This is based off the video game series known as the Tales of games. Prologue Long long ago, in the days of the ancient heroes, the land of Orikahn (O-ree-kon) had been swallowed in the night sky. The sun no longer shined bright across the land and the world turned cold. It was a time of silence, a time of eternal night, a time for the monsters of the continents to grow strong. Each continent had one monster that was powerful enough to destroy cities with just a single step to the ground. The people fled in fear because there was nothing else they could do. All had to abandon the lands and move out to sea where the monsters could no longer reach them. No one could explain why the monsters targeted humans, nor did we know how how bright and shining star gave out its light. It appeared that our species would soon die out without the warmth of the sun to grow our food. Then, when humanity was at its last breath, a hero and heroine stepped forth from the shadows of the land. The hero known as Sol and the heroine known as Luna, fought against the monsters of the land. They were successful in their mission to reclaim the land, but it was short lived. The darkness continued to cool the land and the monsters continued to populate. It was then that the two heroes made sure that humanity would survive. Sol transformed himself into the Crystal of Light which shines bright still today. Luna turned into the Crystal of Night, it was much more dim, but it would become a beacon for those at night when Sol needed to rest. The two danced together in the sky and provided a chance for humanity. It has been a thousand years since that day and age and we have finally regained out strength. Chapter 1: The Journey Begins "Okay Ryuo (Ro), are you ready for your first day in hunting." A man said with bright green hair. He was tall, wore white and purple clothes. His eyes were a dark brown. He held a large bow in his left hand with a well crafted arrow in his right. A knife with a dragon hilt say on his side in case a close encounter was eminent. "You bet, I finally get to kill my first monster today. Thanks for taking me out Seth." This boy was different. He was much younger. Around the age of ten to be exact. He had golden yellow hair with blue eyes. His clothes that of brown and black. They were quite unique in their design. He carried a sword in his left and a sharp sheath in his right which had been connected to his belt but gave enough room to swing it furiously. The two were running in a forest. Green, Orange, and Brown leaves glided to the ground as they rushed past. It was Autumn and the winter would soon follow. The two were off to gather food for the strong cold to come. The sound of leaves crunching beneath there feet with every step they took aloud the monsters to know they were coming. They'd attack them quickly without hesitation. Just as expected, a monster appeared right in front of them. It was a Mammoth-bore. A very weak monster but large. Most large monsters were strong, but this one was definitely weak. It had gray fur, red eyes and large tusks. The hair made it difficult for the creature to see, but it could feel out creatures around it. It began to charge. "This will be your chance. When I shoot it with an arrow, strike at its feet. That is there weak spot." Seth said to the Ryuo. Once then, he charged the arrow and struck the beast. It bounced off do to the thick hair, however it also gave the beast the idea to attack Seth. "I got it!" Ryuo yelled swiping at the beasts feet. It fell down and was surely not able to walk again for a while. Ryuo saw this and went for the final blow, decapitating its head. "Yes! I got him. Did you see me brother?" "I saw you. You did great for your first time." He grabbed the Mammoth-bore by the tail and began to drag it. He looked up to the sky and noticed the crystal began to dim. "Ryuo, Sol is getting tired. We should head back. Tomorrow we are heading out to the capital so we should get an early rest." The boy nodded and the two set back off to their home. They arrived at the small cottage. It was a one story with only two rooms. A bedroom and kitchen was all that they had. A side area made out of wood was there too. Seth threw the bore into it. It was filled with ice. A container to let the meet last. "Okay, Ryuo, Luna is beginning her watch, its time to rest for tomorrow." "All right brother. See you in the morning." He put his blankets over him and quickly went to sleep. "You did a good job out there. Now I can have some help getting food to support the two of us. Sleep well." He said softly rubbing Ryuo's head. Seth also laid his head into the bed and began to rest. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Morning had come and Ryuo had awaken tied down to his bed. He began to struggle, trying hard to get free of the bandages. He didn't even realize while he was sleeping someone tied him up. With no luck of becoming free, he yelled for Seth to come and help him. "Seth! Help! I am tied up and cant get free. Seth!" There was no answer. The only thing that could be heard was the birds outside whistling to one another. What could have happened to Seth, he wondered. Did bandits storm in and kill his brother? If that were the case, why spare Ryuo? None of it made sense. At the side of him was a knife. He hadn't noticed it until now. It was not just any knife though, it was his brother's knife, the one given to him by his father. He nudged his hand down to it and grabbed it. He sliced the rope strapped to his right arm and then cut the left. Eventually he freed himself completely and ran outside to the shed where the meet was. Nothing was taken. Nothing at all. What in the world of Orikahn was going on? "Last Seth said was we were heading to the capital today. Maybe I should head over there and start my search. Better gather some supplies first." Ryuo headed back into the cabin and gathered some gels (Materials that heal HP and TP). He also grabbed his sword, his brothers knife, and some of the food that would surely go to waste. "I haven't been outside the forest alone before. Hopefully I can navigate to Mynune to get direction to the capital. If I remember, Seth said it was north of the forest exit. Time to move." Ryuo headed through the thick brush. It was good that his brother taught him techniques to navigate it with ease and not run into any of the powerful beasts that lurked around. He escaped the bush and looked out to the large field of the continent Labertim. It was the largest continent on the planet and had the utmost wealth drawn in. Usually this was because of the King's good nature, but ever since he died, things have been a lot more difficult with the prince becoming ruler. That was the main reason for him and Seth to journey out to the Capital. They wished to figure out why things have taken a turn for the worse. "Mynune should be along the path right? Better hope so or else I may never find my way around." He followed the path. Several monsters came across the way. He was new to the aspect of fighting, but he did rather well. It wasn't too long until he reached the city of Mynune. "Mynune, The city of pleasant waters. Seth always said that the water here could cure any illness." As he went into the square of the city he heard a loud explosion coming from the building next to him. He ran into the building where he saw 3 knights attacking a girl. She had light blue hair and purple dress that seemed it was fit for combat. Looking a tad closer, he saw what he thought to be a tail, was she a Cait Sith? "Hey, girl." One of the knights said. "We know you have a Magica Crystal. Give it up!" "Like hell I'll let you take it. This is something far to precious for me to give to you pigs." "Why you! Attack her men." Ryuo saw she needed help and glided in to defend the incoming lance with his sword. He pushed the knight away and tried to slash at him. "3 against one seems unfair to me. Especially against a girl." The girl looked at him and grinned. "I like your attitude kid, lets say we teach these guys that picking on the innocent is wrong." "Men, this boy must be one of her accomplices, quickly, get him as well. Take them both as prisoners." The knight said." Ryuo charged in with his sword hitting one of the knights. The other two stood back as they planned to charge at him once there fellow knight dodged. "Great crystal of the ground, Terra, bestow upon me the powers of land and let me raise it beneath thy!" The girl yelled out. "Jump back kid." Ryuo jumped back and as he did, rocks from underneath the knights came rising from the ground like spears attacking them. "Wow, that is magica huh, stuff is scarier in person than in books. Nonetheless, they are off guard." He charged them and slashed at their bodies killing them. He jumped back and stood beside the girl. He looked at her and smile putting his hand out. "Hey, I am Ryuo. Why were those guys after you?" She grabbed his hand and smiled back. "Thanks for the help. I am Katrina. They were after me because of my Magica Crystal. The Empire has been trying to get their hands on all of them ever since the prince took command. I would never let them take mine though. This belonged to my mother after all." A few of the villagers came over to her. "Oh Katrina, I hope you are alright." one of them said. "Thank goodness this boy was here to help you." An old woman said. They continued to worry about the girl and thank Ryuo. It was clear that the town cared for this girl. "Well, looks like everything is just great here. I should be heading off." He said turning his back to her. "Wait just a second kid, you really are just going to help me and not expect a reward." She said curiously. "No, why would I? You were being attacked and it was an unfair fight. I just came in to help you because that is what the right thing to do is. Is that wrong?" "Not at all. I wish more people were like that honestly. Where you headed anyway?" "I am headed to the Capital. I wished to see the new King about some issues and try to find my brother. He was kidnapped last night so I believe." "I'd like to come with you. Us Cait Sith are known to repay our debts in one way or another. That is what my mother told me." He hesitated for a second. She was strong and maybe she knew her way around. It couldn't hurt. "I suppose you can come. Do you know a way to the Capital?" "Of course I do. Most people do. It surprises me that you don't actually. Follow me and I'll take you there myself." "I appreciate it. Maybe we should stop by the inn first though, it is getting late. We can head out tomorrow." "That sounds fine." The two headed over to the inn. Surprisingly enough, they were given the nights stay for free because of Ryuo's heroic work saving Katrina. He had no complaints. Gald (The currency of the world) Wasn't something he really had much of. They'd wait the night and then head to the Capital. CHAPTER 1: FINISH
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My darkened state has come across as unwilling Happy I may be but something feels like its missing Air is all around me, but no matter my effort, I cannot breathe My life has meaning now though, I no longer wish to leave There is a cold breeze that will extinguish my burning cause Fear of what it may be: a beast? A ghoul? something with claws? None of these though are the root to my deep stem A history of disappointment is where this story must begin The vision of light would blind, forcing me to adore the moon The sun and its rays would leave me to my doom I had to take precaution by dispersing this blinding light This made me different, which caused me and others to fight “A genius, a boy of talent, something real bright” my seniors said No matter the reason they gave, my motivation was dead Each year of learning started and ended the same First succession, the soon after, a spell would end my fame I grew up with my parents who loved each other, still do But the anger towards me has left a puddle of blue I try to impress and give them some hope for my future As time goes on, that goal goes farther and farther. There was also some past experiences with love A girl I had gotten in trouble from for knowing to much of Another interest had no glue, or tape, or even a stitch My first real love had come to cheat, she was a real ***** Not is all bad in this depressing tale of which I speak I have some happiness still and its anything but weak Where there is tears of sadness and extreme pain lies a rainbow of joys that make me never complain There are those that cherish me as if I were a brother A lucky coincidence was each of us together Whether it was through school or some social networks When I am with them in creates a chain of fireworks There are also little critters to whom will always be there They will always be with me because I know they care They are the colors that follow: Orange, calico, gold, and white When they are with me my heart will always feel right Then there is this new happiness that is in my life A new girl, a new love, someone I can see to be my wife Even though our journey together has just begun I know our passion for one another is eternal as the sun Now this is where I am in this small tale I call the present A gift has made itself clear, a gift so pure and innocent Although my past has been dark and unclear My future looks bright with you beside me here
It wasn't made so I went and did it myself. The movie came out in Japan a little while ago and now you can find the entire thing with English subtitles. The movie is about Naruto and Sakura going into an alternate universe by the masked man Tobi. The goal is too escape this world and return home safely. This new world however has the characters from the real, but with a 180 in personality and some physical features. Another thing, this movie is completely canon to the main series.
Sword Art Online: The Beginning Sword Art Online was the most anticipated VRMMORPG. That stands for Virtual Reality Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game for you new to the community. This game was developed by the master and creator of the NerveGear, Kayaba Akihiko. The game did well and 10,000 Players had logged on. It was then we discovered the option to Log Out was not accessible. We were trapped in the virtual world of Sword Art Online. Over time, people became accustomed to living in this world called Aincrad. Some lived lives according to the game, as others fought on to complete it and free the people. Many have lost their lives to the monsters that inhabit this world as well as the bosses of each floor. What was once 10,000 players has now dropped to 7,000. We pray that we can be freed here so we may return to our friends and families on the outside. The date is April 24th, 2024. A mystery of players dying inside towns was just solved by the Solo player Kirito and one of the top players Asuna. Many believed that in the game, a hack was acquired to allow such murder in areas like these but thanks to the crime solvers, this idea was put to rest, until it continued, but this time players did die. No one knows who has found this ability to kill inside safe zones, but a war will soon break out if something is not done quick. A rumor suggest that a band of people known as the Council of Blood have appeared and are causing these murders... Sword Art Online: The Council of Blood A meeting was held by the members of the Council. The leader known as Alpha had discovered a code. A code to allow the ones in his tight allegiance to kill outside of the fields of safety. No one is SAO was safe anymore once the plans had been executed. As of now... Everyone would be living their lives like normal.
Sword Art Online: The Beginning Sword Art Online was the most anticipated VRMMORPG. That stands for Virtual Reality Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game for you new to the community. This game was developed by the master and creator of the NerveGear, Kayaba Akihiko. The game did well and 10,000 Players had logged on. It was then we discovered the option to Log Out was not accessible. We were trapped in the virtual world of Sword Art Online. Over time, people became accustomed to living in this world called Aincrad. Some lived lives according to the game, as others fought on to complete it and free the people. Many have lost their lives to the monsters that inhabit this world as well as the bosses of each floor. What was once 10,000 players has now dropped to 7,000. We pray that we can be freed here so we may return to our friends and families on the outside. The date is April 24th, 2024. A mystery of players dying inside towns was just solved by the Solo player Kirito and one of the top players Asuna. Many believed that in the game, a hack was acquired to allow such murder in areas like these but thanks to the crime solvers, this idea was put to rest, until it continued, but this time players did die. No one knows who has found this ability to kill inside safe zones, but a war will soon break out if something is not done quick. A rumor suggest that a band of people known as the Council of Blood have appeared and are causing these murders... Rules and Regulations No power play or godmoding. This is meant to be fun. Players may die, but that can only be done if the two people have agreed upon it and have spoken to me on such things. There will be points where the story is a tad slow. Please, make some side quests if you wish to continue on with character development. Follow the forum rules. Obviously don't break them. You are limited to 3 Character only. You do not need to know the anime to participate. Just know that this is a game involving melee weapons. There is no magic. There are other crafts as well such as blacksmith, fishing, etc. Just please have fun. I f any issues show up, alert me or StardustXtreme on the matter. We will try to solve the problems asap. CS Form Username: In Game Name: Real World Name: (In case we enter ALO and on) Age: Appearance: Personality: Bio: Job: Level: (No higher then 70 at this time) Weapon: Special Skill: Guild: (Could be a made up one or an existing one) Other: Characters so far Myst Cloud<3 StardustXtreme Master of Keyblades jackdaniel0 heartless_angel tale_wind Twilight_Nobody Username: Myst IGN: Star RLN: Hikari Hoshi Age: 16 Appearance: here Personality: A smart girl. She uses her intelligence from being in the Beta to help her get further in the game. She dislikes staying in a party for longer than need to be. There is a sweet side to her where her girlishness just blossoms when she becomes close enough to a cute boy. Bio: She grew up in Tokyo with her mother. Her family was rich and were in the main manufacturers of the currently used computers. Nothing other than her father betraying her has left damage. Her father leaving the family forced her to hate staying with with someone who she didn't trust at all. She is also a very well known pop idol in Japan. She used SAO to escape that world and enter a new one. Job: Blacksmith: She tends to smith lots of daggers with her. She uses these as projectile weapons. Level: 64 Weapon: A steel sword crafted from some of the beasts in the first floor. She mainly uses the daggers she crafts. Special Skill: Sword Archer: Eventually she will gain the ability to increase her swords hilts length turning it into a bow almost. A strange flexible metal sits on it allowing the user to shoot a shard projectile. In her case her daggers. Guild: Apposes guilds Other: She is married to the character known as Masaru Username: Myst IGN: Inferna RLN: Mana Blaze Age: 19 Appearance: here Personality: Inferna is a girl with a high temper. She does not play well with others. PoH had once tried to recruit this girl, however she refused him. Her motives are of her bloodthrist. One of the strongest players to date. Most do not know her because they are killed before they have a chance to tell the story of the girl dressed in fire. Bio: She grew up in Okinawa. Normal life, normal family. She caught eye to this game named SAO where she found a way to change her normal life within the world of virtual reality. She received the game and once plugged in, enjoyed the difference. Eventually she killed a player to escape the normal life of the game itself. This attracted the attention of the Laughing Coffin guild. PoH was even seen to have affection for the girl. The rejection she gave has forced her to always be on the watch. She has become an assassin and spends her time killing those for the shear pleasure of it. Level: 69 Job: Beast Tamer Weapon: Spear Special Skill: Chain Dance: Her spear breaks into several pieces, all linked by chains. The combo system makes in very deadly. Guild: Council of Blood Other: Her Beast is that of a fox like being. It is a fire type beast with both the ability to burn an opponent and give a defense bonus to an ally. Username: Myst IGN: Alpha RLN: Unkown Age: 20 Appearance: here Personality: A man who seeks vengeance. He hates the world and everything in it. A very intelligent and strong man. Bio: He like many others was in the Beta for SAO. He enjoyed himself and continued to play. He has been living within the world playing the game to its full extent. He has recently formed a guild known as the Council of Blood Level: 70 Job: PKer Weapon: Sword Special Skill: Spartan: His sword extends by 6 meters when activated. Guild: Council of Blood Other: He is the leader and Master of the guild Council of blood. Username: Cloud<3 In Game Name: Kali Real World Name: (In case we enter ALO and on) Kaliah Takamoto Age:17 Appearance: Personality: She acts overly confident in order to hide her insecurities. Although at times she seems overly sure of herself she is really not. She questions herself every step of the way. She acts cold towards others as to not let them in to see her insecurities. Generally she is fairly quiet and keeps to herself. And she is never one to make the first move. She tends to act reckless or dangerously if that is what it takes to get the job done. She always keeps her hood up to hide her face. Bio: She was so use to being let down in the real world that she needed to find an escape. It seems that everything she did seemed to let down just another person. Kali hoped that in SAO she could finally do things right and not have anyone disappointed in her but is unsure if it is possible. Job: doesn't really have one Level: (No higher then 70 at this time): 53 Weapon: sword Special Skill: Close up powerful attack that speeds the rate and heightens the strength of her attack. Allows her to make many devastating jabs with her sword in a matter of seconds. Guild: Has yet to join one because she refuses the request permission to join one and no one has invited her yet. Other: She has also leveled her cooking ability up to nearly max, does that on the side. Username:Cloud<3 In Game Name: Louvel Real World Name: Takama Mosoki Age: 19 Appearance: Guys/ekf4ua.jpg Personality: Quiet calm and collected. He is strong but doesn't let it go to his head. He spends a lot of his time planning his next move and never just wings it. He would do whatever it took to find a way to beat the game. Bio: After losing both his parents at age 15, the responsibility of taking care of his sister fell to him. He became a beta tester for the game in order to help take the stress out of his life. Now trapped in this game he feels the need to get out in order to take care of his sister again even though at this point she would be 16 and capable of taking care of herself. Job: blacksmith Level: (No higher then 70 at this time) 65 Weapon: sword Special Skill: Sword can grow in length allowing him to make powerful but slightly less accurate slashes at his enemy keeping a farther distance Guild: Council of blood Other: He is highly intelligent and spend all his time and money on reading up on strategies to help them win the game. Username: StardustXtreme In Game Name: Masaru Real World Name: (In case we enter ALO and on) Masaru Tokura Age: 15 Appearance: Personality: A friendly individual who looks out for others and quite relaxed for his age, but internally, all he seeks is to become stronger to protect those he cares or meets, despite their differences. Bio: A young man who was born into a reasonably wealthy family to live out in the countrysidewith a mother, and a younger sister by 2 years, he wanted to become strong to protect his sibling but he doesn’t become so overprotective but rather gives space to her when it calls for it, he does love games, especially RPG’s and saw SAO as a way to experience it completely, but little did he know, he’ll be fighting for his life to return to the world he once knew. Job: Student Level: (No higher then 70 at this time) 70 Weapon: One-Handed Swords Special Skill: Phantom Blades - Only enabled during battle by selecting the skill and last during the fight, it creates a replica of his sword but the strength between them is halved but allows for strikes while Dual Wielding. Guild: (Could be a made up one or an existing one) N/A, preferably an Front-Liner Other: He is in fact recently married to Star, who is in fact Hikari Hoshi, a well-known idol in Japan, he doesn’t actually know her IRL, so SAO is the first time they met. Username: Master of Keyblades In Game Name: Fang Real World Name: Koiji Wataname Age: 17 Appearance: Anime/Yuuichi.jpg[/URL] Personality: Usually a laid back kind of guy, he's opened to most suggestions and willing to take risk. Sometimes this leads him to 'leap without thinking' be he tends not to second guess himself. Bio: Koiji live a pretty average life. He got descent grades, and a good amount of friends and had some sport abilities. Aside from this, video games were a huge part of his life. There were multiple ones that he's played but a few that he beaten. So he saw SAO as just another chance to play a game. Though he didn't realize what he was getting himself into. Job: Blacksmith Level: 60 Weapon: Short Sword Special Skill: Infinity Storm - By tossing his sword in the air, he can at most 5 appear and rain down on his target. Number of blades depends on health. Has a 50 sec cool down after use. Guild: None at the moment Other: Username: jackdaniel0 In Game Name: Poke Real World Name: Aidan Zen Age: 14 Appearance: Whoosh. And from waist down, he wears dark blue jeans and white-black sneakers. Personality: A fun lover, Poke likes to poke fun at others, but he especially enjoys making people happy. He knows when to get serious, though. He'll help his friends whenever they need it, whether they want his help or not. Bio: Just a normal guy that loved the internet. His family were rather wealthy, and they were proud of Aidan, so they decided to buy him the game as a birthday gift. Unfortunately, he got stuck in the game, which would lead to sobbing, grief, then 'dealing-with-it'. Job: Uhh...What jobs are there? Level: 61 Weapon: Detachable double-ended sword(Just like double ended lightsabers). If detached, can only wield one sword unless if using special skill. Special Skill: Dragoon Blades - Can only activate(at will)when he's holding his swords in double-ended mode. Temporary invincibility and stat boost for 10 seconds. Enables him to wield two swords at once while skill is in effect. Guild: N/A Other: Username: heartless_angel In Game name: Mya Real Name: Mira Tayes Age: 17 Appearance: :DDDDDD Personality: In real life, she's socially rejected due to her love for MMORPGs and not being a "normal" girl. This led her to be socially awkward, having a fear of people in general, and wanting to be alone except being with her sister. That and her love for MMOs. After being trapped in SAO, she somewhat felt confident for an unknown reason. She was no longer the social awkward girl, but a more confident, yet timid girl. Bio: As a young child, her parents were divorced, living only with her mother and her younger sister. Her sister was found out to have a serious disease that blinded her. For this cause, Mya always took care of her sister when not playing an MMO. At her school gaming club, she heard about SAO and decided to guy it herself the day it came out, hoping she can experience life within a game. This led her to being trapped along with thousands of other players. WIlling to reunite back with her family, she set out and worked her hardest to get out, but at the same time, her other self wanting to accept the life she was forced in and live in it. Job: Tailor Level: 55 Guild: None Weapon: A single sword (liek in that pic) Special Skill: Piercing Strike (Sword skill that increases the damage of the wielder by 200% and ignore 50% of armor for one strike. Has a 2 minute cooldown. Higher ranks makes Piercing Strike activated twice in a single session for 300% increased damage with 70% ignored armor for each strike. Cooldown is still the same) Other: A lot of people seem to believe she has connections to the famous PKer, Masamune, even after his mysterious disappearance. No one knows for sure. Username: heartless_angel Known Name: Yoku Age: 19 Appearance: Dis Personality: Somewhat of a irrational and a bragging prick. Loves being the center of attention, though there's no real reason why he tries so hard being the center of attention. Actually hates playing video games, but joined SAO for one particular reason... Bio: Raised by a wealthy family, he had everything handed to him, but he knew that wasn't life although he did like having the feeling of being rich. He knew life wasn't all about getting things handed to you on a silver plate. He knew what he would have to go through in order to become successful in life. At school, he craved attention and love from his peers, especially from girls. He almost had them all except one specific girl. Mya. Seeing her uninterested in him and always staying away from the public irritated him a lot. He then found out that she always played this MMO called Sword Art Online. He thought if he wanted to get her attention, he would play it too. On the day of the in-game trappings, he played the game and was stuck in it, cursing the day he even thought of buying and playing the game and especially cursing Mya as the main reason why he was here the first place. He now blames Mya for the problems he now has and vows to kill her before returning back. Job: None Level: 61 Guild: None Weapon: Dis thingy Special Skill: Bloody Pain. His next attack leaves a mortal wound, causing the target to bleed and take damage slowly up to 10% of their maximum health (maximum, not current) depending on his level. However, this skill cannot kill the target if the target's health is below 10% of their maximum health. Bleeding damage lasts about 2 minutes. has a 10 minute cooldown. Other: N/A Username: tale_wind In Game Name: Anthea Real World Name: Ari Crawford Age: 19 Appearance: x Personality: Ari’s a rather mellow young woman, content with life, and usually listens more than she talks (she is more willing to talk more freely if you know her more)...unless you get her started on gaming or music, in which case she’ll talk your ear off. She's an avid RPGer and a musical prodigy. (She modestly plays down the latter, trying to make herself sound like she's not as good as she really is, but actually loves the praise.) You'll often catch her humming to herself. Whenever her friends argued, she often acted as a peacemaker, carefully hearing out both sides of a story before offering some advice. She is a perfectionist, though, and becomes rather upset, even if not visibly, when things don't go quite as she planned. Bio: Ari comes from an average middle-class family. She has an older brother, whom she greatly admires, and a younger brother whom she isn't as close to. Because of her musical genius, she was offered scholarships to many prestigious colleges and universities, but shocked many when she chose to go to her small town college instead, in order to stay closer to her friends (the sizes of the other schools scared her, too, but she'll never admit it). She's rather pleased with the small college's music program, anyhow. When she heard about the upcoming VRMMO <<Sword Art Online>>, she took notice, especially when she heard about all the composers who would be collaborating on the BGM. She and two other friends set out the night before release, camped outside a store, and each managed to somehow nab a copy of the game and a NerveGear. On the game's first day, however, one of the friends was killed when their roommate tried to remove their NerveGear. After seeing the friend's name on the Monument of Life, Ari knew that she had to join a guild and survive. Soon after, she ran into Yulier, wife of the gaming reporter Thinker, who invited her to join their guild, the Aincrad Liberation Force. Job: Scout, in both senses of the word. She'll lead groups to scout and map new areas of the game, and she'll travel from floor to floor, working to recruit players for The Army. Level: 63 Weapon: Rapier Special Skill: Dissonance - She draws out her viol and starts playing a frantic, dissonant melody. This causes confusion in her opponent and creates two phantom doubles of herself. The phantom doubles proceed to wield their viol bows as swords and attack the foe relentlessly for massive damage until Ari stops playing, at which point they disappear. Guild: Aincrad Liberation Force (The Army) - Thinker's faction Other: When she has time off from The Army, she'll spend her time honing her in-game musical skills, even though she's already mistaken for a music-playing NPC plenty. Username: Twilight_Nobody13 In Game Name: Masamune Real World Name: Ryu Shokiin Age: 23 Appearance: Personality: Cool and detatched, Masamune views the real world and the virtual world as nothing more than a test of skill. With a dark, almost sadistic craving for a good fight, Masamune relishes moments when he's struck as he claims he allowed them to hit him just to see the look on their face. Bio: Ryu purchased SAO to escape from the reality that haunted him. He found being trapped within a game wasn't so bad and found it even better when he could murder and not be convicted for it. Job: PK Level: (No higher then 70 at this time) 70 Weapon: one-handed pure black katana Special Skill: Black Wolf Bane: A series of 34 slashes that leave the after-image of a black wolf's head. When struck by even one of the slashes the rest become unavoidable. Cooldown rate of 10 minutes with the negative effect of slow inflicted upon the user. Guild: (Could be a made up one or an existing one) Laughing Coffin Other: The ability Black Wolf Bane is equipped to the sword Masamune wields. Username: Twilight_Nobody13 In Game Name: Minato Real World Name: Minato Himejima Age: 22 Appearance: Personality: Warm, quick tempered, easily becomes emotional, very intelligent Bio: Minato is a program coder with a teenage parent's life. Impulsively married to his high school sweet heart, he was graced with a son not long into senior year. Interested in virtual reality's binary code, Minato claimed his copy of SAO soon after it's release and unfortunately was trapped inside. Minato has devoted his time to finding a way out. Job: Information Broker/Hacker (though not very often) Level: (No higher then 70 at this time) 69 Weapon: daggers like in the picture Special Skill: Senbonzakura Senko (Cherry Blossom Senbon Flash): Using bursts of speed and agility to rain down thousands of senbon-like daggers throughout a wide range. The wider the range, the less accurate. 50% accuracy: 30 meters Guild: N/A
So I have just discovered the new little update. The Posts and Viewed side thing has changed. You can now click on it and it shows you how many posts you have in that thread. If you click on your number or any of the others, you can see all there posts for that thread. I think that is nifty when it comes to locating specific posts.
Prologue In the beginning, there were the gods of Nirvana. They bestowed to the universe a home to their liking. They sought a place to use for the experiments they could not do among each other. In the emptiness of space, the planet formed and they named it Crania. The gods were selfish, however. Each wanted the planet for themselves. Over the time of argument, the planet grew with life. It was then decided that each god would be given a portion of the world. One was granted the experimentation of the sea world. Another the world of the flying. The beasts, human's, and plant life as well were given to individual gods. Over the Eons, the gods experimented, dissected, and evolved the creations life had brought. The one who changed the way gods thought however was the god of the humans. He was referred to as Alpha. He diverged humanity into two groups and let them experiment among each other. The two he created were that of the normal human, and the beings who became known as the lusters. The lusters were a species of all males. The only way for them to reproduce is to lay their seed in a human woman. They are strong beings who have a unique ability; lusters can manipulate their body in a specific way. It is unknown to all except the user. They do not look like humans either. They do have distinct differences. Their pupils are blood red, their veins are much closer to the skin giving a blue tint to many parts of their body except their face, and the one thing that distinct them most of all, is that they survive on blood instead of water. In past times, people believed them to be vampires but they lacked many qualities to disprove that. The current date is October 2nd, 1184. The human society lives in fear from the Luster's thirst for blood. The current king known as Mucan is himself a Luster and has stated that Luster's will have priority over humans. If one is in need of blood and no beast is around to slaughter for such, they are permitted to attack and feast. Any human that resists is killed by his royal knights. Humans pray to Alpha to send for a hero to save them and bring peace back to the planet of Crania. Alpha has heard the human plea. The other gods watch as it bestows a person to the land. They wouldn't be given peace for fifteen years until the person was old enough to set their course. Once that happened. Alpha would no longer assist the child. They would have to make the journey themselves. Humanity would need to bare the fifteen years. On October 2nd, 1199, Humanity will be given a chance. That date is now. The hero has come... They just don't know it yet. Chapter 1 will be tomorrow at 8 p.m. Western Time.
Happy Birthday Sabby (again). We all love you :) Well, the people down below that posted do anyway.
Can I say I am actually looking forward to this.
Hey my fellow Khvidians. So, as the title states, I wish to make a SAO fandub and request voice actors/ actresses. This of course will be an English translated fandub. As the project may or may not be successful, I am only going to ask for auditions of the first have on the season. Mainly SAO and not ALO. These characters are as follows: Kirito Klein Asuna Sachi Silica Lizbeth Heathcliff Yui Agil and many more. I may participate as a character or two if I can manage a somewhat adequate voice that appears to fit that character. So please let me know if anyone has an interest. If so, we can work out auditions. Spoiler: Klein or Kirito audition lines Klein [Being knocked down]: Gah! Klein [in pain]: Right in the crotch… Give me a break. Kirito [Sarcastic]: You don’t feel any pain, right? Klein: Oh, yeah. Just habit I guess. Kirito: I told you. What’s important is your initial motion input. Klein: Sure, I get that… But he keeps moving around. Kirito: If you do the motion input right… and activate a sword skill, -throws rock- the system will ensure that the technique connects. Klein [Muttering]: Motion input... Motion input Kirito: How should I put it? -Blocks bore’s attack- Add a slight pause and when you feel the skill begin to activate, let it explode. Klein: Explode? -prepares for attack- -Kirito grunts and kicks the boar- -Klein charges the boar while yelling.- Kline [Overly Excited]: huh? All Right! -Kirito and Klein high five Klein slightly chuckles after- Kirito: Congrats. However, that boar’s as weak as slimes in other games. Klein [surprised]: Seriously... I thought it was a mid-level boss or something -Kirito slight chuckle- Kirito: Of course not. Klien: Ohhhh Kirito: Pretty exciting isn’t it. Klein: Yeah! -thrusts sword- There are lots of skills, right? Like blacksmithing and stuff? Kirito: Yeah. I’ve heard there are an unlimited number of skills. However there is no magic. Klein: An RPG without magic? That’s a pretty bold decision. -swings sword again- Klein [Emphasis]: Cooool Kirito: Isn’t it more fun to move your body as you fight? Klein: You’re right! Kirito: Okay, let’s head to the next one. Klein: Yeah, Let’s keep going! Spoiler: Diabel, Kbaou and Egil Diabel: [yelling to crowd] Okay, let’s get started, please! Diabel: Thank you for coming today. My name is Diabel. I’d like to consider my “job” as knight. -Laughter- Anon 1: There’s no job system in this game! Anon 2: A knight... then is this meeting a joke too? Diabel: You should take this seriously. Diabel [serious]: Today, our party found the boss room at the top of the tower. Anon 1: Seriously? Diabel: We need to defeat the boss, reach the second floor, and tell everyone in the Town of Beginnings that it is possible to beat this game. Everyone present here shares this duty! Do you all agree? -crowd begins to cheer- Diabel: All right. Then let us begin our planning, First divide into parties of six. An ordinary party has no chance against a floor boss. We’ll need to form a raid group using multiple parties. -Kirito and Asuna pair together- Diabel: Okay, have you formed your parties? Then-- Kibaou [Yelling]: Just a second! Kibaou: My name is Kibaou. I wanna say something before we take on the boss. Some of you here need to apologize to the two-thousand who have died so far! -crowd mutters- Diabel: Kibaou. Are you referring to the Beta Testers? Kibaou: Of course I am! On the day this stupid game started, the beta guys ditches us beginners, and they all disappeared. They took all the good hunting spots. So, only they could get stronger. And then they just ignored the rest of us. I’m sure someone here was in the beta. They should get on their knees and apologize and give up all the items and money they’ve hoarded. Otherwise, we can’t trust them to protect us as party members, and they should trust us. Egil: May I speak? My name is Egil. Kibaou, tell me if I have this right. You’re saying because the beta testers didn’t take care of them, many beginners died. That they should take the responsibility, apologize, and provide compensation. Correct? Kibaou: Y-yeah. Egil: You got this guide book, didn’t you? It was provided for free at the item store. Kibaou: Sure, I did... Why? Egil: It was compiled from information given by the beta testers. Anon 1: Seriously? -Kibaou grunts- Egil: Listen. Everyone had equal access to this information. And even still, many players died. I thought the topic of discussion here was what we learned from their deaths, and how that can help us defeat the boss. = sourxe Eiji Aonuma has confirmed that both The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages are coming to the 3DS via the Virtual Console. They’ll arrive in Japan next week, but won’t hit North America for “a little while longer”.
Luigi wishes to do a little Harlem Shake for you people.
V-Jump magazine in Japan has revealed that Digimon World Re: Digitize Decode is coming to the 3DS. It’s an updated version of the Digimon World Re: Digitize game for the PSP, but includes new Digimon and two new story chapters. The game will be available during 2013. Not sure if it will have an international release however via:
This was leaked in the Japanese magazine CoroCoro alongside the new Eeveelution for X and Y. This is a sequel to Pokemon Scramble. It will feature 649 pokemon, 4 player multiplayer, 100 pokemon displayed at the same time, as well as being a downloadable game instead of hard disk. It is due in Japan this spring which means a Q3-Q4 release for the Americas and Europe.
Using a school computer. None of my friends are here. My ride isn't coming for another hour and a half. Help me KHvids, you are my only hope. ; ;
I ended up as a Ghost/ Ice type. I am a Froslass apparently. For episodes. This is an anime that has just started. Its 4 episodes in. Each episode is only about 5 minutes each but they are well worth it. The target audience of this one is for people 18+. This does not mean its R, but the humor is meant to please that group. Yes, humor, it is a comedy. But it is an amazing comedy. Give it a try.