Search Results

  1. Mysty
    Yeah so I went to comic con and I'm weird so I like to show what I bought. I'm uploading my deadpool cosplay pictures at the moment so give me a few to do that. I'll probably put that in the PYP thread anyway. So here is the stuffs.


    Thread by: Mysty, Jul 25, 2014, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Mysty
    So I just found one of the best things ever. I'd probably post the article in here but its really long so I'll just provide the link.

    Thread by: Mysty, May 22, 2014, 70 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Mysty
    Disney has some great villains... and some are really really dark. I guess I cant really say this is your favorite villain more as favorite antagonist because really, is Gaston that bad of a guy? Is he really a villain? SO what is your favorite Disney ANTAGONIST?

    Mine personally is Hades. I actually really love Hades. He's sarcastic beyond all "hell." Do you know how much he has to put up with in Hercules? I feel more bad for him then I do any other character. And James Woods makes for a really really good bad guy.
    Thread by: Mysty, May 14, 2014, 4 replies, in forum: Disney Galaxy
  4. Mysty
    So Naruto is about over. The manga has only a few more chapters to go and as such its come to the point where we almost know everything about the characters to share who we love, who we hate, and all that jazz. As such, what is your favorite character?

    Mine is probably Madara Uchiha. After reading the manga and coming to understand his past and his desires, I really love his character. Sure he is a bad guy and everything, but he is a damn good bad guy. His abilities are pretty badass too and the more I read I am just concerned to how the hell he can be beaten? Anyway, Madara OP favorite character. Done.
    Thread by: Mysty, May 14, 2014, 8 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  5. Mysty
    Someone apparently leaked the list on what games are going to be shown at this years E3. I'm skeptical myself since I thought Nintendo said they weren't going to be doing E3 anymore yet they are on this list. Either way, its fun to predict if they are true or not.

    Microsoft Conference:

    • Beyond Good & Evil 2 gameplay for Xbox One
    • DirectX 12 trailer for Xbox One
    • Fable Legends gameplay for Xbox One
    • Forza Horizon 2 gameplay for Xbox One
    • Gears of War 4 gameplay for Xbox One
    • Halo 5 tech demo for Xbox One
    • Kinect TV & Shows trailer for Xbox One
    • Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare gameplay for Xbox One
    • Quantum Break gameplay for Xbox One
    • Star Wars: Battlefront III gameplay for Xbox One
    • Titanfall DLC gameplay for Xbox One
    Microsoft Show Floor:

    • Dragon Age: Inquisition (Xbox One)
    • EA Sports UFC (Xbox One)
    • Fable Legends (Xbox One)
    • FIFA 15 (Xbox 360/One)
    • Forza Horizon 2 (Xbox One)
    • Killer Instinct (Xbox One)
    • Madden NFL 15 (Xbox One)
    • Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor (Xbox One)
    • NHL 15 (Xbox 360/One)
    • Project Spark (Xbox One)
    • Sunset Overdrive (Xbox One)
    • Quantum Break (Xbox One)
    Sony Conference:

    • Destiny gameplay for PS4
    • DriveClub trailer for PS4
    • God of War 4 CGI for PS4
    • Indie Games trailer for PS3/PS4/Vita
    • inFamous: Second Son DLC gameplay for PS4
    • The Order: 1886 gameplay for PS4
    • Uncharted 4: The Sunken Blade tech demo for PS4
    • Watch_Dogs gameplay for PS4
    Sony Show Floor:

    • Alien: Isolation (PS3/PS4)
    • Batman: Arkham Knight (PS4)
    • Destiny (PS4)
    • Disgaea 4 (Vita)
    • DriveClub (PS4)
    • EverQuest Next (PS4)
    • Hatsune Miku - Project DIVA - F 2nd (Vita)
    • Lords of the Fallen (PS4)
    • Natural Doctrine (Vita)
    • Planetside 2 (PS4)
    • The Order: 1886 (PS4)
    • Ultra Street Fighter IV (PS3)
    • Watch_Dogs (PS4)
    Nintendo Show Floor:

    • Bayonetta 2 (Wii U)
    • Castlevania: Symphony of the Night 2 (3DS)
    • Hyrule Warriors (Wii U)
    • Mario Kart 8 (Wii U)
    • Monster Hunter 4: Ultimate (3DS)
    • Pokken FIghters (Wii U)
    • Sonic Boom (3DS/Wii U)
    • Super Smash Bros. U (Wii U)
    • Super Smash Bros. 3D (3DS)
    • Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call (3DS)
    • The Legend of Zelda: Shard of Nightmare (Wii U)
    • Xenogears: Origins (Wii U)

    - Source
    Thread by: Mysty, May 12, 2014, 17 replies, in forum: Gaming
  6. Mysty


    The year is 1500 A.D. The evolved form of humans known as lustors has come into power and is now the dominant species. Currently the King known as Mordecai has begun making preparations on the H.E.P. (Human Enslavement Plan). Although lustors believe humans to be now a species longing for death, there is a simple reason why they wish not to kill them off just yet. Human blood is by far the most tasteful of organisms. Modecai now wishes to enslave the human race to harvest their blood plasma.

    Preparations are under way. While this all is going on however, the humans within the city have begun to fear leaving the district they call home. One wrong step and it could be their last. There is hope however. A group known as Humanities Life has come to begin a counterattack. An inversion said to be fueled by iron but strike like lightning. Silence and deadlock is the only thing going on right now... or so was thought...

    Within his lonely prison cell Kai began to wonder if there was really any hope left in the world. His eyes drifted towards the bars that had kept him imprisoned. Two guards stood outside of his cell, waiting for orders to bring him to his execution. First his mother and father, and now him. All they did was say the methods the king was using were wrong. They only wanted peace. Was that so wrong. Another guard came over to his cell. They were short and had a Greatsword on their back.

    "His Majesty says its time. Open his cell." The voice came out of a woman. The two guards looked at each other and opened the cell.

    "Okay, brat, its time for you to g-" He stopped talking being that he had now been stabbed his the chest by the person behind him. The greatsword left his body leaving the other guard confused, raising his weapon to counter, however the girl dodged quickly and launched another blow onto him.

    The woman removed her helm and looked toward the boy. "Okay kid. We need to get out of here. I'm sure more guards will be on their way now." She stated in a much lighter tone. This was her original voice.

    "Ugh... right!" They both ran out of the cell and through the hall, the guards running at them. Kai looked back and saw them. He turned around and pointed both of his index fingers, which was followed by a loud gunshot sound. The bullets from his finger tips pierced through their armor and into their chests.

    The girl looked back and saw the events. "So you're a lustor huh? What is that ******* doing killing off his own kind now? I swear he is insane. Dammit Mordecai!" She yelled out as the two continued to run through the castle. Eventually they would reach the exit. The guards there tried to attack them as well however the girl managed to stab them with her sword. Minutes later they came to a market area within the Lustor District.

    The boy caught his breath and looked up at the girl. "Thanks for saving me ma'am."
    "Of course! I was mainly in there for gathering intelligence, but I saw you trapped in there which I thought was odd. I can never let a child suffer in prison. I'm Emi by the way." She smiled.
    "I'm Kai... It's nice to meet you, Emi."
    "Well, now that that's out of the way, I think its time we get you back home."
    "I don't have a home anymore." His head moved to the ground as some tears began to leak out.
    "O-Oh... I'm sorry. I didn't know... Well, how about you come back with me to the human district. I'm currently living there and helping protect my friends over there. I'm sure H.H. will gladly take you in."
    Thread by: Mysty, May 11, 2014, 146 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Mysty

    Bloodlust OOC = Main RP

    As long as humans lived, they always believed themselves to be the dominant species over all life. They had the perfect balance of traits to function as a group and over take the world. However, one day, people new evolution would take a course that would leave them behind. A species that took the human weakness and made in strength.

    The time finally arrived where humans became the weaker force. This new species known as lustors were far greater than their human ancestors. The shift in power created an imbalance between the two. Humans still wanted control, but they simply had no means to hold back lustors other than with conventional weapons.

    What exactly made lustors so much further advanced than humans? Well, they were granted unique abilities within their bodies. Some had the ability to boil their blood and set fire to things.. Others could use the power of their mind to lift objects off the ground. The only physical difference between the two races was the color of their eyes. Humans were commonly known to have blue, green, brown, and hazel eyes while lustors had pink, red, yellow, or orange.

    The year is 1500, the new century has just come into play and humans have begun a secret project that lustors have no idea about. With a lustor as king, things for humans have become even more bleak. The king, known as Mordecai, has made it legal to kill humans for any reason. He believes it best that the race go extinct.

    Of course, not all lustors see eye to eye with this ideal. Some have begun to work with the human rebellion to create a equal future for both human and lustor. The king has his men that do believe in his ideals, however, making things much more difficult. The country is now at constant war for the freedom of mankind.


    The continent and country that this story takes place in is that of Crania. The time is as said, the year 1500. The city in which this will take place is the capital known as Organna. The city can be seen in the displayed map. (Still working on the map but here is the basic thing...)



    The standard rules for KHV apply.

    1. No godmodding.
    2. No harassment
    3. No killing unless approved by the other person.
    4. Keep it PG13.
    5. The number rule is the number of characters.
    6. In order for the level to count, your post must be relevant and over 100 words!

    -Character Sheet-


    Character Name:
    Weapon: (optional, you may want one though, no fire arms... it is the early 1500s after all)
    Starting Location:
    Theme: (for fun, optional of course)


    Character Name:
    Primary Power*: (look below)
    Inherited Power*: (look below)
    Weapon: (optional)
    Starting Location:

    Now let me talk about the powers. There is NO MAGIC to begin with. Lustors are humans with strange powers made from their body. For example, you can boil your blood and carry around wood to make fireballs. Mind powers are iffy things and need to be discussed between I and Wigglz for obvious reasons.

    Primary Powers are your unique power that your character was born with. Your character doesn't have to be the only one with this power either, however, there will be something that prevents identical characters.

    Inherited Abilities are the powers obtained through a parent and cannot be used to its full extent. This means there are added limitations. Say my character has the inherited ability to make their adrenaline rush voluntary, then there would be a set amount of time they could do this before having to recharge.

    I’ll give an example with my own character…

    Username: Myst
    Character Name: Emi
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: Emi
    Bio: A young girl girl born and raised by the noble lustors. As a child, she was always friendly with humans and lustors alike. Her parents continued to say that she shouldn't play with them and tried to lock her away. When she became of age, she left her home and began to live in the human district, helping them out.
    Primary Power*: Medicinal Blood - Blood heals most wounds dealt to an individual.
    Inherited Power*: Adrenaline Control - Can make her adrenaline voluntary
    -limit: 5 minutes until she has to recharge for 25 minutes.
    Weapon: Great Ballista Sword (you know the bow sword in FFXIII-2? Yeah, that but a great sword and ballista)
    Starting Location: Human Quarter
    Other: She cannot cry unless something drastic occurs.
    Theme: Emi's Theme

    -Leveling System-

    Okay, so I want to try out a system I came up with for this. Leveling will allow your character to gain an ability from their powers. This is not limited to lustors mind you. The system works as such.

    level 1 = 1 post

    level 2 = 2 posts

    level 3 = 3 posts

    So on and so forth. Now every 5 levels, your character can give themselves one ability for either their primary or inherited power. Say my character can rip out their spine and use it as a sword, well, now said spine is made of a material harder than bone IE steel. These will have to be approved too. The cycle repeats once a character reaches that 5 levels, starting back at 1 post, 2, posts, etc.

    For humans that level up, it can go like this: enhanced strength, enhanced speed, etc, to the point of almost becoming super human.

    There are two important characters that should be known now. One is the King and the other is someone who will become more active as we go on...


    He is ruler of the country and considered to be one of the most powerful lustor's of all time. It is currently unknown what his abilities are but they are said to be out of the norm. He keeps a close eye on the city he lives in and has a large distaste for human life.


    The current leader of the human rebellion. He has been wanted for many years from the king and other lustors. He is currently in development of a new weapon that is said to aid humanity in the upcoming war. His ideals are that of peace among both races. He is a bit cold but honest.

    • Emi
      Level: 3
      Post Exp: 3/4

      Level: 3
      Post Exp: 3/4

      Level: 3
      Post Exp: 1/4

    • Sven
      Level: 6
      Post Exp: 1/2

      1. Bones now cost a smallish amount of blood to generate, cost is the same for retraction/detachment.

      Level: 5
      Post Exp: 0/1

      1. Physical strength increased.

      Level: 4
      Post Exp: 2/5

    • Sasha
      Level: 3
      Post Exp 3/4

      Level: 3
      Post Exp: 2/4

    • Orpheus
      Level: 6
      Post Exp: 1/2

      1. Can withdraw the blood from undead, thus rendering it unusable but quickly healing him it process.

      Level: 5
      Post Exp: 0/1

      1. With the organ to develop heat now being connected to his windpipe, he can potentially breathe fire.

      The Warden
      Level: 4
      Post Exp: 4/5

      Level: 2
      Post Exp: 2/3

    • Cierra
      Level: 6
      Post Exp: 1/2

      1. Transfer some blood directly into the chains heating them almost instantly and they can reach the same temperature as her blood, boiling point. (100C) Not hot enough to melt anything but would leave severe burns.

      Level: 4
      Post Exp: 4/5

    • Kasen
      Level: 3
      Post Exp: 0/4

      Level: 1
      Post Exp: 1/2

    • Vera
      Level: 1
      Post Exp: 1/2

      Level: 0
      Post Exp: 0/1

    • Charloette
      Level: 3
      Post Exp: 0/4

      Level: 1
      Post Exp 0/2

    • Poke
      Level: 1
      Post Exp: 1/2

    Thread by: Mysty, May 6, 2014, 51 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Mysty
    About a week ago, the creator of the Tales series had announced that they would be translating and localizing Tales of Hearts R for the PS Vita for both NA and Europe. Now, ToH is a game I've been waiting for for a long time now. I thought it was never going to be released here.

    Tales of Hearts follows the boy named Shing who runs into a girl named Kohak Hearts and her brother. Kohak's heart has been separated across the world and Shing being the protagonist of the game obviously goes out of his way to resemble it.

    Thread by: Mysty, Apr 29, 2014, 6 replies, in forum: Gaming
  9. Mysty
    So I guess since others are making wacky things with their characters and others. I guess I can join the fun. I'll make a skit gif of your character if you ask me to.




    [​IMG] Eon [​IMG] Karina [​IMG] Etrius [​IMG] Kaida

    [​IMG] Cat [​IMG] D'daear [​IMG] Kross [​IMG] Kel

    [​IMG] Luna [​IMG] Beuce [​IMG] Ananta [​IMG] Statos

    [​IMG] Glen [​IMG] Steel [​IMG] Base
    Thread by: Mysty, Apr 13, 2014, 27 replies, in forum: Social Groups
  10. Mysty

    Remember a while back people had heard rumors of Soul Eater getting a bit more animation love. A lot of people thought they'd make an anime that was actually based off the manga, like FMA: brotherhood did. That is not the case however.

    Soul Eater Not follows 3 Freshman Meisters through the NOT program. This is a spin off series that takes place prior to the events of Soul Eater. The anime starts April 9th. (tomorrow from when this post was made... US time it starts on the 8th)
    Thread by: Mysty, Apr 7, 2014, 9 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  11. Mysty
    So I've been reading the novels and have come to really love the franchise that is slowly building to a greater audience. The idea of taking the novel and putting it alongside music was great, and now that I get an anime adaptation to the two combined makes me ecstatic. The anime premiers at midnight on April 13th. It states the 12th, but technically it is the 13th.

    This is just a Promo that recently came out showing some of the animation. There are a few character trailers but I cant exceed 5 media so I have to just go with this. Anyone else got the hype?
    Thread by: Mysty, Apr 7, 2014, 1 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  12. Mysty
    As it is now, the Marvel Universe that is currently together in one unified area are as follows:

    Phase One

    The Incredible Hulk - June 13, 2008
    Iron Man - May 2, 2008
    Iron Man 2 - May 7, 2010
    Thor - May 6, 2011
    Captain America: The First Avenger - July 22, 2011
    Marvel's The Avengers - May 4, 2012

    Phase Two

    Iron Man 3 - May 3, 2013
    Thor: The Dark World - November 8, 2013
    Captain America: The Winter Soldier - April 4, 2014
    Guardians of the Galaxy - August 1, 2014
    Avengers: Age of Ultron - May 1, 2015
    Ant-Man - July 17, 2015

    Phase Three

    Captain America: Civil War - May 6, 2016
    Doctor Strange - November 4, 2016
    Guardians of the Galaxy 2, May 5, 2017
    Thor: Ragnarok - July 28, 2017
    Black Panther - November 3, 2017
    Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 - May 4, 2018
    Captain Marvel - July 6, 2018
    Inhumans - November 2, 2018
    Avengers: Infinity War Part 2 - May 3, 2019

    The point I want to bring across is how well done these movies are when it comes to enveloping them together. In order to make sense of some, you need to see the others for a complete understanding. I don't know many franchises that have done this and pulled it off well enough.

    I've only seen 2 of the 5 movies for Phase 2 but plan on seeing Thor and GotG before Avengers 2, only because I feel that will allow complete knowledge of whats going on. It was that was for the First Avengers at least.... excluding Hulk, I haven't seen that one so I'm not certain if it holds any importance or not.

    Speaking of which, I'm slightly upset that another Hulk movie didn't surface during phase 2 while everyone else was given a movie to show their current lives in between the Avenger movies. Is he really not that interesting or have enough villains for a full length film? I'm uncertain.

    Anyway, what are your thoughts on the Marvel Cinematic Universe as a whole thus far?
    Thread by: Mysty, Apr 6, 2014, 161 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  13. Mysty
    Welcome to a game I like to call the Ultimate Showdown. Here we take a character from any universe and pin them against another character. Basically you're objective is to state a character that could kill the other character using their skills. Lets say it was Superman. Who could bring him down? Batman could since he has access to kryptonite. This is a game where the characters morals will not be questioned. Instead only raw ability. 3 people have to agree to the candidate that kills him or her. Once a person is dead, he is dead forever and can not be used to counter another character.

    IronMan <

    Let's start with the character known as:


    Thread by: Mysty, Mar 25, 2014, 1 replies, in forum: The Playground
  14. Mysty
    Yesterday I had the idea for having the character Marta Lualdi from Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World cospay as Aira of the planetes, otherwise known as IA, from Vocaloid. Spent about 2 hours drawing the picture. And came to this:


    Then I decided to color it in photoshop because I do not own a proper color pencil kit whatsoever. The photoshoping took about 5 hours. I kind of screwed up so had to restart which is why it took me so bloody long. But this was the end result and I am very pleased with how it turned out.

    Thread by: Mysty, Mar 23, 2014, 8 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  15. Mysty
    Post and I shall assign a loli/ shota for you.
    Thread by: Mysty, Mar 4, 2014, 33 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Mysty


    Yggdrasil has spoken and those who is has seen worthy were to be given the weapons to defend evil and protect light. Only this could keep the balance of the Realm of Twilight. Now it is onto the people on what happens next. The world is large and contains many worlds we know today. Before the Great World Separation, this was home.

    1:00 P.M. - DAY 1 - 48 hours remains

    Mist Eon Vindication, a girl of little knowledge of the outside, wondered the streets of Twilight City. It had just been 3 days since Yggdrasil had granted her and many other weapons to fight back the heartless that came from the east. How and why they came was unknown to most of them. All they knew was that Heartless were previous humans without hearts; without a soul. All they did was destroy and kill. She couldn't, she wouldn't let them have there way. For the generations to come, she wanted to show them a world of peace, not terror.

    Her claws that were granted to her appeared out of thin air. People had begun to call it Materialization. It didn't matter. Heartless were coming for her and she needed to defeat them. So far, the only heartless to have been seen were the small black ones. At first, people thought they were cute dolls, that was only until they were attacked and killed. Mist charged at the incoming creatures and sliced them away. What was really weird about them was when one died, a heart came flying out, only to vanish. She hoped others who had the weapons of Yggdrasil were helping others as she was.

    The man sat on top of one of the buildings on Royal Port. Another wonderful night he had sacrificing the living to the tree of Yggdrasil. He only wished to drench its roots with the blood of his volunteers. Killing was only fun in the night though. That's when the blood shined under the dark twilight sky. He licked his Scythes clean of any extra leftovers.

    He leaped down and entered one of the buildings, after removing his mask. "Give me one of your best drinks sir. The day is fresh and I am in need of some additional pleasure." He tossed over some coins and was given a beverage of whatever the bartender poured. He drank and began to relax. "Where should I go tonight hmhm."
    Thread by: Mysty, Mar 4, 2014, 75 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Mysty

    The Keyblade, a weapon used to slay the Heartless. It is a mystical weapon that has been known to chose those who it see's worthy. Over the years, many people have been given the key to fight and defend. They are known as the Wielders. Those who have learned the way of the keyblade are known as Masters. But exactly where did the keyblade Originate? That is where are story takes place

    In the beginning, there were only three worlds: The Realm of Light, the Realm of Darkness, and the Realm of Twilight.

    The Realm of Light contained the spirits of Light that watched over the life that was born in the Realm of Twilight. They were once human, only to have their darkness stripped away. They watch over the new humans that are born. Once the person they watch dies, they rest in peace to the unknown.

    The Realm of Darkness was filled with the creatures of the dead. We know these creatures as their more common name, the Heartless. When a person died, their heart traveled across the worlds and took shape in the Realm of Darkness.

    The Realm of Twilight is a place we now call the Light, but back then, it was known as Twilight. This is where life was born. Humans with knowledge of both Light and Darkness spawned from here. The land was developed greatly over the years. Not everything was for the best. Weapons were invented, but so were medicines. It gave balance. In the middle of the world, there was a tree. This was known as Yggdrasil. The tree governed balance in the world.
    Time had passed and the death of humans became more and more. This filled the Realm of Darkness with more and more Heartless while the Realm of Light stayed at balance. Because of this imbalance, the darkness needed to seep free. It found its way into the Realm of Twilight. Heartless had begun to appear under the radar.

    Yggdrasil saw the imbalance within the Realm of Twilight and gave man a gift, a power to fight back. From the fruit in bare, weapons to fight the heartless were made. But these were only to be given to few. These weapons were to be infused with the power of light, to seal the darkness away. The light granted those who obtained a mystical weapon with the power of magic. This again upset the balance Yggdrasil had given. Where weapons of light were born, so were those of darkness. The never ending battle of light and darkness had begun. Humans would need to fight the heartless and themselves. That is what Yggdrasil saw as balance until the end of this conflict.

    Our story begins right as the weapons were being distributed to those the tree saw worthy to keep the balance.


    • You can have up to 4 characters.
    • There are no Keyblades yet, they are just normal weapons from 13th century times like swords and maces and etc.
    • There will be Keyblades eventually.
    • Keep everything PG-13.
    • Follow the basic RP rules that can be found in the main RP section of the forum.
    • No killing other players unless given permission.

    Character Sheets

    Character Name:
    Light or Darkness:
    Magic: (Only One: Air, Fire, Ice, Thunder, Gravity, Time)
    Thread by: Mysty, Mar 3, 2014, 43 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Mysty
    Do any of you have an anime soul mate by any chance? I know its impossible for it to be completely true, but there are those characters we come across that we see as the perfect soul mate. Over my years of watching anime, I had yet to really find one that fit the role of perfection until recently. So I ask, who do you think would make the best husband/ wife for you and why?
    Thread by: Mysty, Mar 1, 2014, 12 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  19. Mysty
    This is the story of the Hoenn Region, years after the events of Pokemon Emerald taking place. Please read and enjoy.

    The sun came down, giving intense heat waves around the region. The feeling I had when it came down was like that of a Macargo, sleeping on my skin. But that only lasted for a few moments. The next sensation was that of a downpour. Heavy rain came down nearly drowning me from how thick it really was. The cycle repeated off and on for hours on end. Nobody including me had any idea what was going on in the Hoenn region. After a while though, the extreme weather changes just vanished.

    A day passed and the news had finally given us all a run down on what happened. I was only nine at the time so I could only understand half of it. The woman named Gabby and her camera man Ty had the complete story. It seemed that the groups known as Team Magma and Team Aqua had acquired the powers of the Legendary Pokemon: Groudon and Kyogre. A trainer by the name of Brendan had successfully stopped them from warping the Hoenn region and the world.

    Shortly after the events, that boy became the Pokemon Champion. He was a real inspiration for me. I knew after hearing his achievements on his Pokemon journey through Hoenn, I too wanted to be a Pokemon Trainer! The past leaders, Steven and Wallace, I heard traveled to the Unova region after training to participate in the Pokemon World Tournament. I hope to hear from that soon.

    Oh, right, you don't even know who I am. Well let me begin by saying I am a boy. My name is Rudy. Don't let the red shirt and goggles throw you off, I'm heading off to be a trainer today, on my 14th birthday. My friend Sophia is also going to go on an adventure today too. She turned 14 a few months ago, but she decided to wait for me. She is really kind that way.

    So this world I live in, its inhabits are us people and the creatures we call Pokemon. They are special creatures with special powers. Us humans and Pokemon have grown to be really close to each other over the years, creating powerful bonds. We also battle with them in Pokemon Battles. If you are good enough, you can challenge the Pokemon League and earn badges. That's my goal. I want to be just like Brendan!

    Right now, I'm in my room. I live with my mother and nobody else. My father is currently studying in Sinnoh. Some organisation called Team Galactic had caused trouble there, but it opened up our knowledge about the universe an the role Pokemon play. My room is pretty simple. I have a TV, a bed, a computer, and a WiiU console. Its not much but its home.

    I decided to head down stairs. My mother was watching the TV screen. There was something on the news that had just ended apparently. She turned the TV off once she noticed me. She walked over a gave me a smile.

    "That was the news. They said the Pokemon League in the Unova region had been engulfed by a giant castle, and the person who did it has yet to be found. Another strange thing to happen. Anyway, Happy Birthday Rudy! I hear the Professor's assistant is coming to town to deliver a Pokemon for you and Sophia. You should go and see for yourself."

    My mother was a nice person, prepared for the day I leave on my journey. I was just as excited as she was. I left the house and smelled the fresh air of the town I have come to know as Oldale Town. It was a small town. We were the center of a crossroad. We were in the center of routes 101, 102, and 103. What's really cool is that Brendan lived in the town south of here, Littleroot Town.

    I headed over to the Pokemon Center. Sophia was standing right in front of it. When she saw me, her face was filled with joy.

    "Happy Birthday Rudy! Guess what, the assistant of Professor Birch is inside the Pokemon Center. Let's go talk to her. I want to meet my new friend."

    We went into the Pokemon center. A girl in a red bandanna was standing in front of the counter, talking to Nurse Joy. Nurse Joy gave her some Pokeballs, the items that are used to catch Pokemon. The job of the nurse was to heal trainer's Pokemon. They did for free too, which is really nice for some. Finally, the girl turned around and walked toward us.

    "Hi, you must be Rudy and Sophia right?"
    "Right." Sophia replied.
    "Great! I'm May. My father sent me up here to give you your first Pokemon. I did the same thing when I first started. It brings back many good memories."
    "I'm so glad. I cant wait. Though, I think you should choose first Rudy, it is your birthday after all. I don't mind."
    "Rudy, you get to pick first then. Here I have three Pokeballs, each containing a very rare Pokemon. You have the choice between Treecko, Torchic, and Mudkip."

    The choice was given to me to pick. Would I choose the fast and agile Treecko? Maybe the fast and powerful Torchic? Or I could choose the juggernaut Mudkip. This would most likely be the most difficult choice I'll ever make as a trainer. Who to choose. I finally made my mind up and grabbed the Pokeball for Mudkip.

    "That's a great choice. Now you're turn, Sophia."
    "Right! I think my new friend will be Treecko. It looks friendly enough!"
    "Now that you both have your first Pokemon, how about you have a battle? I'm sure the Pokemon would love to meet and fight alongside their new trainers."
    "Yeah, that's a great idea. C'mon, Rudy, let's dance!"

    I let my new pokemon out and so did Sophia. They were so small and inexperienced. Something to be expected of Pokemon for new trainers. Her Treecko was faster than my Mudkip and began the fight with a Pound attack. I retaliated with Tackle. Right before her Treecko could counter me, I ordered Mudkip to dodge the attack and finish it with one more tackle. The blow was strong but Sophia's Treecko managed to survive by a thread. It ended up hitting my Mudkip with a critical blow. Now it was my turn to fight back. Mudkip used tackle one more time and managed to knock out Treecko.

    I was really happy, and so was Mudkip. I could see it in his face that he was glad that we were going to be partners. Together we would battle all the gyms and beat the Pokemon League. It was my turn to be a true trainer.

    "Great battle you two! Reminds me of my first fight with Brendan way back when. Here let me heal your Pokemon."
    May had healed out Pokemon completely using some medicine acquired at a Pokemart. I was really shocked she was friends with Brendan.
    "Woah, you knew Brendan? You're really lucky."
    "Right when he moved to Hoenn, we've been rivals and friends ever since. Now, I have a gift for the two of you. Take these Pokedex's. They let you record the information of a Pokemon that you meet. They give even more information if you catch them. Please try your best to fill them."
    "Thank you so much, May. I cant wait to start my adventure. See you, Rudy, see you, May." And with that she ran out of the Pokemon Center at top speed.
    "I should be going too. My father would be glad to hear that everything went well. You should head up to route 103. I left a gift up there for you and Sophia. She knows about it too." And then May left too.

    I left the Pokemon Center and looked at Mudkip. I smiled and nodded. We were going to travel Hoenn together and become Champion.
    Thread by: Mysty, Feb 28, 2014, 16 replies, in forum: Archives
  20. Mysty
    Blessed be to you my children. I, Lord Helix, am honored to have come back to life and grant thee safe passage past the ledge of despair. Do not fret for the false prophet has been stored away and the true prophet is guarding our friends in the PC. Let thy son protect us with its mighty Sand Attack and Quick Attack. Blessed be to Abby and Jay Leno who I carry with me dear in my heart. Their sacrifice shall not be in vain I promise thee. Carry on my children for we have obtained the Badges of 8 and are prepared to challenge the holder's demon.

    Thread by: Mysty, Feb 26, 2014, 38 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone