawers block. Did not draw anything for a long time. Then one day in math class when I got done with my homework really early, I took out a piece of paper and this guy popped out of my head. This is the battle between Link and the Water Dungeon Boss in Ocarina of Time. It was a quick draw so its blah. A Duo that is now 40% Cooler Spoiler This is my most recent drawing. I was inspired by my girl friend at the time who was Maka/ Rainbow Dash/ Friendly Heartless/ Kim Possible. Because I met her when she was Rainbow Dash, I most commonly knew her as that. I wanted to be her counter part so Moonbow Flash was born. A moonbow is the opposite of a rainbow being only at night and reflecting off the light coming off the moon. Flash is another way of saying great speed as it is the same with Dash. I wanted to be her Moonbow Flash and that is where this drawing came from. The Prince of All Monkeys (attempt) Spoiler Dragon Ball Z was a big part of my childhood. This is the anime that really wanted me to actually learn how to draw. Vegeta was always the most chalenging for me when I was younger so I attempted it once again last year and this is what came up. Still having some troubles with him. The Super Saiyan 3 transformation is just something I thought would look nice sense he doesn't have one. The Bubble Beast from the Mist Spoiler A drawing from my Sophomore year in High School so 3 years ago. I was having the biggest Naruto phase. The latest episodes were those of the Jimchuriki named Utukata and the guy seriously grew on me. I thought he was just awesome. So I drew him and his beast. It turned out fairly well. I could have done better. Discuss what you find interesting and what you agree with or disagree
I need another anime to watch. I have rewatched all of my favorites again. I would like to know if there is an anime that is instant watch on netflix that I should check out. Could you tell me a little why it is so good too please?
It is looking good. Will be a great title for the system.
I know, it is not one of the newest animes out there. Heck, it isn't even one of the most well known. I still love it though. It is my favorite anime of all time. Any anime that can make me cry 5 times while watching it is worthy to me. I think another reason for me why it was so great is that I bonded with the main character Otonashi. I saw a reflection of myself through him. Its hard to do that with most anime. What are your opinions on this anime? And to those who have not seen it, I highly recommend it.
Trailer (who hasn't seen it though) Now, this movie is made for us gamers. I want to hear your guys's thoughts on the trailer and the cast you see.