The OOC can be found hereThe world of Hanashi. It is here where timelines and planets unite together to form a bond. Once every ten millennium, the world opens paths to these places. Once there, however, they cannot return. Only a select few may enter and stay to rebuild the world encounters its recent apocalypse. The gates do not care whether you are of good or evil. The decision is left to those it knows can change the future. The paths have opened again allowing knew residents to join the world. Some places among these worlds have also journeyed in. Throughout the years of gaming, to RPGs have reigned supreme in Japanese gaming. The Final Fantasy series as well as the Tales of franchise. Both have thick plot's, well developed characters, as well as some of the most villainous enemies ever created. Now what if they came together? The abilities of Materia and Fonons, Magic and Artes, A fantasy or a tale. The Story of the Last Apocalypse... The world had hit the golden age. Man and beast had become at peace. War had lost its luster and the kingdoms had formed a unity with one another. A force appeared. He came to the people seeing the purity and just of it all. It sickened him. Mankind was never meant to be at peace. Gathering the powers of Valhalla, he wiped out all life and what it had created, leaving the planet bare. He, the only one who survived, stayed within Valhalla and called upon the Twelve Judges. The time had come for the worlds to rejoin and allow for the new world to be constructed. The man who had become a god would watch over them all. If they proved unworthy, he would not stop to destroy them. A light within many worlds and different times had opened, allowing those with the ability to construct a "right" world. With everyone summoned to the Gates of Valhalla, he proclaimed to them all. "Congratulations souls chosen by the Judgement of Heaven and Hell. My name is Owari, god of the world. You have been chosen to create a new world. Let your fantasy's run wild and tell tales to your children. Make this world what it is meant to be!" Owari waved goodbye as he turned away from the chosen people, all of whom were scattered around the world known as Haranashi. They would not be given only dirt to work with however. Many places from their worlds would be duplicated for them to coincide with. Spoiler: The World ] If you wish to have a description of each location, go to the OOC. _-* Tales of Fantasy I *-_
The main story can be located here The world of Hanashi. It is here where timelines and planets unite together to form a bond. Once every ten millennium, the world opens paths to these places. Once there, however, they cannot return. Only a select few may enter and stay to rebuild the world encounters its recent apocalypse. The gates do not care whether you are of good or evil. The decision is left to those it knows can change the future. The paths have opened again allowing knew residents to join the world. Some places among these worlds have also journeyed in. Throughout the years of gaming, to RPGs have reigned supreme in Japanese gaming. The Final Fantasy series as well as the Tales of franchise. Both have thick plot's, well developed characters, as well as some of the most villainous enemies ever created. Now what if they came together? The abilities of Materia and Fonons, Magic and Artes, A fantasy or a tale. Now for the characters of these two worlds, They can be from any of the main series games or even spin off games. Say for example the Crystal Chronicle spin offs or Tales of the Radiant Mythology, ect. You can even pull from the movies or anime in fact. Each person can have a maximum of 5 characters in total whether they are heroes or villains. Rules: 1. This is a crossover for Tales and Fantasy characters. No others. 2. No godmodding which is pretty obvious. 3. Be kind to others within the RP 4. No killing unless you have asked the person who plays the character and get their approval. 5. Follow the RP rules. 6. Keep it PG-13. There are sometimes where we cant help but let characters fall in love or kill monsters, but don't go to far. Form: Character Name: Game from: Which FF or To? game are they from? Appearance: A picture would be best. A brief Bio: Who are they? Not all of us have played the games after all. Timeline: Are they post game? pre game? The World: Mt. Gulg Arcane Labrynth Combination Castle Hein Castle Baron Castle Exdeath Vector Wutai Balamb Alexandria Zanarkand Rabanastre Nautilus Final Fantasy IThe volcano's interior is mostly lava, a type of damage floor that hurts party members as they walk on it. Several of the sublevels' staircases are difficult to find, requiring treks through huge lava-filled expanses. Other levels involve navigation through maze-like rooms with multiple dead ends Most enemies here are Fire Based. Final Fantasy II It consists of a group of three dungeons, each with a set of generated floors (see below) and a static floor at the end containing only a boss. There is a fourth dungeon, Arcane Sanctuary, which is technically not part of the Arcane Labyrinth, but is an integral part of the Labyrinth side-quest. It contains no random encounters, no chests and consists of one extremely long stairway down Final Fantasy IIIIt is actually the Elder Tree from the Living Woods, which Hein has enchanted and transformed it into his stronghold Final Fantasy IVIt is the ruling seat of the kingdom of Baron, ruled by the King of Baron Final Fantasy Valso known as Exdeath's Castle or X-Death's Castle, is the stronghold of the warlock Exdeath in Final Fantasy V. Only appearing in the second world, Exdeath's Castle is connected to the mainland by the Big Bridge. The castle is surrounded by forests and a basalt mountain range. Around the castle are four towers that generate a barrier around the castle, preventing entry. Final Fantasy VI It is the Imperial capital of the Gestahlian Empire as well as the location of the Imperial Palace and theMagitek Research Facility. Final Fantasy VIIOnce a proud, powerful and independent nation state known for its peoples' honor and mystique, after the Wutai War against the Shinra Electric Power Company it fell to serving as a simple tourist attraction and resort, no longer serving as a global power. However some individual pockets of rebellion still seek to regain the countries' old glory and numerous rebel factions sometimes use Wutai as a base of operations. Final Fantasy VIIIA peaceful seaside town, Balamb is a popular tourism spot and is connected to the Galbadian continent via a transcontinental railway. Final Fantasy IXit is both a nation and the capital of that nation, and for a time the capital of the Alexandrian Empire, on the planet of Gaia in Final Fantasy IX. It is a large kingdom centered on a plateau in the northern Mist Continent, extending out over the Zamo and Gunitas basins. Final Fantasy X is a former metropolis which lies at Spira's northernmost edge in Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2. Final Fantasy XIIa city in Ivalice, the world of Final Fantasy XII and Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings. It is the hometown of Vaan, the hume orphan and the game's main character. Being the capital of the Kingdom of Dalmasca, Princess Ashe would also normally make residence here. Rabanastre becomes the most frequently visited city by the player, and could be considered a "homebase". Final Fantasy XIII a location in Final Fantasy XIII. Known as the capital of entertainment on Cocoon, Nautilus is the home of the popular Pompa Sanctaparade, and it also houses an amusement park featuring tame Cocoon chocobos of a much smaller build than their Gran Pulsevariety. It is known as the "City of Dreams". Thor Darilsheid Mintche Tower of Salvation Meltokio Werites Beacon Akzeriuth Tower of Rem Dahngrest Zaude Barona Lhant Hill Tales of Phantasia It sinks into the bottom of sea by the collision of the comet Samier, and its last remaining city becomes known the name of the Ancient City of Thor. There is also a secret device that will allow one to move through time. Tales of Destiny This is the main capital of the region, also serving as the main headquarters of the Oberon Corporation. In Tales of Destiny 2, the kingdom seems to have ceased to exist as the capital was reduced to ruins, though people still live there. It is the port town of Seinegald Tales of Eternia Its most prominent feature is the university, though it also holds a variety of shops, library, cafe, and port. The Craymel Ball minigame is available here Tales of SymphoniaThe Tower of Salvation is a tower that appears initially in the declining world of Sylvarant after the Chosen of Regeneration receives the "Oracle" The tower extends so high that it is said to reach the heavens. Tales of SymphoniaMeltokio has a vast sewer system through which water, garbage and other wastes flow out of the city. The system houses a variety of animals, of which mice are the most populous.In the middle district of Meltokio there is a coliseum, an area where usually prisoners fight against beasts. Tales of Legendiahe main city in Tales of Legendia, representing the only permanent Orerines settlement aboard the Legacy. Tales of the AbyssAkzeriuth is a crater-like city surrounded by natural walls, similar to Baticul. However, unlike Baticul, which ascends into the sky, Akzeriuth descends into the earth, and contains numerous mine shafts for excavation purposes. The minerals surrounding the area of Akzeriuth are highly valued, raw materials needed to make various weapons and armor. Because of this, the area has been embroiled with many political conflicts over its control, Tales of the AbyssThe tower formally resided in the Qliphoth, and served a last resort, designed as an attempt to travel to another planet in case the Float Projectfailed. Tales of VesperiaDahngrest is a guild city home to many guild headquartersDuring the day, the town is in perpetual sunset due to the refraction of sunlight through the unstable air. Tales of Vesperia Surrounding the large shrine is a ring of sea rocks that open in one area, allowing access to the shrine. Inside, Zaude is a blue and gray, palace-like building suitable for underwater sustainability. Elaborated with majestic, open rooms, supported by numerous pillars, and abundant staircases, the shrine inner capabilities remain maintained. However, due to having been underwater so long, the shrine under the presence of many aquatic sea creatures. The mighty Giganto Monster, "Poseidon", dwells here. Tales of GracesA large castle (more description needed) Tales of Graces(more description needed) Characters: Myst DarkTraitor The Hero of Time WhiteRoseAki StardustXtreme Cloud<3 Twilight_Nobody13 Heartless_Angel FloodofTwilight34 Myst +1 // 110 points Luke fon Fabre (Tales of the Abyss) Van Grants (Tales of the Abyss) Rita Mordio (Tales of Vesperia) Hope Estheim (Final Fantasy XIII Saga) Cid Raines (Final Fantasy XIII) DarkTraitor +1 Serah Farron (Final Fantasy XIII Saga) Caius Ballard (Final Fantasy XIII-2) Gilgamesh (Final Fantasy V+) Chaos (Dissidia Final Fantasy) Yuffie Kisaragi (Final Fantasy VII series) The Hero of Time +1 // 50 points Tifa Lockhart (Final Fantasy VII series) Lumina (Final Fantasy XIII-3) Noel Kreiss (Final Fantasy XIII-2/3) Tina Branford (Final Fantasy VI) Rikku (Final Fantasy X-2) WhiteRose-Aki +0 // 65 points Cecil Harvey (Final Fantasy IV) Golbez (Final Fantasy IV After Years) Zidane Tribal (Final Fantasy IX) Kuja (Final Fantasy IX) Basch fon Ronsenberg (Final Fantasy XII) Rydia (Final Fantasy IV series) StardustXtreme +1 // 80 points Asbel Lihant (Tales of Graces) Lambda (Tales of Graces) Zack Fair (Final Fantasy VII) Squall Leonhart (Final Fantasy VIII) Snow Villiers (Final Fantasy XIII Saga) cloud <3 +3 // 65 points Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy VII series) Vincent Valentine (Final Fantasy VII series) Claire "Lighting" Farron (Final Fantasy XIII Saga) Twilight_Nobody13 +0 // 60 points Yuri Lowell (Tales of Vesperia) Kratos Aurion (Tales of Symphonia) Yuan Ka-Fai (Tales of Symphonia) Kain Highwind (Final Fantasy IV) Martel (Tales of Phantasia/ Tales of Symphonia) Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII series) heartless_angel +3 Sheena Fujiboyashi (Tales of Symphonia) Zelos Wilder (Tales of Symphonia) FloodofTwilight34 +2 // 15 points Luneht (Final Fantasy III) Ramza Beoulve/Lugrias (Final Fantasy Tactics) Agrias Oaks (Final Fantasy Tactics) 200 points: Character Slot: Gain an extra character slot. 200 points: Offspring: This will be a way for OOC characters. They will be the spawn of two characters from the current RP. They can either be from your pool or if you have permission from someone else, theirs and yours. This does in fact take up a character slot500 points: Phoenix Bottle: There may be a point where your character dies in battle. Sometimes death is necessary in Final Fantasy and Tales of. If this is the case, gather the points to revive your character.1000 points: Alien: Wish to have a character that is not from Tales of FF, this is how to get one.Current Points = 445 2000 points - ??? FF 3000 points - ??? To 5000 points - ??? FF 7000 points - ??? To 10000 points - ??? ?? How does one earn these points? To earn points, you participate in boss battles as well as participate in the field battles. Between locations, you are to post a total of two times of going through the field. Another way to obtain points is to participate in events that me and the admin will announce. An additional way is to continue throughout the story. 5 points will be given for every post you did within the chapter. 15 points per post in the field 50 points for sub boss 75 for mid boss 100 for final boss. Events will be calculated by me and the admins.
The team that created Kirby’s Epic Yarn is hard at work on the first console game to feature Yoshi as the main character since 1998′s Yoshi’s Story for Nintendo 64. Takashi Tezuka, director of Yoshi’s Island and Yoshi’s Story, is supervising the development of the new game, which is set in a fanciful world of yarn and textiles.
Was currently announced in today's Nintendo Direct. This is my favorite video game of all time and it is being remade in HD? Now I have to save up for a WiiU again...
I just bought this guy a few weeks ago and he finally came in the mail. Isn't he so kawaii! Spoiler Here he is with his younger brother. The younger one came first but you know what, he is smaller so I say he is younger. Spoiler The video dislikes me so it won't let me post it on here. So the link will have to do. I found the first Red to be very good. Others didn't but it was done well enough to get a sequel. I would put the video but its not on youtube yet. But yeah. The two most powerful things against one another answered with facts and actual results.
History buff so I really wanted to see it. Also political do to my right wing parents that tend to watch what goes on it the country This movie is about Abraham Lincoln (obviously) and the ratification of the 13th Amendment which to you non-Americans is the Bill to banish slavery basically. This takes place within the US Civil War near the ending. In goes into who Lincoln was. I am a History buff. I love the stuff and take many classes to increase my knowledge. I will not give my thoughts on how I feel of the 16th President, however the movie did an excellent job of showing who the man was. It is 95% accurate to what the books say. Now, this does have some comedy and isn't just a boring History Channel movie, however you will have to have a higher vocabulary to understand some of the jokes. The movie gets a 4.5/5 stars from me personally. It had some places where one would just begin to slowly dull off but that is most politics.
I can't really be the only one who just loved this movie. It was comedic, historic, and had some excitement. The idea was clever to make the movie as well. It interests me even more that the entire ending had to change because Osama was killed half way through the production. It had some moments of irritation with some of the characters not being completely compliant, but would you listen to some guy you just met in a nation that is trying to murder you? Overall, the movie was a 3.5/5 stars. It was good but not memorable.
got myself a LE halo 4 xbox with year live. Anyone up for some Halo 4? :3
This is not the original story so it will be tweaked a small bit for story purposes. This is inspired by Noteworthy's RP Avatar: A New Hope.OOC: Year War The world as we know it comprises of 4 great nations. The largest of these places is known as the Earth Kingdom. The people here are strong an proud. They work together in peace with the other three nations around them. The capital of this great land is known as Ba Sing Se. The Water Tribe is a group that have split into the opposite sides of the world: the North and the South. These people are of peace. They strive for harmony within the world. The Air Nomads are a disciplined group of individuals. They have four home lands in each corner of the globe. They are fun, loving, and have a great sense of humor. The most powerful of these four nations is known as The Fire Nation. There are an industrious nation that has a booming economy. Now these nations all have something in common. They all have people with powers that can distort the elements around them. Those of theEarth Kingdom can bend the rocks. Those of the Water Tribe and Earth Swamps have been seen to bend the ocean waters. The Air Nomads can move the wind at tremendous speeds. The Fire Nation has the power to harness the energy of the sun and release its flames. The people who could were known as benders. Together the four nations lived in peace. There was one however who exceeded them all, one who kept the peace between all the nations: the Avatar. The Avatar was the one being who could use all four of the elements. One could only be born after the death of the previous. The Story: The new Fire Lord, Sozin, had wished to share his nations wealth with the other lands. His ideals were not however pure. Roku, the current Avatar of our world, saw this in Sozin, but because of his past, he was blind from seeing the truth behind Sozin's plan. The two were best friends as children. Sozen even looked up to Roku. The plans were set to invade the other nations. Roku had discovered a truth that he himself did not wish to believe. He had to confront the fire Lord. Roku blasted into the Fire Palace releasing his rage. "Fire Lord Sozin1 What you are about to do is going to upset the balance of the four nations! I cannot allow this!" Sozin gave a smirk to his old friend. This was an obvious battle to the death for him. "You are my friend, Roku. It is time we shared the prosperity with the rest of the world. I will give you one last chance. Join me. Together we can change the world for the better!" The two began to battle. Fire and rage spit out by the two most powerful men on the planet. The Fire Lord had one advantage however, He had discovered a Water Bender who could bend man himself. This woman beside him would be known as Chi. She stopped Roku in his tracks allowing Sozin to firebend without distraction, killing the Avatar. The Avatar was no more and the Fire Lord could not make way with his plans... A comet was coming, he could use it to show the world the power of the fire nation. However, a small boy from the Air Nomads was just born. He would be the new Avatar. He was an airbender named Aang. The Fire Lord had become aware of this, however. News spread quickly after all with the Air Nomads. The Fire Lord sent men to trick the boy. Aang was told that they would be taking him to the fire nation to learn fire bending early. They told him he was a special Avatar, that he could learn fire first instead of last. On the way however, there was a lightning storm, and he and his sky bison were battling the wind and lightning. They were almost struck by one forcing them to be plunged into the sea. Aang however entered the Avatar State, an ability that grants them the powers of all the past Avatars, and formed a cocoon around him and his Bison to survive another day. However, the world needed him most now. He vanished at their time of need. The comet had arrived and it was too late for the people. Fire Lord Sozin torched the Northern and Western Air Temples. The war had begun. He remembered the words of his friend Roku to not destroy the balance, so he only rid half of the nomads. He knew that the Avatar was no more, for he did not stop the crisis at hand. The Fire Lord's next target would be the Earth Kingdom. Sozin has however died peacefully in his sleep. His son, Azulon is going to walk in his footsteps. He has recently turned the age of 40. He has begun his father's plans on the fire nation. The people can no longer stand the reign of the Fire Nation...
This is not the original story so it will be tweaked a small bit for story purposes. This is inspired by Noteworthy's RP Avatar: A New Hope.The Roleplay: Year War The world as we know it comprises of 4 great nations. The largest of these places is known as the Earth Kingdom. The people here are strong an proud. They work together in peace with the other three nations around them. The capital of this great land is known as Ba Sing Se. The Water Tribe is a group that have split into the opposite sides of the world: the North and the South. These people are of peace. They strive for harmony within the world. The Air Nomads are a disciplined group of individuals. They have four home lands in each corner of the globe. They are fun, loving, and have a great sense of humor. The most powerful of these four nations is known as The Fire Nation. There are an industrious nation that has a booming economy. Now these nations all have something in common. They all have people with powers that can distort the elements around them. Those of the Earth Kingdom can bend the rocks. Those of the Water Tribe and Earth Swamps have been seen to bend the ocean waters. The Air Nomads can move the wind at tremendous speeds. The Fire Nation has the power to harness the energy of the sun and release its flames. The people who could were known as benders. Together the four nations lived in peace. There was one however who exceeded them all, one who kept the peace between all the nations: the Avatar. The Avatar was the one being who could use all four of the elements. One could only be born after the death of the previous. The Story: The new Fire Lord, Sozin, had wished to share his nations wealth with the other lands. His ideals were not however pure. Roku, the current Avatar of our world, saw this in Sozin, but because of his past, he was blind from seeing the truth behind Sozin's plan. The two were best friends as children. Sozen even looked up to Roku. The plans were set to invade the other nations. Roku had discovered a truth that he himself did not wish to believe. He had to confront the fire Lord. Roku blasted into the Fire Palace releasing his rage. "Fire Lord Sozin1 What you are about to do is going to upset the balance of the four nations! I cannot allow this!" Sozin gave a smirk to his old friend. This was an obvious battle to the death for him. "You are my friend, Roku. It is time we shared the prosperity with the rest of the world. I will give you one last chance. Join me. Together we can change the world for the better!" The two began to battle. Fire and rage spit out by the two most powerful men on the planet. The Fire Lord had one advantage however, He had discovered a Water Bender who could bend man himself. This woman beside him would be known as Chi. She stopped Roku in his tracks allowing Sozin to firebend without distraction, killing the Avatar. The Avatar was no more and the Fire Lord could not make way with his plans... A comet was coming, he could use it to show the world the power of the fire nation. However, a small boy from the Air Nomads was just born. He would be the new Avatar. He was an airbender named Aang. The Fire Lord had become aware of this, however. News spread quickly after all with the Air Nomads. The Fire Lord sent men to trick the boy. Aang was told that they would be taking him to the fire nation to learn fire bending early. They told him he was a special Avatar, that he could learn fire first instead of last. On the way however, there was a lightning storm, and he and his sky bison were battling the wind and lightning. They were almost struck by one forcing them to be plunged into the sea. Aang however entered the Avatar State, an ability that grants them the powers of all the past Avatars, and formed a cocoon around him and his Bison to survive another day. However, the world needed him most now. He vanished at their time of need. The comet had arrived and it was too late for the people. Fire Lord Sozin torched the Northern and Western Air Temples. The war had begun. He remembered the words of his friend Roku to not destroy the balance, so he only rid half of the nomads. He knew that the Avatar was no more, for he did not stop the crisis at hand. The Fire Lord's next target would be the Earth Kingdom. Sozin has however died peacefully in his sleep. His son, Azulon is going to walk in his footsteps. He has recently turned the age of 40. He has begun his father's plans on the fire nation. The people can no longer stand the reign of the Fire Nation... Avatar: Hundred Year War OOC Discussion The Rules 1. No godmodding. Please. I do not want to see anyone being to powerful.2. No PKing (Player Killing). It is only okay if you have asked me and the person you are killing and get permission. 3. I would really really really like it if you guys wrote at least a paragraph with more than 3 lines per post. It can get very broad if you just post one liners. 4. Be respectful to the other RPers. We don't want any unnecessary fights. To make sure you are reading this, put the word "Flameo" at the end of your layout. 5. You may kill NPC's if you are of that character as in Fire Bender or unless you cause an accident that ends a poor souls life. 6. Keep it PG. No Drugs, Alcohol, or sexual ideas. We want this to be clean sense children are viewing the forum. 7. If you do not follow the rules, I may be forced to get a mod to talk with you. If it continues, your player may not wake up. 8. I will be forced to kill your character if you do not post within a week. I am serious. CS Layout You may have up to 2 characters. No more. I will play important characters that will only be around for a short period of time to aid in the stories development. Another important note, None of the character from the Avatar series will be featured excluding Azulon and Aang, but Aang will not appear. Username: Character Name: Gender: Age: Appearance: Nation Born: Where are you from? Bending: Do you bend or not? Specify what element if you do. Side: Are you with the Fire Nation or are you with the Great Nations Bio: Give us a brief back story Personality: Tell us who your character is. Current Location: Where are you at the moment? Accepted Spoiler: Myst Username: Myst Character Name: Krystal Gender: Female Age: 19 Appearance: Nation Born: Fire Nation Bending: Water Bender Side: Great Nations Bio: She was the daughter to the one known as Chi. Born within the Fire Nation, she knew the horrible things that they have done. She was treated differntly though. She knew what had been done was wrong.. She left her home to seek resolve. The Fire Lord did not approve of this however for he had plans for her. He sent men to catch her. The men almost had her, but she got away with a burn on her left arm. She now is traveling around the Earth Kingdom to find a way to end the war quickly. Flameo Personality: She is a bit of a hot head. An Impatient girl who seems to always find trouble. She is very giddy about boys and becomes very shy when any cute man comes by. Current Location: Ba Sing Se.
I thought it applied here. Mayans + Christmas = Happy Myst finding a Weird Al parody.
And I am lonely. Anyone up for some chit chat?
As of now the Nintendo DS has outsold the PS2 which had the original record of most sales. Thought I would share the news.
Hero of Time, DarkTraitor and I would like to create a game for you people of khv into Pokemon. We happen to be lacking gym leaders however. Sign up here and we will interview you about what type you would represent and then we will give you a test using Showdown's system: As well will the battles if you are accepted will take place on that site but the rewards would be given on KHv in the Fun and Games section. Currently we have 5 spots open for gyms. Sign up here and we will begin the process. Currently we have DT as the Ghost gym leader, I as the Eon Gym Leader, and HoT as the Dark Gym Leader.
Fullmetal Alchemist meme is where I will start this little game. Any one got some more?
Do to problems with the last one in the tasks given, The objective given will not be as challenging nor will anything in the real world be effected by the tasks. Every task given will be forum related so no panic. Also, the restriction on not being able to post or talk as been lifted. It created numerous problems as well. Reapers' GamesHello there. Welcome to the games. I am the Composer and you have found yourself dead in this UG (Underground) forum. You have been summoned to this place to redeem yourself. These games are known as the Reapers' Games as you will be judged by Reapers to get a second chance or not. What are the rules for these games you might ask; well let me tell you the rules so you may survive the week ahead. Rules Rule number one: You must form a pact. There is no soloing. You must have a partner to participate.Rule number two: You have 24 hours to accomplish each task assigned. These missions could be anything so be on guard. I will post the task here. Once you have figured it out, post here to clarify if you are right. If you do not figure it out, you will be erased. Do not worry. Last game we had difficult tasks. These will not be as such.Rule number three: Having a pact of pacts is forbidden. Players caught doing this will be disqualified from the games and will vanish until the week is over.Rule number four: Please be a good sport and respect the other players. We don't want any unnecessary battles to go on.WinnersWinning this game grants you the chance to help the Game Maker in his next Games. You will also be known as a new Reaper. I look forward to working with you Currently we have no winners. ParticipantsYou have a week to acquire a pact and sign up here. I have increased the amount to unlimited for this round only. I will judge how many may enter afterwards. Sign up. The process will end on midnight Sunday the 16th Pacific Time.
some how I know this is bad but so funny at the same time.