The end seems disappointing >> but i personally dont think its better then the Godzilla movies, interesting though.
Yeah I did mean that. Zacks hair being originaly spiked back with the one bit at the front. I have't played Crisis core so i can't really say much about that but Original Terra and remade Zack look a like so i guess Zack looks like Terra instead of vis versa... << *shrugs*
The game will be kinda short for a ps2 game if they don't add extras.
The original Zack didn't look like that though <<
Remember that nobodies are souls and BODIES, so maybe they don't need to be as strong has Xehanorts Heartless was so retain human form.
Actually Nomura said KH3 will not be names KH3 but will hopfully instead take part of a new KH series so BBS may very well be it. Its a prequal but can still be given a number like how the MGS series was done. 1, 2, then 3 was a prequal. 358/2 may also have a number for all we know.
actually it doesn't really look like the shadow has anything on their arm if you ask me. Kind of looks looks like how the sleaves are on the Org13 coats.
Very amussing, but the world is to anti emo >>
The angle still makes it hard to tell.
Looks to me like the shadow is facing to to side and umm revealing a bit of bust... on the left side >.> so i figure its Aqua.
Well nothing has yet been explained about that connection so i won't comment on it. If you think thats bad got to GameFaqs :S
yes i think this is the only thing we don't understand about Roxas cause I'm pretty sure his a normal nobody, just with a special somebody. Namine on the other had is just confusing.
Wasn't Demyx after Roxas and that he thnks Sora is Roxas.
Those people are idiots that enjoy Kingdom Hearts but don't wish to appear childish. Or atleast thats the impression I get from what you've said. But to remove the Disney from kingdom hearts is like taking Harry away from Harry Potter. Even though the connection to the Disney doesn't seem to be as important in KH2, it is one of the founders of the game and without is your left with something completely differnet. Actually had Square made the concept of KH all by themselves it would've been harder to make populer. Not only Would the have to make original worlds which would cost both time and money, you'd have to be in each world long enough to develop and get to know each and every character from these worlds. They could do a weak stroy behind each world like Valkyrie Profile but then I don't see this making a very popular game. Using Disney provides KH with massive advantages like the fact that we aleady know the backstories to most of these characters and that thereby saves a huge amount of time. Also theres hundreds of worlds that can mix with the KH concept making it easy to come up with new worlds
Poor Pete... I forgot he even existed till you mentioned him >_>
I think Kairi's heart went to Sora when she passed through him in KH1 at the begining, when she was all like tired looking and just said "Sora". Riku who accepted the darkness at that point might have found hear body randomly dirfting in darkness. As her heart wasnt taken by darkness, her body was uneffected
Xigbar said he found Marluxia so i guess they just find anyone that manage to retain their human form and pretty much invite them in so they can all work for the same cause. As for Demyx being a cheap fighter, well you got to work with what you got ^_^
I think it all depends on how you look at this. Org13 want hearts to built Kingdom Hearts so they can be whole. They basiclly need to kill heartless so claim the hearts they carry, they control the heartless cause they like animals follow the strongest. The Org13 use this to their advantage so they send send the Keyblademasters to kill the heartless so they can take the heartsto make kingdom hearts. Now sending the heartless into populated areas for Sora to attack them could be considered a bad thing and trying to turn Beast into a nobody I guess is a bad thing. But nothing else would've been required had they got their kingdom hearts and their own would which is what Xemnas was doing. Whos do say the threat couldn't have ended there?
Doesn't show some scenes from different perspectives? If so theres alot that can be done to change future titles.