Its a good game and personally I think it has the best combat and story. Unless you stack your deck with all 9 cards you really cant button mash which its good. The org13 members are more developed instead of "hi Sora lets fight to the death".
Sora never used the Souleater and I'm sure we still don't know the name of that keyblade. Roxas did have memories of Sora which is why he left the orginisation in the first place, to find Sora. It was when Riku captured Roxas and threw him into DiZs Twilight town that he lost his memories where believed that he was friends with Hayner & co. Which may have been done by Namine as she has the ability to manipulate the memories of Sora and those connected with him. During the events of KH1 Sora had Kairi's heart. It wasn't taken by darkness and therefor her body that was left behind wasn't turned into a nobody and Sora does have darkness and when unlocked his heart to release Kairi's heart his own was flooded with darkness thus creating Roxas. Soras body and Soul then created Roxas and his heart drifted off in darkness but before his mind was completely gone Kairi's voice reaced him and brought him back. Now the fact that he regained his body and soul could be cause he fabricated a new one which would explain how Namine can exist. Namine is Kairi's nobody, both have bodies so if what i said before about Sora making a new body and Soul is true, then that is how it is possible that Namine exist.
I don't hate Roxas but i do hate getting 800munny >>
=o his got a M1911A1
Actually come to think of it, nobodies = body and soul, whats left is heart. Kairis voice reached Sora and brang back his body, make sence i think not. Anyway if Sora could summon Roxas and let him out and any time to fight alongside with, his basilly throwing his body away to go do its own thing. I am therefor confused with what i said and will leave it at that.
As great as a theory that is, many have already had it. I also at a similar theroy when the finalmix video first came out but i said that the parner guy was a heartless. It sounds so cool but im sure its wrong :(
Isn't it confirmed that the soldier guy was Master Xehanorts apprentice?
When i first took control of Roxas at the start of KH2 I was so lost and confused :S. I'd see trailers and gameplay using Sora which added to the confusion, but I never matched them up in any way.
Yeah sorry, never meant it wouldn't be cool. I'd love to see an actual spellcaster keyblademaster. ^^ Thats the only way i can see Kairi fighing on equal terms with the others seeing as they both have about 2 year of sqordplay on her(more if you think about how they sword fighted back on the island).
She was far more interesting in KH1, more of a unique character too. Now shes pretty generic
Isn't the bible consisting of sevreal stories and what not from sevreal of those books of revelations and book of other such thing. I'm not christian but what Whelpsystem wrote seems very stupid. and I have no idea whats his saying here. Dennis Poschwatta has apparently put down his drumb stick and started a band with his best friend.
As wrong and twisted this is, i kinda find it funny.
Theres alot more then just the 13 main games. FF13 has 3 games in development and FF7 has 4 that i can think of. FF also isn't just games, its one of Squares main source of business so its be pretty stupid of them to stop for no reason.
Sasuke will use Chidori and Naruto will use Rasengan =O
This is going to take one hell of a long time to fix now.
I played monster hunter freedom 2, only 400 hours + >>
Sora made Roxas during KH1 therefor 10 years after KH BBS so Ven can't be the heartless. Also Sora is the heartless that regain his heart cause of Kairi.
Someone tricked me into leaving the darkside :S
Glass is tasty